115 research outputs found

    Are happier people less vulnerable to rumination, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress? : evidence from a large scale disaster

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    The present longitudinal study tested hypotheses about the relationship of subjective well-being and neuroticism with rumination, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress in university students after a large scale disaster. Measures of subjective well-being and personality were obtained two months before the 2013 Santa Maria’s fire. Measures of rumination, PTSD and anxiety were collected five months after the disaster with the same students. The results provide evidence that life satisfaction correlated negatively with rumination, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. Positive affect presented similar but slightly smaller negative correlations with these variables, while negative affect presented higher correlations with rumination, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. These findings provide evidence that subjective well-being components may constitute important predictors of psychopathological symptomatology after a disaster and may be helpful to plan clinical interventions

    Auto-compasión en practicantes religiosos : evidencia de validad de criterio para la Escala de Auto-Compasión – Brasil

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    The construct of self-compassion is based on Buddhist’s teachings on compassion towards oneself. This study provides criterion validity evidence for the Self-Compassion Scale – Brazil. A comparison on self-compassion in Buddhist and Catholic practitioners may contribute to support the Brazilian version of the scale, as well as shed light into religious differences on the matter. Participated in the study 59 Catholics and 59 Buddhists, all self-declared a religious practitioner. We administered a socio-demographic questionnaire and the Self-Compassion Scale – Brazil. Buddhist practitioners presented significantly higher score in self--compassion (M = 4.45, SD = .51) than Catholic practitioners (M = 2.98, SD = .63): t(116) = 13.78, p < .001 (d = 2.56). In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between frequency of religious practice and self-compassion (r = .39, p = .003). Future studies may investigate the relationship between self-compassion and neo-Pentecostal practitioners, which has been increasing in number in Brazil.O construto de autocompaixão está baseado em ensinamentos budistas sobre a compaixão direcionada a si. Este estudo fornece evidência de validade de critério para a Escala de Autocompaixão – Brasil. Uma comparação da auto-compaixão em praticantes budistas e católicos contribui para apoiar a versão brasileira da escala, bem como sobre diferenças religiosas associadas ao tema. Participaram 59 católicos e 59 budistas, todos autodeclarados como praticantes de sua religião. Foi administrado um questionário sociodemográfico e a Escala de Autocompaixão – Brasil. Os praticantes budistas apresentaram escore signifi-cativamente maior em autocompaixão (M = 4.45, SD = .51) do que os católicos (M= 2.98, SD = .63): t(116) = 13.78, p < .001 (d = 2.56). Ademais, encontrou-se correlação positiva significativa entre frequência da prática religiosa e autocompaixão (r = .39, p = .003). Futuros estudos podem investigar a relação entre autocompaixão e praticantes de religiões neopentecostais, que vêm crescendo em número no Brasil.El constructo de auto-compasión está basado en enseñanzas budistas sobre compasión direccionada a uno mismo. Este estudio tiene como finalidad aportar evidencia de validad de criterio para la Escala de Auto-compasión – Brasil. Una comparación del auto-compasión en practicantes budistas y católicos apoya la versión brasileña de la escala, así como evidencia diferencias religiosas en el tema. Participaron del estudio 59 católicos y 59 budistas, todos autodeclarados practicantes de su religión. Se administró una encuesta sociodemográfico y la Escala de Auto-compasión – Brasil. Los practicantes budistas presentaron puntuaciones más altas en auto-compasión (M = 4.45, SD = .51) que los católicos (M = 2.98, SD = .63): t(116) = 13.78, p < .001 (d = 2.56). Fue detectada correlación positiva entre frecuencia de práctica y auto-compasión (r = .39, p = .003). Futuros estudios pueden investigar la relación entre auto-com-pasión y practicantes de religiones neo-pentecostales, que crecen en número en Brasil

    Resilience assessment: controversies about the use of scales

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    Resiliência é um construto que descreve a capacidade de um indivíduo superar, com relativo sucesso, condições adversas ou situações que envolvem risco ao seu bem-estar, desenvolvimento e saúde mental. Alguns pesquisadores da área interpretam essa definição como uma indicação de que a resiliência é similar a outras variáveis de ajustamento e presumem a sua estabilidade temporal. Isso leva sua avaliação a ser feita frequentemente através de escalas autoadministradas, por vezes questionáveis em termos de sua precisão e validade. Este artigo discute a abrangência e o histórico da resiliência psicológica e as várias formas de sua avaliação. Mais especificamente, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar argumentos contra a pertinência da utilização de escalas de autorrelato para a mensuração da resiliência, considerando-se o caráter relacional, processual e contextual desse construto. Para tanto, instrumentos disponíveis na literatura para avaliação da resiliência são revisados e discutidos, apontando orientações para a pesquisa na área.Resilience is a construct which describes the capacity of individuals to overcome, with relative success, adverse conditions or risky situations to their well-being, development, and mental health. Some researchers interpret this definition as an indication that resilience is similar to some other adjustment variables and they assume that it presents temporal stability. Resilience is frequently assessed using self-report scales, which may also present validity and reliability problems. The present paper discusses the history and the comprehensiveness of psychological resilience and the different ways of evaluating it. More specifically, the objective of this study is to present arguments against the use of self-report scales to measure resilience, because of the relational, processual and contextual character of such construct. The main instruments available in the literature are reviewed and discussed and new directions for research in the area are suggested.MCT/CNPqMEC/CAPESABENEPI - Associação Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria InfantilIBICITPPG - Psicologia - UFRGSPró-Reitoria de Pesquisa da UFRGS/Programa de Apoio à Edição de Periódico

    Social Conduct Scale (SCS) : a psychometric investigation

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    The social conduct of an individual comprises all the interpersonal behaviors that he or she exhibits in the social contexts he or she is exposed to. The Social Conduct Scale (SCS) is a self-report instrument developed to provide researchers and clinicians with information on prosocial, antisocial and oppositional-defiant tendencies of Portuguese-speaking children and adolescents. In the present study, we conducted an analysis of the criterion validity of the SCS by comparing the scores obtained from a large population-based sample (N = 1,172) against an offender (N = 129), a scholar (N = 31), and a clinic-referred (N = 24) sample of adolescents with marked previous conduct problems. As expected, antisocial youths had significantly higher means on antisocial behaviors and lower means on prosocial tendencies when compared to the population-based sample. Overall, findings supported the hypothesized criterion validity of the SCS. The instrument might play a role as a helpful resource for researchers, clinicians and practitioners interested in assessing the social conduct of Brazilian children and adolescents

    A peculiar association: the skin and the subcutaneus diverticula of the Southern Screamer (Chauna torquata, Anseriformes)

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    The aim of this work is to describe for the first time the skin and the subcutaneous diverticula at histological level (by light microscopy) of the Southern Screamer Chauna torquata. We found that the main distinguishing features of the skin were the presence of deep and branched epidermal invaginations whereas in the dermis abundant elastic fibers were found. These skin features could provide a great stretchability to the skin which, in turn, are related to the change of volume that may experience the subcutaneous diverticula.. Since screamers are flying birds that soar to great heights, the presence of subcutaneous diverticula together with another anatomical features (like a great skeletal pneumaticity) could favor a body mass reduction and an optimization in its mode of locomotion.Fil: Picasso, Mariana Beatriz Julieta. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Mosto, María Clelia. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Tozzi, Romina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas. Cátedra de Histología y Embriología; ArgentinaFil: Degrange, Federico Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Barbeito, Claudio Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas. Cátedra de Histología y Embriología; Argentin

    A peculiar association: the skin and the subcutaneus diverticula of the Southern Screamer (Chauna torquata, Anseriformes)

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    The aim of this work is to describe for the first time the skin and the subcutaneous diverticula at histological level (by light microscopy) of the Southern Screamer Chauna torquata. We found that the main distinguishing features of the skin were the presence of deep and branched epidermal invaginations whereas in the dermis abundant elastic fibers were found. These skin features could provide a great stretchability to the skin which, in turn, are related to the change of volume that may experience the subcutaneous diverticula.. Since screamers are flying birds that soar to great heights, the presence of subcutaneous diverticula together with another anatomical features (like a great skeletal pneumaticity) could favor a body mass reduction and an optimization in its mode of locomotion.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    A peculiar association: the skin and the subcutaneus diverticula of the Southern Screamer (Chauna torquata, Anseriformes)

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    The aim of this work is to describe for the first time the skin and the subcutaneous diverticula at histological level (by light microscopy) of the Southern Screamer Chauna torquata. We found that the main distinguishing features of the skin were the presence of deep and branched epidermal invaginations whereas in the dermis abundant elastic fibers were found. These skin features could provide a great stretchability to the skin which, in turn, are related to the change of volume that may experience the subcutaneous diverticula.. Since screamers are flying birds that soar to great heights, the presence of subcutaneous diverticula together with another anatomical features (like a great skeletal pneumaticity) could favor a body mass reduction and an optimization in its mode of locomotion.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    La evidencia de la validez de la escala de conducta social para los adolescentes

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    No Brasil, são escassos instrumentos para avaliação de conduta social entre adolescentes. Por essa razão, objetivou construir e buscar evidências de validade da Escala de Conduta Social para Adolescentes. Elaborou-se o instrumento baseado em critérios diagnósticos e entrevistas com especialistas e adolescentes. Após isso, buscou-se evidências de validade da estrutura interna e convergente. A amostra constituiu-se por 1093 participantes, 54% do sexo feminino. Foram usadas a Escala Fatorial de Ajustamento Emocional/Neuroticismo e o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para a busca de evidências de validade convergente. Como resultado, três fatores foram extraídos: Comportamentos antissociais, Comportamentos pró-sociais, e de Desafio-oposicionismo (com variância explicada, respectivamente, de 14,82%; 5,38% e 2,81%). Diferenças nos três fatores foram encontradas em relação ao sexo e tipo de escola. Houve interação significativa entre idade e sexo, e correlação positiva entre fatores Comportamento antissocial e Desafio-oposicionismo. Concluise que a ECSA apresenta evidências de validade, possibilitando seu uso.In Brazil, there are few tools to assess social behavior among adolescents. Therefore, this study aimed to build and seek validity evidence of Social Conduct Scale for Adolescents. We developed the instrument based on diagnostic criteria and interviews with experts and adolescents. Then, we looked for evidence of convergent validity and internal structure. The sample consisted of 1,093 participants, of which 54% were female. The Factorial Scale of Emotional Adjustment/Neuroticism and Social Skills Inventory were used to the search for evidence of convergent validity. As a result, three factors were extracted: "antisocial behavior", prosocial behavior, and "challenge-oppositionalism" (with explained variances of 14.82%, 5.38% and 2.81% respectively). Differences in three factors were found in relation to gender and type of schooling. There was a significant interaction between age and gender, and positive correlation between the factors "antisocial behavior" and "challenge-oppositionalism". We conclude that the ESCA is valid and appropriate for use.En Brasil, son escasas las herramientas para evaluar el comportamiento social entre los adolescentes. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo construir y buscar evidencias de validez para esta Escala de Conducta Social de los adolescentes. Se elaboró el instrumento basado en criterios, diagnósticos y entrevistas con especialistas y adolescentes. Se buscaron también evidencias de validez de la estructura interna y convergente. La muestra está formada por 1.093 participantes, 54% de sexo femenino. Fueron utilizados la Escala Emocional Factorial de Ajuste / Emocional, Inestabilidad Emocional y el Inventario de Habilidades Sociales para la búsqueda de evidencias de validez convergente. Como resultado, se extrajeron tres factores: comportamiento antisocial, conducta pro-social, y desafío-opositor (con variabilidad explicada, respectivamente, 14,82%, 5,38% y 2,81%). Las diferencias en los tres factores fueron encontradas con relación al sexo y tipo de escuela. Hubo una interacción significativa entre la edad y el sexo, y correlación positiva entre los factores de "Conducta Antisocial" y "Desafío-opositor". Se llegó a la conclusión de que la Escala de Conducta Social para Adolescentes presenta evidencias de validez, siendo posible su uso

    Systematic search for lensed X-ray sources in the CLASH fields

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    We search for unresolved X-ray emission from lensed sources in the FOV of 11 CLASH clusters with Chandra data. We consider the solid angle in the lens plane corresponding to a magnification μ>1.5\mu>1.5, that amounts to a total of ~100 arcmin2^2. Our main goal is to assess the efficiency of massive clusters as cosmic telescopes to explore the faint end of X-ray extragalactic source population. We search for X-ray emission from strongly lensed sources identified in the optical, and perform an untargeted detection of lensed X-ray sources. We detect X-ray emission only in 9 out of 849 lensed/background optical sources. The stacked emission of the sources without detection does not reveal any signal in any band. Based on the untargeted detection, we find 66 additional X-ray sources that are consistent with being lensed sources. After accounting for completeness and sky coverage, we measure for the first time the soft- and hard-band number counts of lensed X-ray sources. The results are consistent with current modelization of the AGN population distribution. The distribution of de-lensed fluxes of the sources identified in moderately deep CLASH fields reaches a flux limit of ~10−1610^{-16} and ~10−1510^{-15} erg/s/cm2^{2} in the soft and hard bands, respectively. We conclude that, in order to match the depth of the CDFS exploiting massive clusters as cosmic telescopes, the required number of cluster fields is about two orders of magnitude larger than that offered by the 20 years Chandra archive. A significant step forward will be made when future X-ray facilities, with ~1' angular resolution and large effective area, will allow the serendipitous discovery of rare, strongly lensed high-zz X-ray sources, enabling the study of faint AGN activity in early Universe and the measurement of gravitational time delays in the X-ray variability of multiply imaged AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
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