795 research outputs found

    A comparison of unsupervised classification procedures on LANDSAT MSS data for an area of complex surface conditions in Basilicata, Southern Italy

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    Two unsupervised classification procedures were applied to ratioed and unratioed LANDSAT multispectral scanner data of an area of spatially complex vegetation and terrain. An objective accuracy assessment was undertaken on each classification and comparison was made of the classification accuracies. The two unsupervised procedures use the same clustering algorithm. By on procedure the entire area is clustered and by the other a representative sample of the area is clustered and the resulting statistics are extrapolated to the remaining area using a maximum likelihood classifier. Explanation is given of the major steps in the classification procedures including image preprocessing; classification; interpretation of cluster classes; and accuracy assessment. Of the four classifications undertaken, the monocluster block approach on the unratioed data gave the highest accuracy of 80% for five coarse cover classes. This accuracy was increased to 84% by applying a 3 x 3 contextual filter to the classified image. A detailed description and partial explanation is provided for the major misclassification. The classification of the unratioed data produced higher percentage accuracies than for the ratioed data and the monocluster block approach gave higher accuracies than clustering the entire area. The moncluster block approach was additionally the most economical in terms of computing time

    Continental land cover classification using meteorological satellite data

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    The use of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's advanced very high resolution radiometer satellite data for classifying land cover and monitoring of vegetation dynamics over an extremely large area is demonstrated for the continent of Africa. Data from 17 imaging periods of 21 consecutive days each were composited by a technique sensitive to the in situ green-leaf biomass to provide cloud-free imagery for the whole continent. Virtually cloud-free images were obtainable even for equatorial areas. Seasonal variation in the density and extent of green leaf vegetation corresponded to the patterns of rainfall associated with the inter-tropical convergence zone. Regional variations, such as the 1982 drought in east Africa, were also observed. Integration of the weekly satellite data with respect to time produced a remotely sensed assessment of biological activity based upon density and duration of green-leaf biomass. Two of the 21-day composited data sets were used to produce a general land cover classification. The resultant land cover distributions correspond well to those of existing maps

    The spatial resolving power of earth resources satellites: A review

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    The significance of spatial resolving power on the utility of current and future Earth resources satellites is critically discussed and the relative merits of different approaches in defining and estimating spatial resolution are outlined. It is shown that choice of a particular measure of spatial resolution depends strongly on the particular needs of the user. Several experiments have simulated the capabilities of future satellite systems by degradation of aircraft images. Surprisingly, many of these indicated that improvements in resolution may lead to a reduction in the classification accuracy of land cover types using computer assisted methods. However, where the frequency of boundary pixels is high, the converse relationship is found. Use of imagery dependent upon visual interpretation is likely to benefit more consistently from higher resolutions. Extraction of information from images will depend upon several other factors apart from spatial resolving power: these include characteristics of the terrain being sensed, the image processing methods that are applied as well as certain sensor characteristics

    The use of thematic mapper data for land cover discrimination: Preliminary results from the UK SATMaP programme

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    The principal objectives of the UK SATMaP program are to determine thematic mapper (TM) performance with particular reference to spatial resolution properties and geometric characteristics of the data. So far, analysis is restricted to images from the U.S. and concentrates on spectra and radiometric properties. The results indicate that the data are inherently three dimensional compared with the two dimensional character of MSS data. Preliminary classification results indicate the importance of the near infrared band (TM 4), at least one middle infrared band (TM 5 or TM 6) and at least one of the visible bands (preferably either TM 3 or TM 1). The thermal infrared also appears to have discriminatory ability despite its coarser spatial resolution. For band 4 the forward and reverse scans show somewhat different spectral responses in one scene but this effect is absent in the other analyzed. From examination of the histograms it would appear that the full 8-bit quantization is not being effectively utilized for all the bands

    Geographies of Belonging: Socio-Spatial Inequalities in Calgary, Alberta

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    Cities across North America have seen growing socio-spatial inequalities and income polarization since the 1980s, related to neoliberal policy and economic environments. Drawing on concepts of belonging, this paper uses case studies of diverse Calgary neighbourhoods to explore how participants experience and negotiate socio-spatial inequalities in their everyday lives and routine spaces. Thematic analysis of in-depth qualitative interviews and participatory maps underscored that neighbourhoods are highly dynamic socio-spatial constructions with complex geographies of both encounter and difference. The study offers insights for research and policy within urban contexts to promote neighbourhoods as more inclusive places of belonging.Les villes d’Amérique du Nord ont connu des inégalités socio-spatiales croissants et une polarization des revenus depuis les années 1980, liées à la politique et l’économie néolibérale. S’appuyant sur les concepts d’appartenance, cet article utilise des études de cas de divers quartiers de Calgary pour explorer comment les participants vivent et négotient les inégalitées socio-spatiales dans leur vies et espaces du quotidien. L’analyse thématique d’entretiens qualitatifs et de cartes participatives a souligné que les quartiers sont des contructions socio-spatiales dynamiques avec des geographies complexes à la fois de rencontre et de difference. L’étude offer des perspectives pour la recherche et les politiques dans les contextes urbains afin de promouvoir les quartiers en tant que lieux d’appartenance plus inclusifs

    Using state space differential geometry for nonlinear blind source separation

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    Given a time series of multicomponent measurements of an evolving stimulus, nonlinear blind source separation (BSS) seeks to find a "source" time series, comprised of statistically independent combinations of the measured components. In this paper, we seek a source time series with local velocity cross correlations that vanish everywhere in stimulus state space. However, in an earlier paper the local velocity correlation matrix was shown to constitute a metric on state space. Therefore, nonlinear BSS maps onto a problem of differential geometry: given the metric observed in the measurement coordinate system, find another coordinate system in which the metric is diagonal everywhere. We show how to determine if the observed data are separable in this way, and, if they are, we show how to construct the required transformation to the source coordinate system, which is essentially unique except for an unknown rotation that can be found by applying the methods of linear BSS. Thus, the proposed technique solves nonlinear BSS in many situations or, at least, reduces it to linear BSS, without the use of probabilistic, parametric, or iterative procedures. This paper also describes a generalization of this methodology that performs nonlinear independent subspace separation. In every case, the resulting decomposition of the observed data is an intrinsic property of the stimulus' evolution in the sense that it does not depend on the way the observer chooses to view it (e.g., the choice of the observing machine's sensors). In other words, the decomposition is a property of the evolution of the "real" stimulus that is "out there" broadcasting energy to the observer. The technique is illustrated with analytic and numerical examples.Comment: Contains 14 pages and 3 figures. For related papers, see http://www.geocities.com/dlevin2001/ . New version is identical to original version except for URL in the bylin

    High Performance Computing Applications in Remote Sensing Studies for Land Cover Dynamics

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    Global and regional land cover studies require the ability to apply complex models on selected subsets of large amounts of multi-sensor and multi-temporal data sets that have been derived from raw instrument measurements using widely accepted pre-processing algorithms. The computational and storage requirements of most such studies far exceed what is possible on a single workstation environment. We have been pursuing a new approach that couples scalable and open distributed heterogeneous hardware with the development of high performance software for processing, indexing, and organizing remotely sensed data. Hierarchical data management tools are used to ingest raw data, create metadata, and organize the archived data so as to automatically achieve computational load balancing among the available nodes and minimize I/O overheads. We illustrate our approach with four specific examples. The first is the development of the first fast operational scheme for the atmospheric correction of Landsat TM scenes, while the second example focuses on image segmentation using a novel hierarchical connected components algorithm. Retrieval of global BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function) in the red and near infrared wavelengths using four years (1983 to 1986) of Pathfinder AVHRR Land (PAL) data set is the focus of our third example. The fourth example is the development of a hierarchical data organization scheme that allows on-demand processing and retrieval of regional and global AVHRR data sets. Our results show that substantial improvements in computational times can be achieved by using the high performance computing technology
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