13 research outputs found

    Cosmology as Geodesic Motion

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    For gravity coupled to N scalar fields with arbitrary potential V, it is shown that all flat (homogeneous and isotropic) cosmologies correspond to geodesics in an (N+1)-dimensional `augmented' target space of Lorentzian signature (1,N), timelike if V>0, null if V=0 and spacelike if V<0. Accelerating cosmologies correspond to timelike geodesics that lie within an `acceleration subcone' of the `lightcone'. Non-flat (k=-1,+1) cosmologies are shown to evolve as projections of geodesic motion in a space of dimension (N+2), of signature (1,N+1) for k=-1 and signature (2,N) for k=+1. This formalism is illustrated by cosmological solutions of models with an exponential potential, which are comprehensively analysed; the late-time behviour for other potentials of current interest is deduced by comparison.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, journal version with additional reference

    Late-time Cosmic Dynamics from M-theory

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    We consider the behaviour of the cosmological acceleration for time-dependent hyperbolic and flux compactifications of M-theory, with an exponential potential. For flat and closed cosmologies it is seen that a positive acceleration is always transient for both compactifications. For open cosmologies, both compactifications can give at late times periods of positive acceleration. As a function of proper time this acceleration has a power law decay and can be either positive, negative or oscillatory.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    Spinning particles in the vacuum C metric

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    The motion of a spinning test particle given by the Mathisson-Papapetrou equations is studied on an exterior vacuum C metric background spacetime describing the accelerated motion of a spherically symmetric gravitational source. We consider circular orbits of the particle around the direction of acceleration of the source. The symmetries of this configuration lead to the reduction of the differential equations of motion to algebraic relations. The spin supplementary conditions as well as the coupling between the spin of the particle and the acceleration of the source are discussed.Comment: IOP macros used, eps figures n.

    Accelerating Cosmologies from Exponential Potentials

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    An exponential potential of the form Vexp(2cϕ/Mp)V\sim \exp(-2c \phi/M_p) arising from the hyperbolic or flux compactification of higher-dimensional theories is of interest for getting short periods of accelerated cosmological expansions. Using a similar potential but derived for the combined case of hyperbolic-flux compactification, we study the four-dimensional flat (and open) FLRW cosmologies and give analytic (and numerical) solutions with exponential behavior of scale factors. We show that, for the M-theory motivated potentials, the cosmic acceleration of the universe can be eternal if the spatial curvature of the 4d spacetime is negative, while the acceleration is only transient for a spatially flat universe. We also comment on the size of the internal space and its associated geometric bounds on massive Kaluza-Klein excitations.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; minor typos fixe

    Spontaneous decompactification

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    Positive vacuum energy together with extra dimensions of space imply that our four-dimensional Universe is unstable, generically to decompactification of the extra dimensions. Either quantum tunneling or thermal fluctuations carry one past a barrier into the decompactifying regime. We give an overview of this process, and examine the subsequent expansion into the higher- dimensional geometry. This is governed by certain fixed-point solutions of the evolution equations, which are studied for both positive and negative spatial curvature. In the case where there is a higher-dimensional cosmological constant, we also outline a possible mechanism for compactification to a four-dimensional de Sitter cosmology.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, harvmac. v2: refs added, minor notation change

    Anisotropic Inflation and the Origin of Four Large Dimensions

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    In the context of (4+d)-dimensional general relativity, we propose an inflationary scenario wherein 3 spatial dimensions grow large, while d extra dimensions remain small. Our model requires that a self-interacting d-form acquire a vacuum expectation value along the extra dimensions. This causes 3 spatial dimensions to inflate, whilst keeping the size of the extra dimensions nearly constant. We do not require an additional stabilization mechanism for the radion, as stable solutions exist for flat, and for negatively curved compact extra dimensions. From a four-dimensional perspective, the radion does not couple to the inflaton; and, the small amplitude of the CMB temperature anisotropies arises from an exponential suppression of fluctuations, due to the higher-dimensional origin of the inflaton. The mechanism triggering the end of inflation is responsible, both, for heating the universe, and for avoiding violations of the equivalence principle due to coupling between the radion and matter.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures; uses RevTeX4. v2: Minor changes and added references. v3: Improved discussion of slow-rol

    Phase Space Analysis of Quintessence Cosmologies with a Double Exponential Potential

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    We use phase space methods to investigate closed, flat, and open Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies with a scalar potential given by the sum of two exponential terms. The form of the potential is motivated by the dimensional reduction of M-theory with non-trivial four-form flux on a maximally symmetric internal space. To describe the asymptotic features of run-away solutions we introduce the concept of a `quasi fixed point.' We give the complete classification of solutions according to their late-time behavior (accelerating, decelerating, crunch) and the number of periods of accelerated expansion.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures; v2: minor changes, references added; v3: title changed, refined classification of solutions, 3 references added, version which appeared in JCA

    General Brane Geometries from Scalar Potentials: Gauged Supergravities and Accelerating Universes

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    We find broad classes of solutions to the field equations for d-dimensional gravity coupled to an antisymmetric tensor of arbitrary rank and a scalar field with non-vanishing potential. Our construction generates these configurations from the solution of a single nonlinear ordinary differential equation, whose form depends on the scalar potential. For an exponential potential we find solutions corresponding to brane geometries, generalizing the black p-branes and S-branes known for the case of vanishing potential. These geometries are singular at the origin with up to two (regular) horizons. Their asymptotic behaviour depends on the parameters of the model. When the singularity has negative tension or the cosmological constant is positive we find time-dependent configurations describing accelerating universes. Special cases give explicit brane geometries for (compact and non-compact) gauged supergravities in various dimensions, as well as for massive 10D supergravity, and we discuss their interrelation. Some examples lift to give new solutions to 10D supergravity. Limiting cases with a domain wall structure preserve part of the supersymmetries of the vacuum. We also consider more general potentials, including sums of exponentials. Exact solutions are found for these with up to three horizons, having potentially interesting cosmological interpretation. We give several additional examples which illustrate the power of our techniques.Comment: 54 pages, 6 figures. Uses JHEP3. Published versio

    Star Models with Dark Energy

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    We have constructed star models consisting of four parts: (i) a homogeneous inner core with anisotropic pressure (ii) an infinitesimal thin shell separating the core and the envelope; (iii) an envelope of inhomogeneous density and isotropic pressure; (iv) an infinitesimal thin shell matching the envelope boundary and the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. We have analyzed all the energy conditions for the core, envelope and the two thin shells. We have found that, in order to have static solutions, at least one of the regions must be constituted by dark energy. The results show that there is no physical reason to have a superior limit for the mass of these objects but for the ratio of mass and radius.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, references and some comments added, typos corrected, in press GR