1,123 research outputs found

    Validation of low-dose lung cancer PET-CT protocol and PET image improvement using machine learning

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    PURPOSE: To conduct a simplified lesion-detection task of a low-dose (LD) PET-CT protocol for frequent lung screening using 30% of the effective PETCT dose and to investigate the feasibility of increasing clinical value of low-statistics scans using machine learning. METHODS: We acquired 33 SD PET images, of which 13 had actual LD (ALD) PET, and simulated LD (SLD) PET images at seven different count levels from the SD PET scans. We employed image quality transfer (IQT), a machine learning algorithm that performs patch-regression to map parameters from low-quality to high-quality images. At each count level, patches extracted from 23 pairs of SD/SLD PET images were used to train three IQT models - global linear, single tree, and random forest regressions with cubic patch sizes of 3 and 5 voxels. The models were then used to estimate SD images from LD images at each count level for 10 unseen subjects. Lesion-detection task was carried out on matched lesion-present and lesion-absent images. RESULTS: LD PET-CT protocol yielded lesion detectability with sensitivity of 0.98 and specificity of 1. Random forest algorithm with cubic patch size of 5 allowed further 11.7% reduction in the effective PETCT dose without compromising lesion detectability, but underestimated SUV by 30%. CONCLUSION: LD PET-CT protocol was validated for lesion detection using ALD PET scans. Substantial image quality improvement or additional dose reduction while preserving clinical values can be achieved using machine learning methods though SUV quantification may be biased and adjustment of our research protocol is required for clinical use

    A comparison of 18F-FDG PET/MR with PET/CT in pulmonary tuberculosis

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    PURPOSE: PET/computed tomography (CT) has been shown to detect lesions in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and may be useful for assessing PTB disease in clinical research studies. However, radiation dose is of concern for clinical research in individuals with an underlying curable disease. This study aimed to determine whether PET/MR is equivalent to PET/CT in PTB. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten patients with microbiologically confirmed PTB were recruited. Patients received 129.0±4.1 MBq of fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose. Five of the 10 patients underwent a PET/MR scan, followed by PET/CT. The remaining five were first imaged on the PET/CT, followed by the PET/MRI. PET acquisition began at 66.7±14.4 min (mean±SD) after injection when performing PET/MR first (PET/CT: 117.2±5.6 min) and 92.4±7.6 min when patients were imaged on PET/MR second (PET/CT: 61.1±3.9 min). PET data were reconstructed iteratively with Ordinary-Poisson Ordered-Subset Expectation-Maximization and reconstruction parameters were matched across the two scanners. A visual lesion detection task and a standardized uptake value (SUV) analysis were carried out. The CT Hounsfield unit values of PTB lesions were also compared with MR-based attenuation correction mu-map tissue classes. RESULTS: A total of 108 PTB lesions were detected on PET/MR and 112 on PET/CT. SUV analysis was carried out on 50 of these lesions that were observed with both modalities. Mean standardized uptake value (SUVmean) and maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) were significantly lower on PET/MR (SUVmean: 2.6±1.4; SUVmax: 4.3±2.5) than PET/CT (SUVmean: 3.5±1.5; SUVmax: 5.3±2.4). CONCLUSION: PET/MR visual performance was shown to be comparable to PET/CT in terms of the number of PTB lesions detected. SUVs were significantly lower on PET/MR. Dixon-based attenuation correction underestimates the linear attenuation coefficient of PTB lesions, resulting in lower SUVs compared with PET/CT. However, the use of PET/MR to measure the response of lung lesions to assess response to treatment in research studies is unlikely to be affected by these differences in quantification

    Area-level deprivation and adiposity in children: is the relationship linear?

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    OBJECTIVE: It has been suggested that childhood obesity is inversely associated with deprivation, such that the prevalence is higher in more deprived groups. However, comparatively few studies actually use an area-level measure of deprivation, limiting the scope to assess trends in the association with obesity for this indicator. Furthermore, most assume a linear relationship. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate associations between area-level deprivation and three measures of adiposity in children: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). DESIGN: This is a cross-sectional study in which data were collected on three occasions a year apart (2005-2007). SUBJECTS: Data were available for 13,333 children, typically aged 11-12 years, from 37 schools and 542 lower super-output areas (LSOAs). MEASURES: Stature, mass and WC. Obesity was defined as a BMI and WC exceeding the 95th centile according to British reference data. WHtR exceeding 0.5 defined obesity. The Index of Multiple Deprivation affecting children (IDACI) was used to determine area-level deprivation. RESULTS: Considerable differences in the prevalence of obesity exist between the three different measures. However, for all measures of adiposity the highest probability of being classified as obese is in the middle of the IDACI range. This relationship is more marked in girls, such that the probability of being obese for girls living in areas at the two extremes of deprivation is around half that at the peak, occurring in the middle. CONCLUSION: These data confirm the high prevalence of obesity in children and suggest that the relationship between obesity and residential area-level deprivation is not linear. This is contrary to the 'deprivation theory' and questions the current understanding and interpretation of the relationship between obesity and deprivation in children. These results could help make informed decisions at the local level

    Endangered right whales enhance primary productivity in the bay of fundy

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Marine mammals have recently been documented as important facilitators of rapid and efficient nutrient recycling in coastal and offshore waters. Whales enhance phytoplankton nutrition by releasing fecal plumes near the surface after feeding and by migrating from highly productive, high-latitude feeding areas to low-latitude nutrient-poor calving areas. In this study, we measured NH4 + and PO4 3- release rates from the feces of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis), a highly endangered baleen whale. Samples for this species were primarily collected by locating aggregations of whales in surface- Active groups (SAGs), which typically consist of a central female surrounded by males competing for sexual activity. When freshly collected feces were incubated in seawater, high initial rates of N release were generally observed, which decreased to near zero within 24 hours of sampling, a pattern that is consistent with the active role of gut microflora on fecal particles. We estimate that at least 10% of particulate N in whale feces becomes available as NH4 + within 24 hours of defecation. Phosphorous was also abundant in fecal samples: Initial release rates of PO4 3- were higher than for NH4 +, yielding low N/P nutrient ratios over the course of our experiments. The rate of PO4 3- release was thus more than sufficient to preclude the possibility that nitrogenous nutrients supplied by whales would lead to phytoplankton production limited by P availability. Phytoplankton growth experiments indicated that NH4 + released from whale feces enhance productivity, as would be expected, with no evidence that fecal metabolites suppress growth. Although North Atlantic right whales are currently rare (approximately 450 individuals), they once numbered about 14,000 and likely played a substantial role in recycling nutrients in areas where they gathered to feed and mate. Even though the NH4 + released from fresh whale fecal material is a small fraction of total whale fecal nitrogen, and recognizing the fact that the additional nitrogen released in whale urine would be difficult to measure in a field study, the results of this study support the idea that the distinctive isotopic signature of the released NH4 + could be used to provide a conservative estimate of the contribution of the whale pump to primary productivity in coastal regions where whales congregate

    Coalescent-based genome analyses resolve the early branches of the euarchontoglires

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    Despite numerous large-scale phylogenomic studies, certain parts of the mammalian tree are extraordinarily difficult to resolve. We used the coding regions from 19 completely sequenced genomes to study the relationships within the super-clade Euarchontoglires (Primates, Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Dermoptera and Scandentia) because the placement of Scandentia within this clade is controversial. The difficulty in resolving this issue is due to the short time spans between the early divergences of Euarchontoglires, which may cause incongruent gene trees. The conflict in the data can be depicted by network analyses and the contentious relationships are best reconstructed by coalescent-based analyses. This method is expected to be superior to analyses of concatenated data in reconstructing a species tree from numerous gene trees. The total concatenated dataset used to study the relationships in this group comprises 5,875 protein-coding genes (9,799,170 nucleotides) from all orders except Dermoptera (flying lemurs). Reconstruction of the species tree from 1,006 gene trees using coalescent models placed Scandentia as sister group to the primates, which is in agreement with maximum likelihood analyses of concatenated nucleotide sequence data. Additionally, both analytical approaches favoured the Tarsier to be sister taxon to Anthropoidea, thus belonging to the Haplorrhine clade. When divergence times are short such as in radiations over periods of a few million years, even genome scale analyses struggle to resolve phylogenetic relationships. On these short branches processes such as incomplete lineage sorting and possibly hybridization occur and make it preferable to base phylogenomic analyses on coalescent methods

    Seasonal variations in carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and C:N:P stoichiometry in different organs of a Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. plantation in the Qinling Mountains, China

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    Understanding how concentrations of elements and their stoichiometry change with plant growth and age is critical for predicting plant community responses to environmental change. Weusedlong-term field experiments to explore how the leaf, stem and root carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) concentrations and their stoichiometry changed with growth and stand age in a L.principis-rupprechtii Mayr. plantation from 2012–2015 in the Qinling Mountains, China. Our results showed that the C, N and P concentrations and stoichiometric ratios in different tissues of larch stands were affected by stand age, organ type andsampling month and displayed multiple correlations with increased stand age in different growing seasons. Generally, leaf C and N concentrations were greatest in the fast-growing season, but leaf P concentrations were greatest in the early growing season. However, no clear seasonal tendencies in the stem and root C, N and P concentrations were observed with growth. In contrast to N and P, few differences were found in organ-specific C concentrations. Leaf N:P was greatest in the fast-growing season, while C:N and C:P were greatest in the late-growing season. No clear variations were observed in stem and root C:N, C:P andN:Pthroughout the entire growing season, but leaf N:P was less than 14, suggesting that the growth of larch stands was limited by N in our study region. Compared to global plant element concentrations and stoichiometry, the leaves of larch stands had higher C, P, C:NandC:PbutlowerNandN:P,andtherootshadgreater PandC:NbutlowerN,C:Pand N:P. Our study provides baseline information for describing the changes in nutritional elements with plant growth, which will facilitates plantation forest management and restoration, and makes avaluable contribution to the global data pool on leaf nutrition and stoichiometry

    Individual Differences in Processing Speed and Working Memory Speed as Assessed with the Sternberg Memory Scanning Task

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    The Sternberg Memory Scanning (SMS) task provides a measure of processing speed (PS) and working memory retrieval speed (WMS). In this task, participants are presented with sets of stimuli that vary in size. After a delay, one item is presented, and participants indicate whether or not the item was part of the set. Performance is assessed by speed and accuracy for both the positive (item is part of the set) and the negative trials (items is not part of the set). To examine the causes of variation in PS and WMS, 623 adult twins and their siblings completed the SMS task. A non-linear growth curve (nLGC) model best described the increase in reaction time with increasing set size. Genetic analyses showed that WMS (modeled as the Slope in the nLGC model) has a relatively small variance which is not due to genetic variation while PS (modeled as the Intercept in the nLGC model) showed large individual differences, part of which could be attributed to additive genetic factors. Heritability was 38% for positive and 32% for negative trials. Additional multivariate analyses showed that the genetic effects on PS for positive and negative trials were completely shared. We conclude that genetic influences on working memory performance are more likely to act upon basic processing speed and (pre)motoric processes than on the speed with which an item is retrieved from short term memory

    Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2016.

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    OBJECTIVE: To provide an update to "Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2012." DESIGN: A consensus committee of 55 international experts representing 25 international organizations was convened. Nominal groups were assembled at key international meetings (for those committee members attending the conference). A formal conflict-of-interest (COI) policy was developed at the onset of the process and enforced throughout. A stand-alone meeting was held for all panel members in December 2015. Teleconferences and electronic-based discussion among subgroups and among the entire committee served as an integral part of the development. METHODS: The panel consisted of five sections: hemodynamics, infection, adjunctive therapies, metabolic, and ventilation. Population, intervention, comparison, and outcomes (PICO) questions were reviewed and updated as needed, and evidence profiles were generated. Each subgroup generated a list of questions, searched for best available evidence, and then followed the principles of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system to assess the quality of evidence from high to very low, and to formulate recommendations as strong or weak, or best practice statement when applicable. RESULTS: The Surviving Sepsis Guideline panel provided 93 statements on early management and resuscitation of patients with sepsis or septic shock. Overall, 32 were strong recommendations, 39 were weak recommendations, and 18 were best-practice statements. No recommendation was provided for four questions. CONCLUSIONS: Substantial agreement exists among a large cohort of international experts regarding many strong recommendations for the best care of patients with sepsis. Although a significant number of aspects of care have relatively weak support, evidence-based recommendations regarding the acute management of sepsis and septic shock are the foundation of improved outcomes for these critically ill patients with high mortality

    Hybrid PET/CT and PET/MRI imaging of vulnerable coronary plaque and myocardial scar tissue in acute myocardial infarction

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    BACKGROUND: Following an acute coronary syndrome, combined CT and PET with 18F-NaF can identify coronary atherosclerotic plaques that have ruptured or eroded. However, the processes behind 18F-NaF uptake in vulnerable plaques remain unclear. METHODS AND RESULTS: Ten patients with STEMI were scanned after 18F-NaF injection, for 75 minutes in a Siemens PET/MR scanner using delayed enhancement (LGE). They were then scanned in a Siemens PET/CT scanner for 10 minutes. Tissue-to-background ratio (TBR) was compared between the culprit lesion in the IRA and remote non-culprit lesions in an effort to independently validate prior studies. Additionally, we performed a proof-of-principle study comparing TBR in scar tissue and remote myocardium using LGE images and PET/MR or PET/CT data. From the 33 coronary lesions detected on PET/CT, TBRs for culprit lesions were higher than for non-culprit lesions (TBR = 2.11 ± 0.45 vs 1.46 ± 0.48; P < 0.001). Interestingly, the TBR measured on the PET/CT was higher for infarcted myocardium than for remote myocardium (TBR = 0.81 ± 0.10 vs 0.71 ± 0.05; P = 0.003). These results were confirmed using the PET/MR data (TBR = 0.81 ± 0.10 for scar, TBR = 0.71 ± 0.06 for healthy myocardium, P = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: We confirmed the potential of 18F-NaF PET/CT imaging to detect vulnerable coronary lesions. Moreover, we demonstrated proof-of-principle that 18F-NaF concurrently detects myocardial scar tissue