12 research outputs found

    Interactive Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process in Higher Education

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    An important aspect that requires great attention in each college is related to the lack of educational facilities and the low interest in student learning which risks the education process. Therefore the purpose of this study is to develop an interactive learning technology so that the lecturers are more creative in providing explanations of lecture material not to go monotonous and exciting. This research method is divided into four stages from ten stages of research and development to solve research problems. The final conclusion of this study is use interactive learning technology, especially SmartBoard, is easy to implement with low cost so that lectures and students can explore information more effectively and efficiently

    Peran Whistleblowing dalam Pencegahan Fraud Pengelolaan Dana Desa di Provinsi Jambi

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    The purpose of this study is to describe and provide empirical evidence regarding the role of whistleblowing in preventing fraud in the management of Village Funds. This research is a quantitative descriptive study. Source of data used in this research is primary data. Data collection was carried out using a survey method in the form of a questionnaire. The population in this study are villages that receive Village Funds spread across 9 districts in Jambi Province. The sample used in this study used a purposive sampling technique in 18 villages spread over 9 regencies in Jambi Province. data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study prove that Whistleblowing has a significant positive effect on Fraud Prevention. Then, Financial Reporting Compliance has a positive effect on Fraud Prevention. The results of the Moderation Test prove that Morality is not a moderating variable for the whistleblowing relationship with Fraud Prevention.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan memberikan bukti empiris mengenai peran whistleblowing dalam pencegahan fraud pengelolaan Dana Desa.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei berupa kuesioner. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah desa-desa yang menerima Dana Desa yang tersebar pada 9 Kabupaten di Provinsi Jambi. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purpose sampling sebanyak 18 desa yang tersebar pada 9 Kabupaten di Provinsi Jambi. analisis data dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa Whistleblowing berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Pencegahan Fraud. Kemudian, Ketaatan Pelaporan Keuangan berpengaruh positif terhadap Pencegahan Fraud. Hasil Pengujian Moderasi membuktikan bahwa Moralitas bukan sebagai variabel pemoderasi hubungan whistleblowing terhadap Pencegahan Fraud, Hasil Pengujian Moderasi Moralitas terbukti sebagai pemoderasi hubungan ketaatan pelapora keuangan terhadap Pencegahan Fraud

    Effectiveness of accrual basis accounting system in state budget and treasury system in TAM 3 framework

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    Purpose - This study establishes a basic theoretical model developed using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM 3) with several critical factors on the effectiveness of accrual basis accounting systems in the State Budget and the Treasury System.Method - This basic research uses a causal model with primary data collected quantitatively and presented descriptively. The study population was users of the State Budget and Treasury System in the Regional Office V of Jambi Province using the convenience sampling method.Result - The results of this study stated that all TAM variables were correlated with each other and TAM 3 variables were correlated with the effectiveness of the accrual-based accounting system in SPAN. It was proven that there was a significant relationship between all variables. However, the accrual-based accounting system in SPAN practically does not provide convenience and tends to have low intensity of use and low effectiveness.Implication - The result of this research states that all variables of TAM are correlated to each other and TAM 3 variables are correlated to the effectiveness of accrual basis accounting system in SPAN.Originality - This study focuses on the effectiveness of accrual basis accounting system in State Budget and Treasury System: migration of the Indonesian Islamic banking system of BSI

    Perancangan Data Warehouse Kinerja Proses Belajar Mengajar Pada Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Adiwangsa

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    Implementasi sistem penilaian kinerja PBM dalam suatu universitas merupakan salah satu alat bantu yang dapat digunakan dalam mengambil keputusan saat ini maupun berikutnya sehingga permasalahan-permasalahan yang terjadi pada proses belajar mengajar senantiasa terpantau. Implementasi data warehouse diharapkan dapat membantu pihak pengembang dalam merancang suatu sistem dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi dan cepat sehingga mendukung pihak pengelola mengawasi proses PBM sehari-hari dengan mudah

    Analysis of Security and Performance Service in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Data Integration

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    Nowdays, the use of web services in the world of education is very much particular services and information provided in the form of the transaction until the payment - the payment and security in a system that is built in the form of a website. This system does not yet have a system that is integrated with each other and the security that is necessary to develop a system that leads towards it. Services provided requires an integrated system of all related system, the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to be used as an efficient solution for integrating distributed applications. In SOA-based environment that focuses on quality of service called WSARCH (Web Services Architecture). With this paper can then propose a system that uses a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with Web Services Architecture to resolve accurately than techniques that have a lower negative impact in terms of service performance and security

    Effectiveness of accrual basis accounting system in state budget and treasury system in TAM 3 framework

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    Purpose - This study establishes a basic theoretical model developed using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM 3) with several critical factors on the effectiveness of accrual basis accounting systems in the State Budget and the Treasury System.Method - This basic research uses a causal model with primary data collected quantitatively and presented descriptively. The study population was users of the State Budget and Treasury System in the Regional Office V of Jambi Province using the convenience sampling method.Result - The results of this study stated that all TAM variables were correlated with each other and TAM 3 variables were correlated with the effectiveness of the accrual-based accounting system in SPAN. It was proven that there was a significant relationship between all variables. However, the accrual-based accounting system in SPAN practically does not provide convenience and tends to have low intensity of use and low effectiveness.Implication - The result of this research states that all variables of TAM are correlated to each other and TAM 3 variables are correlated to the effectiveness of accrual basis accounting system in SPAN.Originality - This study focuses on the effectiveness of accrual basis accounting system in State Budget and Treasury System: migration of the Indonesian Islamic banking system of BSI

    Akuntansi Proses Bisnis Sayuran Hydroponik Kelompok Warga di Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota

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    Hydroponic merupakan salah satu bentuk dari sawah modern yang sedang trend di kota besar. Asal kata hydroponic dari bahasa Yunani yaitu hydro yang berarti air dan ponos yang artinya daya. Hydroponic memiliki pengertian secara bebas, tentang teknik bercocok tanam dengan menekankan pada pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi (unsur hara) bagi tanaman. Dari pengertian tersebut, terlihat bahwa munculnya teknik bertanam secara hydroponic diawali oleh semakin tingginya perhatian manusia akan pentingnya kebutuhan pupuk bagi tanaman. Teknik hydroponic banyak dilakukan dalam skala kecil sebagai hobi di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Budidaya hydroponic memang termasuk salah satu solusi bertanam yang mudah untuk dipraktikkan oleh siapa saja, termasuk ibu rumah tangga. Di samping untuk konsumsi di rumah, budidaya hydroponic bisa juga digunakan sebagai usaha untuk mendapatkan penghasilan. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini berjumlah dua kelompok di Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota. Mitra pertama adalah kelompok warga di Perum Valencia dan Perum Mendalo Asri Kedua mitra memiliki permasalahan utama yang sama yaitu pada sulitnya pengaturan keuangan keluarga dengan melambungnya harga lauk pauk dan sayur – sayuran. Tujuan Kegiatan PPM ini adalah transfer IPTEKS kepada mitra, kelompok warga Perum Valencia dan Perum Mendalo Asri lokasi di Desa Mendalo Indah. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini Metode partisipatif untuk pemecahan masalah meliputi aspek teknik bercocok tanam sayuran hidroponik, aspek pembukuan akuntansi, laporan keuangan dan aspek pemasaran. Hasil dari kegiatan ini berupa penerapan pemahaman yang memadai mengenai Teknik bercocok tanam hidroponik, kemampuan dan ketrampilan Pembukuan dan Penyususnan laporan keuangan sesuai prinsip akuntansi, pengetahuan tentang merek dan kemasan serta hal- hal teknis mengenai pengelolaan usaha retail, serta pemahaman mendesain merek

    Analysis of Security and Performance Service in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Data Integration

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    Nowdays, the use of web services in the world of education is very much particular services and information provided in the form of the transaction until the payment - the payment and security in a system that is built in the form of a website. This system does not yet have a system that is integrated with each other and the security that is necessary to develop a system that leads towards it. Services provided requires an integrated system of all related system, the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to be used as an efficient solution for integrating distributed applications. In SOA-based environment that focuses on quality of service called WSARCH (Web Services Architecture). With this paper can then propose a system that uses a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with Web Services Architecture to resolve accurately than techniques that have a lower negative impact in terms of service performance and security


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    An important aspect that requires great attention in each college is related to the lack of educational facilities and the low interest in student learning which risks the education process. Therefore the purpose of this study is to develop an interactive learning technology so that the lecturers are more creative in providing explanations of lecture material not to go monotonous and exciting. This research method is divided into four stages from ten stages of research and development to solve research problems. The final conclusion of this study is use interactive learning technology, especially SmartBoard, is easy to implement with low cost so that lectures and students can explore information more effectively and efficiently


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    Implementasi sistem penilaian kinerja PBM dalam suatu universitas merupakan salah satu alat bantu yang dapat digunakan dalam mengambil keputusan saat ini maupun berikutnya sehingga permasalahan-permasalahan yang terjadi pada proses belajar mengajar senantiasa terpantau. Implementasi data warehouse diharapkan dapat membantu pihak pengembang dalam merancang suatu sistem dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi dan cepat sehingga mendukung pihak pengelola mengawasi proses PBM sehari-hari dengan mudah