100 research outputs found

    Are bullies more productive? Empirical study of affectiveness vs. issue fixing time

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    Human Affectiveness, i.e., The emotional state of a person, plays a crucial role in many domains where it can make or break a team's ability to produce successful products. Software development is a collaborative activity as well, yet there is little information on how affectiveness impacts software productivity. As a first measure of this impact, this paper analyzes the relation between sentiment, emotions and politeness of developers in more than 560K Jira comments with the time to fix a Jira issue. We found that the happier developers are (expressing emotions such as JOY and LOVE in their comments), the shorter the issue fixing time is likely to be. In contrast, negative emotions such as SADNESS, are linked with longer issue fixing time. Politeness plays a more complex role and we empirically analyze its impact on developers' productivity

    The emotional side of software developers in JIRA

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    Issue tracking systems store valuable data for testing hypotheses concerning maintenance, building statistical prediction models and (recently) investigating developer affectiveness. For the latter, issue tracking systems can be mined to explore developers emotions, sentiments and politeness |affects for short. However, research on affect detection in software artefacts is still in its early stage due to the lack of manually validated data and tools. In this paper, we contribute to the research of affects on software artefacts by providing a labeling of emotions present on issue comments. We manually labeled 2,000 issue comments and 4,000 sentences written by developers with emotions such as love, joy, surprise, anger, sadness and fear. Labeled comments and sentences are linked to software artefacts reported in our previously published dataset (containing more than 1K projects, more than 700K issue reports and more than 2 million issue comments). The enriched dataset presented in this paper allows the investigation of the role of affects in software development

    Osteosarcoma of Urinary Bladder-A Rare But Distinct Clinicopathological Entity: A Case Report

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    ABSTRACT Primary osteogenic sarcoma of the urinary bladder is a rare tumor. We report a case of bladder mass in a 70 yr old male patient with histological features of osteogenic sarcoma. There was no prior history of malignancy elsewhere in the body. After the histopathological examination of the bladder mass, a thorough investigation including PET-CT did not reveal lesions elsewhere in the body. The histological features were similar to conventional osteogenic sarcoma. Immune marker studies were done to rule out other spindle cell sarcomas and carcinosarcoma

    Mining Valence, arousal, and Dominance - Possibilities for detecting burnout and productivity?

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    Similar to other industries, the software engineering domain is plagued by psychological diseases such as burnout, which lead developers to lose interest, exhibit lower activity and/or feel powerless. Prevention is essential for such diseases, which in turn requires early identification of symptoms. The emotional dimensions of Valence, Arousal and Dominance (VAD) are able to derive a person's interest (attraction), level of activation and perceived level of control for a particular situation from textual communication, such as emails. As an initial step towards identifying symptoms of productivity loss in software engineering, this paper explores the VAD metrics and their properties on 700,000 Jira issue reports containing over 2,000,000 comments, since issue reports keep track of a developer's progress on addressing bugs or new features. Using a general-purpose lexicon of 14,000 English words with known VAD scores, our results show that issue reports of different type (e.g., Feature Request vs. Bug) have a fair variation of Valence, while increase in issue priority (e.g., from Minor to Critical) typically increases Arousal. Furthermore, we show that as an issue's resolution time increases, so does the arousal of the individual the issue is assigned to. Finally, the resolution of an issue increases valence, especially for the issue Reporter and for quickly addressed issues. The existence of such relations between VAD and issue report activities shows promise that text mining in the future could offer an alternative way for work health assessment surveys

    Estimating the relationship between economic growth and health expenditures in ECO countries using panel cointegration approach

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    Increasing knowledge of people about health leads to raising the share of health expenditures in government budget continuously; although governors do not like this rise because of budget limitations. This study aimed to find the association between health expenditures and economic growth in ECO countries. We added health capital in Solow model and used the panel cointegration approach to show the importance of health expenditures in economic growth. For estimating the model, first we used Pesaran cross-sectional dependency test, after that we used Pesaran CADF unit root test, and then we used Westerlund panel cointegration test to show if there is a long-term association between variables or not. After that, we used chaw test, Breusch-Pagan test and Hausman test to find the form of the model. Finally, we used OLS estimator for panel data. Findings showed that there is a positive, strong association between health expenditures and economic growth in ECO countries. If governments increase investing in health, the total production of the country will be increased, so health expenditures are considered as an investing good. The effects of health expenditures in developing countries must be higher than those in developed countries. Such studies can help policy makers to make long-term decisions. © 2015 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Interleukin-2/interferon-α2a/13-retinoic acid-based chemoimmunotherapy in advanced renal cell carcinoma: results of a prospectively randomised trial of the German Cooperative Renal Carcinoma Chemoimmunotherapy Group (DGCIN)

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    We performed a prospectively randomised clinical trial to compare the efficacy of four subcutaneous interleukin-2-(sc-IL-2) and sc interferon-α2a (sc-IFN-α2a)-based outpatient regimens in 379 patients with progressive metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Patients with lung metastases, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate ⩽70 mm h−1 and neutrophil counts ⩽6000 μl−1 (group I) were randomised to arm A: sc-IL-2, sc-IFN-α2a, peroral 13-cis-retinoic acid (po-13cRA) (n=78), or arm B: arm A plus inhaled-IL-2 (n=65). All others (group II) were randomised to arm C: arm A plus intravenous 5-fluorouracil (iv-5-FU) (n=116), or arm D: arm A plus po-Capecitabine (n=120). Median overall survival (OS) was 22 months (arm A; 3-year OS: 29.7%) and 18 months (arm B; 3-year OS: 29.2%) in group I, and 18 months (arm C; 3-year OS: 25.7%) and 16 months (arm D; 3-year OS: 32.6%) in group II. There were no statistically significant differences in OS, progression-free survival, and objective response between arms A and B, and between arms C and D, respectively. Given the known therapeutic efficacy of sc-IL-2/sc-INF-α2a/po-13cRA-based outpatient chemoimmunotherapies, our results did not establish survival advantages in favour of po-Capecitabine vs iv-5-FU, and in favour of short-term inhaled-IL-2 in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma receiving systemic cytokines