7 research outputs found

    Reactivation of tectonics, crustal underplating, and uplift after 60 Myr of passive subsidence, Raukumara Basin, Hikurangi-Kermadec fore arc, New Zealand: implications for global growth and recycling of continents

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    We use seismic reflection and refraction data to determine crustal structure, to map a fore-arc basin containing 12 km of sediment, and to image the subduction thrust at 35 km depth. Seismic reflection megasequences within the basin are correlated with onshore geology: megasequence X, Late Cretaceous and Paleogene marine passive margin sediments; megasequence Y, a similar to 10,000 km(3) submarine landslide emplaced during subduction initiation at 22 Ma; and megasequence Z, a Neogene subduction margin megasequence. The Moho lies at 17 km beneath the basin center and at 35 km at the southern margin. Beneath the western basin margin, we interpret reflective units as deformed Gondwana fore-arc sediment that was thrust in Cretaceous time over oceanic crust 7 km thick. Raukumara Basin has normal faults at its western margin and is uplifted along its eastern and southern margins. Raukumara Basin represents a rigid fore-arc block > 150 km long, which contrasts with widespread faulting and large Neogene vertical axis rotations farther south. Taper of the western edge of allochthonous unit Y and westward thickening and downlap of immediately overlying strata suggest westward or northwestward paleoslope and emplacement direction rather than southwestward, as proposed for the correlative onshore allochthon. Spatial correlation between rock uplift of the eastern and southern basin margins with the intersection between Moho and subduction thrust leads us to suggest that crustal underplating is modulated by fore-arc crustal thickness. The trench slope has many small extensional faults and lacks coherent internal reflections, suggesting collapse of indurated rock, rather than accretion of > 1 km of sediment from the downgoing plate. The lack of volcanic intrusion east of the active arc, and stratigraphic evidence for the broadening of East Cape Ridge with time, suggests net fore-arc accretion since 22 Ma. We propose a cyclical fore-arc kinematic: rock moves down a subduction channel to near the base of the crust, where underplating drives rock uplift, oversteepens the trench slope, and causes collapse toward the trench and subduction channel. Cyclical rock particle paths led to persistent trench slope subsidence during net accretion. Existing global estimates of fore-arc loss are systematically too high because they assume vertical particle paths. Citation: Sutherland, R., et al. (2009), Reactivation of tectonics, crustal underplating, and uplift after 60 Myr of passive subsidence, Raukumara Basin, Hikurangi-Kermadec fore arc, New Zealand: Implications for global growth and recycling of continents, Tectonics, 28, TC5017, doi: 10.1029/2008TC002356

    Three-dimensional velocity structure of the northern Hikurangi margin, Raukumara, New Zealand: Implications for the growth of continental crust by subduction erosion and tectonic underplating

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    Traveltimes between shots from nine marine seismic reflection lines and nine onshore recorders were used to construct a 3-D P wave velocity model of the northern Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand. From north to south between Raukumara Basin and Raukumara Peninsula, the Moho of the overriding plate increases in depth from 17 to similar to 35 km. Low seismic P wave velocities of 3.5-5.0 km/s are localized within a similar to 10 km thick prism in the lower crust of the overriding plate immediately updip of the intersection between the subduction thrust and Moho and beneath the topographic crest of East Cape Ridge and the Raukumara Range. Southward, this region of low seismic velocities and surface uplift increases in distance from the trench as the thickness of the crust in the overriding plate increases. We interpret this low-velocity volume to be underplated sedimentary rocks and crustal materials that were tectonically eroded by subduction beneath the trench slope. The buoyancy and low strength of these subducted materials are proposed to assist the escape from a subduction channel near the base of the crust and drive local rock uplift. In the middle crust, our observations of very low velocity suggest high fluid-filled porosities of 12%-18%, and the implied buoyancy anomaly may enhance underplating. At greater depths the process is driven by the contrast between upper crustal quartz-feldspar mineralogy and the denser diabase or olivine-rich lithologies of the lower crust and mantle. We estimate a rate of lower crustal underplating at the northern Hikurangi margin of 20 +/- 7 km(3) Ma(-1) km(-1) since 22 Ma. We suggest that underplating provides an efficient means of accreting subducted sediment and tectonically eroded material to the lower crust and that the flux of forearc crustal rocks into the mantle at subduction zones may be systematically overestimated