583 research outputs found
Políticas educativas para la educación primaria, instituciones y prácticas escolares : el caso de una escuela en la ciudad de Tunuyán, Mendoza
Esta ponencia forma parte del Proyecto Las familias de sectores populares y sus relaciones con la escuela.
El caso de una institución educativa de la ciudad de Tunuyán, Mendoza (INFD - Convocatoria 2013). La escuela elegida se caracteriza por la relativa homogeneidad de su matrícula, ya que sus alumnos provienen de tres zonas urbanas que concentran población desempleada o dedicada al trabajo en galpones, fincas, changas, construcción o servicio doméstico. Esta institución actualmente forma parte del Programa Centro de Actividades Infantiles (CAI) del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, el cual está destinado a escuelas localizadas en zonas vulnerables. A partir del análisis de actas escolares y de entrevistas abiertas a padres y docentes las representaciones que tienen sobre las actividades del CAI y la educación de sus hijos. También comparamos los lineamientos del programa con las prácticas los agentes educativos a fin de reconocer cómo se articulan en un espacio concreto las directrices del ministerio nacional relativas a la inclusión social con las estrategias educativas de los padres de sectores populares. Desde un enfoque cualitativo buscamos abrir un debate sobre las políticas educativas inclusivas destinadas a la educación primaria y la cotidianeidad escolar de los sectores populares.Fil: Tosoni, M. Magdalena.Fil: Maidana, M. Elena.Fil: Granados, Adriana Paula
From Crystalline to Amorphous Germania Bilayer Films at the Atomic Scale: Preparation and Characterization
A new two-dimensional (2D) germanium dioxide film has been prepared. The film consists of interconnected germania tetrahedral units forming a bilayer structure, weakly coupled to the supporting Pt(111) metal-substrate. Density functional theory calculations predict a stable structure of 558-membered rings for germania films, while for silica films 6-membered rings are preferred. By varying the preparation conditions the degree of order in the germania films is tuned. Crystalline, intermediate ordered and purely amorphous film structures are resolved by analysing scanning tunnelling microscopy images
From Crystalline to Amorphous Germania Bilayer Films at the Atomic Scale: Preparation and Characterization
A new two-dimensional (2D) germanium dioxide film has been prepared. The film consists of interconnected germania tetrahedral units forming a bilayer structure, weakly coupled to the supporting Pt(111) metal-substrate. Density functional theory calculations predict a stable structure of 558-membered rings for germania films, while for silica films 6-membered rings are preferred. By varying the preparation conditions the degree of order in the germania films is tuned. Crystalline, intermediate ordered and purely amorphous film structures are resolved by analysing scanning tunnelling microscopy images
Reconstructive nature of temporal memory for movie scenes
Remembering when events took place is a key component of episodic memory. Using a sensitive behavioral measure, the present study investigates whether spontaneous event segmentation and script-based prior knowledge affect memory for the time of movie scenes. In three experiments, different groups of participants were asked to indicate when short video clips extracted from a previously encoded movie occurred on a horizontal timeline that represented the video duration. When participants encoded the entire movie, they were more precise at judging the temporal occurrence of clips extracted from the beginning and the end of the film compared to its middle part, but also at judging clips that were closer to event boundaries. Removing the final part of the movie from the encoding session resulted in a systematic bias in memory for time. Specifically, participants increasingly underestimated the time of occurrence of the video clips as a function of their proximity to the missing part of the movie. An additional experiment indicated that such an underestimation effect generalizes to different audio-visual material and does not necessarily reflect poor temporal memory. By showing that memories are moved in time to make room for missing information, the present study demonstrates that narrative time can be adapted to fit a standard template regardless of what has been effectively encoded, in line with reconstructive theories of memory
Urban data cultures in post-socialist countries: challenges for evidence-based policy towards housing sustainability
This draft report summarises the initial results from the research project "Urban Data Cultures: Understanding Creation and Management of Housing-Related Information in Post-Communist Republics". This project seeks to better understand the how geographically-varied ‘data cultures’ (i.e. variegated representations, values, norms, epistemologies, practices, infrastructures,
standards, power structures, etc, through which data is produced and used) inform the monitoring of progress towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly as they relate to urban housing. For this pilot module, the countries of Georgia, Ukraine, Albania and Kyrgyzstan have been selected as research settings. Our main methods were: in-depth interviews with officials engaged in housing policy and management at the central, regional and local levels (n=24); notes from informal conversations, workshops and visits to state departments; and an analysis of background policy reports, journalism and academic literature related to the case study countries. On the basis of this material, we explore how management styles of housing data are observably impacted in our field settings by three key dynamics: marketization/decentralization; knowledge and expertise; and the evolution of data sharing infrastructures. We then proceed to outline a five-dimensional model of 'data cultures', comprising: 'relationships between data and decision-making'; 'relationships between the data of particular public organizations and civil society'; 'systematicity of data collection'; 'attitudes towards data sharing'; and 'specialization of data-related functions'. In conclusion, we outline some preliminary recommendations
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