2,008 research outputs found

    The Complex Star Formation History of NGC 1569

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    We present new results on the star formation history of the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 1569. The data were obtained with Hubble Space Telescope's NICMOS/NIC2 in the F110W (J) and F160W (H) near-infrared (NIR) filters and interpreted with the synthetic color-magnitude diagram method. The galaxy experienced a complex star formation (SF) activity. The best fit to the data is found by assuming three episodes of activity in the last 1-2 Gyr. The most recent and strong episode constrained by these NIR data started ~37 Myr ago and ended ~13 Myr ago, although we cannot exclude the possibility that up to three SF episodes occurred in this time interval. The average star-formation rate (SFR) of the episode is 3.2 Msun yr-1 kpc-2, in agreement with literature data. A previous episode produced stars between 150 Myr and 40 Myr ago, with a mean SFR about 2/3 lower than the mean SFR of the youngest episode. An older SF episode occurred about 1 Gyr ago. All these SFRs are 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than those derived for late-type dwarfs of the Local Group. In all cases an initial mass function similar to Salpeter's allows for a good reproduction of the data, but we cannot exclude flatter mass functions. These results have been obtained adopting a distance of 2.2 Mpc and a reddening E(B-V)=0.56. A larger distance would require younger episodes and higher SFRs. We have explored some possible scenarios using the astrated mass in the best fit model, in order to constrain the past star formation history. We cannot rule out a low rate in the past SF but we can safely conclude that the last 1-2 Gyr have been peculiar.Comment: Accepted by AJ, 2005, vol 129, 14 pages, 9 figure

    Wound care challenges in children and adults with spina bifida: An open-cohort study

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    Skin breakdown is a frequent concern for individuals with spina bifida. We explored wound incidence in patients with spina bifida and how it varies across a person\u27s life span and functional neurologic level. We examined the settings in which skin breakdown most commonly occurred, looking for evidence of chronic, non-healing wounds. We also sought to develop criteria to improve wound monitoring. We identified reported wound episodes in an open-cohort study over a 13-year period, examining the hospital and outpatient clinical records of spina bifida patients at Children\u27s National Medical Center (CNMC). Current age, age at wound presentation, sex, weight, functional neurologic level, wound location, setting in which the wound was acquired, the development of a chronic wound, and presence of a shunt were recorded. Of the 376 patients in our clinical population, 123 (average age: 18.8 years, range: infancy–56 years) developed a total of 375 wounds; the majority of patients who developed one wound went on to develop one or more additional wounds, and 20 patients developed chronic wounds. Our data suggest that age bracket (adolescents), wheelchair use, and bare feet, as well as possibly obesity and reduced executive functioning, are key risk factors for wound development. These findings have led to a focused effort to increase wound education and prevention. In addition we report on our early experience using a wound care specialist to champion this initiative

    The stellar content of the super star clusters in NGC 1569

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    We discuss HST FOS ultraviolet spectroscopy and NICMOS near-infrared photometry of four young super star clusters in the central region of the irregular starburst galaxy NGC 1569. The new observations coupled with previous HST WFPC2 photometry and ground-based optical spectroscopy allow us to isolate and age-date the hot and cool stellar components of these massive clusters. We analyze the two components A1 and A2 of the brightest super star cluster NGC 1569-A. This cluster received previous attention due to the simultaneous presence of Wolf-Rayet stars and red supergiants. The FOS spectra provide the first evidence for O-stars in NGC 1569-A, indicating a young (5 Myr) stellar component in A1 and/or A2. Comparison with other high-mass star-forming regions suggests that the O- and Wolf-Rayet stars are spatially coincident. If so, cluster A2 could be the host of the very young O- and Wolf-Rayet population, and the somewhat older red supergiants could be predominantly located in A1. The mass-to-light ratio of NGC 1569-A1 is analyzed in five optical and infrared photometric bands and compared to evolutionary synthesis models. No indications for an anomalous initial mass function are found, consistent with a scenario where this cluster is the progenitor of present-day globular clusters. The clusters A1 and A2 are compared to clusters B and #30. The latter two clusters are older and fully dominated by red supergiants. All four super star clusters provide a significant fraction (20 - 25%) of the total optical and near-infrared light in the central region of the galaxy. The photometric properties of the super star cluster population in NGC 1569 resemble those of the populous clusters in the Magellanic Clouds

    Problematiche geoambientali del territorio veneziano

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    Venezia, la sua laguna ed il territorio circostante sono un patrimonio artistico, storico, culturale ed ambientale tra i più noti al mondo. Il fragile equilibrio, tipico delle lagune, è per Venezia particolarmente vulnerabile; essa infatti risulta modellata da un forte contributo antropico, iniziato secoli or sono con le note deviazioni fluviali, ed è oggi esposta ad azioni antropiche di particolare rilevanza, quali quelle derivanti dalla presenza della zona industriale di Marghera che s'affaccia proprio sulla laguna. Questo delicato equilibrio è legato al particolare assetto geologico-territoriale dell'area veneziana. In questa relazione, forzatamente molto schematica in quanto sintetizza decenni di studi ed indagini a livello sia scientifico che tecnico-applicativo, si vuole indicare l'insostituibile apporto della geologia anche in un'area urbana, quale quella Veneziana. Questo "complesso urbano" è composto da una serie di centri: insulari (centro storico, Murano, Burano, Torcello, ecc.), litorali (Lido, Chioggia, Jesolo), di terraferma ed industriali (Mestre, Scorzè, Marghera, Malcontenta, Fusina, ecc.). Altra caratteristica del complesso veneziano è l'interazione dei vari centri urbani che, malgrado la dislocazione geografica, interagiscono nelle varie problematiche geoambientali con strette relazioni causa-effetto. Questa nota, frutto della collaborazione tra Enti di Ricerca, Pubbliche Amministrazioni e Liberi Professionisti, evidenzia la necessità di lavorare in modo sinergico per affrontare al meglio le complesse tematiche geologico-ambientali che si riscontrano in questo tipo di studi

    Impact of Polymorphisms in PTK2 on Intrinsic Muscle Strength

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    Abstract Title: Impact of Polymorphisms in PTK2 on Intrinsic Muscle Strength Primary Presenter Full Name: Zachary Zeller Co-presenter Full Name(s): Click here to enter text. Co-author Full Name(s): Mohamed Al-Amoodi, Whitney Jones, Danny Lee, Steven Mckenzie, Helen Miller, Seth Stubblefied, Susan Knoblach, Heather Gordish-Dressman, Dustin Hittel, Laura L. Tosi Abstract Text (should not exceed 400 words): Recent studies have begun to search for correlations between genetic variations and muscle strength. One such study by Stebbings et al.1 examined two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)—rs7843014 and rs7460—on the PTK2 gene. The study found that genetic variation in the PTK2 gene impacts muscle-specific force, which is the force generated per unit of cross-sectional area of muscle. Muscle-specific force ultimately represents the intrinsic strength of a muscle and is a key determinant of functional capacity and mobility. This study sought to expand on prior research by looking for associations between genetic variants of PTK2 and measures of grip strength, as well as general anthropomorphic measures, in a cohort of healthy young adults. Our study assessed phenotypes for height, weight, VO2 max, max grip strength, and body mass index (BMI) using the Assessing Inherited Markers of Metabolic Syndrome in the Young (AIMMY) University of Calgary subset of 190 healthy, primarily Caucasian, individuals between the ages of 18 and 35. DNA samples were genotyped using ThermoFisher Taqman SNP genotype assays, and underwent the Applied Biosystems 7900HT real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models were used to perform statistical analysis to look for genotype-phenotype associations. Unlike the findings by Stebbings et al.1 an association between the PTK2 genotypes and grip strength was not found. This could be due to the lower statistical power in the grip strength test, thus potentially indicating that grip strength and muscle-specific force do not measure similar parameters of muscle strength. Genetic variation in PTK2 has also been previously associated with VO2 max, but no association was found in the current study. Positive associations were found between genetic variants rs7843014 and rs7460 in PTK2 and BMI, and between genetic variant rs7843014 and height. High levels of functioning PTK2 have been found to have increased strength due to increased costamere density, resulting in more muscle myofibrils, and therein larger, presumably heavier muscles. However, this finding was only observed in males, and could be attributed to differential acquisition and maintenance of muscle mass based on sex. We identified a potentially novel association between genetic variants in PTK2 and anthropomorphic phenotypes. However, we were unable to confirm the effects of genetic variants on measures of intrinsic muscle strength, namely max grip strength or VO2 max in terms of functional capacity. Further research is needed to confirm this newly identified role for PTK2

    Proceedings of the 2022 Santa Fe Bone Symposium : Current concepts in the care of patients with osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases

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    The 22nd Annual Santa Fe Bone Symposium (SFBS) was a hybrid meeting held August 5-6, 2022, with in-person and virtual attendees. Altogether, over 400 individuals registered, a majority of whom attended in-person, representing many states in the USA plus 7 other countries. The SFBS included 10 plenary presentations, 2 faculty panel discussions, satellite symposia, Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation Fracture Liaison Service Boot Camp, and a Project ECHO workshop, with lively interactive discussions for all events. Topics of interest included fracture prevention at different stages of life; how to treat and when to change therapy; skeletal health in cancer patients; advanced imaging to assess bone strength; the state of healthcare in the USA; osteosarcopenia; vitamin D update; perioperative bone health care; new guidelines for managing primary hyperparathyroidism; new concepts on bone modeling and remodeling; and an overview on the care of rare bone diseases, including hypophosphatasia, X-linked hypophosphatemia, tumor induced osteomalacia, osteogenesis imperfecta, fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, and osteopetrosis. The SFBS was preceded by the Santa Fe Fellows Workshop on Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Diseases, a collaboration of the Endocrine Fellows Foundation and the Osteoporosis Foundation of New Mexico. From the Workshop, 4 participating fellows were selected to give oral presentations at the bone symposium. These proceedings represent the clinical highlights of 2022 SFBS presentations and the discussions that followed, all with the aim of optimizing skeletal health and minimizing the consequences of fragile bones

    The association of polymorphism rs3736228 within the LRP5 gene with Bone Mineral Density in a Cohort of Caucasian Young Adults

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    INTRODUCTION: Osteoporosis is a significant burden for our aging population. Developing a better understanding of the genetic underpinnings of poor bone quality may assist in the future development of prevention strategies. Correa-Rodriguez et al. have identified a group of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were associated with bone mineral density (BMD) in a population of Spanish Caucasians. In particular, they found that SNP rs3736228 in the low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein 5 (LRP5) gene had an influence on BMD. While the role of LRP5 in the Wnt canonical pathway has been fairly well characterized, its association with phenotypic BMD and osteoporosis has only been explored in a limited fashion. The aim of this study is to expand on this, and to replicate the findings of previous studies in a cohort of healthy young adults. METHODS: Cohort: The University of Calgary cohort from the Assessing Inherited Metabolic Syndrome Markers in the Young (UC AIMMY) study. Participants included consist of 168 healthy, predominantly Caucasian young adults. Phenotypes: height, weight, BMI, and total BMD. Genotyping: Allelic discrimination was determined. Statistical Analysis: After being tested for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), the data was run through analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). RESULTS: Using a dominant model, we found that females with one or more copies of the risk T allele of SNP rs3736228 had a significant negative association with total BMD (p = 0.0347). However, a similar association was not seen in males in this cohort. We did not find a significant association for this polymorphism and height, weight, or BMI. DISCUSSION: Polymorphisms in rs3736228 alter the codon in position 1330, downregulating the LRP5 cell surface receptor function. The LRP5 gene has now been shown in multiple studies to be associated with bone quality measures like calcaneal Qualitative Ultrasound (QUS) and BMD. Our study suggests that SNP rs3736228 also influences BMD in healthy young females. This supports the work of Correa-Rodriguez et al that found that when stratifying by sex, females only showed a trend towards significance (p = 0.092) in QUS measures. SIGNIFICANCE: This study expands our understanding of the importance of LRP5 rs3736228 polymorphisms in BMD by extending its relationship to a cohort of predominantly Caucasian college students. While the development of BMD is polygenic, this work broadened the role of SNP rs3736228 across the age span, and the sexual dimorphism seen in musculoskeletal traits

    The Resolved Stellar Population of the Post-Starburst Galaxy NGC 1569

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    We present WFPC2-HST photometry (in the F439W and F555W bands) of the resolved stars in NGC 1569. The derived color-magnitude diagram (CMD) contains 2800 objects down to the 26th mag, and is complete down to the 23rd. Adopting the literature distance modulus and reddening, the CMD samples stars more massive than 4 Mo, corresponding to a look-back time of 0.15 Gyr approximately. The data are compared to synthetic CMDs to derive the recent star formation history in NGC 1569. It is found that the observed field has experienced a global burst of star formation (SF) lasting at least 0.1 Gyr, and ended a few Myr ago. During the burst, the SF rate was approximately constant, and, if quiescent periods occurred, they lasted less than 10 Myr. The level of the SF rate was very high: 0.5 Mo/yr for a Salpeter IMF, in stars with mass ranging from 0.1 to 120 Mo. When scaled for the surveyed area, the SF rate is approximately 100 times larger than found in the most active dwarf irregulars in the Local Group. The data are consistent with a Salpeter IMF, or slightly steeper exponents. We discuss the implications of our results in the general context of the evolution of dwarf galaxies.Comment: 63 pages including 2 tables and 12 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Health-related quality of life and a cost-utility simulation of adults in the UK with osteogenesis imperfecta, X-linked hypophosphatemia and fibrous dysplasia.

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    BACKGROUND: Health-related quality of life of adults with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), fibrous dysplasia (FD) and X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) remains poorly described. The aim of this study was to describe the HRQoL of adults with osteogenesis imperfecta, fibrous dysplasia and X-linked hypophophataemia and perform a cost-utility simulation to calculate the maximum cost that a health care system would be willing to pay for a hypothetical treatment of a rare bone disease. RESULTS: Participants completed the EQ-5D-5 L questionnaire between September 2014 and March 2016. For the economic simulation, we considered a hypothetical treatment that would be applied to OI participants in the lower tertile of the health utility score. A total of 109 study participants fully completed the EQ-5D-5 L questionnaire (response rate 63%). Pain/discomfort was the most problematic domain for participants with all three diseases (FD 31%, XLH 25%, OI 16%). The economic simulation identified an expected treatment impact of +2.5 QALYs gained per person during the 10-year period, which led to a willing to pay of £14,355 annually for a health care system willing to pay up to £50,000 for each additional QALY gained by an intervention. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to quantitatively measure and compare the HRQoL of adults with OI, FD and XLH and the first to use such data to conduct an economic simulation leading to healthcare system willingness-to-pay estimates for treatment of musculoskeletal rare diseases at various cost-effectiveness thresholds

    Genetic Characterization of Physical Activity Behaviours in University Students Enrolled in Kinesiology Degree Programs

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    Studies of physical activity behaviours have increasingly shown the importance of heritable factors such as genetic variation. Non-synonymous polymorphisms of alpha-actinin 3 (ACTN3) and the β-adrenergic receptors 1 and 3 (ADRB) have been previously associated with exercise capacity and cardiometabolic health. We thus hypothesized that these polymorphisms are also related to physical activity behaviors in young adults. To test this hypothesis we examined relationships between ACTN3 (R577X), ARDB1 (Arg389Gly) and ADRB3 (Trp64Arg), and physical activity behaviors in university students. We stratified for student enrollment in kinesiology degree programs compared to non-majors as we previously found this to be a predictor of physical activity. We did not identify novel associations between physical activity and ACTN3. However, the minor alleles of ADRB1 and ADRB3 were significantly underrepresented in kinesiology students compared to non-majors. Furthermore, carriers of the ADRB1 minor allele reported reduced participation in moderate physical activity and increased afternoon fatigue compared to ancestral allele homozygotes. Together, these findings suggest that the heritability of physical activity behaviours in young adults may be linked to non-synonymous polymorphisms within β-adrenergic receptors.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author