109 research outputs found

    Morphometrical investigations on the reproductive activity of the ovaries in rats subjected to immobilization and to motion activity

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    Wistar-strain white female rats were divided into three groups, with the first group subjected to motion loading, the second used as control, and the third group was immobilized. A considerable reduction in numbers of corpora lutea was observed in the immobilized group, together with smaller numbers of embryos, high percent of embryo mortality, fetal growth retardation, and endometrium disorders. The control group showed no deviation from normal conditions, and there was slight improvement in reproductive activity of animals under motion loading

    Neural Network Based Approach for Developing the Enterprise Strategy

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    Modern enterprises work in highly dynamic environment. Thus, the developing of company strategy is of crucial importance. It determines the surviving of the enterprise and its evolution. Adapting the desired management goal in accordance with the environment changes is a complex problem. In the present paper, an approach for solving this problem is suggested. It is based on predictive control philosophy. The enterprise is modelled as a cybernetic system and the future plant response is predicted by a neural network model. The predictions are passed to an optimization routine, which attempts to minimize the quadratic performance criterion

    Attitudes and behavior of consumers who choose foods according to the content of technological additives

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    Добавките в храни или така наречените адитиви („Е` номер) „...са вещества, които обикновено не се консумират самостоятелно като храна, a се добавят целенасочено към храната с технологична цел като например запазването й`. Според учени употребата на продукти с различни адитиви със сходно химично съдържание може да доведе до натрупване на вредни вещества в организма, които могат да имат ефект върху поведението на консумиращите ги - стомашни проблеми, алергии, гадене, замайване, главоболие, хи-перактивност. Всичко се определя от хранителното поведение на индивида. Целта на нашето проучване е да установим нагласите и поведението на потребителите при избор на храни, съдържащи добавки в храните („Е` номер). Анкетирани са 103 потребители, разпределени по пол, образование и възраст. Над половината от респондентите (60.2%) нямат ясна информация какво представляват т.нар. „Е` номера. Потребителите не обръщат внимание на изписаният състав върху етикетите на продуктите. Приоритетно поставят на масата си храни според вкусовите си предпочитания. Сигнализирането на произхода на вложените вещества (натурални или синтетични) със символ и/или цвят, отличаващ се от останали те изписани съставки на етикета, ще доведе до информиран избор на консуматорите.Food supplements or so-called additives („E` number) „... are substances that are not normally consumed as food, but are added intentionally to food for a technological purpose, such as its preservation`. According to some scientists, the use of products with different additives with similar chemical content may lead to accumulation of harmful substances in the body, which may have an effect on the behavior of the consumers: stomach problems, allergies, nausea, dizziness, headache, hyperactivity. Everything is determined by the individual‘s eating behavior. The aim of our study is to determine the attitudes and behavior of consumers when choosing foods containing food additives (E-number). Interviewed were 103 users distributed by gender, education, and age. More than half of the respondents (60.2%) have no clear information on what the so-called E-numbers are. Consumers ignore the composition on the labels of the products. They prioritize their meal according to their taste preferences. Signaling the origin of ingredients (natural or synthetic) by a symbol and/or color, distinct from the ones of the other ingredients written on the label, will lead to an informed choice of consumers.additive, food supplement, E-number, food choic

    Results of Blood Serum from Cancer Treated Hamsters with Infrared Thermal Field and Electromagnetic Fields

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    A project of the influence of Christos Drossinakis on model biophysical, biochemical and biological systems has been conducted. His influence is with infrared thermal field and electromagnetic fields (e.m. fields). In this study an experiment on hamsters with malignant tumors was performed. The hamsters are prepared by Reneta Toshkova. Spectral analysis methods are Non-equilibrium spectrum (NES) and Differential non-equilibrium spectrum (DNES) for 1% solutions of blood serum from hamsters with cancer and healthy hamsters were investigated. Drossinakis had an effect on hamsters with cancer. Results are obtained with the DNES method according control serum samples of hamsters with cancer and healthy hamsters. The spectrum was obtained in the range    (-0.0937 eV; 13.23 μm; 755 cm-1) - (-0.1387 eV; 8.95; μm; 1117 cm-1). The average energy (∆EH...O) of hydrogen Н…O-bonds among individual molecules H2O after treatment of Drossinakis measured by NES- and DNES-methods. The result ∆E=-0.0071±0.0011 eV is according control serum samples of hamsters with cancer and is ∆E=-0.0035±0.0011 eV for healthy hamsters. These results suggest the restructuring of ∆EH...O values among H2O molecules with a statistically reliable increase of local extremums in DNES-spectra. Local extremum was obtained at (-0.1212) eV, which is an indicator of anti-inflammatory effect. Also, a local extremum was obtained at   (-0.1387) eV, which is an indicator of inhibition of development of tumor cells at the molecular level. The effects of Drossinakis influence– anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, development  inhibition of cancer cells are shown. This article deals with the review of the basic biophysical-biochemical and biological processes underlying the influence of Drossinakis. The authors are studying their physical-chemical properties and biophysical and biological effects on the organism of hamsters. Another research by Toshkova have shown that the cancer hamsters influenced by Drossinakis have increased their life span. Keywords: effect of Drossinakis, serum of hamsters, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, NES, DNES. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/58-1

    Neural Network Based Optimal Control with Constraints

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    In the present paper the problems of the optimal control of systems when constraints are imposed on the control is considered. The optimality conditions are given in the form of Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The obtained piecewise linear function is approximated by using feedforward neural network. A numerical example is given

    Role Of Health Inspectors In Preventing Drug Use In Schools

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    Проучванията показват, че българските ученици са на едно от първите места в Европа по употреба на наркотични вещества.Целите на настоящото изследване са, чрез проучване мнението на учащите, да се характеризира моментното състояние на употребата на наркотици в училище, превантивните дейности и ролята на здравните инспектори в тази област.Проведено е нестандартизирано индивидуално интервю на ученици от 8-12 кл. от няколко града в страната. Близо 75% са били свидетели на употреба на наркотици в района на своето училище. Според около 37% от интервюираните учителите не предприемат нищо, дори и да констатират употреба на вещества или интервенциите са предимно санкциониращи. Проблемът се поставя на обсъждане най-често веднъж годишно, в рамките на дейностите по универсална превенция, без участието на специалистите от РЗИ и без ангажиране на родителите. Предложенията на учениците за по-интерактивни интервенции провокират нови възможности за ангажиране на инспекторите по обществено здраве в процеса.Studies show that Bulgarian pupils are among the first in Europe to use narcotic substances.The objectives of the present study are, by studying pupils' opinion, to characterize the current state of drug use in school, preventive activities and the role of health inspectors in this field.A non-standardized individual interview of pupils from grades 8-12 from several towns in the country was conducted. Nearly 75% have witnessed drug use in the vicinity of their school. According to about 37% of the interviewed the teachers do nothing, even if they establish the use of substances or the interventions are mostly sanctioning. The issue is placed on discussion most often once a year, within the scope of the universal prevention activities, without the participation of RHI specialists and without involvement of the parents. Students' suggestions for more interactive interventions provoke new opportunities for engaging public health inspectors in the process

    Device for Counting of the Glass Bottles on the Conveyor Belt

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    In the present paper the results from designing of device, which is a part of the automated information system for counting, reporting and documenting the quantity of produced bottles in a factory for glass processing are presented. The block diagram of the device is given. The introduced system can be applied in other discrete productions for counting of the quantity of bottled production

    Position of food and drink business operators on the introduction of harmful food tax

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    Политиките на Европейския съюз са насочени към ограничаване на консумацията на продукти с високо съдържание на захар, сол и транснаситени мазни киселини като част от превенцията срещу възникването на хронични незаразни болести - затлъстяване, захарен диабет, сърдечно-съдови заболявания и някои видове рак. В тази връзка в България се представя законопроект за данък за обществено здраве. Целта на настоящата разработка е да се проучат нагласите на хранителната индустрия относно въвеждането на данък „вредни храни`. Анкетирани са 51 бизнес оператори на храни и напитки, разпределени в две групи. Над половината от тях (56.8%) не одобряват въвеждането на данъка. Над 2/3 (72.5%) не предполагат, че произвежданите от тях продукти имат високо съдържание на захар, сол и транснаситени мазнини и няма да променят технологичната документация на произвежданите храни. За 45% въведената маркировката (червен кръг) върху етикетите на производителите няма да доведе до промяна в избора на храна при потребителите, a за 62.7% промяна няма да има и в производството на храни и напитки. Изразеното мнение на бизнес операторите на храни и напитки относно въвеждането на данък обществено здраве е решаващо за пренасочване производството на нездравословни храни. Според проучването облагането на т.нар. нездравословни храни няма да доведе до промяна в производството. По-целесъобразно би било да се регламентират норми за количествено съдържание на определени съставки (захар, сол, трансмастни киселини, кофеин).EU policies are aimed at limiting the consumption of high-sugar, salt and trans-saturated fatty acid products as part of the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases - obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and some cancers. In this regard, a bill for a public health tax is submitted in Bulgaria. The aim of this paper is to examine the attitudes of the food industry on the introduction of the harmful food tax. Fifty-one food and drink business operators divided into two groups were interviewed. More than half of them (56.8%) do not approve of the introduction of the tax. Over 2/3 (72.5%) are not of the opinion that the products they manufacture are high in sugar, salt and trans-saturated fat, and will not change the technological documentation of the food they produce. For 45%, the mark (red circle) on the manufacturers‘ labels will not lead to a change in consumer choice and 62.7% believe that there will be no change in the food and drink production. The opinion expressed by the food and drink business operators about the introduction of a public health tax is crucial to the redirection of the production of unhealthy foods. According to the study, the taxation of so-called unhealthy foods will not lead to a change in production. It would be more appropriate to regulate the quantitative content of certain ingredients (sugar, salt, trans-saturated fatty acids, caffeine)

    Effects of Electromagnetic Fields over DNA in Tumor Diseases, Biophysical and Biochemical Model Systems

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    Studies were conducted with model systems of influence of Drossinakis with electromagnetic (e.m.) fields and infrared thermal field (ITF) (Ignatov, Mosin, Niggli, Drossinakis, 2013). The purpose of research is to analyze effects over DNA. In the report is carried out analysis of effects over water and physiological saline. Results are achieved with blood serum of hamsters and physiological processes in hamsters with tumors. The analyses with water are conducted using the methods Nonequilibrium Energy Spectrum (NES) and Differential Nonequilibrium Energy Spectrum (DNES) (Antonov, 1992; Ignatov, 1998). Experiments are carried out with the influence of tumor cells of a mouse in water. It is observed reduction of DNES spectrum according to the control sample of cells in healthy animals. (Antonov, 1992). Reduction is also observed in DNES spectrum in blood serum of people having oncological diseases, compared to the one of healthy people (Ignatov, 2012). Such a reduction is most prevalent in (-0.1387 eV; 8.95 µm; 1117 cm-1). In research of the effects of e.m. fields in water and blood serum from hamsters the range is (-0.08 – -0.14 eV) (8.9 –15.5µm) (645–1129 cm-1). Research is conducted for the effects over Graffi tumor that was implanted in hamsters (Toshkova, Ignatov, Zvetkova, Ignatov, Gluhchev, Drossinakis, 2019).  Studies are conducted with pH and oxidation redox potential (ORP) effects of e.m. fields over physiological saline (Gluhchev, Ignatov, Drossinakis, 2019). Keywords: Infrared thermal field (ITF), electromagnetic fields (e.m. fields), experimental Graffi solid tumor, energy spectrum, NES and DNES methods. DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/56-03 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Beneficial Effects of Drossinakis Bio-influence (With Infrared Thermal and Electromagnetic Fields) on the Development of Experimental Graffi Myeloid Tumors in Hamsters. Hematological Studies

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    The aim of the present experiments was to study the effect of bioinfluence - Infrared thermal field (ITF) and electromagnetic fields (e.m. fields) on the progression of experimental tumor – Graffi myeloid tumor in hamsters Spectral analysis methods called Non-equilibrium spectrum (NES) and Differential non-equilibrium spectrum (DNES) for 1% solutions of blood serum from hamsters with cancer and healthy hamsters were investigated. Drossinakis has a beneficial effect on the Graffi tumor-bearing hamsters. Results are obtained with the DNES method - compared to the control serum samples of hamsters with cancer and healthy hamsters. The spectrum was obtained in the range (-0.0937 eV; 13.23 μm; 755 cm-1) - (-0.1387 eV; 8.95; μm; 1117 cm-1). The average energy (∆EH...O) of hydrogen Н…O-bonds among individual molecules H2O after treatment of Drossinakis was measured by NES- and DNES-methods. The result ∆E=-0.0071±0.0011 eV is according control serum samples of hamsters with cancer and ∆E=-0.0035±0.0011 eV is for healthy ones. These results suggest the restructuring of ∆EH...O values among H2O molecules with a statistically reliable increase of local extremums in DNES-spectra. Local extremum was obtained at (-0.1212) eV, which is an indicator of anti-inflammatory effect. Another local extremum was obtained at   (-0.1387) eV, which is an indicator of the tumor-development inhibition at the cellular- and the molecular level. The beneficial effects of Drossinakis are characterized as the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-stroke,etc. This article deals with the review of the basic biophysical-, biochemical- and biological processes - bio-influenced of Drossinakis. In this sense, the experimental research of  Toshkova and co-authors has shown increased life span of the tumor-bearing hamsters, bio-influenced by Drossinakis. There are new analyses from  hematological studies from Zvetkova. Keywords: Christos Drossinakis - bioinfluence, Infrared thermal field (ITF), Electromagnetic fields,  Experimental myeloid tumor of Graffi,  hematological studies - erythrocytes DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/54-02 Publication date: April 30th 201