224 research outputs found

    Planificación didáctica de un curso de historia del diseño en tiempos de contingencia

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    Se presenta la planeación didáctica realizada para cursos de Historia del Diseño Gráfico III (Diseño Gráfico en México) en la UAM-A durante los trimestres 20-I y 20-P, bajo el contexto de la pandemia del COVID-19 y en el Programa Emergente de Enseñanza Remota (PEER). Se describe el proceso de acuerdo con el modelo de Hernández Cruz y Guárate (2017), que consta de dos fases (pre-planificación y estrategias didácticas) y varias sub-fases para la fase de estrategias didácticas (inicio, desarrollo y cierre). Se incluyen experiencias didácticas correspondientes al periodo, cuya base son un diario de experiencias, cuestionarios y trabajos realizados por los alumnos

    Investigando la utilización de imágenes en publicaciones científicas desde un enfoque cognitivo

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    Se plantean algunas reflexiones sobre la investigación de la imagen visual, así como se mencionan algunos datos relevantes en cuanto al estudio de la imagen en los libros de texto y, en particular, en los libros de texto de ciencias, donde el uso de las imágenes es fundamental para el aprendizaje de conceptos, que en muchos casos, por su grado de abstracción o porque no se pueden percibir al nivel de los sentidos, al representarse gráficamente pueden ser comprendidos, recordados y aplicados en situaciones de transferencia. Se presenta información de investigación realizada sobre la imagen en los libros de texto, a partir de los años 80s. Dicha investigación se ha realizado: (1) a partir de la relación entre texto e imagen, y (2) a partir de la efectividad instruccional de la imagen. También se han hecho estudios desde la alfabetidad visual durante los años 70s y 80s, y más recientemente, desde lo que Mayer (2001, 2009) ha denominado multimedia learning a partir de los años 90s. Su teoría establece que las personas aprenden más profundamente del texto y las imágenes que del texto solamente. Este principio ha influido la investigación posterior como se puede ver en los estudios de la imagen en los libros de ciencias, como es el caso de Devetak y Vogrinc (2013), quienes han hecho una clasificación muy amplia de la imagen en los libros de ciencia, y Slough y McTigue (2013), quienes desarrollaron el Protocolo de Análisis Gráfico (PAG), uno de los modelos más completos para el análisis de imagen en los libros de ciencia.Some reflections on visual image research are presented, as well as some relevant information regarding this kind of research on textbooks and, particularly, in science textbooks, where images are fundamental for learning concepts, which in many cases, due their level of abstraction or because they can’t be perceived at eye level, and being represented graphically can be understood, recalled or applied in transfer situations. Research on the subject has been conducted from the 80s. This research has been done: (1) from the relationship between text and images, and (2) from the instructional effectivity of image. Some studies have been done from the Visual Literacy perspective during the years 70s and 80s, and more recently, since Mayer developed his Multimedia Learning theory (2001, 2009) from the 90s. His theory establishes that people learn more deeply from text and images together than from text alone. This principle has influenced further research as can be seen in science textbooks research, as in Devetak y Vogrinc (2013), who made a wide classification of images in science books, and Slough y McTigue (2013), who developed the Graphic Analysis Protocol (GAP), one of the more complete models for image analysis in science books.Coordinación de Posgrado de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseñ

    Categorical discrimination of human body parts by magnetoencephalography

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    Humans recognize body parts in categories. Previous studies have shown that responses in the fusiform body area (FBA) and extrastriate body area (EBA) are evoked by the perception of the human body, when presented either as whole or as isolated parts. These responses occur approximately 190 ms after body images are visualized. The extent to which body-sensitive responses show specificity for different body part categories remains to be largely clarified. We used a decoding method to quantify neural responses associated with the perception of different categories of body parts. Nine subjects underwent measurements of their brain activities by magnetoencephalography (MEG) while viewing 14 images of feet, hands, mouths, and objects. We decoded categories of the presented images from the MEG signals using a support vector machine (SVM) and calculated their accuracy by 10-fold cross-validation. For each subject, a response that appeared to be a body-sensitive response was observed and the MEG signals corresponding to the three types of body categories were classified based on the signals in the occipitotemporal cortex. The accuracy in decoding body- part categories (with a peak at approximately 48%) was above chance (33.3%) and significantly higher than that for random categories. According to the time course and location, the responses are suggested to be body-sensitive and to include information regarding the body-part category. Finally, this non-invasive method can decode category information of a visual object with high temporal and spatial resolution and this result may have a significant impact in the field of brain-machine interface research

    Electroencephalographic changes during piano playing and related mental tasks.

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    Theta activity in EEG was found to be augmented in the frontal midline area in 5 young women while they played classical piano pieces and during related mental tasks. This activity was considered to be a frontal midline theta rhythm with the maximal amplitude mostly in Fz and of the frequency ranging from 5 to 7.5 Hz. This theta activity was observed to increase depending on the degree of the subjects' concentration on piano playing or related tasks. In bilateral parietal derivations, increases in the power value of alpha activity were observed in some subjects while they were listening to music, suggesting that alpha activity was involved in appreciation of music.</p

    Prognostic value of an increased in flourine-18 deoxyglucose uptake in patients with myocardial infarction: Comparision with stress thallium imaging

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    AbstractObjectives. This study was undertaken to evaluate the prognostic value of an increase in fluorine (F)-18 deoxyglucose uptake compared wilh clinical, angiographic and stress thallium findings in patients with myocardial infarction.Background. Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging using F-18 deoxyglucose has been applied to assess tissue viability in patients with coronary artery disease. We hypothesized that patients with a myocardial segment with augmented F-18 deoxyglucose uptake are at high risk for a future cardiac event.Methods. One hundred fifty-eight consecutive patients with myocardial infarction referred for F-18 deoxyglucose PET and stress thallium scans were studied. Follow-up was obtained in 84 patients at a mean interval of 23 months to investigate prognostic implications of radionuclide studies.Results. Seventeen patients had a cardiac event during the follow-up interval. Univariate analysis showed that an increase in F-18 deosyglucose uptake was the best predictor of a future cardiac event (p = 0.0006), followed by the number of stenosed vessels (p = 0.008). In the multivariate analysis, when an increase in F-18 deoxyglucose uptake was entered into the model, only angiographic variables had an independent value, whereas no other radionuclide variables showed value. Among patients who did not show redistribution, a future cardiac event was observed more often in patients with than in those without an increase in F-18 deoxyglucose uptake (p < 0.05).Conclusions. Thus, an increase in F-18 deoxyglucose uptake seemed to be the best predictor of a future cardiac event among all clinical, angiographic and redionuclide variables in this study of stable patients with myocardial infarction. Even when a stress thallium-201 scan does not show redistribution, those patients who have an increase in F-18 deoxyglucose uptake in a PET study may be at risk for a future cardiac event, and these patients may need aggressive treatment to prevent a future cardiac event

    Sideward Peak of Intermediate Mass Fragments in High Energy Proton Induced Reactions

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    Intermediate mass fragment (IMF) formation in the 12 GeV proton induced reaction on Au target is analyzed by using a combined framework of a transport model (JAM/MF) and a newly developed non-equilibrium percolation (NEP) model. In this model, we can well reproduce the mass distribution of fragments. In addition, the sideward peaked angular distribution would emerge under the condition that the fragment formation time is very short, around 20 fm/c. Within this short time period, the un-heated part of the residual nucleus is kept to have doughnut shape, then the Coulomb repulsion from this shape strengthens the sideward peak of IMF.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 6 embedded PS figure