5 research outputs found

    Antalya yöresinde, EARLY AMBER, EARLY RED ve FLORDASUN şeftali çeşitlerine fenolojik ve pomolojik çalışmalar

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    TEZ295Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1986.Kaynakça (s. 34-36) var.vii,38 s. : res. ; 30 cm.

    The effect of caffeic acid on prevention of mechanic ventilation induced lung injury (vili) in rats

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    Mekanik ventilasyon, solunum yetmezliğinin tedavisinde zorunlu bir tedavi yöntemi olmasına rağmen, mekanik ventilasyonun neden olduğu yüksek tidal volümler, ventilasyon başlar başlamaz akciğer hasarına (VILI) yol açar. VILI nın sebeplerinden olduğu bilinen inflamasyon ve serbest oksijen radikallerinin hasar yapıcı etkilerinin önlenmesi, VILI nin önlenmesine katkıda bulunur.Bu çalışmada, Kafeik asit (KA) in antiinflamatuar ve antioksidan olarak, VILI' nın önlenmesinde etkili olup olmadığını araştırmayı amaçladık.Çalışmaya sağlıklı, 4 aylık 40 adet Sprague-Dawley cinsi rat alındı. Ratlar 4 gruba ayrıldı. (Grup 1 Fizyolojik volümlerde(3 ml/ kg) MV uygulanan grup, n=10; Grup 2 Over doz MV uygulanan grup, n=10; Grup 3 Over doz (9 ml/ kg) MV uygulanan ve 10µ/ mol KA verilen grup, n=10; Grup 4 Over doz MV uygulanan ve over doz 30µ/ mol KA verilen grup, n=10 ) çalışıldı.Her 4 grupda oksidatif stresi değerlendirmek için NO, SOD, MDA, XO serum ve akciğer doku örnekleri çalışıldı. Ayrıca VILI deki inflamasyonun belirlenmesi için de Interleukin-1beta (IL-1ß), Interleukin-10 (IL-10) analizleri sadece serumda yapılırken, Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-ß1) ve Tumor nekroz faktör alfa (TNF-?) sitokin analizleri ise hem serum hem de akciğer dokusunda gerçekleştirildi. Ayrıca akciğer doku örnekleri histopatolojik olarak değerlendirildi.Histopatolojik incelemede Grup 1 (kontrol grup) ile Grup 2 (over ventile grup) karşılaştırıldığında, Grup 2 de 8 parametrenin hepsinde histolojik bozulma daha belirgindir. (8 parametre; intraparenkimal infiltrasyon, peribronşiyal inflamasyon, respiratuar proliferasyon, alveoler destrüksiyon ve amfizematöz değişiklikler, vasküler tromboz ve konjesyon, intraparenkimal kanama ve alveoler boşluk ve bronş lümeni içindeki makrofaj sayısı) Grup 3 (over ventile + 10µ/ mol KA grup) de genel anlamda bir histopatolojik düzelme gözlendi, ancak vasküler tromboz ve konjesyon, intraparankimal kanama ve alveolar boşluk ile bronş lümenindeki lökosit sayısında anlamlı bir düzelme yoktu (p>0,01) Grup 3 ile grup 4 arasında ise fark görülmedi.Biyokimyasal parametrelerden SOD, MDA, XO ve IL-6 nın akciğer doku seviyeleri Grup 3 ve Grup 4 de Grup 2 den daha düşükdü (p0,01).Bu bulgulara dayanarak, yüksek tidal volümlerin VILI' ya sebep olduğunu ve KA in hem histopatolojik hem de biyokimyasal, parametrelerde düzelme sağladığı sonucuna vardık.Although mechanical ventilation has been a mandatory treatment method of respiratory failure, high tidal volumes due to mechanical ventilation causes lung injury (VILI) from the begining time of the ventilation. Preventing harmfull effects of inflamation and free oxigen radicals, known as the causes of VILI.In this study we aimed to investigated whether of CA (caffeic acid), as an antiinflamatuar and antioxidantprevents VILI.Forty, healthy, 4-months old Sprague-Dawley rats were included the study. The rats were divided in to four groups: Group 1: VT 3 ml/kg, Group 2: VT 9 ml/kg, Group 3: VT 9 ml/kg + 10µ/ mol CA, Group 4: VT 9 ml/kg + 30µ/ mol CA grup To assess the oxidative stres, NO, OD, MDA, XO levels and to determine inflamation in VILI, IL-6, TNF-? and TGF-1ß levels were measured both in plasma and lung tissue. In addition lung tissue samples were elevaluated histopathologically.In histopathological examination, histopathological detoriation were more evident in all of the eight parameters in Group 2, when compared with Group 1 (p0,01).Acording to these findings we concluded that high tidal volumes causes VILI and CA provide improvement both in histopathologic and biochemical parameter

    Inflammatory comorbidities ın the largest pediatric Familial Mediterranean fever cohort: a multicenter retrospective study of Pediatric Rheumatology Academy (PeRA)-Research Group (RG)

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and type of FMF-associated inflammatory diseases in a large FMF pediatric patients and to compare them to those FMF patients without concomitant inflammatory diseases. Materials and methods: Familial Mediterranean fever patients enrolled in the Pediatric Rheumatology Academy (PeRA)-Research Group (RG) were included. The patients were divided into two groups according to concomitant inflammatory disease as FMF patients who had a concomitant inflammatory disease (group 1) and FMF patients who did not have a concomitant inflammatory disease (group 1). The clinical findings and treatments were compared between the two groups. Results: The study group comprised 3475 patients with FMF. There were 294 patients (8.5%) in group 1 and 3181 patients (91.5%) in group 2. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (n = 136) was the most common accompanying inflammatory disease. Arthritis, M694V homozygosity, and the need for biological therapy were more frequently observed in Group 1 (p < 0.05). Fever and abdominal pain were more frequently detected in Group 2 (p < 0.05). FMF patients with concomitant inflammatory diseas more frequently demonstrated colchicine resistance. There were no significant differences in the median attack frequency, chest pain, amyloidosis, erysipelas-like erythema, or family history of FMF between the two patient groups. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest pediatric cohort reviewed to date. FMF patients may have different clinical profiles and colchicine responses if they have with concomitant inflammatory diseases. Key points • FMF is associated with some inflammatory comorbidities diseases. • To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest cohort evlauated pediatric FMF associated inflammatory comorbidities diseases reviewed to dat

    The Relationship between COVID-19 Severity and Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG)/ Mycobacterium tuberculosis exposure history in healthcare workers: a multi-center study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought countries' health services into sharp focus. It was drawn to our group's attention that healthcare workers (HCWs) had a lower mortality rate against higher COVID-19 incidence compared to the general population in Turkey. Since risk of exposure to tuberculosis bacillus among healthcare workers are higher than the population, we aimed to investigate if there is a relationship between BCG and Mycobacterium tuberculosis exposure history with COVID-19 severity in infected HCWs. This study was conducted with 465 infected HCWs from thirty-three hospitals to assess the relationship between COVID-19 severity (according to their hospitalization status and the presence of radiological pneumonia) and BCG and Mycobacterium tuberculosis exposure history. HCWs who required hospital admission had significantly higher rates of chronic diseases, radiological pneumonia, and longer working hours in the clinics. Higher rates of history of contact and care to tuberculosis patients, history of tuberculosis, and BCG vaccine were observed in hospitalized HCWs. HCWs who had radiological pneumonia had a significantly increased ratio of history of care to tuberculosis patients and a higher family history of tuberculosis. The findings from our study suggest that the lower mortality rate despite the more severe disease course seen in infected HCWs might be due to frequent exposure to tuberculosis bacillus and the mortality-reducing effects of the BCG vaccine

    9th International Congress on Psychopharmacology & 5th International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology

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