20 research outputs found

    How do perceived CPA and political CSR interact in their relationships with citizens’ trust in companies?

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    Purpose – In the context of an industrial complex where corporate political activity (CPA) and political corporate social responsibility (political CSR) are not related, this study aims to investigate the possible relationship between citizens’ perceptions of these two non-market strategies and residents’ trust in companies located in the industrial complex. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from 740 citizens living near a petrochemical complex in Tarragona (Spain). The results were analysed using structural equation modelling. Findings – Based on institutional theory, the key findings of the study are that CPA and political CSR are differently related to citizens’ trust in companies. The results also verify that the negative relationship (between CPA and trust) outweighs the positive one (between political CSR and trust). Practical implications – The lack of fit between political CSR and CPA in the complex analysed suggests that firms are neglecting approaches shared by these non-market strategies, and thus wasting a huge opportunity to improve citizens’ trust in and acceptance of the complex firms. Moreover, the ethical dimension should always be present when these firms take on political responsibilities. Originality/value – To date, CPA and political CSR have largely been dealt with separately in the literature. This study attempted to bridge this gap by examining a situation where there is no strategic relationship between CPA and political CSR to analyse, from the perspective of citizens’ perceptions, the relationship each strategy has with the important academic concept of citizens’ trust in companies

    Internal market orientation and its influence on the satisfaction of contact personnel

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    Purpose: To verify the dimensions, reliability and validity of Internal Market Orientation (I.M.O.) as a scale of measurement of internal marketing, and using it to measure the effect of internal marketing on the satisfaction of contact personnel. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: interviews were carried out with all the cashiers of the 16 branches of a small, local credit institution. Findings: The results show the validity and reliability of the I.M.O. construct, formed by four of the five dimensions of the original scale. They also corroborate the causal relationships among the four dimensions, as well as the significant influence of the informal dimension of I.M.O. on the satisfaction of contact personnel. Research limitations/ Implications: the main limitation of this study is that it analyses a single financial entity, with the characteristics and behaviours that the latter has in its relationship with its employees. Practical implications: To achieve their organizational objectives, firms must adopt an orientation towards the employee, or internal marketing, on an equal plane to the traditional consideration of the external market. Also, the measurability of this internal orientation on the basis of the I.M.O. scale makes available a valuable tool of planning and control in its implementation. Originality/ value of the paper: this article verifies the validity and reliability of the Internal Market Orientation construct (I.M.O.), and its influence on the satisfaction of contact personnel, in a different business sector and with a different research subject from those analysed hitherto by the literature. It also demonstrates the sequential type of relationship among the dimensions that form Internal Market Orientation

    Residents´ behaviour as a function of cognitive appraisals and affective responses toward a petrochemical industrial complex

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    Environmental degradation due to polluting industrial complexes constitutes a relevant issue for local community. Most studies focus on the negative externalities, in terms of pollution, of these industrial complexes, although some research has also explored the economic benefits of these installations and the harm their closure can inflict on the local economy. In the context of a petrochemical complex located in Castellón (Spain), the present paper analyses how residents' cognitive appraisal of the economic and environmental aspects leads to their affective responses, and how both elements – cognitive and affective – jointly explain their behavioural intention. The proposed hypotheses are tested on a sample of 992 individuals. The results confirm that cognitive appraisals, directly and by means of the affective response, have a significant influence on the residents' behavioural intention towards their place of residence. The findings also show that affective response has a higher impact than cognitive response and, additionally, that environmental aspects play a more important role than economic ones. Furthermore, the relationship between affects and behavioural intention has a greater weight among citizens who live closest to the petrochemical complex. Implications for firms' and public authorities' environmental management are discussed

    The Effect of Social Trust on Citizens’ Health Risk Perception in the Context of a Petrochemical Industrial Complex

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    Perceived risk of environmental threats often translates into psychological stress with a wide range of effects on health and well-being. Petrochemical industrial complexes constitute one of the sites that can cause considerable pollution and health problems. The uncertainty around emissions results in a perception of risk for citizens residing in neighboring areas, which translates into anxiety and physiological stress. In this context, social trust is a key factor in managing the perceived risk. In the case of industrial risks, it is essential to distinguish between trust in the companies that make up the industry, and trust in public institutions. In the context of a petrochemical industrial complex located in the port of Castellón (Spain), this paper primarily discusses how trust—both in the companies located in the petrochemical complex and in the public institutions—affects citizens’ health risk perception. The research findings confirm that while the trust in companies negatively affects citizens’ health risk perception, trust in public institutions does not exert a direct and significant effect. Analysis also revealed that trust in public institutions and health risk perception are essentially linked indirectly (through trust in companies)

    Un projecte ApS per a reduir la bretxa digital de les persones majors

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    L'Aprenentatge-Servei (ApS) és una metodologia d'aprenentatge que va més enllà de la intervenció del professorat limitada a l'espai físic i educatiu de l'aula. Entre d'altres coses, fomenta l'aprenentatge actiu mitjançant la participació de l'alumnat connectant els continguts apresos a l'aula amb el context real i social de forma vivencial i interactiva, millorant competències transversals. El present article mostra una experiència acadèmica on intervé, per una banda, l'alumnat del cicle formatiu del Grau Superior d'Administració i Finances a l'IES Caminàs de Castelló de la Plana i, per l'altra, alumnat del Centre Públic de Formació de Persones Adultes Tirant lo Blanc de l'Alcora. L'alumnat del cicle formatiu aprofita els continguts curriculars del mòdul per a desenvolupar unes píndoles formatives sobre operativa bancària online que són útils tant per tal d'ampliar els seus coneixements com per millorar les competències digitals de l'alumnat major de 65 anys del centre de formació de persones adultes. Aquest alumnat, no nadiu digitalment, ha de fer front al repte que representa la creixent limitació de serveis presencials per part de les sucursals bancàries

    The antecedent role of personal environmental values in the relationships among trust in companies, information processing and risk perception

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    Trust and risk perception are important issues for industries such as petrochemical companies, typically considered ‘less trustworthy’ because of the hazards associated with their activities. In this context, individual’s trust in companies may have influence on information processing mode that individual adopts to reach a judgement such as risk perception associated with industrial hazards. We take the heuristic-systematic theory (HSM) as the model for processing information about industrial risk, with trust in companies as its antecedent and risk perception as its consequence. However, this process may be influenced by factors such as personal specific values. This paper analyses, to our knowledge for the first time, the antecedent role of personal values towards environmental issues in the HSM of information processing. The model was tested using data from interviews with 992 residents in an area of the province of Castelló (Spain) close to a petrochemical complex. Structured equation models were used to analyse the data. The results demonstrate the proposed relationships. The main contribution of this paper is the corroboration of the direct and indirect effects of personal environmental values on the variables that make up the trust in companies-HSM of information processing-risk perception sequence. Finally, we recommend that the companies of the petrochemical complex consider the frank, open and bidirectional communication with the residents as the key element to break the association among pro-environmental values, distrust in the companies and perception of the risk

    Multirooming: Generating e-satisfaction

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    <p>This dataset is formed from the responses of online customers to a digital questionnaire sent to them via Facebook and Instagram. We received 1458 responses from Spanish customers between August and December 2021. The main objective of the research is to analyze the main determinants of the omnichannel purchase behaviour.</p&gt

    Multirooming: generating e-satisfaction throughout omnichannel consumer journey design and online customer experience

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    Purpose: The objective of this research is to analyze how omnichannel consumer journey design (OCJD) influences the online customer experience (OCE) and e-satisfaction in consumers' multirooming behavior (searching for information in online and offline channels and purchasing the product online). Design/methodology/approach: The problem-solving theory and experiential marketing perspective are the theoretical background that enables the establishment of five hypotheses. A survey is conducted on multiroomers who had purchased a product online, following an online and offline research journey. Findings: The results showed that OCJD directly and indirectly (through online consumer experience) influences e-satisfaction. Females and younger individuals exhibited higher levels of e-satisfaction. Originality/value: First, this research analyzes consumers' multichannel search strategies. Second, the consumer journey is incorporated into the study of multichannel retailing. Third, an emergent typology of cross-channel free-riding behavior is analyzed: multirooming

    Citizens living in localities close to a petrochemical complex in the north of Tarragona

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    <p>This dataset is made up by the answers of citizens to a questionnaire with items representing the constructs of the research model. The questionnaire was addressed to citizens who live in localities close to the North of Tarragona petrochemical site. 390 valid responses were obtained through simple random sampling.</p> <p>Citizens manifested their opinions about risk perception, benefit perception or their legitimacy they confer to petrochemical corporations or local environmental organisations that represents community members interests.  </p&gt

    The legitimisation of local environmental organisations by community members

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    Although environmental activists play an important role in addressing local environmental injustices, they find it difficult to legitimise their activities. They are frequently challenged by political and business forces on the grounds that they are raising barriers to local economic development and are often regarded as irrational or hysterical. In this study we analyse the legitimacy conferred on local environmental organisations by residents living near a polluting industrial site. Considering an individual’s judgement of legitimacy as an attitude and drawing on the social psychological and risk-benefit analysis literatures, we define a model that explains how individuals’ beliefs and perceptions about local environmental organisations and their context (in terms of the local industry risk-benefit controversy), together with personal environmental beliefs, influence their assessments of legitimacy. Results show that individuals’ legitimacy judgements of local environmental organisations are directly influenced by beliefs about their credibility and the risk perceptions associated with the industrial area, and indirectly affected by personal environmental beliefs