474 research outputs found

    Probability density estimation of photometric redshifts based on machine learning

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    Photometric redshifts (photo-z's) provide an alternative way to estimate the distances of large samples of galaxies and are therefore crucial to a large variety of cosmological problems. Among the various methods proposed over the years, supervised machine learning (ML) methods capable to interpolate the knowledge gained by means of spectroscopical data have proven to be very effective. METAPHOR (Machine-learning Estimation Tool for Accurate PHOtometric Redshifts) is a novel method designed to provide a reliable PDF (Probability density Function) of the error distribution of photometric redshifts predicted by ML methods. The method is implemented as a modular workflow, whose internal engine for photo-z estimation makes use of the MLPQNA neural network (Multi Layer Perceptron with Quasi Newton learning rule), with the possibility to easily replace the specific machine learning model chosen to predict photo-z's. After a short description of the software, we present a summary of results on public galaxy data (Sloan Digital Sky Survey - Data Release 9) and a comparison with a completely different method based on Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) template fitting.Comment: 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2016 784995

    Innovative Circular Business Models: A Case from the Italian Fashion Industry

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    Transition to a sustainable economy signed by a circular vision and culture asks firms for huge investments to innovate their own management, strategies, business models, products, and marketing approaches. The Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are an important framework for businesses to change their approach and contribute positively to the global movement to fight climate change. The question is what and how micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMES) can contribute to reduce their impacts while creating more value for them and their stakeholders. This paper aims to answer to this question presenting a case study from Italy where an artisan small firm is innovating to create more positive impacts in circular terms. The focus will be on circular economy and the firms’ material and energy strategies. In doing so, the paper will try to answer the following questions: how easy is for micro and small firms to apply circular economy strategies to contribute to reduce their environmental impacts? Does their strategy coherently compose energy and material flows? The case study will refer to the fashion system in Italy

    METAPHOR: Probability density estimation for machine learning based photometric redshifts

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    We present METAPHOR (Machine-learning Estimation Tool for Accurate PHOtometric Redshifts), a method able to provide a reliable PDF for photometric galaxy redshifts estimated through empirical techniques. METAPHOR is a modular workflow, mainly based on the MLPQNA neural network as internal engine to derive photometric galaxy redshifts, but giving the possibility to easily replace MLPQNA with any other method to predict photo-z's and their PDF. We present here the results about a validation test of the workflow on the galaxies from SDSS-DR9, showing also the universality of the method by replacing MLPQNA with KNN and Random Forest models. The validation test include also a comparison with the PDF's derived from a traditional SED template fitting method (Le Phare).Comment: proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU-325 symposium, Cambridge University pres

    Identifying Similar Pages in Web Applications using a Competitive Clustering Algorithm

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    We present an approach based on Winner Takes All (WTA), a competitive clustering algorithm, to support the comprehension of static and dynamic Web applications during Web application reengineering. This approach adopts a process that first computes the distance between Web pages and then identifies and groups similar pages using the considered clustering algorithm. We present an instance of application of the clustering process to identify similar pages at the structural level. The page structure is encoded into a string of HTML tags and then the distance between Web pages at the structural level is computed using the Levenshtein string edit distance algorithm. A prototype to automate the clustering process has been implemented that can be extended to other instances of the process, such as the identification of groups of similar pages at content level. The approach and the tool have been evaluated in two case studies. The results have shown that the WTA clustering algorithm suggests heuristics to easily identify the best partition of Web pages into clusters among the possible partitions

    A System For Visual Role-Based Policy Modelling

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    The definition of security policies in information systems and programming applications is often accomplished through traditional low level languages that are difficult to use. This is a remarkable drawback if we consider that security policies are often specified and maintained by top level enterprise managers who would probably prefer to use simplified, metaphor oriented policy management tools. To support all the different kinds of users we propose a suite of visual languages to specify access and security policies according to the role based access control (RBAC) model. Moreover, a system implementing the proposed visual languages is proposed. The system provides a set of tools to enable a user to visually edit security policies and to successively translate them into (eXtensible Access Control Markup Language) code, which can be managed by a Policy Based Management System supporting such policy language. The system and the visual approach have been assessed by means of usability studies and of several case studies. The one presented in this paper regards the configuration of access policies for a multimedia content management platform providing video streaming services also accessible through mobile devices

    Developing Legacy System Migration Methods and Tools for Technology Transfer

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    This paper presents the research results of an ongoing technology transfer project carried out in coopera- tion between the University of Salerno and a small software company. The project is aimed at developing and transferring migration technology to the industrial partner. The partner should be enabled to migrate monolithic multi-user COBOL legacy systems to a multi-tier Web-based architecture. The assessment of the legacy systems of the partner company revealed that these systems had a very low level of decompos- ability with spaghetti-like code and embedded control flow and database accesses within the user interface descriptions. For this reason, it was decided to adopt an incremental migration strategy based on the reengineering of the user interface using Web technology, on the transformation of interactive legacy programs into batch programs, and the wrapping of the legacy programs. A middleware framework links the new Web-based user interface with the Wrapped Legacy System. An Eclipse plug-in, named MELIS (migration environment for legacy information systems), was also developed to support the migration process. Both the migration strategy and the tool have been applied to two essential subsystems of the most business critical legacy system of the partner company

    Evaluating Legacy System Migration Technologies through Empirical Studies

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    We present two controlled experiments conducted with master students and practitioners and a case study conducted with practitioners to evaluate the use of MELIS (Migration Environment for Legacy Information Systems) for the migration of legacy COBOL programs to the web. MELIS has been developed as an Eclipse plug-in within a technology transfer project conducted with a small software company [16]. The partner company has developed and marketed in the last 30 years several COBOL systems that need to be migrated to the web, due to the increasing requests of the customers. The goal of the technology transfer project was to define a systematic migration strategy and the supporting tools to migrate these COBOL systems to the web and make the partner company an owner of the developed technology. The goal of the controlled experiments and case study was to evaluate the effectiveness of introducing MELIS in the partner company and compare it with traditional software development environments. The results of the overall experimentation show that the use of MELIS increases the productivity and reduces the gap between novice and expert software engineers

    Identifying Cloned Navigational Patterns in Web Applications

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    Web Applications are subject to continuous and rapid evolution. Often programmers indiscriminately duplicate Web pages without considering systematic development and maintenance methods. This practice creates code clones that make Web Applications hard to maintain and reuse. We present an approach to identify duplicated functionalities in Web Applications through cloned navigational pattern analysis. Cloned patterns can be generalized in a reengineering process, thus to simplify the structure and future maintenance of the Web Applications. The proposed method first identifies pairs of cloned pages by analyzing similarity at structure, content, and scripting code. Two pages are considered clones if their similarity is greater than a given threshold. Cloned pages are then grouped into clusters and the links connecting pages of two clusters are grouped too. An interconnection metric has been defined on the links between two clusters to express the effort required to reengineer them as well as to select the patterns of interest. To further reduce the comprehension effort, we filter out links and nodes of the clustered navigational schema that do not contribute to the identification of cloned navigational patterns. A tool supporting the proposed approach has been developed and validated in a case study

    An Investigation of Clustering Algorithms in the Identification of Similar Web Pages

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    In this paper we investigate the effect of using clustering algorithms in the reverse engineering field to identify pages that are similar either at the structural level or at the content level. To this end, we have used two instances of a general process that only differ for the measure used to compare web pages. In particular, two web pages at the structural level and at the content level are compared by using the Levenshtein edit distances and Latent Semantic Indexing, respectively. The static pages of two web applications and one static web site have been used to compare the results achieved by using the considered clustering algorithms both at the structural and content level. On these applications we generally achieved comparable results. However, the investigation has also suggested some heuristics to quickly identify the best partition of web pages into clusters among the possible partitions both at the structural and at the content level

    Evaluating Distributed Inspection through Controlled Experiments

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    Inspection methods can be classified according to their discipline and flexibility. The discipline concerns the formal aspect of an inspection method, whereas the flexibility is strongly related to the simplicity of organising and conducting a meeting. The majority of the available distributed inspection methods have a high level of discipline and flexibility as they are based on a well-defined process and the discussion among team members is easily organised and conducted. In this study the authors present two controlled experiments to evaluate the effectiveness and the efficacy of a distributed inspection process to discover defects within source code. In particular, the first experiment compares the distributed inspection method proposed to a disciplined but not flexible method (i.e. the Fagan's inspection process). In the second experiment the authors investigate differences between the same distributed inspection method and a flexible but not disciplined method (i.e. the pair inspection method). Data analysis reveals that more flexible methods require less time to inspect a software artefact, while the discipline level does not affect the inspection quality
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