171 research outputs found

    Det polare portrettet som et rom for reforhandling av kjĂžnn, maskulinitet og nasjonal identitet

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    Denne oppgaven undersÞker det polare portrettet som et rom for Ä diskutere og reforhandle idéer om kjÞnn, maskulinitet og nasjonal identitet. Oppgaven diskuterer det polare portrettet som bÊrer av sentrale verdier i forbindelse med norsk selvforstÄelse, gjennom portretter av Marie HÞeg, Monica Kristensen og Sayed Sattar Hasan iscenesatt som polare helter. Teksten analyserer portrettene i lys av problemstillingen; hvordan kan man bruke det polare portrettet for Ä reforhandle idéen om norsk identitet, pÄ tvers av tid, kjÞnn og nasjonalitet/etnisitet? Fotograf og kvinnesaksaktivist HÞeg reforhandler kjÞnn og kjÞnnsroller i et privat fotostudio rundt Är 1900, mens Kristensens rolle som kvinnelig polfarer stÄr i kontrast til den maskuline tradisjonen. Til slutt bruker kunstner Sayed Sattar Hasan sitt alter ego Hasansen for Ä «kle pÄ seg» polfareren som symbol og dermed stille spÞrsmÄl rundt nasjonal identitet

    Terminally ill`s attitudes towards euthanasia

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    Does dog ownership really prolong survival? A revised meta-analysis and reappraisal of the evidence

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by American Heart Association in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes on 20/10/2020.Available online: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.120.006907acceptedVersio

    Higher vitamin B12 levels in neurodevelopmental disorders than in healthy controls and schizophrenia: A comparison among participants between 2 and 53 years

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    Author®s accepted manuscript.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Hope, S., Nérland, T., Hþyland, A. L., Torske, T., Malt, E., Abrahamsen, T. G., Nerhus, M., Wedervang-Resell, K., Lonning, V. L. H., Johannessen, J., Steen, N. E., Agartz, I., Stenberg, N., Hundhausen, T. E., Mþrkrid, L. & Andreassen, O. A. (2020). Higher vitamin B12 levels in neurodevelopmental disorders than in healthy controls and schizophrenia : A comparison among participants between 2 and 53 years. The FASEB Journal, 34(6), 8114-8124, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1096/fj.201900855RRR. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Recent studies suggest that both high and low levels of vitamin B12 (vitB12) may have negative health impacts. We measured VitB12 in patients with the Neurodevelopmental disorders (ND) (n = 222), comprised of Autism Spectrum Disorders, specific Developmental disorders, and Intellectual Disability (aged 2-53 years), schizophrenia (n = 401), and healthy controls (HC) (n = 483). Age-and gender-adjusted vitB12 z-scores were calculated by comparisons with a reference population (n = 76 148). We found higher vitB12 in ND (median 420 pmol/L, mean z-score: 0.30) than in HC (316 pmol/L, z-score: 0.06, P < .01) and schizophrenia (306 pmol/L, z-score: −0.02, P < .001), which was significant after adjusting for age, gender, vitB12 supplement, folate, hemoglobin, leukocytes, liver, and kidney function (P < .02). In ND, 20% (n = 44) had vitB12 above 650 pmol/L, and 1% (n = 3) had below 150 pmol/L (common reference limits). In 6.3% (n = 14) of ND, vitB12 was above 2SD of mean in the age-and gender-adjusted reference population, which was more frequent than in HC (n = 8, 1.6%), OR: 4.0, P = .001. Low vitB12 was equally frequent as in HC, and vitB12 z-scores were equal across the age groups. To conclude, vitB12 was higher in ND than in HC and schizophrenia, suggesting a specific feature of ND, which warrants further studies to investigate the underlying mechanisms.acceptedVersio

    Primary Extracranial Meningiomas: An Analysis of 146 Cases

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    Primary extracranial meningiomas are rare neoplasms, frequently misdiagnosed, resulting in inappropriate clinical management. To date, a large clinicopathologic study has not been reported. One hundred and forty-six cases diagnosed between 1970 and 1999 were retrieved from the files of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Histologic features were reviewed, immunohistochemistry analysis was performed (n = 85), and patient follow-up was obtained (n = 110). The patients included 74 (50.7%) females and 72 (49.3%) males. Tumors of the skin were much more common in males than females (1.7:1). There was an overall mean age at presentation of 42.4 years, with a range of 0.3–88 years. The overall mean age at presentation was significantly younger for skin primaries (36.2 years) than for ear (50.1 years) and nasal cavity (47.1 years) primaries. Symptoms were in general non-specific and reflected the anatomic site of involvement, affecting the following areas in order of frequency: scalp skin (40.4%), ear and temporal bone (26%), and sinonasal tract (24%). The tumors ranged in size from 0.5 up to 8 cm, with a mean size of 2.3 cm. Histologically, the majority of tumors were meningothelial (77.4%), followed by atypical (7.5%), psammomatous (4.1%) and anaplastic (2.7%). Psammoma bodies were present in 45 tumors (30.8%), and bone invasion in 31 (21.2%) of tumors. The vast majority were WHO Grade I tumors (87.7%), followed by Grade II (9.6%) and Grade III (2.7%) tumors. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells labeled for EMA (76%; 61/80), S-100 protein (19%; 15/78), CK 7 (22%; 12/55), and while there was ki-67 labeling in 27% (21/78), <3% of cells were positive. The differential diagnosis included a number of mesenchymal and epithelial tumors (paraganglioma, schwannoma, carcinoma, melanoma, neuroendocrine adenoma of the middle ear), depending on the anatomic site of involvement. Treatment and follow-up was available in 110 patients: Biopsy, local excision, or wide excision was employed. Follow-up time ranged from 1 month to 32 years, with an average of 14.5 years. Recurrences were noted in 26 (23.6%) patients, who were further managed by additional surgery. At last follow-up, recurrent disease was persistent in 15 patients (mean, 7.7 years): 13 patients were dead (died with disease) and two were alive; the remaining patients were disease free (alive 60, mean 19.0 years, dead 35, mean 9.6 years). There is no statistically significant difference in 5-year survival rates by site: ear and temporal bone: 83.3%; nasal cavity: 81.8%; scalp skin: 78.5%; other sites: 65.5% (P = 0.155). Meningiomas can present in a wide variety of sites, especially within the head and neck region. They behave as slow-growing neoplasms with a good prognosis, with longest survival associated with younger age, and complete resection. Awareness of this diagnosis in an unexpected location will help to avoid potential difficulties associated with the diagnosis and management of these tumors

    Effects of macrophyte removal on habitat use of brown trout (Salmo trutta)

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    Aquatic macrophytes play an important role in freshwater ecosystems. They are primary producers, promote good water quality, and provide food and habitats for various organisms, including fish. When macrophytes have sufficient resources available in a combination with little stress and disturbances, they can grow to nuisance levels. Such extensive growth is often referred to as “mass development”. Due to negative impacts of mass development on recreational value of the ecosystems and use of water for hydropower the macrophytes are often removed. In this thesis, I investigated the consequences of mechanical removal of the macrophyte Juncus bulbosus (L.) (bulbosus rush) on habitat use of brown trout, Salmo trutta. An acoustic telemetry study was conducted in a section of the river Otra, Norway. Macrophytes were removed from an impact area but not a control area in June 2020 and brown trout movements were monitored before, during and after the removal period. A total of 93 brown trout were captured and tagged, their movements monitored between the 11th of March to the 8th of September 2020. From the data, home range size (both 50 % and 95 %), probability of area usage (impact/control) and average depth use were calculated.Akvatiske makrofytter (vannplanter) har en viktig betydning i ferskvannsĂžkosystemer. De er primĂŠrprodusenter, er med pĂ„ Ă„ sikre en god vannkvalitet, gir mattilfĂžrsel og habitat til flere organismer, inkludert fisk. Dersom makrofyttene har tilstrekkelig med ressurser til Ă„ vokse og drive fotosyntese, i tillegg blir lite utsatt for ytre pĂ„virkninger som kan forĂ„rsake stress og degradering for makrofyttene, kan de vokse seg til store stĂžrrelser og mengder. Slik vekst er ofte uĂžnsket og blir omtalt som «problemvekst». Problemvekst har ofte negative konsekvenser for menneskelig aktivitet knyttet til vannsystemene, derav blir makrofyttene ofte fjernet. I denne masteroppgaven har jeg undersĂžkt konsekvensene mekanisk klipping av makrofytten Juncus bulbosus (L.) (krypsiv) kan ha for habitatbruk til brunĂžrret, Salmo trutta, ved Ă„ utfĂžre en akustisk telemetristudie i et omrĂ„de av elven Otra i Norge. I juni 2020 ble J. bulbosus klippet i et effektomrĂ„de, i tillegg ble det valgt ut et kontrollomrĂ„de uten klipping av J. bulbosus. Totalt 93 Ăžrret ble fanget og merket, og forflytninger i studieomrĂ„det ble overvĂ„ket i tidsperioden 11. mars til 8. september 2020. Fra dataene ble stĂžrrelse pĂ„ hjemmeomrĂ„det, sannsynlighet for bruk av effektomrĂ„det og kontrollomrĂ„det, og gjennomsnittlig dybdebruk beregnet.M-MIN
