1,369 research outputs found

    Indicators of biodiversity in an intensively cultivated and heavily human modified landscape

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    Nowadays, the loss of biodiversity in agroecosystems due to the intensification of farming practices is happening very fast, and therefore, stopping or slowing it down should be a priority for conservation. To detect changes in these environmental contexts, one approach contemplates focusing on a limited set of indicator species that can alert us to ongoing changes in progress. In this research, we aimed to measure the biodiversity of vertebrates using a multi-taxa approach in an intensively cultivated and highly inhabited area located in northern Italy. We investigated the relationships between biodiversity and environmental characteristics and we identified the taxonomic groups that can be used as indicators of biodiversity. Data collection was carried out in 2016 with different methods depending on the taxonomic group, in 131 sampling units chosen using a Tessellation Stratified Sampling. Then we calculated for each sampling unit a standardized Biodiversity Index, which was related to environmental variables concerning the land use and the landscape configuration using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Information-Theoretic approach. We used correlation analyses and the Indicator Species Analysis (IndVal) to identify the taxonomic groups and species that can be used as indicators of biodiversity. Biodiversity was positively related to the number of patches of natural vegetation, whereas it was negatively affected by the number of patches of artificial surfaces and by habitat diversity. Our findings agree with those obtained by many other researchers, which pointed out that agroecosystems provide adequate shelters, suitable foraging habitats and nesting sites. The negative effect of habitat diversity was explained by the area-heterogeneity trade-off. Therefore, sites with high heterogeneity will not contain enough cover of residual natural vegetation, essential to maintain high biodiversity, because increasing compositional heterogeneity within a fixed area simultaneously reduces the surface of each cover type. The analyses showed that birds and reptiles might be used as biodiversity indicators of vertebrates. Eurasian Magpie and Green Whip Snake, both generalist species, were associated with sites of low biodiversity, whereas seven birds, both generalists and farmland specialists, were associated with sites of medium biodiversity. In high biodiversity sites there were not indicator species. To conclude, in less natural environments, such as urban and agricultural landscapes, a combination of specialist and generalist indicator species seems adequate to monitor biodiversity changes. Our findings increase the knowledge of these very dynamic ecosystems, being important both to plan strategies for biodiversity conservation and to guarantee ecosystems services useful for humans

    Hide-and-seek in a highly human-dominated landscape: insights into movement patterns and selection of resting sites of rehabilitated wolves (Canis lupus) in Northern Italy

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    Assessing the behavioural responses of floating wolves to human presence is crucial for investigating the chance of wolf populations expanding into urbanised landscapes. We studied the movement ecology of three rehabilitated wolves in a highly human-dominated landscape (Po Plain, Italy) to explore wolf’s plasticity amid widespread human pressure. To reach this aim, we estimated individual 95% utilisation distributions (UD) after the release and inspected both 95% UDs and net squared displacements to identify individual movement patterns; tested for differences in movement patterns during day and night; and analysed the selection of resting sites during dispersal movement in a highly human-altered environment. Both the 95% UDs and step lengths were smaller for wolves settling in suitable areas than for those settling in more urbanised areas. All wolves exhibited strong temporal segregation with humans during all movement phases, particularly while dispersing across highly urbanised areas. Main roads and proximity to built-up areas were shown to limit wolves’ dispersal, whereas small-wooded patches that provide shelter during rest facilitated long-distance movements. This study provides important insights into wolf movement and settling in urban and peri-urban areas, providing critical knowledge to promote human–carnivore coexistenc

    Batchsize and topological criteria: a combined approach to safely optimize hazardous polymerization processes

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    Small and medium chemical enterprises are widely diffused in Italy. Particularly, they operate batch and semi-batch processes working on job orders and making a massive use of multipurpose reactors having an Emergency Relief System (ERS) already installed. A batchsize approach is a method focused on finding the reactor fill level that can lead to a single phase vapor flow whether an external fire occurs, so that the installed ERS can protect the reactor from overpressures. In this work, such an approach has been revised, by choosing a runaway reaction as design incidental scenario, and integrated with a suitable optimization procedure based on topological criteria. The new batchsize approach allows for computing a reactor fill level which is much more reasonable for industrial applications with respect to that one predicted by the older method, while the topological approach permits to identify the minimum dosing time capable of guaranteeing both reactor safety and high productivity. Theoretical results have been experimentally validated using data obtained by reaction calorimetry experiments, carried out in an isoperibolic RC1 equipment (1 L, Mettler Toledo), implementing the relevant case study of the solution homopolymerization of butyl acrylate

    Municipal Solid Waste treatment by integrated solutions: energy and environmental balances

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    This paper reports a comparison between two scenarios developed in order to manage the municipal solid waste in an area in the North part of Italy. In the proposed scenarios various technological solutions, regarding the selective collection, the energy recovery and the modality of final disposal were taken into account. The comparison was done considering both mass/energy and environmental balance, trying to focus the most suitable solution. The experience can be completed with other scenarios containing different technical solution intermediate between the two considered in this study

    Bacterial contamination of saline nasal irrigations in children: An original research

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    Microbiologic analysis of nasal saline irrigations (NSIs) used in hospitalized children was performed. Of 253 collected samples, 24.9% were positive, and the number of positive samples significantly increased over time (P < .001). Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequently detected bacterium (28.6%). None of the 118 patients who received NSIs developed a nasosinusal infection. Colonization by cutaneous and environmental germs is frequent and develops early. Hygienic measures should be advocated to reduce contamination

    Upper Respiratory Tract Microbiome and Otitis Media Intertalk : Lessons from the Literature

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    Otitis media (OM) is one of the most common diseases occurring during childhood. Microbiological investigations concerning this topic have been primarily focused on the four classical otopathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis and Streptococcus pyogenes) mainly because most of the studies have been conducted with culture-dependent methods. In recent years, the introduction of culture-independent techniques has allowed high-throughput investigation of entire bacterial communities, leading to a better comprehension of the role of resident flora in health and disease. The upper respiratory tract (URT) is a region of major interest in otitis media pathogenesis, as it could serve as a source of pathogens for the middle ear (ME). Studies conducted with culture-independent methods in the URT and ME have provided novel insights on the pathogenesis of middle ear diseases through the identification of both possible new causative agents and of potential protective bacteria, showing that imbalances in bacterial communities could influence the natural history of otitis media in children. The aim of this review is to examine available evidence in microbiome research and otitis media in the pediatric age, with a focus on its different phenotypes: acute otitis media, otitis media with effusion and chronic suppurative otitis media

    NKCC2 activity is inhibited by the Bartter's syndrome type 5 gain-of-function CaR-A843E mutant in renal cells.

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    The gain-of-function A843E mutation of the calcium sensing receptor (CaR) causes Bartter syndrome type 5. Patients carrying this CaR variant show a remarkably reduced renal NaCl reabsorption in the thick ascending limb (TAL) of Henle's loop resulting in renal loss of NaCl in the absence of mutations in renal Na(+) and Cl(-) ion transporters. The molecular mechanisms underlying this clinical phenotype are incompletely understood. We investigated, in human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK 293) cells and porcine kidney epithelial (LLC-PK1) cells, the functional cross-talk of CaR-A843E with the Na(+):K(+):2Cl(-) co-transporter, NKCC2, which provides NaCl reabsorption in the TAL. RESULTS: The expression of the CaR mutant did not alter the apical localisation of NKCC2 in LLC-PK1 cells. However, the steady-state NKCC2 phosphorylation and activity were decreased in cells transfected with CaR-A843E compared with the control wild-type CaR (CaR WT)-transfected cells. Of note, low-Cl(-)-dependent NKCC2 activation was also strongly inhibited upon the expression of CaR-A843E mutant. The use of either P450 ω-hydroxylase (CYP4)- or phospholipase A2 (PLA2)-blockers suggests that this effect is likely mediated by arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggested that the activated CaR affects intracellular pathways modulating NKCC2 activity rather than NKCC2 intracellular trafficking in renal cells, and throw further light on the pathological role played by active CaR mutants in Bartter syndrome type 5


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    Aim. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the Frankel in child with class I malocclusion, maxillary and mandibular contraction, and anterior teeth crowding. Materials and methods. 5 patients with a class I division I malocclusion, maxillary and mandibular contraction and anterior crowding was enrolled in the present study. All patients presented with a stage CS2, CS3 or CS4. Patients with CS5 were not enrolled in the study. Before wearing the Frankel, on each patient head radiographs were taken in lateral plane with the head fixed in a cephalostat with a filmfocus distance of 4 m and a midsagittal-to-film distance of 0,1 m. Cephalometric analysis and casts analysis was performed before phase 1 treatment (T1), and immediately following phase 2 treatment (T2). In addition to standard cephalometric evaluation, another analysis, based on the distance of the basion, A and B to the T line, was done. Patients were instructed to wear the Frankel for 16 hours per day, during the night and afternoon, removing it only to eat and brush. Active treatment lasted 24 months for all patients. A statistical analysis of cephalometric and casts values before and after treatment was done.Results. After 24 months of treatment the cephalometric effects observed were: an increase of the anterior facial height (mean 3,8 mm), an increase of the distance of the basion to the T line (mean 3,6 mm), a incisors tip control (upper incisors mean 0°, lower incisors - 3,2°) and a sagittal maxillary growth control (the mean distance of A to T line was 0°, the mean distance of B to T line was of - 2,2 mm). On cast authors observed an expansion of the upper and lower arches (anterior upper arch expansion mean 2 mm, posterior upper arch expansion mean 2,5 mm; lower arch mean 1 mm) with anterior crowding resolution and incisors sagittal control. Conclusions. Authors evaluated that Frankel had a great repeal to control jaw growth, an increase of maxillary and mandibular expansion, an increase of the anterior facial height with a good control of incisors inclination
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