1,795 research outputs found

    Documento: Responsabilidad Solidaria, Social y Territorial un modelo de desarrollo emergente en Bogotá

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    The Solidarity, Social and Territorial Responsibility (RSST) arises from the theoretical advances that seek from the individual feeling to give meaning to the co-responsibility between human beings towards their habitat. Thus, the need to carry out this research emerges, seeking to analyze solidarity and social territorial responsibility as an emerging development model for Bogotá. Wich is framed in the governance of the rule of law, which promotes public management by activating the territorial society against the distribution and use of space in market economies, taking as reference population the street vendors of the city of Bogotá, where there are a total of 50,038 registered in the RIVI according to a publication made by the Institute for the Social Economy. The Praxeological methodology exposed by Bautista (2016) and Juliao Vargas (2011) was used for research development, and the results allow to establish equity in the natural resources administration and the balance in the land use against the environment; demonstrating the governance incidence, solidarity, social responsibility and the territory in the emerging development of geographical space, the improvement in its competitiveness, the inclusion and the well-being of all its inhabitants.   Keywords: territorial solidarity and social responsibility, emerging development, competitiveness, governance, welfare.La Responsabilidad Solidaria, Social y Territorial (RSST), surge a partir de los avances teóricos que buscan desde el sentir individual dar sentido a la corresponsabilidad entre los seres humanos hacia su hábitat. De allí, emerge la necesidad de realizar la presente investigación buscando analizar la responsabilidad solidaria y social territorial como un modelo de desarrollo emergente de Bogotá; enmarcada en la gobernanza de un estado de derecho, que promueve la gestión pública activando a la sociedad territorial, frente a la distribución y uso del espacio en las economías de mercado, tomando como población de referencia los vendedores ambulantes de la ciudad de Bogotá, donde se encuentran un total de 50.038 inscritos en el RIVI conforme publicación realizada por el Instituto para la Economía Social. Se utilizó para el desarrollo investigativo, la metodología Praxeológica expuesta por Bautista (2016) y Juliao Vargas (2011) permitiendo con los resultados establecer la equidad en la administración de recursos naturales y el equilibrio en el uso del suelo frente al ambiente, demostrando la incidencia de la gobernanza, la responsabilidad solidaria, social y el territorio en el desarrollo emergente de un espacio geográfico, la mejora en su competitividad, la inclusión y el bienestar de todos sus habitantes.   Palabras clave: responsabilidad solidaria y social territorial, desarrollo emergente, competitividad, gobernanza, bienestar

    Society and Its Challenges: The Teacher’s Perspective on Students at Risk

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    ©2022 MDPI. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Social Sciences. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11110517This study focuses on exploring and characterising the beliefs of Spanish teachers in relation to their attitudes and professional practice concerning students who may be at risk at school. A generational perspective is adopted and the stages of pre-school, primary, and secondary education are considered in order to analyse these beliefs. (2) This is a descriptive study with a qualitative methodology. The information was collected through semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 60 teachers belonging to publicly funded schools at pre-university levels. The data collected were subject to a thematic analysis and analysed with the qualitative data analysis tool ATLAS.ti (version 22). (3) The results show the diversity of student needs referred to by the teachers, positive relationships and attitudes towards them, and a favourable predisposition to the adaptation and adjustment of teaching practices. (4) The conclusions of the study highlight the importance of teachers’ beliefs for the development of educational processes based on justice, democracy, and equity, and how these beliefs can be used to offer the most appropriate responses to the needs presented by the students

    Implementación y puesta en marcha del proyecto para la ampliación del puente de la caro

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    La red vial Nacional, ha venido teniendo un mejor desempeño, gracias a las inversiones que realizan los gobiernos, en su actualización para llevarla a mejores y mayores estándares de calidad y por ende hace que se convierte en la mejor vía para la comercialización de productos a nivel nacional. En algunos sectores del país el crecimiento demográfico ha conllevado a que haya un mayor crecimiento de ciudades intermedias a centros capitales y a poblaciones cercanas a dichos centros. Tal es el caso de los Municipios de Chía, Sopo, Cajicá y Zipaquirá. En los últimos años se ha venido realizando una migración de familias que de Bogotá han partido a los alrededores, buscando mejor calidad de vida, mayor economía, seguridad y menor contaminación y menor congestión. Esto ha conllevado a que la red de servicios públicos quede insuficiente para atender las necesidades de la población, que día a día sigue incrementando con especial énfasis en la zona rural. Los mayores asentamientos se encuentran en zonas que anteriormente eran rurales y que por tanto las vías de conexión con la capital son escasas. Debido a la limitación en las vías las nuevas urbanizaciones se han desarrollado sobre la ruta nacional 55, la cual conduce desde Bogotá hacia Venezuela, convirtiéndola en una de las arterías principales de comercialización de productos. Con el fin de mejorar el flujo vehicular entre las poblaciones de los alrededores de Bogotá y la capital, especialmente al norte de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C, se ha proyectado la construcción de un carril adicional en el puente vehicular de La Caro, localizado en la Ruta 55, en el Municipio de Chía, el cual mejorará el transito del sector, incrementando el flujo de vehículos y las condiciones de operatividad de la vía. La ampliación a un tercer carril es la mejor opción para mejorar las condiciones geométricas de la vía, toda vez, que la vía Bogotá - Sogamoso se presenta como una troncal con tres carriles por cada sentido, quedando faltando la ampliación del puente de La Caro, ya que este cuenta con solo dos carriles, lo cual, genera reducción de la transitabilidad generando congestión y una opinión desfavorable por parte de los usuarios

    Mental Health in Women Victims of Gender Violence: Descriptive and Multivariate Analysis of Neuropsychological Functions and Depressive Symptomatology

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    [EN] Female victims of abuse, as well as suffering from psychopathological disorders such as depression, can have neuropsychological sequelae affecting memory and attention, with serious consequences, both physical and psychological, in their daily lives. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyse these sequelae that affect attention and memory, as well as the possible association of these sequelae to depression. A total of 68 women, victims of gender-based violence, between the ages of 15 and 62 participated in this study. The Luria DNA Battery (Neuropsychological Diagnosis of Adults) by Manga and Ramos (2000); and the Beck Depression Inventory (2011) were applied. It is shown that female victims of gender-based violence present poor short-term memory, attentional control, and score low on the Luria-DNA battery. Of these women, 60% suffer from some relevant type of depression. Through HJ-Biplot analysis, a direct relationship was found between memory and attentional control with the total score of the Luria battery. However, an inverse relationship was found between short-term memory and depression. In addition, three well-differentiated clusters of female victims of gender-based violence were identified. It is concluded that a lower rate of depression is observed in female victims of abuse when they have a more intact short-term memory

    Identificación del espacio residencial en Andalucía a partir de datos catastrales

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    El conocimiento y caracterización del parque residencial a cualquier escala (municipal, regional, nacional…) constituye una pieza fundamental para el desarrollo de las diversas políticas que giran en torno al sector de la vivienda, cuya importancia se ha visto amplificada en los últimos tiempos en relación a problemáticas como la crisis de la construcción, la burbuja inmobiliaria o los desahucios. A pesar de esta importancia, no resulta fácil contar con fuentes de información que posibiliten un conocimiento y caracterización exhaustivos, y menos aun cuando se exige que dicha información se presente de modo georreferenciado y abarque ámbitos de importantes dimensiones como es el caso de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. Consciente de este problema, el proyecto “Georreferenciación, caracterización estadística y estrategias de difusión del espacio residencial en Andalucía” financiado con fondos FEDER a través de la Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía, se ha marcado entre sus objetivos la creación de un Inventario Georreferenciado de Viviendas, que permitiese conocer y localizar la totalidad del espacio residencial de esta comunidad autónoma. En la actualidad, para poder llevar a cabo un inventario con estas características, nivel de detalle y para toda la región, la mejor de las fuentes disponibles es el Catastro Inmobiliario. En el presente trabajo se describen varios de los procesos que se han seguido para la confección de este inventario, incluyendo la descarga del conjunto de datos (gráficos y alfanuméricos) del Catastro Inmobiliario (urbano y rústico) para todos los municipios de Andalucía, la integración de los mismos en una base de datos espacial (PosgreSQL/PostGIS), así como diferentes ejemplos de explotación de la misma dirigidos a la estimación cuantitativa y a la representación cartográfica de indicadores de vivienda; a este último aspecto se dedica con más profundidad otro trabajo presentado a este mismo congreso (Pérez-Alcántara et al.)Housing inventory and characterization is a key factor at any scale (local, regional, national) in order to a more efficient implementation of housing planning and management. In recent times these activities have gained importance as new problems emerged related to the construction industry crisis, the housing bubble or social problems as evictions. In spite of this, rigorous and updated data sources about housing are rare, especially if spatial location is demanded as part of the data and vast territories have to be covered as is the case of Andalucia. Bearing in mind all of this, the project “Georreferencing, statistical characterization and dissemination strategies of housing information in Andalucia” (promoted by the Department of Public Works and Housing – Regional Government of Andalucia – and funded by FEDER-EU), has among its main objetives the creation of a Spatial Housing Inventory, in order to know and locate all the housing units in Andalucia. To accomplish this, the project has made use of the Spanish Cadastre, as one of the most reliable and detailed source of data to study statistical and spatial aspects of housin

    Social services for the elderly: a multivariate perspective study

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    [EN] Introduction: Today’s society is aware that healthy aging favors quality of life in the future, even more so as life expectancy increases in populations such as Europe. As in countries such as Japan, it is necessary for institutions to provide social services to support the elderly, with the aim of achieving an optimal quality of life for these people. The aim of this study is to analyze the different types of social services and activities that certain institutions provide to the elderly in order to find areas for improvement or to propose relationships between them that will benefit both users and institutions. Methods: Official data from Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) on social services for the elderly in the 9 provinces of the autonomous community of Castilla y León from 2007 to 2021 were analysed using multivariate statistical techniques. Results: Throughout the period under analysis, there is an association between the number of places in public and private non-profit residential centers for the elderly and the number of places in day-care centers or the number of students in the Inter-University Experience Programme. The variables associated with the telecare programme are related to the number of people under guardianship. On the other hand, three well-differentiated clusters of provinces of Castilla y León were observed. Discussion: Our findings have implications for the quality of life of the elderly, as the differences in social services in the areas analysed have a direct impact on the health of the elderly

    Changes in teaching from the perspective of novice and retired teachers: present and past in review

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    © 2022 Las autoras. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Frontiers in Education. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.1068902This study aimed to understand the perceptions that Spanish teachers of different educational levels have about the functions attributed to them, the overload of administrative tasks that they face daily, and the external consideration that their professional profile has raised. A generational perspective was adopted in this study, taking into consideration different educational stages: Early Childhood, Primary, and Secondary Education

    Microwave Assisted Micellar Extraction Method Combined with Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry For The Determination of Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb And Cd in Marine Sediments.

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    A new green method has been developed for the extraction of the pseudo-total content of the heavy metals Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Cd from marine sediments using a mixture of biodegradable micellar media (SDS, Triton X-100) as extractants and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) for their determination. This work is the first one that uses only surfactants as extractants, without the addition of chelating agents to increase the extraction efficiency of the method, proving to be effective in the extraction of metals from this type of matrices. The proposed method has shown high recovery percentages for all the metals considered (>68%), good linearity and reproducibility (RSD<5.9%), as well as detection limits ranging from 0.06 to 2.78 µg g-1. The method was applied to the determination of the heavy metals under study in samples with different physicochemical properties. Finally, our results were compared with those obtained using microwave assisted extraction - furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (MAE/GFAAS) described in ISO 11047:1998 obtaining comparable results.Accepted ManuscriptsBiotecnologí

    Association between Cardiovascular Health, C-Reactive Protein, and Comorbidities in Spanish Urban-Dwelling Overweight/Obese Hypertensive Patients.

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    The relationship between poorer cardiovascular health metrics (CVHM) plus low-grade inflammation (LGI) and hypertension-mediated organ damage (HMOD) and hypertension-related comorbidities (HRC) in hypertensive populations with an overweight/obese (Ow/Ob) hypertensionrelated phenotype is understudied. We examined the relationship between the CVHM score and the presence of LGI and Ow/Ob hypertension-associated phenotype morbidities and mortality in 243 hypertensive patients from an urban primary care center. We recorded the baseline CVHM score plus clinical data, including hs-C-reactive protein (CRP) and prevalent and incident HMOD-HRC and death. A total of 26 (10.7%) had a body mass index (BMI) < 25 kg/m2, 95 (31.1%) were overweight (BMI 25–29.9 kg/m2), and 122 (50.2%) were obese (BMI 30 kg/m2). There were 264 cases of HMOD-HRC and 9 deaths. Higher hs-CRP levels were observed as BMI increased. Linear regression analysis showed a significant correlation between BMI and hs-CRP, adjusted for confounders. Additionally, individuals with a higher hs-CRP tertile had a significant increase in BMI. Significantly lower log hs-CRP levels were found as the number of ideal CVHM scores rose. Multivariate binary logistic regression found the risk of HMOD-HRC increased significantly as the ideal CVHM scores decreased, and hs-CRP levels also correlated with HMOD-HRC in the whole cohort and in the Ow and Ob subpopulations. These findings highlight the need for early intervention targeting ideal CVHMs among hypertensive individuals with an Ow/Ob phenotype in order to attenuate the inflammatory state and prevent cardiovascular disease.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Red de colaboración en investigación de la educación estadistica

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    Nuestro grupo de trabajo busca iniciar una red de colaboración de grupos de investigación en educación de la probabilidad y estadística a nivel iberoamericano bajo la tutela de la RELME. El interés por la educación estadística no es nuevo, pues desde principios de la década de los 90’s el International Statistical Institute (ISI) fundó la International Association for Statistical Education (IASE). Desde entonces muchas acciones se han seguido a favor de la educación estadística, sin embargo, hacen falta iniciativas que ayuden a la interacción y colaboración de los grupos regionales de educación estadística iberoamericanos