3,410 research outputs found

    America's Hispanic Children: Gaining Ground, Looking Forward

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    The purpose of the study was to "widen the lens" by highlighting the positive trends among Hispanic youth. More young Latino children are enrolling in center-based care programs which are more likely to be of a higher educational quality than home-based care and other alternatives. Other highlights include Latino students posting solid gains on national assessments in key subject areas, more Latinos than ever before earning a high school diploma, and a record number of Hispanics enrolling in two- or four-year colleges. A greater sense of responsibility among Latino youth was also revealed in the study, indicated by falling teen pregnancy rates -- declines have been greater in the last four years for Latinas than other ethnic groups -- and a decrease in smoking and binge drinking habits among high school seniors. Latino teens' use of technology is also promising. While less likely to own a cell phone than their peers, they are avid users of smartphones and tablets. The Pew Research Center Hispanic Trends Project reported Hispanics are the only group to see poverty rates decline and incomes increase, but despite these gains, Hispanics have the largest number of people living in poverty when compared with other minority groups. "Nearly one-third of Latino children live below the poverty line, and a roughly equal share, while not poor by official definition, has family incomes just adequate to meet basic needs," the Child Trends study states

    Genetic Analyses of Male Sterility and Wide Compatibility in U.S. Hybrid Rice Breeding Lines

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    Two line hybrid rice breeding is widely used in Asia and involves the use of environmentally-sensitive male sterile lines to achieve high grain yields compared to pure line varieties. Currently, there is limited information concerning the performance and inheritance of two indica male sterile lines 2008S and 2009S under U.S. field conditions. The first objective of the research herein was to characterize genetic male sterility of lines 2009S and 2008S under controlled environment conditions. Results showed that 2009S exhibited a thermosensitive response whereas little or no response was observed with changes in daylength. Furthermore, high pollen fertility was achieved at the proper developmental stage (flag leaf not fully exposed) under low temperature treatment for 10 days. On the other hand, 2008S showed partial fertility when subjected to short daylength and high temperature conditions. Both lines were completely male sterile at high temperature and long daylength under Louisiana field conditions. The second objective was two-fold: to investigate the inheritance of photoperiod, thermosensitive genetic male sterility (PTGMS) under field conditions and to evaluate SNP-based markers for male sterility. A three-year study of 2008S F2 and BC1F2 populations from 2012 to 2014 revealed a two-locus segregation model indicating two recessive genes acting on male sterility. Inheritance of 2009S in a two-year study from 2013 and 2014 displayed single locus segregation using F2 and BC1F2 populations demonstrating that male sterility was controlled by a single recessive gene. SNP markers at LOC_Os07g12130 and LOC_Os12g36030 in the 2008S background showed significant interactions with up to 65% variance explained in one population, while a SNP marker at LOC_Os02g12290 identified 90-100% of male sterile lines segregating in F2 and BC1F2 populations derived from 2009S. The third objective was to conduct QTL mapping for male sterility in populations derived from 2008S using a selective genotyping approach. A total of five major QTLs including those previously identified in LOC_Os07g12130 and LOC_Os12g36030 and eight new minor QTLs were detected using single marker analysis. Four QTL intervals were detected with a LOD score of greater than 3.0 using inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM). QTLs identified will be useful in future studies to fine-map additional markers associated with male sterility and increase prediction accuracy for marker assisted selection. The fourth objective was to investigate the effect of the S5n wide compatibility gene on grain yield and spikelet fertility in hybrids derived from the SB5 RIL mapping population. Results from this study revealed that heterozygous S5n S5j hybrids produced significantly higher spikelet fertility and yield versus the hybrids carrying S5i S5j genotypes. Indel and SNP markers developed for the S5 locus successfully differentiated the three unique genotypes (S5n, S5i and S5j). Overall results from this study demonstrated that male sterile lines 2008S and 2009S were useful for two-line hybrid rice breeding under Louisiana conditions. New QTLs discovered and markers developed for male sterility and wide compatibility will help facilitate marker assisted breeding in developing male sterile lines for the LSU hybrid rice breeding program

    Caracterización de diodos láser tipo Distributed Feedback

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    El metodo mas economico y sencillo de transmitir informacion mediante diodos laser es utilizando DML (Directly Modulated Laser). Sin embargo los sistemas DML son generalmente menos eficientes espectralmente que los que utilizan modulador externo, y por tanto la distancia de transmision debe ser mucho menor para evitar que la se?al enviada sea irrecuperable debido a los efectos de la dispersion cromatica de la fibra optica. Este ensanchamiento del espectro se debe a un efecto llamado chirp, una fase aleatoria producida en la emision espontanea cuando cambia la potencia optica emitida, que se traduce en una se?al FM acoplada a la se?al que enviamos. Por tanto debemos saber cuanto chirp produce el diodo laser para poder saber a cuanta distancia podemos transmitir datos mediante la fibra optica. Por todo ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar las caracteristicas del chirp y como afecta el parametro α que lo cuantifica al espectro a la salida del laser. Para ello escribimos un programa en MATLAB que calcula el nivel de los armonicos en funcion del indice de modulacion y del parametro α, y lo compararemos con los resultados obtenidos en el simulador de sistemas opticos VPI. Una vez calculados con exito los armonicos, hemos hallado un metodo para obtener el valor del parametro α con los datos que obtendriamos en un receptor optico

    Classical-Quantum Correspondence by Means of Probability Densities

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    Within the frame of the recently introduced phase space representation of non relativistic quantum mechanics, we propose a Lagrangian from which the phase space Schrodinger equation can be derived. From that Lagrangian, the associated conservation equations, according to Noether's theorem, are obtained. This shows that one can analyze quantum systems completely in phase space as it is done in coordinate space, without additional complications

    Reglamentación para la administración y supervisión del riesgo operativo en Colombia. Segunda entrega

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    El documento de investigación número 31 de la Facultad de Administración, titulado “Reglamentación para la administración y supervisión del riesgo operativo en Colombia”, presentó la investigación relacionada con los avances sobre la reglamentación y supervisión de este riesgo hasta febrero del 2006, no sin antes contextualizar al lector respecto al marco teórico, y los avances realizados en países como México y España. Esta segunda entrega se realiza debido a la pertinencia del tema y a la falta de conocimiento por parte de la academia de lo que en el presente ocurre en las empresas. Este documento de investigación, además de presentar la indagación realizada respecto a la reglamentación para la administración y supervisión del riesgo operativo en Chile, Perú y Ecuador, pretende resaltar el trabajo realizado por Andrei Mosquera Torres respecto al sistema administrativo de riesgo operacional para una sociedad comisionista de bolsa. El mencionado trabajo, desarrollado por Andrei Mosquera para optar por el título como Profesional en Finanzas y Comercio Internacional de la Universidad del Rosario, recoge su experiencia respecto a la administración del riesgo operativo (operacional) en una firma comisionista de bolsa

    Planeación estratégica de los sistemas de información de ecuplasa (ecuatoriana de plásticos s.a)

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    Realizamos la Investigación correspondiente al Tema de Planeación Estratégica de los Sistemas de Información, dado que ese fue nuestro tópico de Graduación. Descubrimos que no existía mucha documentación, sobre todo orientado al tipo de negocio que hemos seleccionado como tema de Tesis, “Compañía de Plásticos”. Por ello nuestra investigación se orientó básicamente en el estudio del mercado y de la competencia. Nuestro Análisis se enfocó hacia una compañía que recién intenta posicionarse en el Mercado, por lo que tuvimos que definir las metas y objetivos, y priorizarlas. Así mismo realizamos el Análisis del Entorno, definimos los Factores Críticos de Éxito, Planteamos diversas soluciones, y propusimos una alternativa como la idónea. Esta alternativa involucra desde la Estructura de la Organización de Sistemas hasta la Arquitectura Tecnológica propuesta y su plan de Inversión

    Network Activity Monitoring Against Malware in Android Operating System

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    Google’s Android is the most used Operating System in mobile devices but as its popularity has increased hackers have taken advantage of the momentum to plague Google Play (Android’s Application Store) with multipurpose Malware that is capable of stealing private information and give the hacker remote control of smartphone’s features in the worst cases. This work presents an innovative methodology that helps in the process of malware detection for Android Operating System, which addresses aforementioned problem from a different perspective that even popular Anti-Malware software has left aside. It is based on the analysis of a common characteristic to all different kinds of malware: the need of network communications, so the victim device can interact with the attacker. It is important to highlight that in order to improve the security level in Android, our methodology should be considered in the process of malware detection. As main characteristic, it does not need to install additional kernel modules or to root the Android device. And finally as additional characteristic, it is as simple as can be considered for non-experienced users

    Estrategias pedagógicas que favorecen la toma de decisiones clínicas en fisioterapia

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    El Programa de Fisioterapia tiene en curso la reforma curricular que desde el segundo periodo académico de 2005 plasma su proyecto educativo. La puesta en marcha del currículo demanda integrar las estrategias pedagógicas con el modelo pedagógico asumido, es por esto que, para conocer el alcance de esa apropiación, se realiza el presente documento donde se muestra el contexto de la toma de decisiones en el quehacer del fisioterapeuta en el ámbito clínico, con referentes nacionales e internacionales. Se describen modelos de razonamiento clínico y estrategias para la toma de decisiones. En especial, se aborda el estudio de caso y se propone una manera particular de asumirlo en la malla curricular del programa de fisioterapia