187 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Serrated lesions are considered precursors of colorectal adenocarcinomas. Studying them in their initial phases is important when thinking about cancer prevention, when they are hyperplastic lesions, or sessile serrated lesions. Objective: To carry out an integrative review of the literature to compare the endoscopic and histopathological characteristics in the initial phases of the disease, with the intention to help understand colorectal cancer. Methods: Integrative literature review based on existing analysis material on the digital platforms SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus. The beginning was the search with the following descriptors: “serrated sessile lesions, colorectal carcinoma, superficial lesions”, with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or abstract , and subsequently including only those with the highest correlation for reading the full texts. Results: 39 articles were included. Conclusion: The majority of superficially elevated serrated lesions measuring more than 5 mm and resected by colonoscopies are hyperplastic. They occur throughout the colon and rectum, while the serrated sessiles are preferentially located in the proximal colon. Hyperplastic ones generally do not present dysplasias and sessile serrated ones can have them intensely.Introdução: LesĂ”es serrilhadas sĂŁo consideradas precursoras dos adenocarcinomas colorretais. EstudĂĄ-las em suas fases iniciais Ă© importante ao pensar na prevenção do cĂąncer, quando, entĂŁo, sĂŁo lesĂ”es hiperplĂĄsicas, ou sĂ©sseis serrilhadas Objetivo: Realizar revisĂŁo integrativa da literatura para comparar as caracterĂ­sticas endoscĂłpicas e histopatolĂłgicas nas fases iniciais da doença, com a intenção de auxiliar no entendimento do cĂąncer colorretal. MĂ©todos: RevisĂŁo integrativa da literatura baseada em material de anĂĄlise existente nas plataformas digitais SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, Google Scholar, Pubmed e Scopus.  O inĂ­cio foi a busca com os seguintes descritores: “lesĂ”es sĂ©sseis serrilhadas, carcinoma colorretal, lesĂ”es superficiais”, e seus equivalentes em inglĂȘs “serrated sessile lesions, colorectal carcinoma, superficial lesions” com busca AND ou OR, considerando o tĂ­tulo e/ou resumo, e incluindo-se posteriormente somente  aqueles com maior correlação para leitura dos textos completos. Resultados:  IncluĂ­ram-se 39 artigos. ConclusĂŁo: A maioria das lesĂ”es serrilhadas superficialmente elevadas com mais de 5 mm e ressecadas por colonoscopias, sĂŁo hiperplĂĄsicas. Elas ocorrem por todo o cĂłlon e reto, enquanto as sĂ©sseis serrilhadas localizam-se preferencialmente no cĂłlon proximal. As hiperplĂĄsicas geralmente nĂŁo apresentam displasias e as sĂ©sseis serrilhadas podem tĂȘ-las de forma intensa


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    Introduction: Improved endoscopic imaging allows the differential diagnosis of colorectal lesions in real time through the study of the microvasculature. Objective: To review the use of Blue Laser Imaging (BLI) in analyzing the capillary patern for the differential diagnosis between neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. Method: This is an integrative review of the literature that collected information published on virtual platforms in Portuguese and English. The search for reading and analysis was carried out on the SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus platforms. The descriptors taken from DeCS/MESH were: “Blue laser imaging. Endoscopy. Chromoendoscopy, Colorectal polyps. Magnification” and its English counterparts “Blue laser imaging. Image-enhanced endoscopy. Chromoendoscopy. Colorectal polyps. Magnification” with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or abstract. Only those that had the greatest correlation to the topic were included, and the review was based on them, with reading, in full, of the texts. Results: In the end, 22 articles resulted that made up this review. Conclusion: BLI associated with magnification showed good results in real-time predictive histological diagnosis for colon and rectal lesions.Introdução: Imagem endoscĂłpica aprimorada permite o diagnĂłstico diferencial das lesĂ”es colorretais em tempo real atravĂ©s do estudo da microvasculatura. Objetivo: Revisar o uso do Blue Laser Imaging (BLI) na anĂĄlise do padrĂŁo dos capilares para o diagnĂłstico diferencial entre lesĂ”es neoplĂĄsicas e nĂŁo neoplĂĄsicas. MĂ©todo: Esta Ă© revisĂŁo integrativa da literatura  que colheu informaçÔes publicadas em plataformas virtuais em portuguĂȘs e inglĂȘs. A busca para leitura e anĂĄlise foi realizada nas plataformas SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, Google Scholar, Pubmed e Scopus.  Os descritores retirados do DeCS/MESH foram: “Blue laser imaging. Endoscopia. Cromoendoscopia, PĂłlipos colorretais. Magnificação” e seus correspondentes em inglĂȘs “Blue laser imaging. Image-enhanced endoscopy. Chromoendoscopy. Colorectal polyps. Magnification” com busca AND ou OR, considerando o tĂ­tulo e/ou resumo. Foram incluĂ­dos somente os que tivessem maior correlação ao tema, e neles foi baseada a revisĂŁo com leitura, na Ă­ntegra, dos textos. Resultados: Ao final resultaram  22 artigos que compuseram esta revisĂŁo. ConclusĂŁo: BLI associada Ă  magnificação mostrou bons resultados no diagnĂłstico histolĂłgico preditivo em tempo real para as lesĂ”es de cĂłlon e reto


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    Introduction: The Charlson comorbidities index (CCI) assesses a person's chances of survival over the next 10 years. In systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), multiple comorbidities and complications affect patient survival. Objetive: Analize the variables that influence the CCI of a group of females with SLE. Methods: Retrospective study of medical records of 100 lupus patients for CCI, clinical, epidemiological and serological variables. Results: No epidemiological variable interfered in CCI. Regarding clinical manifestations, patients with glomerulonephritis had a worse CCI than those without (p<0.0001) and those with central nervous system manifestations had a tendency to worse CCI (p=0.09). Patients with anti-Ro antibodies (p=0.02) and rheumatoid factor or RF (p=0.002) were associated with a lower CCI. Conclusions: The presence of glomerulonephritis is associated with lower survival and of the anti-Ro and RF antibodies with longer survival in SLE.Introdução : O Ă­ndice de comorbidades de Charlson (ICC) avalia as chances de sobrevivĂȘncia de uma pessoa nos prĂłximos 10 anos. No lĂșpus eritematoso sistĂȘmico (LES) mĂșltiplas comorbidades e complicaçÔes afetam a sobrevida. Objetivo : Verificar as variĂĄveis ​​que influenciam no ICC de um grupo de mulheres com LES. MĂ©todos : Estudo retrospectivo de 100 pacientes lĂșpicas para o ICC, variĂĄveis ​​clĂ­nicas, epidemiolĂłgicas e sorolĂłgicas. Resultados : Nenhuma variĂĄvel epidemiolĂłgica interferiu no ICC. Quanto Ă  clĂ­nica, pacientes com glomerulonefrite tiveram pior ICC do que os sem (p<0,0001) e os com manifestaçÔes de sistema nervoso central tiveram tendĂȘncia para pior ICC (p=0,09). Portadores de anticorpos anti-Ro (p=0,02) e fator reumatoide (FR; p=0,002) se associaram com ICC menor. ConclusĂ”es : A presença de glomerulonefrite se associa com menor sobrevida, e a dos anticorpos anti-Ro e FR com maior sobrevida no LES


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    Introduction: Colorectal cancer is among the most common malignant neoplasms worldwide and the pre-malignant lesions that lead to its appearance are polyps in their various types. As a minimally invasive method, endoscopic resection emerges as the preferred method for focused lesions. Objective: To carry out a review verifying whether endoscopic therapy is safe and efficient in the treatment of lesions located in the rectum. Method: Narrative review collecting information published on virtual platforms (SciELO, Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus). Initially, a search was carried out for descriptors related to the topic, which were identified through DeCS/MeSH, namely: “colorectal cancer, adenoma, mucosectomy, dysplasia, polyp” with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or abstract. Afterwards, only those that were most similar were chosen, and the works were read in full. Results: 41 articles were evaluated. Conclusion: With the evolution of concepts and technological improvements, there is an increasing possibility of diagnosing non-polypoid or superficial lesions (superficially elevated, flat or depressed) and laterally spreading or laterally growing lesions or tumors (LST). ) that, by definition, have a diameter greater than 10 mm. Mucosectomy may be indicated for minimally invasive treatment or prevention in cases that have not yet advanced and can be cured endoscopically.Introdução: O cĂąncer colorretal estĂĄ entre as neoplasias malignas mais comuns em todo mundo e as lesĂ”es prĂ©-malignas que levam ao seu surgimento sĂŁo os pĂłlipos em seus variados tipos. Como forma minimamente invasiva a ressecção endoscĂłpica desponta como mĂ©todo preferencial nas lesĂ”es focadas. Objetivo: Efetuar revisĂŁo verificando se a terapĂȘutica endoscĂłpica Ă© segura e eficiente no tratamento de lesĂ”es localizadas no reto. MĂ©todo: RevisĂŁo narrativa colhendo informaçÔes publicadas em plataformas virtuais (SciELO, Google Scholar, Pubmed e Scopus). Inicialmente foi realizada busca por descritores relacionados ao tema, os quais foram identificados por meio do DeCS/MeSH, a saber: “cĂąncer colorretal, adenoma, mucosectomia, displasia, pĂłlipo” e seus equivalentes em inglĂȘs “colorectal cancer, adenoma, mucosectomy, dysplasia, polyp” com busca AND ou OR, considerando o tĂ­tulo e/ou resumo. ApĂłs, foram escolhidos somente os que tinham maior similitude, e realizada a leitura na Ă­ntegra dos trabalhos. Resultados: Foram avaliados 41 artigos. ConclusĂŁo: Com a evolução dos conceitos e com a melhora tecnolĂłgica, hĂĄ possibilidade de diagnosticar cada vez maior lesĂ”es nĂŁo-polipoides ou superficiais (superficialmente elevadas, planas ou deprimidas) e as lesĂ”es ou tumores de espraiamento ou crescimento lateral (LST, Laterally Spreading Tumor) que por definição apresentem diĂąmetro maior que 10 mm. A mucosectomia pode ser indicada para o tratamento minimanente invasivo ou prevenção nos casos ainda nĂŁo avançados e que possam ser curados endoscopicamente


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    Introduction: Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition triggered by the ingestion of and contact with gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. Dyspeptic syndrome, on the other hand, is characterized by chronic upper digestive symptoms. The relationship between these two conditions is the main focus of this review. Objective: To investigate the prevalence of celiac disease in patients with dyspeptic syndrome based on the analysis of epidemiological characteristics, upper digestive endoscopy, duodenal histology and serology. Method: Narrative review carried out with information published on virtual platforms in Portuguese and English and analyzed during the period from January 2022 to August 2023. The material for reading and analysis was selected from the SciELO platforms – Scientific Electronic Library Online, Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus using the following terms: “dyspepsia, celiac disease, gluten, prevalence” with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or abstract. Afterwards, the full texts were read, including 18 articles. Results: In dyspeptic patients, the average age was 45.13 years and the female gender was predominant. Symptoms associated with gluten were reported in 6%. The antitransglutaminase antibody was positive, with an estimated prevalence of 1.5%. Considering the Brazilian sample of 100 patients, the diagnosis of celiac disease was made with a prevalence of 3%. Conclusion: Although the prevalence of celiac disease in dyspeptic patients may be higher than in the general population, results are variable and depend on several factors, including testing methodologies and regional characteristics. This review also highlights the importance of an individualized approach in the investigation of celiac disease in dyspeptic patients, considering aspects such as family history, gluten-related symptoms and autoimmune comorbidities.Introdução: A doença celĂ­aca Ă© uma condição autoimune desencadeada pela ingestĂŁo e/ou contato com o glĂșten em indivĂ­duos geneticamente predispostos. A sĂ­ndrome dispĂ©ptica, por outro lado, Ă© caracterizada por sintomas digestivos superiores crĂŽnicos. A relação entre estas duas condiçÔes Ă© o foco principal deste estudo. Objetivo: Investigar a prevalĂȘncia da doença celĂ­aca em pacientes com sĂ­ndrome dispĂ©ptica com base da anĂĄlise de caracterĂ­sticas epidemiolĂłgicas, endoscopia digestiva alta, histologia duodenal e sorologia. MĂ©todo: RevisĂŁo narrativa feita com informaçÔes publicadas em plataformas virtuais em portuguĂȘs e inglĂȘs, e analisada durante o perĂ­odo de janeiro de 2022 a novembro de 2023. O material para leitura e anĂĄlise foi selecionado das plataformas SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online, Google Scholar, Pubmed e Scopus utilizando os seguintes termos: “dispepsia, doença celĂ­aca, glĂșten, prevalĂȘncia” com busca AND ou OR, considerando o tĂ­tulo e/ou resumo. ApĂłs, foi realizada a leitura da Ă­ntegra dos textos incluindo 18 artigos. Resultados: A idade mĂ©dia dos pacientes com dispepsia foi de 45,13 anos e o sexo feminino foi predominante. Os sintomas associados ao glĂșten foram relatados em 6%. O anticorpo antitransglutaminase foi positivo com prevalĂȘncia estimada de 1,5%.  Considerando a amostra brasileira de 100 pacientes, o diagnĂłstico de doença celĂ­aca foi prevalente em 3%. ConclusĂŁo: Embora a prevalĂȘncia de doença celĂ­aca em pacientes dispĂ©pticos possa ser maior do que na população em geral, os resultados sĂŁo variĂĄveis e dependem de vĂĄrios fatores, incluindo metodologias de teste e caracterĂ­sticas regionais. Esta revisĂŁo tambĂ©m ressalta a importĂąncia de abordagem individualizada na investigação da doença celĂ­aca em pacientes dispĂ©pticos, considerando aspectos como histĂłria familiar, sintomas relacionados ao glĂșten e comorbidades autoimunes


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    ABSTRACT Acute cholecystitis (AC) is an acute inflammatory process of the gallbladder that may be associated with potentially severe complications, such as empyema, gangrene, perforation of the gallbladder, and sepsis. The gold standard treatment for AC is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. However, for a small group of AC patients, the risk of laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be very high, mainly in the elderly with associated severe diseases. In these critically ill patients, percutaneous cholecystostomy or endoscopic ultrasound gallbladder drainage may be a temporary therapeutic option, a bridge to cholecystectomy. The objective of this Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery Position Paper is to present new advances in AC treatment in high-risk surgical patients to help surgeons, endoscopists, and physicians select the best treatment for their patients. The effectiveness, safety, advantages, disadvantages, and outcomes of each procedure are discussed. The main conclusions are: a) AC patients with elevated surgical risk must be preferably treated in tertiary hospitals where surgical, radiological, and endoscopic expertise and resources are available; b) The optimal treatment modality for high-surgical-risk patients should be individualized based on clinical conditions and available expertise; c) Laparoscopic cholecystectomy remains an excellent option of treatment, mainly in hospitals in which percutaneous or endoscopic gallbladder drainage is not available; d) Percutaneous cholecystostomy and endoscopic gallbladder drainage should be performed only in well-equipped hospitals with experienced interventional radiologist and/or endoscopist; e) Cholecystostomy catheter should be removed after resolution of AC. However, in patients who have no clinical condition to undergo cholecystectomy, the catheter may be maintained for a prolonged period or even definitively; f) If the cholecystostomy catheter is maintained for a long period of time several complications may occur, such as bleeding, bile leakage, obstruction, pain at the insertion site, accidental removal of the catheter, and recurrent AC; g) The ideal waiting time between cholecystostomy and cholecystectomy has not yet been established and ranges from immediately after clinical improvement to months. h) Long waiting periods between cholecystostomy and cholecystectomy may be associated with new episodes of acute cholecystitis, multiple hospital readmissions, and increased costs. Finally, when selecting the best treatment option other aspects should also be considered, such as costs, procedures available at the medical center, and the patient’s desire. The patient and his family should be fully informed about all treatment options, so they can help making the final decision

    Effect of Arrabidaea Chica Verlot Hydroalcoholic Extract on Monosodium Iodoacetate-Induced Osteoarthritis of Rat Knees / Efeito do Extrato HidroalcoĂłlico de Arrabidaea chica Verlot na osteoartrite induzida por Monoiodoacetato de SĂłdio em joelhos de ratos

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    Introdution: The Arrabidaea chica Verlot (A. chica, ACV), with well-demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties,  appears as an option with therapeutic potential for the osteoarthritis; thus, validating its use is highly relevant. Method: 72 rats were allocated to 3 groups: control, osteoarthritis and phytotherapy {these last two were subjected to osteoarthritis induction, and treated orally with 0.9% normal saline (0.1 mL/100 g) and ACV hydroalcoholic extract (500 mg/kg), respectively, from days 7 to 28}. The 3 groups were subjected to weekly (days 7, 14, 21, 28) assessments including clinical tests (weight-bearing and von Frey), radiological and histopathological analyses.  Fractionation of the ACVŽs hydroalcoholic extract was performed and itŽs fractions were analysed. Results: The evaluation of the values of the osteoarthritis and phytotherapy groups showed significant difference, with p <0,05 : weight-bearing- on days 14 (29,64 x 35,52), 21 (32,62 x 42,53) and 28 (33,56 x 47,14), von Frey- on days 14 (31,12 x 37,80), 21 (30,24 x 41,48) and 28 (35,78 x 46,09),  x-ray- on days 21 (2,17 x 1,20) and 28 (2,33 x 1,40), and histopathological analysis- on day 28 (0,03 x 2,20). The fractionation of the extract obtained the FH (hexane), FC (chloroform), FAE (ethyl acetate) and FB (butanolic) fractions. The FAE had highest total polypnenolic contents and the FH had the highest concentration of total flavonoids. Conclusion: The ACV extract promoted a reduction in static incapacitance, allodynia, radiological score and degree of synovitis, and FAE and FH fractions are probably the fractions responsible for the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of the ACV extract
