6 research outputs found

    Hemorragia intraparenquimatosa como complicación de meningitis tuberculosa

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    La meningitis tuberculosa es la forma más grave de manifestación extrapulmonar de la infección por micobacterias, diferentes mecanismos fisiopatológicos dan lugar a un amplio espectro de complicaciones, dentro las cuales, los eventos cerebrovasculares son consideradas las principales causas de daño cerebral irreversible.Se presenta el caso de una paciente con meningitis tuberculosa primaria quien presentó hemorragia intraparenquimatosa como complicación y se realiza revisión de la literatura

    The Caldera. No. 23

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    La pandemia, sin lugar a dudas, nos ha cambiado la vida a todos; un viernes nos fuimos para nuestros hogares, en el marco de una educación presencial; al lunes siguiente, después de dos días, estábamos iniciando el camino hacia una educación remota, una educación virtual, que se ha convertido en una gran alternativa para seguir contribuyendo con la formación de nuestros niños y jóvenes caldistas y al mejoramiento de nuestra calidad de vida que halla, en la educación, nuevamente la respuesta; han sido meses de cambios drásticos, inimaginables pero, cambios positivos que nos han permitido crecer como individuos, como familia, como escuela y como sociedad.Especial pandemia. Una generación Resiliente por promoción DINASTIA…06 VII Concurso Intercolegiado departamental de Oratoria. Ulibro 2020…51 Deporte en el Caldas…64 Expresiones Caldistas…71 Celebremos la palabra…93 Nuestros Maestros…102 Galería de Imágenes…107The pandemic, without a doubt, has changed the lives of all of us; One Friday we went to our homes, as part of a face-to-face education; The following Monday, after two days, we were starting the path towards a remote education, a virtual education, which has become a great alternative to continue contributing to the training of our children and young Caldistas and to the improvement of our quality of life. that finds, in education, the answer again; They have been months of drastic changes, unimaginable but positive changes that have allowed us to grow as individuals, as a family, as a school and as a society

    Spread of SARS-CoV-2 through Latin America and the Caribbean region: A look from its economic conditions, climate and air pollution indicators

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    We have evaluated the spread of SARS-CoV-2 through Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region by means of a correlation between climate and air pollution indicators, namely, average temperature, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, rainfall, average relative humidity, wind speed, and air pollution indicators PM10, PM2.5, and NO2 with the COVID-19 daily new cases and deaths. The study focuses in the following LAC cities: Mexico City (Mexico), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), San Juan (Puerto Rico), Bogotá (Colombia), Guayaquil (Ecuador), Manaus (Brazil), Lima (Perú), Santiago (Chile), São Paulo (Brazil) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). The results show that average temperature, minimum temperature, and air quality were significantly associated with the spread of COVID-19 in LAC. Additionally, humidity, wind speed and rainfall showed a significant relationship with daily cases, total cases and mortality for various cities. Income inequality and poverty levels were also considered as a variable for qualitative analysis. Our findings suggest that and income inequality and poverty levels in the cities analyzed were related to the spread of COVID-19 positive and negative, respectively. These results might help decision-makers to design future strategies to tackle the spread of COVID-19 in LAC and around the world


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    Desde muito tempo a sociedade sofre com enfermidades transmissíveis, as quais, por séculos, mataram milhões de pessoas por falta de tecnologia avançada em tratamentos e, principalmente, imunização. A partir do século XVIII até os dias atuais, muitos foram os avanços e descobertas no que concerne à vacinação, contribuindo para que inúmeras doenças fossem prevenidas e, até mesmo, erradicadas, melhorando a qualidade de vida da população. Analisar, por meio de uma revisão narrativa, o desenvolvimento cronológico, desde o surgimento até os dias atuais, das descobertas e avanços no que se refere ao campo da imunização, bem como, o impacto disso na vida da população do Brasil e do mundo. Por meio de uma inspeção bibliográfica da literatura, artigos publicados nos últimos 20 anos foram selecionados, operando as plataformas SCIELO e PUBMED como bases de dados, abordando os descritores “atualização”, “vacinação”, “imunização” e “inovação tecnológica” em português e inglês, adotando padrões de exclusão e inclusão, selecionando, assim, os trabalhos a serem utilizados no presente estudo. Após séculos de avanços e descobertas no campo da tecnologia da imunização, com a criação de campanhas e programas de vacinação, como o Programa Nacional de Imunização, no Brasil, de referência internacional; no ano de 2021 observou-se, com a incidência da pandemia de Covid-19, que assolou todo o mundo, a emergência da demanda para a formulação de vacinas contra esse agente, corroborando a importância dessa tecnologia e anunciando os novos desafios a serem superados.  A elaboração de vacinas no século XXI é fruto de árduos investimentos, feitos durante anos, em tecnologias e pesquisas, objetivando o aperfeiçoamento na lapidação e amplificação das demandas por imunógenos, que aumentem, cada vez mais, a qualidade de vida da população. As vacinas configuram um instrumento indubitável para a conservação e desenvolvimento do processo saúde da população. Os avanços dessa tecnologia, bem como, a ampliação de investimentos, fazem-se de extrema necessidade ao que diz respeito à suplantação dos desafios que surgem a cada dia no tocante às doenças transmissíveis e imunopreveníveis.   Palavras-chave: Doenças transmissíveis. Investimento. Tecnologia.For a long time, society has suffered from communicable diseases, which, for centuries, killed millions of people due to the lack of advanced technology in treatments and, mainly, immunization. From the 18th century to the present day, there have been many advances and discoveries with regard to vaccination, contributing to innumerable diseases being prevented and even eradicated, improving the quality of life of the population. To analyze, through a narrative review, the chronological development, from the beginning to the present day, of the discoveries and advances regarding the field of immunization vaccines, as well as the impact of this on the quality of life of the population of the Brazil and the world. Through a bibliographic inspection of the literature, articles published in the last 20 years were selected, operating the SCIELO and PUBMED platforms as databases, addressing the keywords "update", "vaccination"," Immunization" and "technological innovation" in portuguese and english, adopting patterns of exclusion and inclusion, thus selecting the articles to be used in the present study. After centuries of advances and discoveries in the field of immunization technology, with the creation of campaigns and vaccination programs, such as the National Immunization Program, in Brazil, of international reference, in the year 2021 it was observed, with the incidence of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has plagued the world, the emergence of demand for the formulation of vaccines against this agent, corroborating the importance of this technology and announcing the new challenges to be overcome. The production of vaccines in the 21st century is the result of hard investments, made for years, in technologies and research, aiming at the improvement in the stoning and amplification of the demands for immunogens, which increase, more and more, the quality of life of the population. Vaccines are an undoubted instrument for the conservation and development of the population's health process. The advances in this technology, as well as the expansion of investments in it, are extremely necessary when it comes to overcoming the challenges that arise every day with regard to communicable and immunopreventable diseases.   Keywords: Communicable diseases. Investment. Technolog

    High Levels of CXCL8 and Low Levels of CXCL9 and CXCL10 in Women with Maternal RhD Alloimmunization

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    Maternal RhD alloimmunization is an inflammatory response against protein antigens in fetal red blood cells (RBC). However, not all women become alloimmunized when exposed to RhD+ fetal RBC. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate levels of inflammatory chemokines in RhD− pregnant women with erythrocyte alloimmunization. CXCL8, CXCL9, CCL5, and CXCL10 levels were determined from cell culture supernatants by flow cytometry in 46 (30 non-alloimmunized RhD− and 16 previously alloimmunized RhD−) pregnant women. CXCL8 levels were significantly higher (P < 0.004), and CXCL9 (P < 0.008) and CXCL10 (P < 0.003) levels were significantly lower in alloimmunized pregnant women. No significant difference in CCL5 levels was detected between the groups. Fetal RHD genotyping was performed in the alloimmunized RhD− group by real-time PCR. Anti-D alloantibody was detected in 10 mothers and anti-D and -C in six mothers. Twelve fetuses were RHD positive and four were RHD negative. Further studies of serum chemokines and placenta tissue could provide a better understanding of the cells involved in the pathogenesis of maternal erythrocyte alloimmunization