233 research outputs found

    Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde da Mulher Para Detecção Precoce do Câncer de Colo de Útero e do Câncer de Mama na UBS/ESF Lélio Silva, Macapá/AP

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    Resumo RIPOLL, Eloy Torres. Melhoria da Atenção à saúde da mulher para Detecção precoce do Câncer de Colo de Útero e do Câncer de Mama na UBS /ESF Lélio Silva, Macapá/AP. 2015. 85 folhas. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), as estratégias para a detecção precoce são o diagnóstico precoce e o rastreamento. O rastreamento do câncer do colo do útero se baseia na história natural da doença e no reconhecimento de que o câncer invasivo evolui a partir de lesões precursoras, que podem ser detectadas e tratadas adequadamente, impedindo a progressão para o câncer. O método principal e mais amplamente utilizado para rastreamento do câncer do colo do útero é o teste de Papanicolau (exame citopatológico do colo do útero). Segundo a OMS, com uma cobertura da população-alvo de, no mínimo, 80% e a garantia de diagnóstico e tratamento adequados dos casos alterados, é possível reduzir, em média, de 60 a 90% a incidência do câncer cervical invasivo O câncer de mama é um tumor maligno que se desenvolve na mama como consequência de alterações genéticas em algum conjunto de células da mama, que passam a se dividir descontroladamente. Ocorre o crescimento anormal das células mamárias, tanto do ducto mamário quanto dos glóbulos mamários. O câncer da mama é o tipo de câncer que mais acomete as mulheres em todo o mundo, sendo 1,38 milhões de novos casos e 458 mil mortes pela doença por ano, de acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS). No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde estima 52.680 casos novos em um ano, com um risco estimado de 52 casos a cada 100 mil mulheres. Segundo dados da Sociedade Brasileira de Mastologia, cerca de uma a cada 12 mulheres terão um tumor nas mamas até os 90 anos de idade. Neste trabalho e tratado da intervenção realizada através de planejamento de ações programadas de atendimentos às mulheres na faixa etárias de risco para os canceres do colo do útero (25 a 64 anos) e de mama (50 a 69 anos) na área adstrita da Unidade Básica de Saúde Dr. Lélio Silva, Macapá/Amapá, concretizando classificação de dados e avaliação ou interpretação estadística dos mesmos, registrando nos prontuários as ações desenvolvidas bem como os resultados da mamografia e do preventivo do câncer do colo do útero (PCCU), procurando a melhoria dos atendimentos à detecção precoce dos canceres do colo do útero e mama. Na UBS, os integrantes das duas equipes de saúde da família, concretizaram ações para a assistência na população alvo de acordo com os quatro eixos preconizados para a intervenção: monitoramento e avaliação, organização e gestão do serviço, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clínica, de acordo com o protocolo do Ministério da saúde 201

    Mitochondrial Energetics of Benthic and Pelagic Antarctic Teleosts

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    Antarctic fauna are highly adapted to the frigid waters of the Southern Ocean. This study describes the in vitro temperature sensitivity of oxygen consumption rates measured in liver mitochondria from the pelagic notothenioid Pleuragramma antarcticum between 5 and 35 C. Oxygen fluxes were measured after the addition of millimolar levels of pyruvate, malate, succinate and glutamate (state II, LEAK) and saturating levels of ADP [state III, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS)]. State III respiration significantly decreased above 18.7 C. A comparison of the oxidative capacities among P. antarcticum and other notothenioids showed significant differences in state III respiration, where benthic species exhibited about 50 % lower rates than P. antarcticum . In addition, state III respiration rates normalized per milligram of mitochondrial protein of P. antarcticum were up to eight times higher than state III rates reported in the literature for other notothenioids. The comparatively high respiration rates measured in this study may be explained by our approach, which engaged both complexes I and II under conditions of oxidative phosphorylation. State III rates of independently activated complexes I and II were found to range from 42 to 100 % of rates obtained when both complexes were activated simultaneously in the same species. The remarkable tolerance of P. antarcticum OXPHOS toward warmer temperatures was unexpected for an Antarctic stenotherm and may indicate that thermal sensitivity of their mitochondria is not the driving force behind their stenothermy

    Mitochondrial energetics of benthic and pelagic Antarctic teleosts.

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    Antarctic fauna are highly adapted to the frigid waters of the Southern Ocean. This study describes the in vitro temperature sensitivity of oxygen consumption rates measured in liver mitochondria from the pelagic notothenioid Pleuragramma antarcticum between 5 and 35 C. Oxygen fluxes were measured after the addition of millimolar levels of pyruvate, malate, succinate and glutamate (state II, LEAK) and saturating levels of ADP [state III, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS)]. State III respiration significantly decreased above 18.7 C. A comparison of the oxidative capacities among P. antarcticum and other notothenioids showed significant differences in state III respiration, where benthic species exhibited about 50 % lower rates than P. antarcticum . In addition, state III respiration rates normalized per milligram of mitochondrial protein of P. antarcticum were up to eight times higher than state III rates reported in the literature for other notothenioids. The comparatively high respiration rates measured in this study may be explained by our approach, which engaged both complexes I and II under conditions of oxidative phosphorylation. State III rates of independently activated complexes I and II were found to range from 42 to 100 % of rates obtained when both complexes were activated simultaneously in the same species. The remarkable tolerance of P. antarcticum OXPHOS toward warmer temperatures was unexpected for an Antarctic stenotherm and may indicate that thermal sensitivity of their mitochondria is not the driving force behind their stenothermy

    Mitochondrial Energetics of Benthic and Pelagic Antarctic Teleosts

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    Antarctic fauna are highly adapted to the frigid waters of the Southern Ocean. This study describes the in vitro temperature sensitivity of oxygen consumption rates measured in liver mitochondria from the pelagic notothenioid Pleuragramma antarcticum between 5 and 35 C. Oxygen fluxes were measured after the addition of millimolar levels of pyruvate, malate, succinate and glutamate (state II, LEAK) and saturating levels of ADP [state III, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS)]. State III respiration significantly decreased above 18.7 C. A comparison of the oxidative capacities among P. antarcticum and other notothenioids showed significant differences in state III respiration, where benthic species exhibited about 50 % lower rates than P. antarcticum . In addition, state III respiration rates normalized per milligram of mitochondrial protein of P. antarcticum were up to eight times higher than state III rates reported in the literature for other notothenioids. The comparatively high respiration rates measured in this study may be explained by our approach, which engaged both complexes I and II under conditions of oxidative phosphorylation. State III rates of independently activated complexes I and II were found to range from 42 to 100 % of rates obtained when both complexes were activated simultaneously in the same species. The remarkable tolerance of P. antarcticum OXPHOS toward warmer temperatures was unexpected for an Antarctic stenotherm and may indicate that thermal sensitivity of their mitochondria is not the driving force behind their stenothermy

    Evaluating the benefits of key-value databases for scientific applications

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    The convergence of Big Data applications with High-Performance Computing requires new methodologies to store, manage and process large amounts of information. Traditional storage solutions are unable to scale and that results in complex coding strategies. For example, the brain atlas of the Human Brain Project has the challenge to process large amounts of high-resolution brain images. Given the computing needs, we study the effects of replacing a traditional storage system with a distributed Key-Value database on a cell segmentation application. The original code uses HDF5 files on GPFS through an intricate interface, imposing synchronizations. On the other hand, by using Apache Cassandra or ScyllaDB through Hecuba, the application code is greatly simplified. Thanks to the Key-Value data model, the number of synchronizations is reduced and the time dedicated to I/O scales when increasing the number of nodes.This project/research has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Speci c Grant Agreement No. 720270 (Human Brain Project SGA1) and the Speci c Grant Agreement No. 785907 (Human Brain Project SGA2). This work has also been supported by the Spanish Government (SEV2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract TIN2015-65316-P), and by Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1414).Postprint (author's final draft

    Gestión curricular del enfoque de resolución de problemas en el área de matemática del nivel de educación Primaria De La Institución Educativa N°40205 Manuel Benito Linares Arenas del Distrito De Socabaya - Arequipa

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    El presente Plan de acción: “Gestión Curricular del Enfoque de Resolución de Problemas en el Área de Matemática del Nivel de Educación Primaria de la Institución Educativa N°40205 Manuel Benito Linares Arenas del distrito de Socabaya - Arequipa”, tiene como objetivo general: fortalecer la Gestión Curricular del Enfoque de Resolución de Problemas en el Área de Matemática del Nivel de Educación Primaria a través de la implementación de un plan de trabajo colaborativo. Corresponde al tipo de investigación cualitativo aplicativo. La muestra de estudio 25 docentes y los y las estudiantes de educación primaria. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron las guías de preguntas orientadoras, de profundidad y guía de análisis documental. Entre los principales resultados se considera que el trabajo colaborativo en la comunidad profesional de aprendizaje les permitirá desarrollar estrategias pertinentes para abordar el enfoque de resolución de problemas, las estrategias didácticas deben partir de un problema contextual, las estrategias para la gestión de conflictos benefician a los estudiantes cuando participan como mediadores y a mayor acompañamiento en las sesiones de aprendizaje, mejores desempeños. La propuesta de Plan de acción que se presenta ha sido sujeta de valoración en sus potencialidades, por medio del método de criterio de especialistas. Para ello, un especialista en gestión escolar y liderazgo pedagógico ha procedido a valorar la propuesta a través de la administración de la ficha de consulta, que contiene los siguientes aspectos de valoración: factibilidad, aplicabilidad, generalización, pertinencia, validez y originalidad; concluyendo que la aplicabilidad de la propuesta es favorable, luego de corregir y perfilar el trabajo.The present Action Plan: "Curricular Management of the Problem Solving Approach in the Mathematics Area of ​​the Primary Education Level of the Educational Institution N°40205 Manuel Benito Linares Arenas of the district of Socabaya - Arequipa", has as a general objective: to strengthen the Curricular Management of the Problem Solving Approach in the Mathematics Area of ​​the Primary Education Level through the implementation of a collaborative work plan. Corresponds to the type of qualitative application research. The study sample 25 teachers and students of primary education. The instruments used were the guides of guiding questions, depth and documentary analysis guide. Among the main results, it is considered that collaborative work in the professional learning community will allow them to develop relevant strategies to address the problem-solving approach, didactic strategies must start from a contextual problem, conflict management strategies benefit students. students when they participate as mediators and the more accompaniment in the learning sessions, the better performance. The Action Plan proposal that is presented has been subject to evaluation of its potentialities, through the method of specialist criteria. For this, a specialist in school management and pedagogical leadership has proceeded to assess the proposal through the administration of the consultation form, which contains the following assessment aspects: feasibility, applicability, generalization, relevance, validity and originality; concluding that the applicability of the proposal is favorable, after correcting and outlining the work.Tesis de segunda especialida

    Estrategias metodológicas y rendimiento académico de lógica de programación-IESTP Julio César Tello de VES-2016.

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    Los estudiantes de nivel técnico usualmente son gente que trabaja o que están muy deseosos de trabajar en un tiempo muy próximo, debido a sus necesidades socio económicas, asimismo siendo la asignatura de Lenguaje de Programación, novedosa, asimismo es de especialidad, por tanto se asume que se debe usar estrategias metodológicas que permitan, un buen nivel de motivación y con ello un buen rendimiento académico, por consiguiente se tiene como objetivo general determinar cuál es la relación que existe entre las estrategias metodológicas y su relación con el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la unidad didáctica de ?Lógica de programación?, el tipo de investigación es aplicada, el nivel de investigación es de tipo descriptiva comparativa. La muestra es de tipo no probabilística. Las técnicas que se utilizara será la encuesta, los instrumentos de recolección de datos será un cuestionario que permitirá conocer la valoración de las estrategias metodológicas, y se observará también el resultados de las estrategias metodológicas en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes los resultados refieren que las estrategias metodológicas influyen en el rendimiento académico, resultados que nos permitirán capacitar a los docentes en un futuro acerca de la estrategias metodológicas inducidas que son las más favorables.Tesi

    Análisis observacional del cuidado familiar en el sistema de atención primaria de la ciudad de Castelló, España

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    Introduction: family care has a fundamental weight within the structure of care and care for dependency in Spain. Literature refers to its performance implies the appearance of negative consequences for the health and social development of the person who exercises it. Specific complications aimed at offering attention and support, usually modify these negative aspects; However, it is recommended to carry out an analysis of the characteristics of the care population, which facilitates its design and guarantees its effective implementation. Objective: to identify the sociodemographic and characteristic profile of family caregivers, users of the primary care system of the city of Castelló. Methods: non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional research, conducted in the Department of Health of Castelló, on family caregivers. Sociodemographic data and related problems (overload, back pain, social support and health-related quality of life) were collected. Results: sociodemographic profile in mostly female, middleaged, married and primary caregivers. They have overload, mid-level back pain (poor functional social support), poor social support and health-related quality of life related mainly to anxiety and pain. Conclusions: high rates of overload and back pain, poor social support and impaired quality of life related to emotional problems and presence of pain are observed. These findings are similar to those found in comparable groups, and that undoubtedly justify any intervention that can improve the conditions of this group.Introducción: el cuidado familiar cuenta con un peso fundamental dentro de la estructura de atención y cuidados a la dependencia en España. La literatura refiere que su desempeño supone la aparición de numerosas consecuencias negativas para la salud y desarrollo social de quien lo ejerce. Las intervenciones específicas dirigidas a ofrecer atención y apoyo, suelen modificar estos aspectos negativos; sin embargo se recomienda realizar un análisis de las características de la población cuidadora, que facilite su diseño y garantice su efectiva implementación. Objetivo: identificar el perfil sociodemográfico y característico de los cuidadores familiares, usuarios del sistema de atención primaria de la ciudad de Castelló. Métodos: investigación no experimental, de tipo descriptivo y transversal, realizado en el Departamento de Salud de Castelló, sobre cuidadores familiares. Se recogieron datos sociodemográficos y problemas relacionados (sobrecarga, dolor de espalda, apoyo social y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud). Resultados: perfil sociodemográfico en los cuidadores mayoritariamente femenino, de edad media, casadas y con estudios primarios. Presentan sobrecarga, dolor de espalda de nivel medio (con relevante limitación funcional), escaso apoyo social y afectación de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud principalmente vinculada a la ansiedad y dolor. Conclusiones: se observan altos índices de sobrecarga y dolor de espalda, escaso apoyo social y afectación de la calidad de vida relacionada con problemas emocionales y presencia de dolor. Estos hallazgos son semejantes a los encontrados en grupos comparables, y que justifican, sin duda, toda intervención que pueda mejorar las condiciones de este colectivo