9,638 research outputs found

    Plan de mitigación del riesgo por inundaciones con enfoque al mejoramiento de la salud. Caso de estudio: municipio de Nechi región de La Mojana

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEste trabajo de investigación plantea un análisis de la afectación a la salud de la población del municipio de Nechí, enfocado principalmente a los efectos causados por el fenómeno de inundación, situación que es enfrentada constantemente por el municipio, estableciendo un plan de mitigación para los riesgos que se encuentren de más trascendencias en la población.RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN 1. ANTECEDENTES 2. OBJETIVOS 3. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 4. ESTADO DEL ARTE 5. CARATERIZACIÓN SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL MUNICIPIO DE NECHÍ 6. IMPACTO A LA SALUBRIDAD TRAS INUNDACIONES 7. DISEÑO DE ESTRATEGIAS DE MITIGACIÓN DEL RIESGO CONCLUSIONES RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Lets Talk Virginity

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    This project goes into depth as to why we should leave this social construct (Virginity) behind us as it objectives many women.https://digitalcommons.tacoma.uw.edu/gender_studies/1038/thumbnail.jp

    Reflexividad y narratividad en Ricardo Piglia: de Macedonio a Fitzgerald

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    Resumen: Este artículo analiza algunos rasgos de la narrativa reciente del argentino Ricardo Piglia con relación a las poéticas de Macedonio Fernández y del estadounidense Francis Scott Fitzgerald. La primera parte trabaja la relación conflictiva de Piglia con el llamado posmodernismo; la segunda parte explica el vínculo entre Piglia y Macedonio, a través de la poética de la autonomía de lo literario; la tercera parte aborda la relación con Fitzgerald, por medio de un análisis de sus respectivas búsquedas de formas narrativas, para concluir en una cuarta parte ciertos cambios dentro de la propia obra novelesca de Piglia. Palabras clave: Piglia, Fitzgerald, Macedonio, posmodernismo, narratividad, metaficción Abstract: This article analyses some of the traits of Ricardo Piglia’s recent narrative fiction by means of its relation to Macedonio Fernández and the American author Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The first part develops Piglia’s conflictual approach to the postmodern. The second part explains the bond between Piglia and Macedonio by showing how their poetics defend the idea of literature’s autonomy. The third part examines his relation to the oeuvre of Fitzgerald by analyzing their respective ways of conceiving narrative forms. The article concludes with a reading of some transformations within Piglia’s novelistic works.Key words: Piglia, Fitzgerald, Macedonio,   postmodernism, narrativity, metafiction

    El laboratorio de didáctica de las matemáticas como proyecto académico de formación, extensión e investigación

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    El laboratorio de Didáctica de las Matemáticas es un espacio académico donde se propicia la reflexión sobre el estudio, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas, a partir del uso y el conocimiento de materiales didácticos y tecnológicos para el aula de Matemáticas. Se espera, a través de éstos, generar conocimiento matemático desarrollando actividades donde prime, la formulación y resolución de problemas, el planteamiento de conjeturas, la discusión y socialización de propuestas; en suma, el hacer matemáticas y, conocimiento didáctico, a partir de la reflexión acerca de estas actividades matemáticas, en relación con el aprendizaje de ellas en la escuela

    Towards asteroseismology of core-collapse supernovae with gravitational-wave observations - I. Cowling approximation

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    Gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae are produced by the excitation of different oscillation modes in the proto-neutron star (PNS) and its surroundings, including the shock. In this work we study the relationship between the post-bounce oscillation spectrum of the PNS-shock system and the characteristic frequencies observed in gravitational-wave signals from core-collapse simulations. This is a fundamental first step in order to develop a procedure to infer astrophysical parameters of the PNS formed in core-collapse supernovae. Our method combines information from the oscillation spectrum of the PNS, obtained through linear-perturbation analysis in general relativity of a background physical system, with information from the gravitational-wave spectrum of the corresponding non-linear, core-collapse simulation. Using results from the simulation of the collapse of a 35 MM_{\odot} presupernova progenitor we show that both types of spectra are indeed related and we are able to identify the modes of oscillation of the PNS, namely g-modes, p-modes, hybrid modes, and standing-accretion-shock-instability (SASI) modes, obtaining a remarkably close correspondence with the time-frequency distribution of the gravitational-wave modes. The analysis presented in this paper provides a proof-of-concept that asteroseismology is indeed possible in the core-collapse scenario, and it may serve as a basis for future work on PNS parameter inference based on gravitational-wave observations

    Aspectos polémicos del género chico discutidos por la prensa finisecular: de la autopropaganda a la transgresión moral

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    La prensa ha tenido una trascendencia muy importante a la hora de difundir opiniones sobre el género chico. La diversidad ideológica de las publicaciones al término del siglo XIX propicia que el espectro de juicios sobre este teatro breve sea realmente amplio, desde aquellos opositores más reaccionarios, que sólo veían en él un cúmulo de despropósitos, hasta los propios libretistas, que defendían su trabajo y modo de vida. Han sido numerosas las polémicas recogidas en la prensa finisecular, tales como la corrupción moral, los salarios desorbitados de actrices y cantantes, la degeneración del arte, la ignorancia del público o la controversia por el españolismo de este teatro. Mediante la revisión de fuentes hemerográficas se pretende observar cuáles eran los argumentos expuestos por las tres posturas mayoritarias respecto al género chico: la simpatizante con la doctrina religiosa, la que adoptan las élites culturales y la de los propios autores.The press has had great significance when it comes to spreading opinions about género chico. The ideological diversity of publications at the end of the 19th century means there is a wide spectrum of opinions about this one-act theatre form; from its most reactionary opponents, who only saw it as a pile of nonsenses, to the librettists themselves, who defended their work and lifestyle. The polemics discussed in the press at the end of the century were numerous, such as moral corruption, the exorbitant salaries of actresses and singers, the degeneration of art, the ignorance of the public, and the controversy over the Spanishness of this theatre form. Through the review of newspaper sources, we examine the arguments set out by the three major positions with respect to the género chico, that which was supported by religious doctrine, that adopted by the cultural elite, and that of the authors themselves

    Examination of Latin American Community-Based Interventions to Promote Physical Activity in Public Spaces: Analyzing Effectiveness, Applicability and Transferability Across National Contexts

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    Physical inactivity is a leading cause of death worldwide and contributes significantly to the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Physical inactivity has become a global pandemic with the highest prevalence in the region of the Americas. There is strong evidence on the effectiveness of community-based PA interventions, including behavioral and social interventions, campaigns and informational approaches, and policy and environmental modifications to increase physical activity at the population level. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the impact of two types of community-based interventions to promote leisure-time physical activity using public spaces and their applicability and transferability from the Latin American to the US context. Specifically, three programs were examined: (1) Atlanta Streets Alive (ASA) (the Open Streets initiative inspired by the Bogota Ciclovia, hosted in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, US); (2) the Bogota Recreovia (free PA classes in community settings in the city of Bogota, Colombia); and, (3) Academia Fit (the PA-classes in community settings program adapted from the Brazilian ACP for Latino Communities in San Diego, California, US). This dissertation shows different assessment approaches including a descriptive study, a pre-post natural experiment with multiple control groups, and a translation and implementation study using an evidence-based approach such as the RE-AIM framework. Some of the overall findings include: community-based interventions implemented in public spaces such as Open Streets and PA-classes are promising for increasing moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) on leisure-time within the communities where they are implemented. Besides, these interventions are effective to reach vulnerable populations including low income, women and ethnic minorities such as Hispanics in the US. Finally, the implementation of an Open Streets initiative and a free PA-classes program was feasible (applicable) in Atlanta, GA, in the US and San Diego, CA, respectively

    The Bogota Ciclovia-Recreativa and Cicloruta Programs: Promising Interventions to Promote Physical Activity, and Social Capital in the City of Bogota

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    Abstract Background: The Ciclovia program (60.3 miles of streets temporarily closed to motorized vehicles and open to pedestrians) and the Ciclorutas (186.4 miles bicycle paths network) represent two policy and built environment approaches that have been implemented in Bogota, Colombia to increase access to recreational and physical activity (PA) opportunities and promote active transportation. Both programs have other potential public health outcomes such as quality of life and social capital. Both physical activity and social capital have been demonstrated to be strongly related with health. The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the participants from Ciclovia and Cicloruta and to explore how program usage relates to public health outcomes including, physical activity, social capital and equity. Methods: Analysis based on secondary data obtained from two surveys, one conducted in the Ciclovia and the other in the Ciclorutas in Bogota, Colombia. First, the general characteristics of the users of both programs were described and compared using the Pearson chi-square test. Second, a principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to reduce the number of SC variables from the Ciclovia survey, by using a varimax (orthogonal) rotation method. A binary logistic regression adjusted model was developed to examine the relationship between frequency of participation on the Ciclovia and perceived SC levels. In addition, two adjusted multivariate logistic regression models were conducted to examine associations between meeting the PA recommendations with the characteristics of program use/participation. Results: The majority of the Ciclovia participants reported meeting the PA recommendation in leisure time (59.5%), whereas near all Cicloruta participants reported to meet the recommendations by cycling for transportation (70.5%). The safety perception was higher among Ciclovia users with 51.2% of those surveyed having reported feeling safe at the Ciclovia with respect to traffic and accidents and 42.4% with regard to crime. Results from the logistic regressions showed that participants who reported more frequent participation in the Ciclovia program were more likely to have a higher SC perception (OR=2.0, 95%CI=1.4-2.8), those who reported regular participation in the program had increased odds of meeting the PA recommendation in leisure time (OR=1.7, 95%CI=1.1-2.4), as well as those who reported to perform vigorous (OR=4.9, 95%CI=2.5-9.2) and moderate (OR=1.9, 95%CI=1.2-3.0) physical activity during the Ciclovia. For the Ciclorutas males (OR=1.94, 95%CI=1.2-3.2), regular Cicloruta users (OR=10.18, 95%CI=6.1-16.8), and Cicloruta users who reported participation in the Ciclovia over the last 12 months (OR=1.6, 95%CI=1.1-2.2), were more likely to meet the PA recommendation by cycling for transportation. Conclusions: The Ciclovia program and Cicloruta system represent two policy and environmental approaches that have the potential to equitably promote physical activity and provide a mobility alternative in complex urban settings such as the city of Bogota. Specifically the Ciclovia program also provides enhanced social environments in which the program users also feel safer