81 research outputs found

    FPGA‐SRAM Soft Error Radiation Hardening

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    Due to integrated circuit technology scaling, a type of radiation effects called single event upsets (SEUs) has become a major concern for static random access memories (SRAMs) and thus for SRAM‐based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). These radiation effects are characterized by altering data stored in SRAM cells without permanently damaging them. However, SEUs can lead to unpredictable behavior in SRAM‐based FPGAs. A new hardening technique compatible with the current FPGA design workflows is presented. The technique works at the cell design level, and it is based on the modulation of cell transistor channel width. Experimental results show that to properly harden an SRAM cell, only some transistors have to be increased in size, while others need to be minimum sized. So, with this technique, area can be used in the most efficient way to harden SRAMs against radiation. Experimental results on a 65‐nm complementary metal‐oxide‐semiconductor (CMOS) SRAM demonstrate that the number of SEU events can be roughly reduced to 50% with adequate transitory sizing, while area is kept constant or slightly increased

    6T CMOS SRAM Stability in Nanoelectronic Era: From Metrics to Built-in Monitoring

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    The digital technology in the nanoelectronic era is based on intensive data processing and battery-based devices. As a consequence, the need for larger and energy-efficient circuits with large embedded memories is growing rapidly in current system-on-chip (SoC). In this context, where embedded SRAM yield dominate the overall SoC yield, the memory sensitivity to process variation and aging effects has aggressively increased. In addition, long-term aging effects introduce extra variability reducing the failure-free period. Therefore, although stability metrics are used intensively in the circuit design phases, more accurate and non-invasive methodologies must be proposed to observe the stability metric for high reliability systems. This chapter reviews the most extended memory cell stability metrics and evaluates the feasibility of tracking SRAM cell reliability evolution implementing a detailed bit-cell stability characterization measurement. The memory performance degradation observation is focused on estimating the threshold voltage (Vth) drift caused by process variation and reliability mechanisms. A novel SRAM stability degradation measurement architecture is proposed to be included in modern memory designs with minimal hardware intrusion. The new architecture may extend the failure-free period by introducing adaptable circuits depending on the measured memory stability parameter

    Sistema de monitorització remota de temperatures mitjançant un enllaç bidireccional de radiofreqüència

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    El present projecte està emmarcat en l’àmbit de l’electrònica i en el dels sistemes de comunicació inalàmbrics (wireless) d’interès industrial. Concretament fa referència a sistemes de telemesura tèrmica, amb la qual cosa s’emmarca també en l’àmbit de la monitorització industrial de temperatures. Té com a objectius dissenyar i construir, fins a la primera fase de prototipus, una sèrie d’unitats autònomes capaces de mesurar la temperatura del lloc on es troben i transmetre-la a una unitat base en la qual es visualitzen. Les unitats sensores no han de tenir cap tipus de connexió física amb altres elements; per aquest motiu, han de ser autònomes des del punt de vista energètic i s’han de comunicar amb la unitat base mitjançant un enllaç inalàmbric. Aquests requeriments permeten fer del conjunt un sistema flexible, capaç de prendre mesures de temperatura en llocs allunyats entre sí, de difícil accés o que, per la seva naturalesa, es desitgi evitar la presència de cables. L’energia de les unitats sensores prové de bateries elèctriques que els confereixen l’autonomia necessària per al seu bon funcionament. El sistema de comunicacions es basa en establir, entre la unitat base i cada unitat sensora, un enllaç de radiofreqüència que permet l’intercanvi bidireccional d’informació. A través d’aquest enllaç s’aconsegueix que cada unitat sensora transmeti a la base la temperatura que ha mesurat. Mentrestant, la unitat base emet missatges a les sensores per controlar-les i aconseguir que en cap moment n’hi hagi més d’una emetent. L’estructura de cada unitat es basa en la interconnexió de diferents circuits integrats: un sensor de temperatura, un mòdul de radiofreqüència i un microcontrolador que gestiona el conjunt. Tots aquests circuits s’adquireixen a diversos fabricants. La unitat base, per visualitzar les mesures de les temperatures, incorpora a més una pantalla LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) i una mínima, però suficient, interfície d’usuari per al control del sistema. Els resultats han estat plenament satisfactoris aconseguint que el Departament d’Enginyeria Electrònica disposi d’un prototipus de sistema de monitorització remota de temperatura. Aquest és capaç de centralitzar en la unitat base les mesures de les temperatures de les unitats sensores en un rang de distàncies de l’ordre dels centenars de metres, amb una resolució d’una dècima de grau i un error absolut inferior a un grau. Els sistema incorpora prestacions que van des del registre de les temperatures màximes i mínimes, fins a la selecció de l’interval de mesura desitjat

    Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Use, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-1 RNA Suppression, and Medical Causes of Hospitalization Among HIV-Infected Intravenous Drug Users in the Late ART Era

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    Background: Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has reduced the rates and changed the causes of hospital admission. However, human immunodeficiency virus-positive intravenous drug users (HIV-IDU) continue to have increased hospitalizations and discharge diagnosis are less defined in the late ART era. Our aim was to examine ART use, HIV-1 RNA suppression, and hospital discharge diagnoses among HIV-IDU admitted to an urban hospital.Methods: A retrospective analysis was made of HIV-IDU admitted for medical causes for the first time (2006-2010). Surgical, obstetric, or mental (except HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder) diagnoses were excluded. Clinical characteristics, number of admissions, and primary discharge diagnoses were determined for each patient.Results: Three hundred and seventy-five admissions were recorded among 197 hospitalized HIV-IDU. Lifetime prevalence of ART use was 83.2% (164 of 197) and the rate of HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL was 38.1% (75 of 197). Primary discharge diagnosis groups were as follows:acterial infections (59.2%), chronic end-organ damage (16.8%), complications derived from injected drug use (16.8%), malignancies (9.1%), and opportunistic infections (6.6%). Chronic end-organ damage was diagnosed more frequently in patients with HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL (36% vs 4.9%; P < .000), and complications derived from injected drug use (23.8% vs 5.3%; P < .0008) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) opportunistic infections (19.8% vs 1.3% P < .019) were usually diagnosed in patients with HIV-1 RNA detectable viral load. Conclusions: Human immunodeficiency virus-positive intravenous drug users are admitted to hospitals mainly for non-AIDS-related illnesses; however, sustained HIV-1 RNA viral load suppression is poor and determines hospital discharge diagnoses. Providers need to be aware of the management of HIV-related comorbidities and reinforce strategies to improve ART retention in this population

    SRAM Alpha-SER Estimation From Word-Line Voltage Margin Measurements: Design Architecture and Experimental Results

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    Experimental results from a 65 nm CMOS commercial technology SRAM test chip reveal a linear correlation between a new electrical parameter -- the word-line voltage margin (VWLVM) -- and the measured circuit alpha-SER. Additional experiments show that no other memory cell electrical robustness-related parameters exhibit such correlation. The technique proposed is based on correlating the VWLVM to the SER measured on a small number of circuit samples to determine the correlation parameters. Then, the remaining non-irradiated circuits SER is determined from electrical measurements (VWLVM) without the need of additional radiation experiments. This method represents a significant improvement in time and cost, while simplifying the SER-determination methods since most of the circuits do not require irradiation. The technique involves a minor memory design modification that does not degrade circuit performance, while circuit area increase is negligible.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    The role of social actors in the territorial configuration of Moquehue

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    Moquehue es un pequeño asentamiento poblacional de montaña al oeste de la provincia del Neuquén, Argentina. Surge en la década del ´40, por el desarrollo de la ganadería y la forestación. A partir de estas actividades se inicia el poblamiento permanente de la zona y aparecen los primeros comercios, a fin de cubrir las nuevas demandas. La naturaleza dotó a la región de una belleza paisajística que es puesta en valor desde la década del ´70, cuando la población de localidades cercanas empieza a usufructuar turísticamente la región. Las tierras pertenecen al Estado Provincial pero desde 1984 están bajo el dominio de la Corporación Interestadual Pulmarí (CIP), ente que regula el uso de las mismas.En 1980 se incentiva la actividad turística con políticas estatales que llevan al crecimiento y expansión de las localidades de Villa Pehuenia y Moquehue, definiendo una nueva configuración territorial, en la que se destaca un rol activo de diferentes actores sociales. En la última década, este dinamismo se acentúa en Moquehue, sin regulación de la ocupación y en un área con escasa dotación de servicios. A partir de esta situación se plantea como objetivo el análisis de las transformaciones territoriales impulsadas por distintos actores sociales, que definen los usos actuales del suelo y sus consecuencias ambientales, considerando el rol del gobierno municipal y provincial en dichas transformaciones.El trabajo plantea recopilación de información, entrevistas y relevamiento de campo de las nuevas ocupaciones del área y su digitalización.Se reconocen cuatro actores sociales relevantes en el desarrollo y crecimiento de Moquehue, vinculados especialmente a la actividad turística: el municipio que define loteos para uso residencial permanente y de servicios; actores privados que incrementan la oferta de alojamientos, pobladores locales históricos que subdividen y venden las tierras de manera irregular, y nuevos actores que se instalan en la zona con residencia permanente, vinculados a otras actividades y eligen además este lugar por sus valores ambientales. Como resultado se identifican zonas con distinto tipo de transformación en las que dichos actores tienen un rol decisivo otorgando características y dinámicas diferentes a cada una.Se puede concluir que el desarrollo del turismo en la región ha impulsado la expansión de Villa Pehuenia-Moquehue, pero no ha estado acompañada de políticas de gestión y ordenamiento orientadas a preservar el ambiente. La superposición de jurisdicciones y tenencia de las tierras ha dificultado el control y regulación del crecimiento urbano y los usos del suelo. Producto de ello se evidencia además, una falta de infraestructura y dotación de servicios básicos que tiendan a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población, y respondan al crecimiento sostenido y demandas turísticas.Moquehue is a small mountain settlement located in Aluminé department, Neuquén, Argentina. It aroses in the 40's, as a product of the development of cattle raising and forestation. Since these activities began, the permanent settlement and first commercial activities appeared, in order to cover the new demands. Nature has given the region a beautiful landscape that acquires value since the 70's, when the population of nearby localities began to usufruct tourism in the region. Even though the lands belong to the Provincial State, since 1984 they are under the control of the Pulmarí Interstate Corporation (PIC), which regulates their use. In 1980, tourism was stimulated by state politics that lead to the growth and expansion of Villa Pehuenia and Moquehue, defining a new territorial configuration, in which different social actors have an active role. In the last decade, this dynamism was accentuated in Moquehue, a zone without regulation of the occupation and in an area with limited provision of services. The objective of this paper was the analysis of territorial transformations promoted by social actors that established the current uses of the land and its environmental consequences, considering the role of municipal and provincial government in these transformations. Research includes compilation of information, interviews and field survey of new occupations. This information was digitized. Four relevant social actors are recognized in the development and growth of Moquehue, linked especially to tourism activity: the municipality, that defines parcels for permanent residential use and services; private actors, that increase accommodation supply; historical local people who subdivide and sell land irregularly, and new actors who settle in the area with permanent residence, linked to other activities that made them choose this place because of its environmental values. As a result, zones with different types of transformation are identified, in which these actors have a decisive role giving different characteristics and dynamics to each one. It can be concluded that the development of tourism in this region has promoted the expansion of Villa Pehuenia-Moquehue, however it has not been accompanied by management and ordering politics aimed in order to preserve the environment. Overlapping jurisdictions and land tenure have placed difficulties in control and regulation of urban growth and land use. This is also evidenced by the lack of infrastructure and provision of basic services in order to improve the life quality of the population, and respond to sustained growth and tourism demands.Fil: Torrens, Celia Viviana. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Geografia; ArgentinaFil: Jurio, Elsie Marcela. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Geografia; ArgentinaFil: Capelletti, Vanesa Yanina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Geografia; ArgentinaFil: Perez, German Gabriel. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Instituto Patagónico de Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto Patagónico de Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Cara Plá, Daiana Elcira. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Geografia; ArgentinaFil: Cuevas, Gimena Nathalie. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Geografia; ArgentinaFil: Hauw, María Silvina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Geografia; ArgentinaFil: Leyes, Pablo Alejandro. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Geografia; Argentin

    Associations of hypomagnesemia in patients seeking a first treatment of alcohol use disorder

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    Introduction: Hypomagnesemia (hypoMg) has not yet been extensively studied in alcohol use disorder (AUD) . We hypothesize that chronic, excessive alcohol consumption favors oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory alterations that may be exacerbated by hypoMg. The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence and associations of hypoMg in AUD.Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional study in patients admitted for a first treatment of AUD in six tertiary centers between 2013 and 2020. Socio-demographic, alcohol use characteristics, and blood parameters were ascertained at admission.Results: 753 patients (71% men) were eligible; age at admission was 48 years [IQR, 41-56 years]. Prevalence of hypoMg was 11.2%, higher than that observed for hypocalcemia (9.3%), hyponatremia (5.6%), and hypokalemia (2.8%). HypoMg was associated with older age, longer duration of AUD, anemia, higher erythrocyte sedimen-tation rate, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, glucose levels, advanced liver fibrosis (FIB-4 >= 3.25) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 60 mL/min. In multivariate analysis, advanced liver fibrosis (OR, 8.91; 95% CI, 3.3-23.9) and eGFR < 60 mL (OR, 5.2; 95% CI, 1.0-26.2) were the only factors associated with hypoMg.Conclusions: Mg deficiency in AUD is associated with liver damage and glomerular dysfunction suggesting that both comorbidities should be assessed in the course of serum hypoMg