5,928 research outputs found

    Langley Mach 4 scramjet test facility

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    An engine test facility was constructed at the NASA Langley Research Center in support of a supersonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) technology development program. Hydrogen combustion in air with oxygen replenishment provides simulated air at Mach 4 flight velocity, pressure, and true total temperature for an altitude range from 57,000 to 86,000 feet. A facility nozzle with a 13 in square exit produces a Mach 3.5 free jet flow for engine propulsion tests. The facility is described and calibration results are presented which demonstrate the suitability of the test flow for conducting scramjet engine research

    Global surface slopes and roughness of the Moon from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter

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    The acquisition of new global elevation data from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter, carried on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, permits quantification of the surface roughness properties of the Moon at unprecedented scales and resolution. We map lunar surface roughness using a range of parameters: median absolute slope, both directional (along-track) and bidirectional (in two dimensions); median differential slope; and Hurst exponent, over baselines ranging from ~17 m to ~2.7 km. We find that the lunar highlands and the mare plains show vastly different roughness properties, with subtler variations within mare and highlands. Most of the surface exhibits fractal-like behavior, with a single or two different Hurst exponents over the given baseline range; when a transition exists, it typically occurs near the 1 km baseline, indicating a significant characteristic spatial scale for competing surface processes. The Hurst exponent is high within the lunar highlands, with a median value of 0.95, and lower in the maria (with a median value of 0.76). The median differential slope is a powerful tool for discriminating between roughness units and is useful in characterizing, among other things, the ejecta surrounding large basins, particularly Orientale, as well as the ray systems surrounding young, Copernican-age craters. In addition, it allows a quantitative exploration on mare surfaces of the evolution of surface roughness with age

    Explanation and Elaboration Document for the STROBE-Vet Statement: Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology—Veterinary Extension

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    The STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) statement was first published in 2007 and again in 2014. The purpose of the original STROBE was to provide guidance for authors, reviewers and editors to improve the comprehensiveness of reporting; however, STROBE has a unique focus on observational studies. Although much of the guidance provided by the original STROBE document is directly applicable, it was deemed useful to map those statements to veterinary concepts, provide veterinary examples and highlight unique aspects of reporting in veterinary observational studies. Here, we present the examples and explanations for the checklist items included in the STROBE-Vet Statement. Thus, this is a companion document to the STROBE-Vet Statement Methods and process document, which describes the checklist and how it was developed

    Direct observation of the multiple spin gap excitations in two-dimensional dimer system SrCu2(BO3)2

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    Various spin gap excitations have been observed in the two-dimensional dimer system SrCu_2(BO_3)_2 by means of submillimeter wave ESR. The zero-field energy gap of the lowest spin gap excitation shows a splitting into two triplet modes and the energy splitting clearly depends on the magnetic field orientation when a field is rotated in the {\mib {ac}}-plane. A zero-field splitting is also found between the S(_z)=+1 and S(_z)=-1 branches of each triplet. These behaviors are qualitatively explained by considering the anisotropic exchange coupling of inter-dimer and intra-dimer, respectively. The averaged value of the lowest spin gap energy is determined to be 722 \pm 2 GHz(34.7 K). We have also found the second spin gap excitation at 1140 GHz(54.7 K), which indicates that the inter-dimer coupling is significantly strong. Besides these modes, a number of gapped ESR absorption are found and we propose that these multiple magnetic excitations are caused by the localized nature of the excited state in the present system.Comment: 4pages 4figure

    Relationships between various characterisations of wave tails

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    One can define several properties of wave equations that correspond to the absence of tails in their solutions, the most common one by far being Huygens' principle. Not all of these definitions are equivalent, although they are sometimes assumed to be. We analyse this issue in detail for linear scalar waves, establishing some relationships between the various properties. Huygens' principle is almost always equivalent to the characteristic propagation property, and in two spacetime dimensions the latter is equivalent to the zeroth order progressing wave propagation property. Higher order progressing waves in general do have tails, and do not seem to admit a simple physical characterisation, but they are nevertheless useful because of their close association with exactly solvable two-dimensional equations.Comment: Plain TeX, 26 page

    TRUFAS, a wavelet based algorithm for the rapid detection of planetary transits

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    Aims: We describe a fast, robust and automatic detection algorithm, TRUFAS, and apply it to data that are being expected from the CoRoT mission. Methods: The procedure proposed for the detection of planetary transits in light curves works in two steps: 1) a continuous wavelet transformation of the detrended light curve with posterior selection of the optimum scale for transit detection, and 2) a period search in that selected wavelet transformation. The detrending of the light curves are based on Fourier filtering or a discrete wavelet transformation. TRUFAS requires the presence of at least 3 transit events in the data. Results: The proposed algorithm is shown to identify reliably and quickly the transits that had been included in a standard set of 999 light curves that simulate CoRoT data. Variations in the pre-processing of the light curves and in the selection of the scale of the wavelet transform have only little effect on TRUFAS' results. Conclusions: TRUFAS is a robust and quick transit detection algorithm, especially well suited for the analysis of very large volumes of data from space or ground-based experiments, with long enough durations for the target-planets to produce multiple transit events.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, accepted by A&

    Methods and Processes of Developing the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology – Veterinary (STROBE-Vet) Statement

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    BACKGROUND Reporting of observational studies in veterinary research presents challenges that often are not addressed in published reporting guidelines. OBJECTIVE To develop an extension of the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) statement that addresses unique reporting requirements for observational studies in veterinary medicine related to health, production, welfare, and food safety. DESIGN Consensus meeting of experts. SETTING Mississauga, Canada. PARTICIPANTS Seventeen experts from North America, Europe, and Australia. METHODS Experts completed a pre-meeting survey about whether items in the STROBE statement should be modified or added to address unique issues related to observational studies in animal species with health, production, welfare, or food safety outcomes. During the meeting, each STROBE item was discussed to determine whether or not rewording was recommended and whether additions were warranted. Anonymous voting was used to determine consensus. RESULTS Six items required no modifications or additions. Modifications or additions were made to the STROBE items 1 (title and abstract), 3 (objectives), 5 (setting), 6 (participants), 7 (variables), 8 (data sources/measurement), 9 (bias), 10 (study size), 12 (statistical methods), 13 (participants), 14 (descriptive data), 15 (outcome data), 16 (main results), 17 (other analyses), 19 (limitations), and 22 (funding). CONCLUSION The methods and processes used were similar to those used for other extensions of the STROBE statement. The use of this STROBE statement extension should improve reporting of observational studies in veterinary research by recognizing unique features of observational studies involving food-producing and companion animals, products of animal origin, aquaculture, and wildlife

    LAGEOS geodetic analysis-SL7.1

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    Laser ranging measurements to the LAGEOS satellite from 1976 through 1989 are related via geodetic and orbital theories to a variety of geodetic and geodynamic parameters. The SL7.1 analyses are explained of this data set including the estimation process for geodetic parameters such as Earth's gravitational constant (GM), those describing the Earth's elasticity properties (Love numbers), and the temporally varying geodetic parameters such as Earth's orientation (polar motion and Delta UT1) and tracking site horizontal tectonic motions. Descriptions of the reference systems, tectonic models, and adopted geodetic constants are provided; these are the framework within which the SL7.1 solution takes place. Estimates of temporal variations in non-conservative force parameters are included in these SL7.1 analyses as well as parameters describing the orbital states at monthly epochs. This information is useful in further refining models used to describe close-Earth satellite behavior. Estimates of intersite motions and individual tracking site motions computed through the network adjustment scheme are given. Tabulations of tracking site eccentricities, data summaries, estimated monthly orbital and force model parameters, polar motion, Earth rotation, and tracking station coordinate results are also provided

    The application of a Trous wave filtering and Monte Carlo analysis on SECIS 2001 solar eclipse observations

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    8000 images of the Solar corona were captured during the June 2001 total Solar eclipse. New software for the alignment of the images and an automated technique for detecting intensity oscillations using multi scale wavelet analysis were developed. Large areas of the images covered by the Moon and the upper corona were scanned for oscillations and the statistical properties of the atmospheric effects were determined. The a Trous wavelet transform was used for noise reduction and Monte Carlo analysis as a significance test of the detections. The effectiveness of those techniques is discussed in detail.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Solar Physics Journal for publication in Topical Issue: "Frontiers in Solar Image Processing

    Chromospheric Velocities of a C-class Flare

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    We use high spatial and temporal resolution observations from the Swedish Solar Telescope to study the chromospheric velocities of a C-class flare originating from active region NOAA 10969. A time-distance analysis is employed to estimate directional velocity components in H-alpha and Ca II K image sequences. Also, imaging spectroscopy has allowed us to determine flare-induced line-of-sight velocities. A wavelet analysis is used to analyse the periodic nature of associated flare bursts. Time-distance analysis reveals velocities as high as 64 km/s along the flare ribbon and 15 km/s perpendicular to it. The velocities are very similar in both the H-alpha and Ca II K time series. Line-of-sight H-alpha velocities are red-shifted with values up to 17 km/s. The high spatial and temporal resolution of the observations have allowed us to detect velocities significantly higher than those found in earlier studies. Flare bursts with a periodicity of approximately 60 s are also detected. These bursts are similar to the quasi-periodic oscillations observed at hard X-ray and radio wavelength data. Some of the highest velocities detected in the solar atmosphere are presented. Line-of-sight velocity maps show considerable mixing of both the magnitude and direction of velocities along the flare path. A change in direction of the velocities at the flare kernel has also been detected which may be a signature of chromospheric evaporation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 5 figure
