96 research outputs found

    An iterative design method for Coalitional control networks with constraints on the shapley Value

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    9th World CongressThe International Federation of Automatic ControlCape Town, South Africa. August 24-29In this work, we introduce a new iterative design method for a coalitional control scheme for linear systems recently proposed. In this scheme, the links in the network infrastructure are enabled or disabled depending on their contribution to the overall system performance. As a consequence, the local controllers are divided dynamically into sets or coalitions that cooperate in order to attain their control tasks. The new design method allows the control system designer to include new constraints regarding the game theoretical tools of the control architecture, while optimizing the matrices that define the controller

    Relevancia de la marca personal como herramienta de comunicación emocional

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    The personal brand is the main asset that any professional has. La marca personal es el principal activo con el que cuenta cualquier profesional. A marca pessoal é o principal patrimônio que qualquer profissional possui.&nbsp

    Efectos de la ranitidina sobre células parietales en regeneración : Estudio estereológico

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    In this work, we have carried out a stereological and morphological study in order to verify the effects of Ranitidine on regenerating parietal cells. We have used a control group and operated or non-operated groups treated with 2, 10 and 50 mg/kglday Ranitidine. In operated groups an ulcer was provoked by cauterization with a metallic plate in the gastric fundus. Groups treated with high doses of Ranitidine showed an increase in the connective tissue of the gastrlc mucosa. The stereological study in treated groups shows a decrease in the parietal voiume density, and an increase in the cellular profile. Changes detected in the parietal volume density would originate a decrease in the production of CIHPara comprobar la acción de la ranitidina sobre células parietales en regeneración hemos realizado un estudio morfológico y estereológico. Para ello utilizamos grupos controles y de tratamiento con el fármaco a dosis de dos, 10 y 50 mg!kg/día, operados y no operados. En los grupos operados se realizó una úlcera por cauterización mediante una platina metálica a nivel de fundus gástrico. Morfológicamente los animales bajo la acción del fármaco ofrecieron un aumento del componente conectivo de la mucosa fúndica a las mayores dosis utilizadas. El estudio estereológico en los grupos de tratamiento muestra un descenso en la densidad de volumen de células parietales directamente proporcional a la dosis utilizada, este descenso va aparejado a un aumento del área celular. La disminución de la densidad de volumen de células parietales podría provocar un descenso en la producción de CIH, y, por tanto explicaría, en parte, la eficacia de este fármaco en el tratamiento de la úlcera gástrica en regeneración

    Efectos de la pirenzepina sobre células parietales en regeneración

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    In this work, we have carrled out a stereological and ultrastructural study in order to verify the action of Pirenzepine on regenerating parietal cells. We have used a control group and operated or non-operated groups treated with 1, 5 and 25 mg/kg/day Pirenzepine. In operated groups an ulcer was provoked by cauterization with a metallic plate in the gastric fundus. Parietal cells in operated groups showed mitochondria with altered crests, a fine granular matrix and a large number of tubulo-vesicles. The comparative stereological analysis demonstrates a generalized decrease in the mitochondria, canaliculi and lisosomal volume density, and an increase in the tubulo-vesicle volume density. Changes detected in these cellular structures would originate a decrease in the production of CIHPara comprobar la acción de la pirenzepina sobre células parietales en regeneración, hemos realizado un estudio estereológico y ultraestructural. Para ello utilizamos grupos controles y de tratamiento con el fármaco a dosis de 1, 5 y 25 mg/kg/día, operados y no operados. En los grupos operados se realizó una úlcera por cauterización mediante una platina metálica a nivel de fundus gástrico. Morfológicamente, las células parietales de los grupos operados presentaban mitocondrias con alteración de crestas y una matriz finamente granular, así como gran cantidad de tubulovesículas. El análisis estereológico comparativo entre grupos controles y de tratamiento muestra un descenso generalizado en la densidad de volumen mitocondrial, canalicular y lisosomal, y un aumento de la densidad de volumen tubulovesicular. Los cambios detectados en estas estructuras celulares provocarían un descenso en la producción de ClH

    Marketing de diseño sostenible. Un caso práctico: nueva identidad de marca de la Denominación de Origen Manchuela (España)

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    En la actualidad, las marcas tienen la oportunidad de conquistar el corazón de los consumidores aportando valor. Concretamente, las marcas de territorio cuentan como variable fundamental la generación de un fuerte sentido de pertenencia hacia el propio lugar geográfico. Para una marca de territorio, impactar positivamente en su sociedad, de manera concreta y transparente, es un gran reto que proyecta una mejor percepción de su imagen a nivel interno, que será el principal fundamento cuando lo haga hacia lo externo. Por todo ello, el marketing de diseño sostenible adquiere una especial relevancia, dado que se debe conseguir una perfecta identidad con los valores específicos del territorio, sin olvidar aspectos de sostenibilidad que pueden ser proyectados en la marca.Today, brands have the opportunity to win the hearts of consumers by adding value. Specifically, landmarks count as a fundamental variable the generation of a strong sense of belonging to one’s own geographical location. For a brand of territory, positively impacting its society, in a concrete and transparent way, is a great challenge that projects a better perception of its image internally, which will be the main foundation when doing so externally. Therefore, sustainable design marketing acquires a special relevance, since a perfect identity must be achieved with the specific values of the territory, without forgetting sustainability aspects that can be projected in the brand.Hoje, as marcas têm a oportunidade de conquistar o coração dos consumidores agregando valor. Especificamente, os marcos contam como variável fundamental a geração de um forte sentimento de pertencimento à própria localização geográfica. Para uma marca de território, impactar positivamente sua sociedade, de forma concreta e transparente, é um grande desafio que projeta uma melhor percepção de sua imagem internamente, que será o principal alicerce ao fazê-lo externamente. Por todos estes motivos, o marketing do design sustentável adquire uma relevância especial, uma vez que uma identidade perfeita deve ser alcançada com os valores específicos do território, sem esquecer os aspectos de sustentabilidade que podem ser projetados na marca

    Caso Suavinex: Diseño de producto y packaging con criterio ecológico y sostenible

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    The current economic context, immersed in conditions of a BANI environment (fragile, anxious, non-linear and incomprehensible) generates a high influence on consumer behavior. El actual contexto económico, inmerso en condiciones de un entorno BANI (frágil, ansioso, no lineal e incomprensible) genera una alta influencia en la conducta del consumidor. O contexto econômico atual, imerso em condições de um ambiente BANI (frágil, ansioso, não linear e incompreensível) gera grande influência no comportamento do consumidor.&nbsp

    Multi-robot task allocation clustering based on game theory

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    A cooperative game theory framework is proposed to solve multi-robot task allocation (MRTA) problems. In particular, a cooperative game is built to assess the performance of sets of robots and tasks so that the Shapley value of the game can be used to compute their average marginal contribution. This fact allows us to partition the initial MRTA problem into a set of smaller and simpler MRTA subproblems, which are formed by ranking and clustering robots and tasks according to their Shapley value. A large-scale simulation case study illustrates the benefits of the proposed scheme, which is assessed using a genetic algorithm (GA) as a baseline method. The results show that the game theoretical approach outperforms GA both in performance and computation time for a range of problem instances

    Differential pathogenic response in strawberry tissues and organs by colletotrichum acutatum

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    The susceptibility of different tissues and organs from strawberry plants, cv “Camarosa”, to Colletotrichum acutatum was tested using a severity index based on infection response. Symptoms developed on inoculated tissues were characterized along 30 days. Flowers, except sepals, petioles and fruits were the most susceptible organs to the pathogen and they became necrotic tissues at 30 days post inoculation (dpi). Also, well-developed acervuli, which produced masses of orange-pink spores, were observed on these infected organs. An asymptomatic stage or latency phase was observed in green and white strawberry fruits. In spite of they were inoculated anthracnose symptoms were observed only when they became red fruits. On the other hand, strawberry leaves and sepals were resistant to infection by C. acutatum and only small flecks or light brown spots were observed reaching a size of 1 to 5 mm at 30 dpi. Likewise, the susceptibility of stolons and crowns to C. acutatum was evaluated as intermediate at 30 dpi. Finally, the infection process of the fungus on strawberry leaves and petioles was studied using light and electron microscopy. Pre-penetration events were similar on both, leaves and petioles: However, differences between colonization of strawberry leaves and petioles by C. acutatum were observed

    A game theoretical randomized method for large-scale systems partitioning

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, a game theory-based partitioning algorithm for large-scale systems (LSS) is proposed. More specifically, a game over nodes is introduced in a model predictive control framework. The Shapley value of this game is used to rank the communication links of the control network based on their impact on the overall system performance. A randomized method to estimate the Shapley value of each node and also an efficient redistribution of the resulting value to the links involved are considered to relieve the combinatorial explosion issues related to LSS. Once the partitioning solution is obtained, a sensitivity analysis is proposed to give a measure of its performance. Likewise, a greedy fine tuning procedure is considered to increase the optimality of the partitioning results. The full Barcelona drinking water network (DWN) is analyzed as a real LSS case study showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach in comparison with other partitioning schemes available in the literature.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Prólogo. Nuevas formas, aplicaciones y tendencias del entorno de la comunicación

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    The communication environment does not cease in its conceptual expansion with the constant arrival of new forms, applications and trends, mostly caused by the new digital scenario, new technologies and the incessant change to which consumer behavior is subjected. El entorno de la comunicación no cesa en su expansión conceptual con la constante llegada de nuevas formas, aplicaciones y tendencias, provocadas en su mayoría por el nuevo escenario digital, las nuevas tecnologías y el incesante cambio al que se ve sometida la conducta del consumidor. O ambiente de comunicação não cessa na sua expansão conceptual com a constante chegada de novas formas, aplicações e tendências, causadas principalmente pelo novo cenário digital, pelas novas tecnologias e pela incessante mudança a que o comportamento do consumidor está sujeito.&nbsp