70 research outputs found

    El derecho al trabajo y los extranjeros irregulares

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    El artículo analiza desde una perspectiva de derecho constitucional la situación en España de los trabajadores extranjeros irregulares, defiende que estos poseen un derecho al trabajo de rango constitucional e intenta delimitar el contenido de este derecho en relación al derecho al trabajo del que son titulares los españoles. Plantea como conclusión que el contenido de dicho derecho no tiene porqué coincidir con el de los españoles. De hecho, considera que difiere del de estos en algunas cuestiones importantes, especialmente en los aspectos del acceso y de la permanencia en el puesto de trabajo. Sin embargo, a partir del análisis de la doctrina al respecto del Tribunal Constitucional español y de los tratados internacionales en la materia, considera que el contenido de este derecho es sustancialmente igual en lo que respecta a los demás elementos de la relación laboral y en concreto, a las condiciones de desempeño de la relación laboral ya existente o condiciones de trabajo

    Algunas reflexiones críticas a partir de la jurisprudencia sobre inmigración irregular

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    El trabajo pretende analizar la situación legal en España de los inmigrantes irregulares, a partir de la jurisprudencia constitucional. El análisis se realiza básicamente desde una perspectiva constitucional, aunque se analizan también las principales normas internacionales y españolas en materia de extranjería. El estudio comienza insertando la problemática de los inmigrantes irregulares en el marco del Estado social. Además, trata de establecer los perfiles concretos del derecho a emigrar en el derecho internacional y en el derecho interno. Y por último, intenta concretar los derechos que poseen los inmigrantes que permanecen en España sin autorización de residencia

    Impact of changing oxygenation policies on retinopathy of prematurity in a neonatal unit in Argentina.

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    AIMS: To assess the impact of different oxygenation policies on the rate and severity of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). METHODS: Between January 2003 and December 2006, infants of 1500 g birthweight (BW) or less and/or 32 weeks gestational age (GA) or less, and larger, more mature infants with risk factors for ROP were examined through three different time periods: period 1: high target oxygen saturation levels (88-96%) and treatment at threshold ROP; period 2: low target oxygen saturation levels (83-93%) and treatment at threshold ROP; period 3: low target oxygen saturation and treatment at type 1 ROP. RESULTS: Type 1 ROP was detected more frequently in babies of 32 weeks GA or less (50/365, 13.7%) than in more mature babies (15/1167, 1.3%; p<0.001). The rate of type 1 ROP in period 1 was 6.9%; period 2, 3.6% and period 3, 1.8%. Rates of stage 3 ROP declined over time in both BW/GA groups (from 9.0% to 4.1% to 2.0%) as did rates of plus disease (from 7.5% to 3.6% to 1.8%). Mean BW and GA declined from period 1 to period 3, and death rates remained unchanged. 74.4% of babies received all the examinations required; 48.1% of treatments were undertaken after discharge from the neonatal unit. CONCLUSIONS: Lower target oxygen saturation was associated with a lower rate of severe ROP without increasing mortality, and changed the characteristics of affected babies. Screening criteria need to remain wide enough to identify all babies at risk of ROP needing treatment

    Exercise and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrinopathy affecting both the metabolism and reproductive system of women of reproductive age. Prevalence ranges from 6.1-19.9% depending on the criteria used to give a diagnosis. PCOS accounts for approximately 80% of women with anovulatory infer-tility, and causes disruption at various stages of the reproductive axis. Evidence suggests lifestyle modification should be the first line of therapy for women with PCOS. Several studies have examined the impact of exercise interventions on reproductive function, with results indicating improvements in menstrual and/or ovulation frequency following exercise. Enhanced insulin sensitivity underpins the mechanisms of how exercise restores reproductive function. Women with PCOS typically have a cluster of metabolic abnormalities that are risk factors for CVD. There is irrefutable evidence that exercise mitigates CVD risk factors in women with PCOS. The mechanism by which exercise improves many CVD risk factors is again associated with improved insulin sensitivity and decreased hyperinsulinemia. In addition to cardiometabolic and reproductive complications, PCOS has been associated with an increased prevalence of mental health disorders. Exercise improves psychological well-being in women with PCOS, dependent on certain physiological factors. An optimal dose-response relationship to exercise in PCOS may not be feasible because of the highly individualised characteristics of the disorder. Guidelines for PCOS suggest at least 150 min of physical activity per week. Evidence confirms that this should form the basis of any clinician or healthcare professional prescription


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    During the last two decades there have been but a handful of recorded cases of electoral fraud in Latin America. However, survey research consistently shows that often citizens do not trust the integrity of the electoral process. This dissertation addresses the puzzle by explaining the mismatch between how elections are conducted and how the process is perceived. My theoretical contribution provides a double-folded argument. First, voters’ trust in their community members (“the local experience”) impacts their level of confidence in the electoral process. Since voters often find their peers working at polling stations, negative opinions about them translate into negative opinions about the election. Second, perceptions of unfairness of the system (“the global effect”) negatively impact the way people perceive the transparency of the electoral process. When the political system fails to account for social injustice, citizens lose faith in the mechanism designed to elect representatives -and ultimately a set of policies. The fact that certain groups are systematically disregarded by the system triggers the notion that the electoral process is flawed. This is motivated by either egotropic or sociotropic considerations. To test these hypotheses, I employ a survey conducted in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala during May/June 2014, which includes a population-based experiment. I show that Voters who trust their peers consistently have higher confidence in the electoral process. Whereas respondents who were primed about social unfairness (treatment) expressed less confidence in the quality of the election. Finally, I find that the local experience is predominant over the global effect. The treatment has a statistically significant effect only for respondents who trust their community. Attribution of responsibility for voters who are skeptics of their peers is clear and simple, leaving no room for a more diffuse mechanism, the unfairness of the political system. Finally, now I extend analysis to the Latin America region. Using data from LAPOP that comprises four waves of surveys in 22 countries, I confirm the influence of the “local experience” and the “global effect” as determinants of the level of confidence in the electoral process

    1983ko euskal liburugintza eta erdal liburuak euskal herriaz

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    Estudio completo de los libros producidos en Euskadi durante el año 1983. Además de los títulos y los autores, también se les clasifica por materias, y se hace un estudio comparativo con años anterioresThe author carries out a complete study of the books produced in the Basque Country during 1983. Apart from the titles and the authors, the books are also classified by matters, and a comparative study is made on previous year

    La censura gubernativa y el libro vasco (1936-1983) Analisis de los informes del lectorado

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    DT / CINDOC - Centro de Informaciòn y Documentaciòn CientìficaSIGLEESSpai

    Ley de lemas, partidos y sistemas de partidos. El caso santafecino

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