433 research outputs found

    Ansiedad Futura en Adultos Jóvenes Españoles : Propiedades Psicométricas de la Dark Future Scale

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    Background/Objective:The Dark Future Scale (DFS) is a selfreport instrument which assesses the tendency to think about the future with anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. Although it has been applied in different populations, instrumental studies are scarce, and there is no validated Spanish version. The aim was therefore to develop a Spanish version of the scale (DFS-S) and to analyze its psychometric properties in a sample of young adults. Method:Participants were 1,019 individuals aged from 18 to 24 years. They completed the DFS-S and the IPIP-BFM-20. Validity evidence based on the internal structure, including measurement invariance across gender, as well as on relationships with personality traits was obtained. Reliability and gender differences in DFS-S scores were also examined. Results:Results supported a single-factor structure, χ2(5) = 10.79, CFI = .999, RMSEA = .034, SRMR = .016, that was invariant across gender. Reliability of test scores was satisfactory (ω= .92). In the correlation analysis, future anxiety showed a strong positive correlation with neuroticism (.42) and a moderate negative correlation with extraversion (-.25). Females scored higher than males on future anxiety. Conclusions:The DFS-S has sat-isfactory psychometric properties and it is an adequate tool for measuring future anxiety among young adults.Antecedentes/Objetivo: La Dark Future Scale (DFS) evalúa la tendencia a pensar en el futuro con ansiedad, miedo e incertidumbre. Aunque ha sido usada en diferentes poblaciones, los estudios instrumentales son es-casos y no hay una versión adaptada al español. El objetivo del estudio fue adaptarla al español (DFS-S) y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas en una muestra de adultos jóvenes. Método: Participaron 1.019 jóvenes entre 18 y 24 años. Completaron la DFS-S y el IPIP-BFM-20. Se analizan evidencias de validez basadas en la estructura interna, incluyendo la invarianza de medida según el género, y basadas en las relaciones con rasgos de personalidad, así como análisis de la fiabilidad y de las diferencias de género. Resultados: Los resultados apoyaron una estructura de un solo factor, χ2(5) = 10.79, CFI = .999, RMSEA = .034, SRMR = .016, con invarianza respecto al género, y con coeficiente de fiabilidad satisfactorio (ω= .92). Se encontró correlación positiva fuerte entre ansiedad futura y neuroticismo (.42) y una correlación negativa moderada con extraversión (-.25). Las puntuaciones en ansiedad futura fueron mayores en las mujeres. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran propiedades psicométricas satisfactorias de la DFS-S, siendo un instrumento adecuado para medir la ansiedad futura en adultos jóvenes

    Los depósitos de ceniza volcánica del Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno de la región de Tafí del Valle-Cafayate, noroeste de Argentina

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    [EN]We identified volcanic ash deposits, whose thickness can exceed sometimes the 4 m, in the southeastern margin of La Puna and neighbouring areas (Provinces of Tucuman and Salta, Argentina). These Late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits show the existence of a highly explosive volcanism only some few thousand years ago, without comparison with any historical volcanic episode in northwestern Argentina. We have characterized the size distribution of ash (laser diffraction), morphology of particles (SEM), mineralogy (XRD) and the geochemistry of major and trace elements in bulk sample using mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS). The information provided by these deposits is of great interest to size adequately the geochemical impact models of ashfall in future volcanic eruptions in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, quantifying the contribution of volcanic ash to the regional geochemical balances, both with respect to nutrients (e.g., Ca and Fe) and potentially toxic elements (e.g., As and F), among other elements of interest.[ES] Se han localizado diversos depósitos de ceniza volcánica, cuyos espesores llegan a superar en ocasiones los 4 m al suroeste de La Puna y áreas limítrofes (Provincias de Tucumán y Salta, Argentina). Estos depósitos son de edad Pleistoceno Superior y Holoceno y muestran la existencia hace pocos miles de años de volcanismo altamente explosivo, sin comparación con ningún episodio volcánico histórico en el noroeste de Argentina. Se han caracterizado la distribución granulométrica de la ceniza (difracción laser), la morfología de las partículas (microscopía electrónica de barrido), mineralogía (difracción de rayos X) y la geoquímica de elementos mayores y trazas en muestra total mediante espectrometría de masas (HR-ICP-MS). La información suministrada por estos depósitos tiene gran interés a la hora de dimensionar los modelos de impacto geoquímico de la caída de ceniza de futuras erupciones volcánicas en la Zona Volcánica Central de los Andes, cuantificando la contribución de la ceniza volcánica a los balances geoquímicos regionales, tanto por lo que respecta a nutrientes (p. ej., Ca y Fe), como de elementos potencialmente tóxicos (p. ej., As y F), entre otros elementos de interés.Agradecemos el apoyo técnico del labGEOTOP (infraestructura cofinanciada por FEDER, CSIC08-4E-001) del ICTJA-CSIC; de los Grupos PEGEFA (2009-SGR-972) y GEOVOL y fue financiado por el Proyecto QUECA (CGL2011-23307).Peer reviewe

    Magneto-optical effects in interacting localized and propagating surface plasmon modes

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    We report that the effect of an external magnetic field on the propagation of surface plasmons can be effectively modified through the coupling between localized (LSP) and propagating (SPP) surface plasmons. When these plasmon modes do not interact, the main effect of the magnetic field is a modification of the wavevector of the SPP mode, leaving the LSP virtually unaffected. Once both modes start to interact, there is a strong variation of the magnetic field induced modification of the SPP dispersion curve and, simultaneously, the LSP mode becomes sensitive to the magnetic field.This work was supported by the EU (NMP3-SL- 2008-214107-Nanomagma), the Spanish MICINN (“MAGPLAS” MAT2008-06765-C02-01/NAN and “FUNCOAT” CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 CSD2008-00023), the Comunidad de Madrid (“NANOBIOMAGNET” S2009/MAT-1726 and “MICROSERES-CM” S2009/TIC-1476), and CSIC (“CRIMAFOT” PIF08-016-4). We thank A. Cebollada and J. M. García-Martín for growing and characterizing the Au/Co/Au trilayers and reading this manuscript, and R. Quidant and G.Badenes for fruitful discussions.Peer reviewe

    Radiative corrections to the polarizability tensor of an electrically small anisotropic dielectric particle

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    Radiative corrections to the polarizability tensor of isotropic particles are fundamental to understand the energy balance between absorption and scattering processes. Equivalent radiative corrections for anisotropic particles are not well known. Assuming that the polarization within the particle is uniform, we derived a closed-form expression for the polarizability tensor which includes radiative corrections. In the absence of absorption, this expression of the polarizability tensor is consistent with the optical theorem. An analogous result for infinitely long cylinders was also derived. Magneto optical Kerr effects in non-absorbing nanoparticles with magneto-optical activity arise as a consequence of radiative corrections to the electrostatic polarizability tensor.This work has been supported by the EU NMP3-SL-2008-214107-Nanomagma, the Spanish MICINN Consolider NanoLight (CSD2007-00046), FIS2006-11170-C02-02 and by the Comunidad de Madrid Microseres-CM Program. R.G.-M. acknowledges support from the EU COST-MP0803. Work by R.G.-M. and L.S.F.-P. was supported by the MICINN “Juan de la Cierva” Program.Peer reviewe

    The ongoing volcanic eruption of El Hierro, Canary Islands

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    El Hierro, the youngest of the Canary Islands (Spain), is no stranger to hazards associated with volcanic activity or to efforts to minimize the effects of these hazards on local communities. As early as 1793, administrative records of El Hierro indicate that a swarm of earthquakes was felt by locals; fearing a greater volcanic catastrophe, the first evacuation plan of an entire island in the history of the Canaries was prepared. The 1793 eruption was probably submarine with no appreciable consequences other than that the earthquakes were felt [Carracedo, 2008]; over the next roughly 215 years the island was seismically quiet. Yet seismic and volcanic activity are expected on this youngest Canary Island due to its being directly above the presumed location of the Canary Island hot spot, a mantle plume that feeds upwelling magma just under the surface, similar to the Hawaiian Islands. Because of this known geologic activity, the Spanish Instituto Geogrfco Nacional (IGN) has managed geophysical monitoring of the island since the beginning of the 1990s.Peer Reviewe

    Antibacterial bioadhesive layer-by-layer coatings for orthopedic applications

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    In this study, thin LbL films were produced by combining the adhesive properties of the hyaluronic acidâ dopamine conjugate with the bioactivity and bactericidal properties of silver doped bioactive glass nanoparticles. The build-up of these films was investigated by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring. LbL coatings were then constructed on a glass substrate for further characterization. We found that these antimicrobial bioinspired films display enhanced adhesive strength. In vitro bioactivity tests were performed by immersing them in simulated body fluid solution for 14 days where the constructed films promoted the formation of a bone-like apatite layer. From microbiological assays, it was found that coatings containing silver doped nanoparticles exhibited a remarkable antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli cultures. Finally, in vitro cellular behavior tests showed enhanced cell adhesion, proliferation and viability for these antibacterial bioadhesive films. Therefore, the constructed thin films showed promising properties and evidenced great potential to be used as coatings for orthopedic implants.The authors acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the European program FEDER/COMPETE for the financial support through project BioSeaGlue: EXPL/CTM-BIO/0646/2013 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER041105). This work was co-funded by ‘‘Programa Operacional Regional do Norte’’ (ON.2-O Novo Norte) under the ‘‘Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional’’ (QREN), through the ‘‘Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional’’ (FEDER). E. T. also thanks the FCT investigator grant (IF/01390/2014)

    The 2011 submarine volcanic eruption in El Hierro (Canary Islands)

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    Forty years after the Teneguía Volcano (La Palma, 1971), a submarine eruption took place off the town of La Restinga, south of El Hierro, the smallest and youngest island of the Canarian Archipelago. Precursors allowed an early detection of the event and its approximate location, suggesting it was submarine. Uncertainties derived from insufficient scientific information available to the authorities during the eruption, leading to disproportionate civil protection measures, which had an impact on the island's economy-based primarily on tourism-while residents experienced extra fear and distress. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, The Geologists' Association & The Geological Society of London.Peer Reviewe

    Origin of mounds in the Pantanal wetlands: An integrated approach between geomorphology, pedogenesis, ecology and soil micromorphology.

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    Vegetated mounds are an important geomorphological feature of the Pantanal, where the influence of floods dictates not only hydropedological processes, but also the distribution and ecology of the flora and fauna. This work aimed to identify factors and processes that influence the formation and spatial distribution of the mounds, which are commonly associated with termite activity. In order to characterize pedological processes, macro and micro morphological descriptions, satellite image interpretation, dating of the sandy sedimentary material using OSL and carbon dating using 14C AMS were carried out. This dating of the materials indicates that the sediments in which the soils were formed were deposited during the Pleistocene, while the carbonates are from the Holocene. The basin-like format of the laminar structures suggests that part of the more clayey material was deposited in lacustrine environments. The more humid climate in the Holocene intensified argilluviation, which at an advanced stage, led to a more pronounced textural gradient, reducing drainage and leading to ferrolysis and thickening of the E horizon. Besides pedogenic processes, more erosive flooding during the Holocene began reducing and rounding the landscape's more elevated structures (paleolevees). In the final stage, these structures were occupied by termites to shelter from flooding. Thereafter, the bio-cementation action of the termite nests has increased the resistance of the vegetated mounds to processes of erosion

    The 2011 submarine volcanic eruption in El Hierro (Canary Islands)

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    Forty years after the Teneguía Volcano (La Palma, 1971), a submarine eruption took place off the town of La Restinga, south of El Hierro, the smallest and youngest island of the Canarian Archipelago. Precursors allowed an early detection of the event and its approximate location, suggesting it was submarine. Uncertainties derived from insufficient scientific information available to the authorities during the eruption, leading to disproportionate civil protection measures, which had an impact on the island's economy-based primarily on tourism-while residents experienced extra fear and distress. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, The Geologists' Association & The Geological Society of London.Peer Reviewe

    Caracterização morfológica de solos sódicos em diferentes paleodiques no pantanal norte.

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    O Pantanal é considerado a maior planície continental inundável do mundo, englobando diferentes habitats, sustentando grande diversidade vegetal e de solos, se destacando os solos sódicos (Planossolos e Luvissolos). Tais solos têm grande importância econômica, social e ambiental para a região, pois se situam em antigos diques (paleodiques) que atualmente constituem as áreas mais elevadas da paisagem sendo que a inundação dessas somente ocorre em eventos excepcionais, servindo como refúgios para animais silvestres e também para geofagia, gerando especificida de ambiental (Coelho, 2006) . Entretanto estes solos necessitam de uma melhor entendimento da relação entre seus atributos morfológicos e a ocorrência de Na+, facilitando assim o seu mapeamento. Devido à grande importância ambiental que representam estes solos, o presente trabalho visou relacionar a morfologia dos horizontes B texturais com o caráter sódico em paleodiques de diferentes estádios de dissecação dessas feições geomórficas, bem como características químicas e físicas. Observou-se que a geomorfologia guarda grande relação com a morfologia do solo, em que paleodiques mais dissecados apresentam transições irregulares, quebradas, maior porosidade e espessamento do horizonte eluvial (E)