104 research outputs found

    Spilleteknikk for el-bass : en studie av spilletekniske lÞsninger pÄ polyrytmiske ostinat

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    Dette forskningsprosjektet utgjĂžr et studie av spilletekniske utfordringer, som kommer frem nĂ„r en skal spille og utvikle polyrytmiske og polymetriske ideer pĂ„ el-bass. Grunnen til at jeg mener at det er hensiktsmessig Ă„ forske pĂ„ dette, er at det finnes lite tilgjengelig litteratur om temaet i tilknytning til el-bass, og de sĂŠregne lĂžsningene som kreves i forhold til Ă„ kunne spille polyrytmer pĂ„ en spilleteknisk effektiv mĂ„te. Mediakanaler som youtube.com gjĂžr at detaljerte videoer av spilletekniske lĂžsninger pĂ„ avanserte ideer er mer tilgjengelig for instrumentalister, men mer helhetlige tankesystem for tekniske lĂžsninger finnes det kanskje ikke like mye av, spesielt med tanke pĂ„ mitt hovedinstrument, el-bass. Det finnes riktig nok en mengde litteratur tilgjengelig hvis en ser ut i fra et en trommeslagers perspektiv. Jeg vil i den sammenheng trekke frem Gary Chaffes bok ”Sticking Patterns” (Chaffe 1976), som tar for seg spilletekniske lĂžsninger pĂ„ rytmiske oppgaver (for trommeslagere), bĂ„de polyrytmiske og ikke polyrytmiske. Denne boken diskuteres videre i kapitelet, litteraturvalg. Jeg har tidligere ogsĂ„ Ăžvd med trommeslagere, som har gitt meg et innblikk i hvordan de, som instrumentalister, metodisk arbeider med polyrytmikk og spilletekniske lĂžsninger. Grunnen til at jeg personlig vil forske pĂ„ dette, er at jeg ofte har kommet til kort med Ă„ finne effektive spilletekniske metoder for Ă„ lĂžse komplekse rytmer. Min intensjon i oppgaven er ikke Ă„ systematisere andres arbeid, men heller Ă„ utvikle en egen sĂŠregen spillestil, det er selvfĂžlgelig ikke dermed sagt at jeg ikke stort sett kommer til Ă„ benytte meg av allerede eksisterende spilleteknikker og konsepter. Et viktig element Ă„ nevne i forhold til den polymetriske delen av oppgaven, er at disse teknikkene er de samme som jeg ville ha brukt for Ă„ spille i ”skeive taktarter”1, men 1 Her menes en taktart som er oddetallsbasert, som eksempelvis 7/8 takt. 3/4 omtales derimot vanligvis ikke som en skeiv taktart. OgsĂ„ kalt ”odd meter” pĂ„ engelsk. 7 grunnlaget for at jeg velger Ă„ skrive om polymeter og polyrytmer, og ikke skeive taktarter spesifikt, er at jeg ogsĂ„ vil observere hvordan jeg som utĂžver mĂ„ forholde meg til flere rytmer samtidig, til forskjell fra skeive taktarter (spilt uten andre metriske rammeverk), hvor en forholder seg til kun et metrisk rammeverk. I forhold til dette vil jeg ogsĂ„ nevne at et viktig mĂ„l for meg i forhold til denne oppgaven og som el-bassutĂžver av, er at jeg bevisst skal kunne spille polyrytmiske ideer der hvor resten av et band spiller i for eksempel 4/4. Grunnen til at dette er et Ăžnske for meg Ă„ mestre, er at jeg ofte spiller i sammenhenger med musikere som ikke har kjennskap til polyrytmikk, og at jeg dermed kan spille polyrytmiske innslag, uavhengig av resten av bandet. Et problem som dukker opp i denne sammenhengen, er at det lett kan vĂŠre at jeg ”setter ut” et eller flere av bandmedlemmene med at polyrytmene henviser til en ny grunnpuls. Jeg skal imidlertid ikke gĂ„ i dybden pĂ„ denne problematikken, utover Ă„ nevne at dette er en utfordring av min rolle som bassist, fra Ă„ vĂŠre en rytmisk understĂžttende del av bandet, til Ă„ til tider spille pĂ„ utsiden av bandets felles puls. Jeg mĂ„ altsĂ„ vĂŠre meget selektiv pĂ„ hvor jeg i praksis bruker polyrytmisk spill, for Ă„ ikke Ă„ Ăždelegge bandets kollektive fĂžlelse av grunnpuls

    Effect of tillage frequency, seed rate, and glyphosate application on teff and weeds in Tigray, Ethiopia

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    Field experiments were conducted in 2015 and 2016 to study the effect of tillage frequency, seed rate, and glyphosate on teff and weeds. The experiments were arranged in a split plot design with three replications consisting of tillage frequency (conventional, minimum, and zero tillage) as the main plot and the combination of seed rate (5, 15, and 25 kg ha−1) and glyphosate (with and without) as subplots. Results showed that zero tillage reduced teff biomass yield by 15% compared to minimum tillage and by 26% compared to conventional tillage. Zero tillage and minimum tillage also diminished grain yield by 21% and 13%, respectively, compared to conventional tillage. Lowering the seed rate to 5 kg ha−1 reduced biomass yield by 22% and 26% compared to 15 and 25 kg ha−1, respectively. It also reduced the grain yield by around 21% compared to 15 and 25 kg ha−1 seed rates. Conventional tillage significantly diminished weed density, dry weight, and cover by 19%, 29%, and 33%, respectively, compared to zero tillage. The highest seed rate significantly reduced total weed density, dry weight, and cover by 18%, 19%, and 15%, respectively, compared to the lowest seed rate. Glyphosate did not affect weed density but reduced weed dry weight by 14% and cover by 15%. Generally, sowing teff using minimum tillage combined with glyphosate application and seed rate of 15 kg ha−1 enhanced its productivity and minimized weed effects.publishedVersio

    Managing Uncertainty in the Construction Phase of Road Projects

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    Construction projects are fraught with uncertainties. This chapter’s objective is to demonstrate how uncertainty is managed in the construction phase of road projects. Three aspects of uncertainty management in the construction phase are examined: people and organization, management process, and tools and techniques. The specific importance of the construction phase is based on the fast changes and complexity of this phase. A longitudinal study of seven Norwegian road projects is performed. The projects were all large in terms of cost, each with costs of more than $100 million. Researchers evaluated how uncertainty emerged during the construction phase and how major uncertainties were appraised step by step during construction. In addition, this study contributes to a new recognition of important factors, which influences risk and opportunity management in large road projects by introducing a suggested conceptual framework

    Potassium Disturbances and Risk of Ventricular Fibrillation Among Patients With ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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    Background Potassium disturbances per se increase the risk of ventricular fibrillation (VF). Whether potassium disturbances in the acute phase of ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) are associated with VF before primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) is uncertain. Methods and Results All consecutive STEMI patients were identified in the Eastern Danish Heart Registry from 1999 to 2016. Comorbidities and medication use were assessed from Danish nationwide registries. Potassium levels were collected immediately before PPCI start. Multivariate logistic models were performed to determine the association between potassium and VF. The main analysis included 8624 STEMI patients of whom 822 (9.5%) had VF before PPCI. Compared with 6693 (77.6%) patients with normokalemia (3.5-5.0 mmol/L), 1797 (20.8%) patients with hypokalemia (5.0 mmol/L) were older with more comorbidities. After adjustment, patients with hypokalemia and hyperkalemia had a higher risk of VF before PPCI (odds ratio 1.90, 95% CI 1.57-2.30, P<0.001) and (odds ratio 3.36, 95% CI 1.95-5.77, P<0.001) compared with normokalemia, respectively. Since the association may reflect a post-resuscitation phenomenon, a sensitivity analysis was performed including 7929 STEMI patients without VF before PPCI of whom 127 (1.6%) had VF during PPCI. Compared with normokalemia, patients with hypokalemia had a significant association with VF during PPCI (odds ratio 1.68, 95% CI 1.01-2.77, P=0.045) after adjustment. Conclusions Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia are associated with increased risk of VF before PPCI during STEMI. For hypokalemia, the association may be independent of the measurement of potassium before or after VF

    Chest computed tomography features of heart failure:A prospective observational study in patients with acute dyspnea

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    BACKGROUND: Pulmonary congestion is a key component of heart failure (HF) that chest computed tomography (CT) can detect. However, no guideline describes which of many anticipated CT signs are most associated with HF in patients with undifferentiated dyspnea. METHODS: In a prospective observational single-center study, we included consecutive patients ≄ 50 years admitted with acute dyspnea to the emergency department. Patients underwent immediate clinical examination, blood sampling, echocardiography, and CT. Two radiologists independently evaluated all images. Acute HF (AHF) was adjudicated by an expert panel blinded to radiology images. LASSO and logistic regression identified the independent CT signs of AHF. RESULTS: Among 232 patients, 102 (44%) had AHF. Of 18 examined CT signs, 5 were associated with AHF (multivariate odds ratio, 95% confidence interval): enlarged heart (20.38, 6.86–76.16), bilateral interlobular thickening (11.67, 1.78–230.99), bilateral pleural effusion (6.39, 1.98–22.85), and increased vascular diameter (4.49, 1.08–33.92). Bilateral ground-glass opacification (2.07, 0.95–4.52) was a consistent fifth essential sign, although it was only significant in univariate analysis. Eighty-eight (38%) patients had none of the five CT signs corresponding to a 68% specificity and 86% sensitivity for AHF, while two or more of the five CT signs occurred in 68 (29%) patients, corresponding to 97% specificity and 67% sensitivity. A weighted score based on these five CT signs had an 0.88 area under the curve to detect AHF. CONCLUSIONS: Five CT signs seem sufficient to assess the risk of AHF in the acute setting. The absence of these signs indicates a low probability, one sign makes AHF highly probable, and two or more CT signs mean almost certain AHF

    Energy substrate metabolism, mitochondrial structure and oxidative stress after cardiac ischemia-reperfusion in mice lacking UCP3.

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    Myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury may result in cardiomyocyte dysfunction. Mitochondria play a critical role in cardiomyocyte recovery after IR injury. The mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) has been proposed to reduce mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and to facilitate fatty acid oxidation. As both mechanisms might be protective following IR injury, we investigated functional, mitochondrial structural, and metabolic cardiac remodeling in wild-type mice and in mice lacking UCP3 (UCP3-KO) after IR. Results showed that infarct size in isolated perfused hearts subjected to IR ex vivo was larger in adult and old UCP3-KO mice than in equivalent wild-type mice, and was accompanied by higher levels of creatine kinase in the effluent and by more pronounced mitochondrial structural changes. The greater myocardial damage in UCP3-KO hearts was confirmed in vivo after coronary artery occlusion followed by reperfusion. S1QEL, a suppressor of superoxide generation from site IQ in complex I, limited infarct size in UCP3-KO hearts, pointing to exacerbated superoxide production as a possible cause of the damage. Metabolomics analysis of isolated perfused hearts confirmed the reported accumulation of succinate, xanthine and hypoxanthine during ischemia, and a shift to anaerobic glucose utilization, which all recovered upon reoxygenation. The metabolic response to ischemia and IR was similar in UCP3-KO and wild-type hearts, being lipid and energy metabolism the most affected pathways. Fatty acid oxidation and complex I (but not complex II) activity were equally impaired after IR. Overall, our results indicate that UCP3 deficiency promotes enhanced superoxide generation and mitochondrial structural changes that increase the vulnerability of the myocardium to IR injury.We are grateful to F. S® anchez-Madrid, B. Iba®nez ˜ and E. Lara for facilitating experiments at CNIC (Madrid, Spain) and to W.E. Louch for facilitating experiments at the University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway). We thank B. Littlejohns, I. Khaliulin and H. Lin from M.S. Suleiman’s group (University of Bristol, Bristol, UK) for their valuable help with Langendorff perfusion experiments. We also thank E.T. Chouchani from M.P. Murphy’s group (Cambridge, UK) for help with metabolomics analysis, M. Guerra of the Electron Microscopy Unit at CBMSO (Madrid, Spain) for processing the samples for electron microscopy analysis, and A.V. Alonso (CNIC) for echocardiography analyses. The work in our laboratory is funded the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS PI19/01030) to SC. Institutional grants from the Fundacion ® Ramon ® Areces and Banco de Santander to the CBMSO are also acknowledged.S

    Chest computed tomography features of heart failure: A prospective observational study in patients with acute dyspnea

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    Background: Pulmonary congestion is a key component of heart failure (HF) that chest computed tomography (CT) can detect. However, no guideline describes which of many anticipated CT signs are most associated with HF in patients with undifferentiated dyspnea.Methods: In a prospective observational single-center study, we included consecutive patients ≄ 50 years admitted with acute dyspnea to the emergency department. Patients underwent immediate clinical examination, blood sampling, echocardiography, and CT. Two radiologists independently evaluated all images. Acute HF (AHF) was adjudicated by an expert panel blinded to radiology images. LASSO and logistic regression identified the independent CT signs of AHF.Results: Among 232 patients, 102 (44%) had AHF. Of 18 examined CT signs, 5 were associated with AHF (multivariate odds ratio, 95% confidence interval): enlarged heart (20.38, 6.86–76.16), bilateral interlobular thickening (11.67, 1.78–230.99), bilateral pleural effusion (6.39, 1.98–22.85), and increased vascular diameter (4.49, 1.08–33.92). Bilateral ground-glass opacification (2.07, 0.95–4.52) was a consistent fifth essential sign, although it was only significant in univariate analysis. Eighty-eight (38%) patients had none of the five CT signs corresponding to a 68% specificity and 86% sensitivity for AHF, while two or more of the five CT signs occurred in 68 (29%) patients, corresponding to 97% specificity and 67% sensitivity. A weighted score based on these five CT signs had an 0.88 area under the curve to detect AHF.Conclusions: Five CT signs seem sufficient to assess the risk of AHF in the acute setting. The absence of these signs indicates a low probability, one sign makes AHF highly probable, and two or more CT signs mean almost certain AHF
