63 research outputs found

    Minerals Form a Continuum Phase in Mature Cancellous Bone

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    Bone is a hierarchically structured composite consisting of a protein phase (type I collagen) and a mineral phase (carbonated apatite). The objective of this study was to investigate the hierarchical structure of mineral in mature bone. A method to completely deproteinize bone without altering the original structure is developed, and the completion is confirmed by protein analysis techniques. Stereoscopy and field emission electron microscopy are used to examine the structural features from submillimeter- to micrometer- to nanometer-length scales of bovine femur cancellous bone. Stereoscopic images of fully deproteinized and demineralized bovine femur cancellous bone samples show that fine trabecular architecture is unaltered and the microstructural features are preserved, indicating the structural integrity of mineral and protein constituents. SEM revealed that bone minerals are fused together and form a sheet-like structure in a coherent manner with collagen fibrils. Well-organized pore systems are observed at varying hierarchical levels. Mineral sheets are peeled off and folded after compressive deformation, implying strong connection between individual crystallites. Results were compared with commercially available heat-deproteinized bone (Bio-OssĀ®), and evidence showed consistency in bone mineral structure. A two-phase interpenetrating composite model of mature bone is proposed and discussed

    Remineralization of demineralized dentin using a dual analog system.

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    ObjectiveImproved methods are needed to remineralize dentin caries in order to promote conservation of dentin tissue and minimize the surgical interventions that are currently required for clinical treatment. Here, we test the hypothesis that bulk substrates can be effectively mineralized via a dual analog system proposed by others, using a tripolyphosphate (TPP) "templating analog" and a poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) or poly(aspartic acid) (pAsp) "sequestration analog," the latter of which generates the polymer-induced liquid-precursor (PILP) mineralization process studied in our laboratory.Material & methodsDemineralized human dentin slices were remineralized with and without pre-treatment with TPP, using either PAA or pAsp as the PILP process-directing agent. A control experiment with no polymer present was used for comparison.ResultsNo mineralization was observed in any of the PAA groups. In both the pAsp and no polymer groups, TPP inhibited mineralization on the surfaces of the specimens but promoted mineralization within the interiors. Pre-treatment with TPP enhanced overall mineralization of the pAsp group. However, when analysed via TEM, regions with little mineral were still present.ConclusionPoly(acrylic acid) was unable to remineralize demineralized dentin slices under the conditions employed, even when pre-treated with TPP. However, pre-treatment with TPP enhanced overall mineralization of specimens that were PILP-remineralized using pAsp

    The role of collagen in bone apatite formation in the presence of hydroxyapatite nucleation inhibitors

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    Bone is a composite material in which collagen fibrils form a scaffold for a highly organized arrangement of uniaxially oriented apatite crystals. In the periodic 67Āænm cross-striated pattern of the collagen fibril, the less dense 40-nm-long gap zone has been implicated as the place where apatite crystals nucleate from an amorphous phase, and subsequently grow. This process is believed to be directed by highly acidic non-collagenous proteins, however, the role of the collagen matrix during bone apatite mineralization remains unknown. Here, combining nanometre-scale resolution cryogenic transmission electron microscopy and cryogenic electron tomography with molecular modelling, we show that collagen functions in synergy with inhibitors of hydroxyapatite nucleation to actively control mineralization. The positive net charge close to the C-terminal end of the collagen molecules promotes the infiltration of the fibrils with amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). Furthermore, the clusters of charged amino acids, both in gap and overlap regions, form nucleation sites controlling the conversion of ACP into a parallel array of oriented apatite crystals. We developed a model describing the mechanisms through which the structure, supramolecular assembly and charge distribution of collagen can control mineralization in the presence of inhibitors of hydroxyapatite nucleatio

    In vitro models of collagen biomineralization

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    Over the last several years, significant progress has been made toward understanding the mechanisms involved in the mineralization of hard collagenous tissues, such as bone and dentin. Particularly notable are the identification of transient mineral phases that are precursors to carbonated hydroxyapatite, the identification and characterization of non-collagenous proteins that are involved in controlling mineralization, and significant improvements in our understanding of the structure of collagen. These advances not only represent a paradigm shift in the way collagen mineralization is viewed and understood, but have also brought new challenges to light. In this review, we discuss how recent in vitro models have addressed critical questions regarding the role of the non-collagenous proteins in controlling mineralization, the nature of the interactions between amorphous calcium phosphate and collagen during the early stages of mineralization, and the role of collagen in the mineralization process. We discuss the significance of these findings in expanding our understanding of collagen biomineralization, while addressing some of the limitations that are inherent to in vitro systems

    The Size exclusion characteristics of collagen and elastin fibers and role of fetuin in their calcification

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    The diffusion of molecules into a mineralizing matrix may affect the process of serum-initiated mineralization. We theorized that biological matrices that mineralize in serum must have molecular exclusion characteristics due to the large number of inhibitors of mineralization present in serum. For our initial tests, we developed a gel filtration-like procedure using columns packed with collagen from tendon or bone. The elution volumes of test molecules from these columns show the volume within each column that is accessible to the test molecules, and reveal the size exclusion characteristics of the collagen within the column. Molecules smaller than a 6 kDa protein are shown to diffuse into all of the space occupied by water within the collagen fibrils, while molecules larger than a 40 kDa protein are excluded from this space. We hypothesized that fetuin, a 48 kDa serum calcification inhibitor, promotes fibril calcification by selectively inhibiting apatite growth outside the fibril. This hypothesis was tested by examining the impact of removing fetuin on serum's ability to mineralize collagen. The presence of fetuin in serum is shown to determine the location of serum-driven mineralization- in fetuin's presence, mineral forms only within the collagen fibril; in fetuin's absence, mineral forms only outside the fibril. Calcification of the elastin fibers of the artery media is also a serum driven process. We hypothesize that elastin's mineralization is dependant on fetuin preventing mineral growth outside, but not inside the elastin fiber. This hypothesis was tested by examining the impact of removing fetuin on serum's ability to mineralize elastin. By subsequently running molecules over a column packed with elastin fibers, we show that the fiber has size exclusion characteristics comparable to those of collagen, and is dependant on fetuin for mineralization in serum. These observations show that serum calcification activity consists of at least two large proteins. One unidentified protein generates crystal nuclei outside of the collagen fibril or elastin fiber, which then diffuse in. The other protein, fetuin, binds crystal nuclei outside the collagen or elastin matrices, inhibiting their growth, and paradoxically promoting matrix mineralization. This mineralization mechanism provides insight into the ways biological matrices calcify in viv

    Mineralization by Inhibitor Exclusion: THE CALCIFICATION OF COLLAGEN WITH FETUIN

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    One of our goals is to understand the mechanisms that deposit mineral within collagen fibrils, and as a first step we recently determined the size exclusion characteristics of the fibril. This study revealed that apatite crystals up to 12 unit cells in size can access the water within the fibril, whereas molecules larger than a 40-kDa protein are excluded. Based on these observations, we proposed a novel mechanism for fibril mineralization: that macromolecular inhibitors of apatite growth favor fibril mineralization by selectively inhibiting crystal growth in the solution outside of the fibril. To test this mechanism, we developed a system in which crystal formation is driven by homogeneous nucleation at high calcium phosphate concentration and the only macromolecule in solution is fetuin, a 48-kDa inhibitor of apatite growth. Our experiments with this system demonstrated that fetuin determines the location of mineral growth; in the presence of fetuin mineral grows exclusively within the fibril, whereas in its absence mineral grows in solution outside the fibril. Additional experiments showed that fetuin is also able to localize calcification to the interior of synthetic matrices that have size exclusion characteristics similar to those of collagen and that it does so by selectively inhibiting mineral growth outside of these matrices. We termed this new calcification mechanism ā€œmineralization by inhibitor exclusion,ā€ the selective mineralization of a matrix using a macromolecular inhibitor of mineral growth that is excluded from that matrix. Future studies will be needed to evaluate the possible role of this mechanism in bone mineralization
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