53 research outputs found

    Repositorio visual de memorias: una alternativa tecnológica para ver y entender el conflicto en Colombia

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    Through the construction of a digital repository capable of containing the visual memories that have occurred in Colombia related to conflict and human rights violations, this article, which is derived from the research project Atlas Visual de la Memoria: Digital Repository of Memories (second phase), from the Memory and Society line of the Research Group on Information, Knowledge and Society of the University of Antioquia - Colombia, seeks to investigate alternative forms of knowledge representation and the construction of technological aids that To advance in the understanding of social problems

    Sistema para el etiquetado de discursos orales (AVOCES) : selección y definición de categorías

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    RESUMEN: Tras una caracterización sobre el discurso oral desde la compleja red de elementos y disciplinas que configuran su estudio, se presenta un software para etiquetado y transcripción de los discursos orales en contextos de ciencias humanas y jurídicas (AVOCES). Este sistema se complementa con un algoritmo de extracción de información que permite una búsqueda de términos por contextos discursivos específicos, facilitando los procesos de almacenamiento y recuperación de información para el investigador. El objetivo de la aplicación informática es proveer a los investigadores de un entorno asistido para el análisis del discurso oral desde técnicas automáticas de etiquetado y extracción más fiables, contribuyendo así no solo a la consolidación de una metodología más consistente de los estudios discursivos orales, sino, al mismo tiempo, a una mejor preservación de la tradición oral.ABSTARCT:After a characterization of oral discourse from the point of view of disciplines that have it as its object of study, a new software program designed to tag and typescript oral discourses in the field of human sciences and law (AVOCES) is introduced. This system is complemented with an information extraction algorithm that allows a search for terms in specific discourse contexts, facilitating the storage and retrieval processes for the researcher. This computer application is aimed at providing researchers with a new tool for oral discourse analysis that features more reliable techniques of labeling and extraction. This software program may make an important contribution to the consolidation of an improved methodology in the field of oral discourse studies and, at the same time, to a better preservation of oral tradition

    A meaningful relationship: book clubs and library networks in Medellin and Barcelona

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    RESUMEN: Desde hace algunos años se viene haciendo un trabajo cooperado entre Medellín y Barcelona, que convoca a usuarios y miembros de las bibliotecas y los clubes de lectura de ambas ciudades en torno a la palabra escrita. Sobre esta experiencia, que es digna de conocer de primera mano, recurrimos a quien desde Barcelona lidera esta alianza estratégica entre dos lugares que por su proximidad idiomática y su interés por el conocimiento están produciendo cambios significativos en la sociedad

    Role of Human Rights Photographic Archives in the Collective Memory

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    RESUMEN: Se hace una revisión de investigaciones y documentos centrados en la relación establecida entre fotografía y memoria colectiva a través de los archivos fotográficos de Derechos Humanos, así como la función que cumplen los museos, centros de documentación o lugares donde se encuentran ubicados. Para la selección del material se atendió a su disponibilidad principalmente en bases de datos indexadas de reconocido prestigio: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ y Dialnet, con descriptores como fotografía y memoria, archivo fotográfico, memoria colectiva y museos, con un corte temporal de 2006-2015. Se organiza el material en función de una serie de preguntas decisivas a la hora de abordar los problemas atinentes a la conservación de un archivo fotográfico y su papel en la memoria colectiva de poblaciones vulnerables. Los lugares de memoria reflejan una tensión entre los intereses políticos y la necesidad de las poblaciones vulnerables de manifestarse y dejar testimonio de las infracciones a los derechos humanos. La organización del material fotográfico plantea serias dificultades respecto a la conservación y clasificación con la cantidad de imágenes digitales que hoy se producen.ABSTARCT: It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material’s selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population’s need for expression and for to testify about the human’s right’s violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today


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    Un análisis de algunas expresiones lingüísticas empleadas en la ciudad de Medellín – Colombia, nos permite comprender dinámicas sociales donde se sanciona, se reprime y se oculta mediante acciones de corrección o estigmatización por motivos de condición social, nivel de escolaridad y/o género, entre otras. Desde la teórica crítica, basados en referentes como el pensamiento decolonial, proponemos vislumbrar las dinámicas de transgresión social empleadas por comunidades marginales como alternativas de resistencia y emancipación en contra de posturas hegemónicas de control cultural que tienden a la discriminación y la exclusión.An analysis of some linguistic expressions used in the city of Medellin - Colombia, allows us to understand social dynamics where it is sanctioned, repressed and hidden through actions of correction or stigmatization for reasons of social status, level of schooling and / or gender, among others. From critical theory, based on references such as decolonial thought, we propose to glimpse the dynamics of social transgression used by marginal communities as alternatives of resistance and emancipation against hegemonic positions of cultural control that tend to discrimination and exclusion.Uma análise de algumas expressões lingüísticas utilizadas na cidade de Medellín - Colômbia, nos permite compreender a dinâmica social onde é sancionada, reprimida e ocultada por meio de ações de correção ou estigmatização por motivos de condição social, nível de educação e/ou gênero, entre outros. A partir da teoria crítica, com base em referenciais como o pensamento decolonial, propomos vislumbrar as dinâmicas de transgressão social utilizadas pelas comunidades marginais como alternativas de resistência e emancipação contra posições hegemônicas de controle cultural que tendem à discriminação e à exclusão. &nbsp

    Papel de los archivos fotográficos de Derechos Humanos en la memoria colectiva

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    It is made a review of researchs and documents focused in the relation between photography and collective memory trough photoarchives of human rights, and the function that have the museums, documentation centers or memory places where they are. For the material's selection it was attended to their availability in indexed databases with prestige: Web of Science, Scielo, EbscoHost, DOAJ, and Dialnet, with descriptors as photograph and memory, photoarchive, collective memory and museums, and papers between 2006 and 2015. The material is organized in function of a series of questions about the conservation of a photoarchive and its role in collective memory of vulnerable population. The memory places reflects a tension between political interests and the vulnerable population's need for expression and for to testify about the human's right's violations. The photographic material organization set up difficults respect the conservation and classification with the quantity of digital images that are produced today

    Publicité et modernisation au Chili et en Colombie entre 1870 et 1914 (une approche des processus d'établissement de la publicité comme représentation d'une nouvelle pratique de consommation)

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    La modernisation de la fin du XIX siècle se présente en Amérique latine comme un projet économique qui prétend modifier les paradigmes sociaux et culturels existants en surmontant et dépassant les héritages coloniaux encore ancrés dans la société. L analyse des annonces publicitaires publiées dans les moyens de communication imprimés au Chili et en Colombie, entre 1870 et 1914, nous permet d'apprécier l émergence d un nouvel ordre discursif autour de pratiques de consommation en rapport avec la modernisation, d une part, mais aussi de cerner comment les nouveaux modèles d'échange de biens et de services altèrent progressivement les us et coutumes de la société, d autre part. Pour avancer sur la compréhension du lien entre publicité et modernisation, nous recourrons aux axes de réflexion qu'énonce la nouvelle histoire culturelle, en l occurrence celle de l'École de Francfort et particulièrement l'analyse développée par Jürgen Habermas sur la sphère publique. Nous nous appuyons également sur les apports des études culturelles britanniques mais aussi latino-américaines contemporaines. Nous avons procédé méthodologiquement, avec la recherche puis la sélection d'un corpus représentatif des objets publicitaires; nous avons établi ensuite une classification systématique de ceux-ci selon la méthode d'analyse du traitement journalistique de l'information; finalement, nous les avons examinés à la lumière des processus de production, circulation et consommation en vigueur. Cette approche systématique nourrit l étude de leur impact et de leurs effets sur le sens, les utilisations et les significations du discours de la modernité, dans les sociétés chilienne et colombienne durant la période abordéeThe modernization of the late nineteenth century in Latin America was presented as an economic project that both would modify the existing social and cultural paradigms and contribute to overcoming the colonial remnants that were still anchored in society. An analysis of the advertisements that were published in print media in Chile and Colombia between 1870 and 1914 has allowed us to appreciate a discursive order of consumption practices related to the modernization being established and how this new exchange goods and services model altered the habits and customs of the society. To advance in the understanding the link between advertising and modernization, we turn to the guidelines set forth by the new cultural history, the Frankfurt School, specifically the approach developed by Jürgen Habermas on the public sphere and the contributions developed by the contemporary British and Latin American cultural studies. Methodologically, we proceeded with the search and selection of a representative corpus of advertising campaigns. Subsequently, such campaigns were classified and systematized according to the method of analysis of press coverage of information. Finally, we examine the processes of production, circulation and consumption, as well as the meaning effects, uses and meanings of this kind of discourse in the Latin American society.NANTERRE-PARIS10-Bib. élec. (920509901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Memoria de lo cotidiano: representaciones visuales del archivo de Lucía Álvarez

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    This case study focuses on the archive that Lucía Álvarez (1936‑2018) built during the last 24 years of her life. The images gathered in 14 volumes were selected from particular points of view that the author had about forms of daily activity that could be archived. Images of birds that appeared daily in the newspaper, signatures of doctors who did their check-ups or advertising calendars that are distributed at the beginning of the year, configure the heritage built in accordance with individual motivations that changed course according to the circumstances. A complex system of relationships and meanings that open questions about how dominant passions enrich everyday life, activate skills, develop aesthetic skills and expand the types of perception and affections is evidenced

    Memoria de lo cotidiano: representaciones visuales del archivo de Lucía Álvarez

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    This case study focuses on the archive that Lucía Álvarez (1936‑2018) built during the last 24 years of her life. The images gathered in 14 volumes were selected from particular points of view that the author had about forms of daily activity that could be archived. Images of birds that appeared daily in the newspaper, signatures of doctors who did their check-ups or advertising calendars that are distributed at the beginning of the year, configure the heritage built in accordance with individual motivations that changed course according to the circumstances. A complex system of relationships and meanings that open questions about how dominant passions enrich everyday life, activate skills, develop aesthetic skills and expand the types of perception and affections is evidenced

    Las joyas del archivo Santa Laura Montoya Upegui (Jericó 1874-Medellín 1949): historia de la recuperación de su acervo documental

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    The aim of this article is to investigate the process of recovery, restoration and classification of the documentary collection of Laura Montoya Upegui, better known as Madre Laura. She founded the Comunidad Misionera de María Inmaculada y Santa Catalina de Sena and she was canonized in 2013. The archive houses approximately 28,000 pages written by the author, among which there are all her original works. The history of the recovery of the Archive begins in 1949, when the writer dies, and since then it has been enriching and modernizing. The organization of documents are divided into the areas that involve the intellectual profile of this saint: theology, mysticism, anthropology, missiology, literature, among others. On the other hand, the archive conserves the books of her personal library, a photographic archive and the collection of books and magazines that the missionary edited and published in her own printing press, called Santa Teresita