1,378 research outputs found

    Diseño de circuitos analógicos y de señal mixta con consideraciones de diseño físico y variabilidad

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    Advances in microelectronic technology has been based on an increasing capacity to integrate transistors, moving this industry to the nanoelectronics realm in recent years. Moore’s Law [1] has predicted (and somehow governed) the growth of the capacity to integrate transistors in a single IC. Nevertheless, while this capacity has grown steadily, the increasing number of design tasks that are involved in the creation of the integrated circuit and their complexity has led to a phenomenon known as the ``design gap´´. This is the difference between what can theoretically be integrated and what can practically be designed. Since the early 2000s, the International Technology Roadmap of Semiconductors (ITRS) reports, published by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), alert about the necessity to limit the growth of the design cost by increasing the productivity of the designer to continue the semiconductor industry’s growth. Design automation arises as a key element to close this ”design gap”. In this sense, electronic design automation (EDA) tools have reached a level of maturity for digital circuits that is far behind the EDA tools that are made for analog circuit design automation. While digital circuits rely, in general, on two stable operation states (which brings inherent robustness against numerous imperfections and interferences, leading to few design constraints like area, speed or power consumption), analog signal processing, on the other hand, demands compliance with lots of constraints (e.g., matching, noise, robustness, ...). The triumph of digital CMOS circuits, thanks to their mentioned robustness, has, ultimately, facilitated the way that circuits can be processed by algorithms, abstraction levels and description languages, as well as how the design information traverse the hierarchical levels of a digital system. The field of analog design automation faces many more difficulties due to the many sources of perturbation, such as the well-know process variability, and the difficulty in treating these systematically, like digital tools can do. In this Thesis, different design flows are proposed, focusing on new design methodologies for analog circuits, thus, trying to close the ”gap” between digital and analog EDA tools. In this chapter, the most important sources for perturbations and their impact on the analog design process are discussed in Section 1.2. The traditional analog design flow is discussed in 1.3. Emerging design methodologies that try to reduce the ”design gap” are presented in Section 1.4 where the key concept of Pareto-Optimal Front (POF) is explained. This concept, brought from the field of economics, models the analog circuit performances into a set of solutions that show the optimal trade-offs among conflicting circuit performances (e.g. DC-gain and unity-gain frequency). Finally, the goals of this thesis are presented in Section 1.5

    A prefix encoding for a constructed language

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    This work focuses in the formal and technical analysis of some aspects of a constructed language. As a first part of the work, a possible coding for the language will be studied, emphasizing the pre x coding, for which an extension of the Hu man algorithm from binary to n-ary will be implemented. Because of that in the language we can't know a priori the frequency of use of the words, a study will be done and several strategies will be proposed for an open words system, analyzing previously the existing number of words in current natural languages. As a possible upgrade of the coding, we'll take also a look to the synchronization loss problem, as well as to its solution: the self-synchronization, a t-codes study with the number of possible words for the language, as well as other alternatives. Finally, and from a less formal approach, several applications for the language have been developed: A voice synthesizer, a speech recognition system and a system font for the use of the language in text processors. For each of these applications, the process used for its construction, as well as the problems encountered and still to solve in each will be detailed

    Informe resumen de las visitas al proyecto de electrificación rural en la v sección de la provincia de Pacajes (La Paz) 2009

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    El presente documento recoge de una manera general la información obtenida durante la visita realizada a la V Sección de la Provincia de Pacajes (La Paz), en septiembre de 2009, por los autores para la valoración y estudio del proyecto de electrificación rural ejecutado por IPADE y AECI - OTC Bolivia desde 1996 a 1998

    Technologies and capability approach: a framework for solar energy development projects

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    The implementation of solar energy development projects in isolated rural communities involves a large technological change for the beneficiaries. Despite these development projects imply direct basic need coverage (in terms of energy access and its benefit) its success is dependent on many aspect difficult to understand. Experience shows that the same technology may be successful or not depending on many external factors. These technological projects are commonly formulated based on two simple accepted premises. The first one relies on the general assumption that beneficiaries would accept and be more involved in a project in direct relation to their human needs satisfaction that the project provides. The second one, particular for this kind of project, is that simple technology is better understood and so accepted, maintained and properly used by the beneficiaries, in the wake of the intermediate technology movement. Reality shows that both assumptions are not always observed in these projects. Surprisingly, some solar energy solution with better link with human need satisfaction are not well accepted while other -with higher complexity- are used and adapted for long time use. A different framework must be used to explain short and long term behavior of these projects and capability approach and the conversion factor concept provide a good framework to understand the process involving high tech in development projects This work intends to apply the well-known capability approach as a theoretical framework to identify the conversion factors through which a solar energy project -considered as a good- promotes capabilities and so, achieved functioning. The theoretical consideration is based on field notes about solar energy projects in Bolivia. Particularly a set of development projects performed in the 90's decade and sponsored by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) have been the object of short and long-term analysis. They were focused on rural electrification on Bolivian Altiplano (high plateau) and several solar energy solutions have been implemented at different stages of the program. They show how the same technology achieves positive or negative capacity developments depending on the context, and that we could identify the conversion factors that promote a successful project. In this sense a link could be establish among this Capability Approach framework and the commonly used Logical Framework Approach, among conversion factor and assumptions (external factor) at certain levels.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    An Automated Approach for Verification of Software Requirements

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    In this paper, we present an automated approach for the verification of software requirements. This approach is based on the representation of software requirements in XML and the usage of the XSLT language to automatically verify some desired quality properties. These ideas have been implemented in REM, an experimental requirements management tool that is also described in this paper.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) GEOZOCO TIC 2000–1106–C02–0

    W.B. Yeats: dos traducciones en gallego

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    La huella de Joyce en Galicia

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    Plácido Ramón Castro y la poesía inglesa en gallego

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    Las redes como consorcio: una alternativa sostenible para lograr mayor impacto

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    Ponencias de la Segunda Conferencia internacional sobre brecha digital e inclusión social, celebrada del 28 al 30 de octubre de 2009 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridEl objetivo central es el de socializar la experiencia en el trabajo realizado dentro del proyecto “Implementación de telecentros en el área rural para facilitar el acceso a Internet” que logro concretar una alianza estratégica entre 8 instituciones miembros de Red TICBolivia a nivel nacional, con una cobertura en 6 de los 9 departamentos con los que cuenta Bolivia. La metodología utilizada para éste trabajo fue la Sistematización de Experiencia a través de entrevistas y visitas de campo que se realizaron a los Telecentros. Dentro de los principales resultados del trabajo podemos mencionar la eficiencia en la utilización de recursos, ya que el presupuesto estaba diseñado para la consolidación de 10 telecentros, gracias a estrategias de utilización de recursos se logro implementar 14. Al mismo tiempo resaltar la importancia de la creación de contenidos locales y la revalorización del recurso humano en la zona donde se hicieron las implementaciones