21 research outputs found

    Transport and fate of viruses in sediment and stormwater from a Managed Aquifer Recharge site

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    © 2017 Elsevier. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This author accepted manuscript is made available following 24 month embargo from date of publication (Oct 2017) in accordance with the publisher’s archiving policyEnteric viruses are one of the major concerns in water reclamation and reuse at Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) sites. In this study, the transport and fate of bacteriophages MS2, PRD1, and ΦX174 were studied in sediment and stormwater (SW) collected from a MAR site in Parafield, Australia. Column experiments were conducted using SW, stormwater in equilibrium with the aquifer sediment (EQ-SW), and two pore-water velocities (1 and 5 m day−1) to encompass expected behavior at the MAR site. The aquifer sediment removed >92.3% of these viruses under all of the considered MAR conditions. However, much greater virus removal (4.6 logs) occurred at the lower pore-water velocity and in EQ-SW that had a higher ionic strength and Ca2+ concentration. Virus removal was greatest for MS2, followed by PRD1, and then ΦX174 for a given physicochemical condition. The vast majority of the attached viruses were irreversibly attached or inactivated on the solid phase, and injection of Milli-Q water or beef extract at pH = 10 only mobilized a small fraction of attached viruses ( μs > kdet > μl, and katt was several orders of magnitude greater than μl. Therefore, current microbial risk assessment methods in the MAR guideline may be overly conservative in some instances. Interestingly, virus BTCs exhibited blocking behavior and the calculated solid surface area that contributed to the attachment was very small. Additional research is therefore warranted to study the potential influence of blocking on virus transport and potential implications for MAR guidelines

    Transport and deposition of functionalized CdTe nanoparticles in saturated porous media

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    Comprehensive understanding of the transport and deposition of engineered nanoparticles (NPs) in subsurface is required to assess their potential negative impact on the environment. We studied the deposition behavior of functionalized quantum dot (QD) NPs (CdTe) in different types of sands (Accusand, ultrapure quartz, and iron-coated sand) at various solution ionic strengths (IS). The observed transport behavior in ultrapure quartz and iron-coated sand was consistent with conventional colloid deposition theories. However, our results from the Accusand column showed that deposition was minimal at the lowest IS (1 mM) and increased significantly as the IS increased. The effluent breakthrough occurred with a delay, followed by a rapid rise to the maximum normalized concentration of unity. Negligible deposition in the column packed with ultrapure quartz sand (100 mM) and Accusand (1 mM) rules out the effect of straining and suggests the importance of surface charge heterogeneity in QD deposition in Accusand at higher IS. Data analyses further show that only a small fraction of sand surface area contributed in QD deposition even at the highest IS (100 mM) tested. The observed delay in breakthrough curves of QDs was attributed to the fast diffusive mass transfer rate of QDs from bulk solution to the sand surface and QD mass transfer on the solid phase. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis were used to examine the morphology and elemental composition of sand grains. It was observed that there were regions on the sand covered with layers of clay particles. EDX spectra collected from these regions revealed that Si and Al were the major elements suggesting that the clay particles were kaolinite. Additional batch experiments using gold NPs and SEM analysis were performed and it was observed that the gold NPs were only deposited on clay particles originally on the Accusand surface. After removing the clays from the sand surface, we observed negligible QD deposition even at 100 mM IS. We proposed that nanoscale charge heterogeneities on clay particles on Accusand surface played a key role in QD deposition. It was shown that the value of solution IS determined the extent to which the local heterogeneities participated in particle deposition

    Determining water quality requirements of coal seam gas produced water for sustainable irrigation

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    Coal seam gas production in Australia generates large volumes of produced water that is generally high in total dissolved solids and has a high sodium absorption ratio (SAR) which may affect soil structure, hydraulic conductivity, and crop production if used untreated for irrigation. By coupling major ion soil chemistry and unsaturated flow and plant water uptake, this study incorporates effects of salt concentrations on soil hydraulic properties and on root water uptake for soils irrigated with produced water featuring different water qualities. Simulations provided detailed results regarding chemical indicators of soil and plant health, i.e. SAR, EC and sodium concentrations. Results from a base scenario indicated that the use of untreated produced water for irrigation would cause SAR and EC values to significantly exceed the soil quality guide values in Australia and New Zealand (ANZECC). The simulations provided further useful insights in the type of coupled processes that might occur, and what the potential impacts could be on soil hydrology and crop growth. Calculations showed that the use of untreated produced water resulted in a decrease in soil hydraulic conductivity due to clay swelling causing water stagnation, additional plant-water stress and a reduction in plant transpiration. In case the produced water was mixed with surface water in a 1:3 ratio prior to irrigation, the calculated soil SAR values were much lower and generally acceptable for sandy to sandy-loam soil. The use of reverse osmosis treated produced water yielded an acceptable salinity profile not exceeding guide values for SAR and EC; the plant water stress was limited as there was no additional salinity stress associated with the low level of salts. Results further illustrated that accounting for coupled geochemical, hydrological and plant water uptake processes resulted in more accurate water balance calculations compared to an approach where such interactions were not implemented. Coupling unsaturated flow modelling with major ion chemistry solute transport using HYDRUS provides quantitative evidence to determine suitable water quality requirements for sustainable irrigation using coal seam gas produced water

    Determining Parameters and Mechanisms of Colloid Retention and Release in Porous Media

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    A modeling framework is presented to determine fundamental parameters and controlling mechanisms of colloid (microbes, clays, and nanoparticles) retention and release on surfaces of porous media that exhibit wide distributions of nanoscale chemical heterogeneity, nano- to microscale roughness, and pore water velocity. Primary and/or secondary minimum interactions in the zone of electrostatic influence were determined over the heterogeneous solid surface. The Maxwellian kinetic energy model was subsequently employed to determine the probability of immobilization and diffusive release of colloids from each of these minima. In addition, a balance of applied hydrodynamic and resisting adhesive torques was conducted to determine locations of immobilization and hydrodynamic release in the presence of spatially variable water flow and microscopic roughness. Locations for retention had to satisfy both energy and torque balance conditions for immobilization, whereas release could occur either due to diffusion or hydrodynamics. Summation of energy and torque balance results over the elementary surface area of the porous medium provided estimates for colloid retention and release parameters that are critical to predicting environmental fate, including the sticking and release efficiencies and the maximum concentration of retained colloids on the solid phase. Nanoscale roughness and chemical heterogeneity produced localized primary minimum interactions that controlled long-term retention, even when mean chemical conditions were unfavorable. Microscopic roughness played a dominant role in colloid retention under low ionic strength and high hydrodynamic conditions, especially for larger colloids

    Minimizing Virus Transport in Porous Media by Optimizing Solid Phase Inactivation.

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    The influence of virus type (PRD1 and ΦX174), temperature (flow at 4 and 20°C), a no-flow storage duration (0, 36, 46, and 70 d), and temperature cycling (flow at 20°C and storage at 4°C) on virus transport and fate were investigated in saturated sand-packed columns. The vast majority (84-99.5%) of viruses were irreversibly retained on the sand, even in the presence of deionized water and beef extract at pH = 11. The reversibly retained virus fraction () was small (1.6 × 10 to 0.047) but poses a risk of long-term virus contamination. The value of and associated transport risk was lower at a higher temperature and for increases in the no-flow storage period due to the temperature dependency of the solid phase inactivation. A model that considered advective-dispersive transport, attachment (), detachment (), solid phase inactivation (μ), and liquid phase inactivation (μ) coefficients, and a Langmuirian blocking function provided a good description of the early portion of the breakthrough curve. The removal parameters were found to be in the order of > μ >> μ. Furthermore, μ was an order of magnitude higher than μ for PRD1, whereas μ was two and three orders of magnitude higher than μ for ΦX174 at 4 and 20°C, respectively. Transport modeling with two retention, release, and inactivation sites demonstrated that a small fraction of viruses exhibited a much slower release and solid phase inactivation rate, presumably because variations in the sand and virus surface roughness caused differences in the strength of adhesion. These findings demonstrate the importance of solid phase inactivation, temperature, and storage periods in eliminating virus transport in porous media. This research has potential implications for managed aquifer recharge applications and guidelines to enhance the virus removal by controlling the temperature and aquifer residence time

    Modeling the release of E. coli D21g with transients in water content

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    Abstract Transients in water content are well known to mobilize colloids that are retained in the vadose zone. However, there is no consensus on the proper model formulation to simulate colloid release during drainage and imbibition. We present a model that relates colloid release to changes in the air-water interfacial area (A aw ) with transients in water content. Colloid release from the solid-water interface (SWI) is modeled in two steps. First, a fraction of the colloids on the SWI partitions to the mobile aqueous phase and airwater interface (AWI) when the A aw increases during drainage. Second, colloids that are retained on the AWI or at the air-water-solid triple line are released during imbibition as the AWI is destroyed. The developed model was used to describe the release of Escherichia coli D21g during cycles of drainage and imbibition under various saturation conditions. Simulations provided a reasonable description of experimental D21g release results. Only two model parameters were optimized to the D21g release data: (i) the cell fraction that was released from the SWI (f r ) and (ii) the cell fraction that partitioned from the SWI to the AWI (f awi ). Numerical simulations indicated that cell release was proportional to f r and the initial amount of retention on the SWI and AWI. Drainage to a lower water content enhanced cell release, especially during subsequent imbibition, because more bacteria on the SWI were partitioned to the AWI and/or aqueous phase. Imbibition to a larger water content produced greater colloid release because of higher flow rates, and more destruction of the AWI (smaller A aw ). Variation in the value of f awi was found to have a pronounced influence on the amount of cell release in both drainage and imbibition due to changes in the partitioning of cells from the SWI to the aqueous phase and the AWI