310 research outputs found

    Grantor\u27s Control Over Irrevocable Trusts

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    Youth Call All Shots in New Community Group

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    Contol over Motor Carriers by the Public Utilities Commission

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    Subtropical Coastal Lagoon from Southern Brazil: Environmental Conditions and Phytobenthic Community Structure

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    The chapter is about the study of environmental conditions and the structure of the benthic diatoms community in Peixe Lagoon, which is inserted in a National Park in southern Brazil. The study was carried out covering four seasons from 2011 to 2012. The system is shallow (<60 cm) located parallel to the coastline, and it is connected to the ocean through a single channel, which occurs naturally or through human action. In this lagoon, during the study, the water temperature ranged between 15.3 and 32.1°C, and the dissolved oxygen presented higher value in the winter (12.5 mg.L−1) and lower value in the summer (7.5 mg.L−1). The lagoon ranged from mesotrophic to hypereutrophic conditions. The salinity varied between 1.3 and 36.2%, and these variations were mainly related to meteorological conditions. The community of diatoms in Peixe Lagoon is composed by 62 taxa distributed in 30 genera composed largely of marine, brackish, and few freshwater species. Among the attributes of the community, composition better reflects the environmental variations. The opening and closing of the channel, salinity, temperature, and the action and direction of the wind are variables influencing the dynamics of the microphytobenthic community

    Особливості методики діагностування функціональної компетентності менеджерів освіти до здійснення контрольно-діагностичних функцій

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    The article describes particular qualities of methods of functional competence. Diagnosis of educational managers for performance of control and diagnostic functions in middle school. The proposed method involves two areas of diagnosis: the first – diagnosis of knowledge and skills, the second – diagnosis professionally important qualities of education managers. Presented a series of tasks («A», «B», «C» – for the former, psychological techniques – for the second direction), and the technology of their assessment. The results of a study to identify the level of functional competence of managers of education to carry out control and diagnostic functions of the proposed method are analyzed.У статті розкрито особливості методики діагностування функціональної компетентності менеджерів освіти до здійснення контрольно-діагностичних функцій в ЗОШ. Запропонована методика передбачає два напрями діагностування: перший – діагностування знань і вмінь, другий – діагностування професійно важливих якостей менеджерів освіти. Запропоновано серії завдань («А», «В», «С» – для першого напряму, психологічні методики – для другого напряму) та технології їх оцінювання. Представлено результати дослідження щодо виявлення рівня функціональної компетентності менеджерів освіти до здійснення контрольно-діагностичних функцій за представленою методикою

    Diversidade e distribuição de algas em áreas úmidas do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Surveys of algae diversity and distribution involving the Rio Grande do Sul State was completely unknown. The main goals of this study were to analyze the richness and distribution of the algae genera in wetlands of Rio Grande do Sul and to compare the algal composition among five geomorphologic provinces and between different wetland classes and types. A total of 146 wetlands were sampled within the five geomorphologic provinces of Rio Grande do Sul: Coastal Plain, Central Depression, Cristaline Shield, Highlands and Pampas. One single visit took place in each wetland from March to October 2002. A total of 107 genera of algae were found, distributed along five divisions: Cyanophyta, Heterokontophyta, Dinophyta, Euglenophyta, and Chlorophyta. The highest number of genera was found in Chlorophyta (52). Most of the observed genera presented a sporadic and occasional distribution in the wetlands of Rio Grande do Sul. The wetland algal composition of Cristaline Shield, Central Depression and Pampas was similar. While the planktonic algae were more associated with the aquatic bed vegetation (Gymnodinium, Scenedesmus and Ankistrodemus), and permanent wetlands (Dictyosphaerium and Ankistrodesmus), the periphytic algae were more associated with the emergent vegetation (Oscillatoria and Encyonema), and intermittent wetlands (Nostoc). The results showed a high richness and wide geographic distribution of the algae in wetlands of Rio Grande do Sul. Key words: biodiversity, algae, wetlands, South of Brazil.Estudos sobre a diversidade e distribuição de algas em áreas úmidas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul eram inexistentes. Os principais objetivos desse estudo foram analisar a riqueza e a distribuição geográfica de gêneros de algas em áreas úmidas do Rio Grande do Sul e comparar a composição entre as cinco províncias geomorfológicas do Estado e entre as diferentes classes e tipos de áreas úmidas. Um total de 146 áreas foi amostrado de março a outubro de 2002 ao longo das cinco províncias geomorfológicas do Rio Grande do Sul: Planície Costeira, Depressão Central, Escudo Cristalino, Planalto e Planalto da Campanha. Uma única coleta foi realizada em cada área úmida. Um total de 107 gêneros de algas foi encontrado, estando distribuídos em cinco divisões: Cyanophyta-Cyanobacteria, Heterokontophyta, Dinophyta, Euglenophyta e Chlorophyta. A divisão Chlorophyta apresentou o maior número de gêneros (52). A maioria dos gêneros apresentou distribuição esporádica e ocasional nas áreas úmidas do Estado. A composição de algas entre as áreas úmidas do Escudo Cristalino, Depressão Central e Planalto da Campanha foi similar. Enquanto as algas planctônicas estiveram mais associadas às áreas úmidas herbáceas (Gymnodinium, Scenedesmus e Ankistrodesmus), e permanentes (Dictyosphaerium e Ankistrodesmus), as algas perifíticas estiveram mais associadas às áreas úmidas emergentes (Oscillatoria e Encyonema) e intermitentes (Nostoc). Estes resultados mostraram uma alta riqueza e ampla distribuição de algas em áreas úmidas no Rio Grande do Sul. Palavras-chave: biodiversidade, algas, áreas úmidas, sul do Brasil


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    Judul penelitian ini adalah: “Strategi Toke Karet dalam Transaksi Jual Beli pada Desa Marsonja Kec. Sungai Kanan Kab. Labuhan Batu Selatan Sumatera Utara Ditinjau Dari Fiqh Muamalah” Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi adanya transaksi jual beli karet antara toke dengan petani karet di Desa Marsonja Kec. Sungai Kanan Kab. Labuhanbaru Selatan yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan-aturan Sayari’at Islam. Adapun permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana strategi toke karet dalam transaksi jual beli di Desa Marsonja Kec. Sungai Kanan Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan, dan bagaimana tinjauan Fiqh Muamalah terhadap strategi toke karet dalam transaksi jual beli karet. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (Field Research). Adapun lokasi penelitian ini adalah Desa marsonja Kec. Sungai Kanan Kab. Labuhanbatu Selatan. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan telaah pustaka yang dianalisa menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 140 orang, yang terdiri dari 20 orang toke karet dan 120 orang petani karet. Dari populasi yang ada maka penulis mengambil sampel dengan metode purposive sampling yaitu sampel yang dipilih berdasarkan pengetahuan yang telah dimiliki sebelumnya mengenai populasi, yaitu pengetahuan mengenai elemen-elemen yang terdapat pada populasi, dan tujuan penelitian yang hendak dilakukan. Peneliti menentukan sendiri sampelnya sebanyak 25% atau 35 orang, yang terdiri 10 orang toke dan 25 orang petani karet. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa strategi toke karet dalam transaksi jual beli yang dilakukan antara toke karet dan petani karet di Desa Marsonja Kec. Sungai Kanan terdapat beberapa strategi. Satu. Toke memberikan pinjaman lebih awal sebelum ada jual beli antara toke dengan petani karet dengan tidak ada potongan harga kepada petani karet. Dua. Dengan harga yang lebih tinggi di bandingkan dengan harga pasaran toke yang lain dengan tujuan ingin mendapatkan keuntungan yang lebih tinggi. Tiga. Perbedaan harga karet petani yang berhutang dengan petani karet yang tidak berhutang. Empat. Curang dalam takaran timbangan dengan harga yang lebih tinggi. Lima. Dengan cara menampilkan perilaku yang baik di lingkungan masyarakat. Ditinjau dari persepektif Fiqh Muamalah bahwa strategi toke karet dalam transaksi jual beli karet di Desa Marsonja Kec. Sungai Kanan Kab. Labuhanbaru Selatan pada umumnya tidak sesuai dengan konsep Syariah Islam, terutama strategi transaksi jual beli karet: seperti memberikan tekanan harga kepada petani karet yang berhutang, membedakan harga petani karet yang berhutang dengan yang tidak berhutang, curang dalam takara

    Manufactured Housing Zoning: Constitutional Limitations and Recent Trends

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    Nearly twenty years ago Justice Brennan penned the line "if a policeman must know the Constitution, then why not a planner?" Most planners have at least a passing notion of takings law and the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prevents the taking of private property for public use without just compensation. Constitutional limitations on zoning, though, can go far beyond the Fifth Amendment. Over the past several years two Constitutional doctrines which might seem esoteric to most non-attorneys, have been used with varying degrees of success in challenging zoning ordinances which discriminate against manufactured housing, preemption and the dormant Commerce Clause. The purpose of this article is twofold: first, to explain the two doctrines and review recent federal court cases from the last three years in which they were raised and second, to briefly divine from those cases some practical advice for planners and other local government decision makers

    Adaptabilidade do modelo de "Rolling Financial Forecast" à empresa Gerdau

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    Este trabalho aborda um tema relativamente recente da literatura em administração. Ele visa trazer mais informações e testar a validade dos modelos de Rolling Financial Forecast (Orçamento em bases contínuas) em empresas. Assim sendo, após uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre planejamento e orçamento, foi elaborado um modelo de Rolling Financial Forecast para a empresa Gerdau, multinacional brasileira do ramo siderúrgico. O modelo é simplificado, se propondo a apenas projetar os resultados consolidados da Gerdau S.A., não desdobrando as projeções em suas subsidiárias.Este trabajo se propone a analizar un tema relativamente actual en la literatura de administración. El modelo se propone a traer mas informaciones y testar la validad de los modelos de Rolling Financial Forecast en las empresas. Entonces, después de una rápida revisión de la bibliografía acerca de planeación financiera, fue elaborado un modelo de Rolling Financial Forecast para la empresa Gerdau S.A., siderúrgica multinacional brasileña. El modelo es simplificado, y se propone a solamente proyectar los resultados consolidados de la Gerdau S.A., sin desplegar las proyecciones en sus subsidiarias

    Book Reviews: Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality; The State Against Blacks; Housing and Urban Development in the U.S.S.R.

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    Book reviews of the following: CIVIL RIGHTS: RHETORIC OR REALITY; THE STATE AGAINST BLACKS: Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality? by Thomas Sowell and The State Against Blacks by Walter Williams have very little, if anything, to do with planning. Yet, the implications they have for planners and the planning profession are staggering. Drs. Sowell and Williams, both conservative black economists, have directly challenged the major themes that have long guided urban and civil rights policy, as well as the responses of planners and others to those policies. In the process, the two authors have succinctly turned the conventional wisdoms of the liberal welfare state on its head. HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN THE USSR: Many American planners are unfamiliar with the profession's practice outside the continent. What problems do planners in the United States share with planners elsewhere? How important is governmental structure in dictating the planners role? Are the same trends in planning shared by other industrialized nations? How are other governments dealing with these trends? Gregory D. Andrusz' thorough account of housing and urban development in the Soviet Union is a proper starting place for those interested in such international planning questions