457 research outputs found

    EL rahvusvahelise eraõiguse määruste ja kolmandate riikidega sõlmitud õigusabilepingute vahekord

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    Doktoritöö eesmärgiks on vastata küsimusele, mil määral on omavahel kooskõlas Euroopa Liidu rahvusvahelise eraõiguse määrused ning nn laiapõhjalised õigusabilepingud, mille Eesti Vabariik on enne Euroopa Liiduga liitumist sõlminud Venemaa Föderatsiooni ja Ukrainaga. Mõlemat liiki instrumendid reguleerivad küsimust, millal saavad isikud Eesti kohtutesse pöörduda, millise riigi õigust peavad Eesti kohtud kohaldama, millistel tingimustel saab Eestis maksma panna välisriikide kohtulahendeid ja muid täitedokumente ning kuidas peaks toimuma rahvusvaheline koostöö teiste riikide ametiasutustega tsiviilasjade lahendamisel. Ühtlasi on tegemist õigusaktidega, mida rahvusvaheliste tsiviilõiguslike vaidluste lahendamisel Eesti kohtutes peale tsiviilkohtumenetluse seadustiku kõige rohkem kasutatakse. Kuigi enne Euroopa Liiduga liitumist kolmandate riikidega sõlmitud välislepingud omavad formaalselt Euroopa Liidu õigusaktide ees prioriteeti, toob kahe erineva rahvusvahelise eraõiguse režiimi kehtimine kaasa tagajärje, kus Eesti kohtutes koheldakse isikuid sõltuvalt nende kodakondsusest erinevalt. Selline tulemus ei ole ei Euroopa Liidu ega ka kolmandate riikidega sõlmitud välislepingute eesmärgiks. Doktoritöös kaardistatakse võimalik konkurents kahe erinevat liiki režiimi vahel ning pakutakse välja võimalused, kuidas saaks kaasaegseid rahvusvahelise eraõiguse meetodeid kasutades vältida konkurentsi tulemusel tekkivaid erinevaid lahendusi selliselt, et tagataks erinevate isikute võrdne kohtlemine Eesti kohtutes tsiviilasjade lahendamisel.The purpose of the dissertation is to answer the question to which extent are European private international law regulations compatible with the broad legal assistance treaties that the Republic of Estonia concluded with the Russian Federation and Ukraine before joining the European Union. Both types of instruments deal with the questions how to determine international jurisdiction in civil cases, which law is applicable in Estonian courts, what are the conditions for recognizing and enforcing foreign judgments and other enforcement titles in Estonia and how to cooperate with the authorities of foreign states while solving civil cases. At the same time, besides the national code of civil procedure, both types of legal acts are the instruments most often used in Estonian courts when solving international civil disputes. Although the legal assistance treaties concluded with third states before the Republic of Estonia joined the EU enjoy the priority of application over the EU regulations in Estonian courts, the conflicts between the two types of private international law rules occur and result in different nationals being treated differently in Estonian courts. This kind of result is not something that the European instruments or the treaties would seek to ensure. The dissertation maps possible conflicts between the two types of instruments and, by using the methods of modern private international law, offers solutions how to avoid such conflicts in order to equally treat various nationals in Estonian courts when solving civil cases

    Suurenenud õhuniiskuse, ekstreemse ilmastiku ja lageraie mõju kasvuhoonegaaside voole kiirekasvulistes lehtmetsades

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Põhja-Euroopas võib tulevikus suureneda õhuniiskus ning sageneda kuumalained ja suvine põud. Seetõttu on oluline teada: (i) kuidas metsad, mis on kõige levinumad ökosüsteemid Põhja-Euroopas, muutuvates tingimustes käituvad ja (ii) mis mõju on ökosüsteemide kohanemisel kasvuhoonegaaside voogudele. Kiirekasvuliste lehtmetsade aktiivne (lühikese raieringiga) majandamine võimaldab vähendada fossiilsete kütuste kasutamist ja leevendada edasisi kliimamuutuseid, kuid sellega kaasnev lageraie ja lageraiele järgnev metsauuendus on tugevad häiringud metsamullale, mis koos peapuuliigiga võivad muuta mulla kasvuhoonegaasi voogusid. Seni pole kliimamuutuste ja metsamajandamise mõju kasvuhoonegaaside voogudele mullast atmosfääri piisavalt analüüsitud. Töö peamiseks eesmärgiks oli analüüsida kliimamuutuste (suurenenud õhuniiskuse, kuumalainete ja põua) ning metsamajandamise (lageraie, metsauuendusviisi ja puuliigi) mõju kasvuhoonegaaside süsihappegaasi (CO2), metaani (CH4) ja naerugaasi (N2O) voogudele kiirekasvulistes lehtmetsades. Suurenenud õhuniiskus, lageraie ja puuliigid mõjutasid kõiki kasvuhoonegaaside voogusid, samuti olid ekstreemsed ilmastikutingimused ja metsauuendus olulised tegurid CO2 ja CH4 voogude bilansi kujunemisel. Suurenenud õhuniiskus võis nii suurendada kui ka vähendada CO2 emissiooni ning toime sõltus teistest abiootilistest ja biootilistest teguritest. Seejuures võis kaasikute ja haavikute CH4 sidumine mulda ning haavikute N2O emissioon mullast olla pärsitud suurenenud õhuniiskuse tingimustes. Lageraie hall-lepikus vähendas N2O kadusid, kuid suurendas süsiniku gaasilist emissiooni. See töö annab esialgse ülevaate tuleviku kliima ja metsamajandamise mõjudest kiirekasvuliste lehtmetsade kasvuhoonegaasi voogudele.Elevated humidity, heat waves and summer drought are some possible scenarios for future climate in northern Europe. Therefore it is important to know how forest – the main ecosystem type in northern Europe, will react and adapt to changes, and whether there is a positive feedback on soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas fluxes. Short rotation forestry in fast-growing deciduous stands is one possible solution to reduce the use of fossil fuels and to mitigate further climate change. On the other hand, clear-cutting and the following stand establishment are considerable disturbances for the forest soil, hence these disturbances, as well as the selected tree species, may have an effect on greenhouse gas fluxes. However, the effects of climate change, such as increased humidity, heat waves, and drought, on fast-growing deciduous forest ecosystems and the soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas fluxes of ecosystems, and the effects of forest management, such as tree species, stand establishment, and clear-cut on greenhouse gases are not sufficiently well studied. This thesis was a pilot study of several climate and management factors affecting greenhouse gas fluxes. The main aim of the thesis was to analyze the effect of climate change (elevated air humidity, extreme climate events) and forest management (clear-cut, stand establishment, tree species) on soil greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, and N2O) emissions in fast-growing deciduous stands. Elevated humidity, clear-cut and tree species affected all the measured greenhouse gas fluxes. Extreme weather conditions and stand establishment influenced CO2 emissions and CH4 uptake. Elevated humidity had various effects on CO2 emissions, depending on abiotic and biotic factors. At the same time, CH4 uptake from both tree stands and N2O emissions in hybrid aspen stands were often decreased by humidity treatment. Clear-cut of grey alder forest decreased N2O loss but enhanced gaseous C losses. The results of this thesis provide a useful insight into future deciduous forest greenhouse gas dynamics

    Medición de espesor de placas de vidrio por señal de error de foco de spot binario

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    Los sistemas de error de foco basados en el principio astigmático que utilizan detectores de cuatro cuadrantes como elemento generador de señal han sido usados ampliamente en una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Sin embargo, su principio de funcionamiento no es particularmente adecuado para medidas que involucran más de un spot. En este trabajo proponemos un nuevo método que usa un CCD como dispositivo de detección y un método de procesar los datos adquiridos. Un efecto secundario de este cambio es la pérdida del parámetro , clave en estas técnicas. Para superar este problema se propone un nuevo parámetro que llamamos señal de foco. El proceso de medición de espesor de una muestra transparente con dos caras reflectoras usando esta técnica también es presentado.Focus error systems based on the astigmatic principle relying on four quadrant photo detectors as the signal generation element have widely been used in many different applications. Nevertheless, its working principle is not particularly suitable for measurements involving more than one spot. In this work we propose a new method that uses a CCD as the detection device as well as a method of processing acquired data. A side effect of this change is the loss of the parameter key to these techniques. To overcome this issue a new parameter named focus signal is proposed. The thickness measuring process of a transparent sample with two reflective layers using this technique is also presented.Fil: Aguilar, Andrés Daniel. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Delta; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Torga, Jorge Román. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Delta; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Elliptiliste lausete tuvastamine ja märgendamine eesti keele UD puudepangas

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    Mitte-projektiivsed laused eesti keele sõltuvuspuude pangas

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    Com a palavra, as gestoras: a trajetória de mulheres em cargos de gestão nos clubes de futebol do Brasil

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    We know that historically men and women did not have the same opportunities to access the labor market. Women were subjected to the domestic space and men to the economic power as well as family and domestic. However, the situation is also reflected in the sports market, specifically soccer, a sport traditionally made by men and for men. In this sense, we highlight as objective of this study, to understand the performance of women in management positions in professional Brazilian men’s soccer, through their personal trajectories. To this end, a qualitative, descriptive and interpretative study was organized. To collect data, the interview technique was used with four women in positions of board and management in Brazilian soccer clubs in 2017. Data analysis followed the technique of content analysis according to Bardin. Through their discourses on the forms of insertion, the challenges ahead of the club management and the difficulties encountered within the organizational soccer environment, a culturally predominantly masculine environment, were the topics discussed. It was observed that there is an under-representation of women in these posts and constant challenges to exercise their positions, which are institutional. Even women in paid positions in some way in order to stay in their jobs need strategic connections, networking, engagements, and political articulation with men within the club. The difficulties found indicate that soccer still manifests itself as a structuring means of a gender hierarchy. We conclude that women in management positions in Brazilian soccer represent a resistance to occupy spaces traditionally reserved for men, shaking established power structures and questioning established social discourses.Sabemos que historicamente homens e mulheres não tiveram as mesmas oportunidades de acesso ao mercado de trabalho. Às mulheres coube o espaço doméstico e aos homens o público e o poder econômico. Não obstante, a situação também se reflete no mercado esportivo, mais especificamente no futebol, um esporte tradicionalmente feito por homens e para homens. Nesse sentido, destacamos como objetivo deste estudo, compreender a atuação de mulheres em cargos de gestão no futebol profissional masculino brasileiro, por meio das suas trajetórias pessoais. Para tal, organizou-se um estudo de abordagem qualitativa e caráter descritivo e interpretativo. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se a técnica de entrevista, realizada com quatro mulheres que ocupavam em 2017, cargos de diretoria e gestão em clubes do futebol brasileiro. A análise dos dados seguiu a técnica da análise de conteúdo, de acordo com Bardin. Através dos discursos sobre as formas de inserção, os desafios à frente da gestão dos clubes de futebol e as dificuldades enfrentadas dentro do ambiente organizacional futebolístico, um ambiente culturalmente de predominância masculina foram os temas discutidos. Observou-se que existe uma sub-representatividade de mulheres nesses postos e desafios constantes para exercerem seus cargos, que são institucionais. Mesmo as mulheres que exercem cargos remunerados, de alguma maneira para se manterem em seus postos precisam de conexões estratégicas e redes de contatos, engajamentos e articulações políticas com os homens dentro do clube. As dificuldades encontradas indicam que o futebol ainda se manifesta como um meio estruturante de uma hierarquia de gênero. Concluímos que as mulheres em cargos de gestão no futebol brasileiro representam uma resistência ao ocuparem esses espaços tradicionalmente reservados aos homens, abalando mesmo que de forma ainda tímida as estruturas de poder estabelecidas e questionando os discursos sociais instituídos

    Design of a fluorescence technique using double laser pulse excitation for the measurement of molecular Brownian dynamics

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 234).A complete analysis of a novel method to evaluate the rotational diffusion time of fluorescent molecules is presented. It is based on the study of the total fluorescence produced after excitation with two consecutive short laser pulses. Expressions for the total fluorescence energy emitted in this case are derived, which would allow the evaluation of the rotational diffusion time. The main advantages of the proposed method are its simple setup, a time resolution only limited by the exciting laser pulsewidth, and the fact that it does not require fast time response detectors

    Investigating the role of the experimental protocol in phenylhydrazine-induced anemia on mice recovery

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    Producción CientíficaProduction of red blood cells involves growth-factor mediated regulation of erythroid progenitor apoptosis and self-renewal. During severe anemia, characterized by a strong fall of the hematocrit followed by a recovery phase, these controls allow a fast recovery of the hematocrit and survival of the organism. Using a mathematical model of stress erythropoiesis and an ad hoc numerical method, we investigate the respective roles of anemia-inducing phenylhydrazine injections and physiological regulation on the organism’s recovery. By explicitly modeling the experimental protocol, we show that it mostly characterizes the fall of the hematocrit following the anemia and its severeness, while physiological process regulation mainly controls the recovery. We confront our model and our conclusions to similar experiments inducing anemia and show the model’s ability to reproduce several protocols of phenylhydrazine-induced anemia. In particular, we establish a link between phenylhydrazine effect and the severeness of the anemia.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project MTM2014-56022-C2-2-P

    Recent Progress in the Systemic Treatment of Advanced/Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Cholangiocarcinomas (CCAs) comprise of a heterogeneous group of cancers arising in the biliary tract (intrahepatic or iCCA, perihilar or pCCA and distal or dCCA; the latter are known under the collective term of eCCA), each subtype having its own particularities in carcinogenesis, management and prognosis. The increasing incidence in recent decades, limited treatment options and high mortality rates, even in the early stages, have led to an imperious need for more in-depth understanding and development of tailored treatments for this type of aggressive tumour. The wide use of molecular profiling has increased the understanding of biology and identified key molecular drivers, for example, IDH1 mutations or FGFR2 fusions for iCCA, or BRAF mutations in eCCA. Most recently, the FDA approved pemigatinib, an FGFR inhibitor and ivosidenib, an IDH1 inhibitor, but even though progress has been made to better understand the mechanisms of tumorigenesis, genetic make-up, and tumour resistance to standard chemotherapy and targeted therapies, cholangiocarcinomas still represent an important challenge in the daily clinical practice of oncology. The purpose of this review is to highlight the recent progress in the systemic treatment of advanced/metastatic CCAs with a focus on targeted drugs and their biomarkers currently evaluated in early-phase clinical trials