31 research outputs found

    The digitalisation of the Nordic bioeconomy and its effect on gender equality

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    With digitalisation, the male-dominated bioeconomy sector becomes intertwined with the male-dominated tech sector. We focus on the effects on gender equality within the bioeconomy sector when these two gender unequal sectors are merged. We review the existing literature by studying three concepts - bioeconomy, digitalisation and gender - as a way to highlight the current state of knowledge on gender in the Nordic digitalised bioeconomy. Through this investigation we provide directions for future research and suggest actions to be taken. The contemporary literature discusses two major areas of focus: the impact of history on today's situation and gender inequality as a women's issue. We propose four areas of future research focus: moving beyond a historical perspective, understanding the effectiveness of women-only activities, focusing on men's role in gender equality work, and developing sustainability. We identify four points of action for practitioners in the literature: female role models, mentorship programmes, networks for young professionals and students and incorporating gender into bioeconomy-related education. However, together with the proposed future research, we suggest two considerations when practitioners in the Nordic digitalised bioeconomy take action: being mindful of the purpose and structure of women-only activities and including men when working with gender issues

    Short wavelength UV–LED photoinitiated radical polymerization of acrylate–based coating systems—A comparison with conventional UV curing.

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    The present work was performed at Sherwin–Williams Sweden group AB with the objective of comparing short-wavelength light emitting diodes (UVB/UVC) with the conventional mercury arc lamp as a curing method of acrylate-based, UV-paint undergoing free-radical polymerization when exposed to UV-radiation. Due to environmental and health risks, mercury-doped radiation sources will be phased out in the near future, according to the United Nations Minamata convention, hence new alternatives are needed. Light-emitting diodes differ from the mercury arc lamp as they provide semi-discrete output intensity lines within the UV spectrum instead of a broad output distribution with several main intensity lines. The power output is also considerably lower compared to the conventional method which limits the irradiance and dose that are key parameters in activating and propagating free-radical polymerization of UV-paint. Seven different light-emitting diodes between 260–320 nm was examinedand compared to the conventional mercury arc lamp. Cured coatings were evaluated by measuring the relative extent of acrylate conversion with ATR-FTIR and micro-hardness indentation test. Both methods correlate to the relative cross-linking density and qualitatively describe the curing process for each radiant source at a specific irradiance and dose. Three different paint formulations with widely different properties were used in the experiments. All three paints were able to cure with one or several light emitting diodes at comparable doses and 10 to 20 times lower irradiance to the conventional mercury arc lamp, resulting in similar acrylate conversion and hardness

    Short wavelength UV–LED photoinitiated radical polymerization of acrylate–based coating systems—A comparison with conventional UV curing.

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    The present work was performed at Sherwin–Williams Sweden group AB with the objective of comparing short-wavelength light emitting diodes (UVB/UVC) with the conventional mercury arc lamp as a curing method of acrylate-based, UV-paint undergoing free-radical polymerization when exposed to UV-radiation. Due to environmental and health risks, mercury-doped radiation sources will be phased out in the near future, according to the United Nations Minamata convention, hence new alternatives are needed. Light-emitting diodes differ from the mercury arc lamp as they provide semi-discrete output intensity lines within the UV spectrum instead of a broad output distribution with several main intensity lines. The power output is also considerably lower compared to the conventional method which limits the irradiance and dose that are key parameters in activating and propagating free-radical polymerization of UV-paint. Seven different light-emitting diodes between 260–320 nm was examinedand compared to the conventional mercury arc lamp. Cured coatings were evaluated by measuring the relative extent of acrylate conversion with ATR-FTIR and micro-hardness indentation test. Both methods correlate to the relative cross-linking density and qualitatively describe the curing process for each radiant source at a specific irradiance and dose. Three different paint formulations with widely different properties were used in the experiments. All three paints were able to cure with one or several light emitting diodes at comparable doses and 10 to 20 times lower irradiance to the conventional mercury arc lamp, resulting in similar acrylate conversion and hardness

    Produktionskostnad för el frÄn kÀrnkraft och solkraft

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    Sverige Ă€r ett av de lĂ€nder i vĂ€rlden som har högst elanvĂ€ndning per person. I denna situation Ă€r dĂ€rmed priset som varje enskild slutkund betalar för sin elförbrukning relevant, dĂ„ Ă€ven smĂ„ prisskillnader kan ge stora effekter i slutĂ€ndan. ”Produktionskostnad för el frĂ„n kĂ€rnkraft och solkraft” Ă€r en studie som bryter ner elpriset till dess bestĂ„ndsdelar och redogör för de olika komponenterna. Produktionskostnaderna för kĂ€rnkraft och solkraft har tagits fram genom att kartlĂ€gga kostnaderna för de aktiviteter som Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga för nyttiggörandet av kraftslagen samt de styrmedel som har inverkan pĂ„ produktionskostnaden. För att kunna besvara problemformuleringen har begrĂ€nsningar gjorts till solkraft frĂ„n solcellsparker och kĂ€rnkraft producerad utifrĂ„n de i dagslĂ€get uttalade framtidsplanerna för kĂ€rnkraften. De framtagna produktionskostnaderna har sedan analyserats och stĂ€lls mot varandra för att ge perspektiv pĂ„ vilka kostnadsbĂ€rare som har störst inverkan pĂ„ respektive produktionskostnad samt i vilken utstrĂ€ckning analyserade styrmedel pĂ„verkar den. BerĂ€kningarna visar att produktionskostnaden för kĂ€rnkraft Ă€r 25,15 öre/kWh inklusive styrmedel och 24,75 öre/kWh. För solkraft nĂ„s produktionskostnaden 48,68 öre/kWh inklusive styrmedel och 60,72 öre/kWh utan. Slutligen har det kunnat konstateras att dagens situation gĂ€llande produktionskostnaden för solkraft och kĂ€rnkraft inte har direkt pĂ„verkan pĂ„ elpriset som slutkunden betalar. Elpriset Ă€r baserat pĂ„ utbud och efterfrĂ„gan, varför nĂ„gon av och dessa mĂ„ste skifta betydande för att kĂ€rnkraftens rörliga produktionskostnader ska komma att pĂ„verka spotpriset pĂ„ elmarknaden.Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the highest electricity use per person. Something that becomes relevant in such a situation is the price that each customer pays per kilowatt for their consumed electricity. Even small differences in price can lead to larger differences in the end. "Production cost of electricity from nuclear power and solar power" is a study that breaks down the price of electricity to its constituents and describes the various components. The production costs of nuclear power and solar power have been developed by identifying the cost of the activities necessary for the utilization of the power source and the instruments that have an impact on the cost of production. In order to answer the problem formulation, limitations have been made to solar power from solar parks and nuclear power produced on the basis of the declared future plans for nuclear power. The production costs produced have since been analyzed and set against each other in order to gain a perspective on which cost carriers have the greatest impact on the respective production costs and the extent to which analyzed control instruments affect it. The calculations show that the cost of production for nuclear power is 25,15 öre/kWh including instruments and 24,75 öre/kWh. For solar power, the production cost reached is 48,68 öre/kWh including instruments and 60,72 öre/kWh without. Finally, it has been noted that the current price situation on the cost of production of solar power and nuclear power does not have a direct impact on the price of electricity paid by the end customer. The price of electricity is based on supply and demand, and these have to shift quite a lot in order for the mobile production costs of nuclear power to affect spot prices on the electricity market

    Cirkularitet i hantering av försörjningskedjor inom ICT-sektorn : UtvÀrdering av materialeffektivitet i lagerhantering för cirkularitet hos Ericsson

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    In the currently dominating linear economy, there is a strong focus on the forward supply of products, where products and materials are being replaced and wasted at an increasing pace. In addition to this, there are products not even reaching customers, being scrapped as a result of them being excess in inventories. As the increasingly noted circular economy aims to control the flows of materials so that these are circulated and the value of them is kept as high as possible while minimizing waste, it offers a set of tools useful to increase the material efficiency of excess inventories. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how improved inventory management can increase material efficiency from a circular economy perspective, to improve environmental and economic sustainability performance. A case study was completed at a global company in the ICT manufacturing sector where the current processes for handling excess inventory were studied along with the implications of product modularization. While exploring this topic, the thesis further aims to identify barriers and potentials to improving inventory management from the circular economy perspective. In enabling this, a qualitative study was performed, collecting empirical data through interviews with employees and researchers to use as the base for analysis and discussion. The findings present that although processes for managing products in excess inventory exist at the case company, there is great room for improvement regarding both a wider application of these along with the incentives and efficiency of them. The selection of products to be recirculated is today greatly dominated by economic factors, where typically only high-value products tend to be considered and the environmental aspect is somewhat lost in this consideration. Moreover, modularization is identified as an enabler for increased material efficiency in inventory management, reducing unique components and materials in inventories and thereby the risk of scrapping. However, these positive effects of modularization on the material efficiency are unfortunately not expected to be seen in the nearest time, but rather in the future. Furthermore, several barriers to improved inventory management are identified, also indicating the existing potentials for improvement and capabilities required for this. The most prominent barriers recognized are organizational, technological and economic barriers. The majority of them are internal barriers existing within the organization.I den för nÀrvarande dominerande linjÀra ekonomin finns ett starkt fokus pÄ det framÄtgÄende flödet av produkter, dÀr produkter och material byts ut och slösas i en allt ökande takt. Utöver det hÀr produktflödet finns dessutom produkter som aldrig nÄr kund, utan som skrotas pÄ grund av att de Àr i överskott eller har blivit förÄldrade medan fortfarande i lager. DÄ den alltmer uppmÀrksammade cirkulÀra ekonomin syftar till att kontrollera flödena av material sÄ att dessa cirkuleras och hÄlls vid ett sÄ högt vÀrde som möjligt samtidigt som avfall minimeras, erbjuder den en uppsÀttning anvÀndbara verktyg som kan anvÀndas för att öka materialeffektiviteten i överskottslager. Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka hur förbÀttrad lagerhantering kan öka materialeffektiviteten ur perspektivet av den cirkulÀra ekonomin, med syftet att förbÀttra miljömÀssig och ekonomisk hÄllbarhetsprestanda. En fallstudie utfördes vid ett globalt företag inom den tillverkande ICT-sektorn dÀr de nuvarande processerna för hantering av överskottslager studerades tillsammans med implikationerna av att modularisera delar av produktportföljen. I undersökningen av detta syftar studien vidare till att identifiera barriÀrer och potential för förbÀttrad lagerhantering utifrÄn den cirkulÀra ekonomins principer. Detta utfördes genom en kvalitativ studie dÀr empirisk data samlades in genom intervjuer med anstÀllda samt forskare, vilken lÄg till grund för den analys och diskussion som genomförts. Resultaten visar att Àven om det i dagslÀget finns processer för att hantera produkter i överskottslager hos fallföretaget, finns det stort utrymme för förbÀttring gÀllande effektiviteten av dessa. Urvalet av produkter för Ätercirkulering domineras idag till hög grad av ekonomiska faktorer, dÀr oftast enbart produkter av högt ekonomiskt vÀrde prioriteras för Ätercirkulering, och hÄllbarhetsaspekten förloras pÄ vÀgen. Vidare identifieras modularisering som en möjliggörande faktor till förbÀttrad lagerhantering dÀr fÀrre unika komponenter och reducerade materialnivÄer i lager minskar risken för skrotning. De positiva effekterna av modularisering pÄ materialeffektiviteten inom lagerhantering förvÀntas dÀremot bli synbara pÄ lÄng sikt snarare Àn kort sikt. Avslutningsvis identifieras flertalet barriÀrer till förbÀttrad materialeffektivitet inom lagerhantering, vilka indikerar de befintliga möjligheterna till förbÀttring. De mest framstÄende typerna av barriÀrer inkluderar organisatoriska, tekniska och ekonomiska barrirÀrer, dÀr det kan konstateras att merparten Àr interna barriÀrer som kan hanteras inom organisationen

    Recycling of concrete for sustainable road construction : Why are proven methods not currently used?

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    This report aims to investigate why proven methods for recycling concrete waste as road construction material are not practiced in Sweden. An additional objective is to investigate how concrete is handled as a waste product and whether it would be environmentally friendly and financially beneficial to clients and contractors. Information has been extracted via interviews conducted with experts from various positions within the civil engineering industry. Additional information was obtained through literature studies and questionnaires sent and received via email. Results which were frequently mentioned by engineering professionals included the extra expense of transporting and processing crushed concrete, parties involved in the design and construction processtend to follow traditional methods of using tried and tested virgin materials, the assumption of responsibility for structural failure due to alternative materials and general lack of knowledge surrounding crushed concrete as a construction material. Conclusions are that crushed concrete is suitable for construction of subbases in roads and base courses of cycle/pedestrian paths. Traditionally used virgin materials are generally less expensive than crushed concrete. Existing legislation makes the use of recycled construction material difficult. Awareness and education regarding recycled concrete, as a construction material, should be increased

    Recycling of concrete for sustainable road construction : Why are proven methods not currently used?

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    This report aims to investigate why proven methods for recycling concrete waste as road construction material are not practiced in Sweden. An additional objective is to investigate how concrete is handled as a waste product and whether it would be environmentally friendly and financially beneficial to clients and contractors. Information has been extracted via interviews conducted with experts from various positions within the civil engineering industry. Additional information was obtained through literature studies and questionnaires sent and received via email. Results which were frequently mentioned by engineering professionals included the extra expense of transporting and processing crushed concrete, parties involved in the design and construction processtend to follow traditional methods of using tried and tested virgin materials, the assumption of responsibility for structural failure due to alternative materials and general lack of knowledge surrounding crushed concrete as a construction material. Conclusions are that crushed concrete is suitable for construction of subbases in roads and base courses of cycle/pedestrian paths. Traditionally used virgin materials are generally less expensive than crushed concrete. Existing legislation makes the use of recycled construction material difficult. Awareness and education regarding recycled concrete, as a construction material, should be increased

    Produktionskostnad för el frÄn kÀrnkraft och solkraft

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    Sverige Ă€r ett av de lĂ€nder i vĂ€rlden som har högst elanvĂ€ndning per person. I denna situation Ă€r dĂ€rmed priset som varje enskild slutkund betalar för sin elförbrukning relevant, dĂ„ Ă€ven smĂ„ prisskillnader kan ge stora effekter i slutĂ€ndan. ”Produktionskostnad för el frĂ„n kĂ€rnkraft och solkraft” Ă€r en studie som bryter ner elpriset till dess bestĂ„ndsdelar och redogör för de olika komponenterna. Produktionskostnaderna för kĂ€rnkraft och solkraft har tagits fram genom att kartlĂ€gga kostnaderna för de aktiviteter som Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga för nyttiggörandet av kraftslagen samt de styrmedel som har inverkan pĂ„ produktionskostnaden. För att kunna besvara problemformuleringen har begrĂ€nsningar gjorts till solkraft frĂ„n solcellsparker och kĂ€rnkraft producerad utifrĂ„n de i dagslĂ€get uttalade framtidsplanerna för kĂ€rnkraften. De framtagna produktionskostnaderna har sedan analyserats och stĂ€lls mot varandra för att ge perspektiv pĂ„ vilka kostnadsbĂ€rare som har störst inverkan pĂ„ respektive produktionskostnad samt i vilken utstrĂ€ckning analyserade styrmedel pĂ„verkar den. BerĂ€kningarna visar att produktionskostnaden för kĂ€rnkraft Ă€r 25,15 öre/kWh inklusive styrmedel och 24,75 öre/kWh. För solkraft nĂ„s produktionskostnaden 48,68 öre/kWh inklusive styrmedel och 60,72 öre/kWh utan. Slutligen har det kunnat konstateras att dagens situation gĂ€llande produktionskostnaden för solkraft och kĂ€rnkraft inte har direkt pĂ„verkan pĂ„ elpriset som slutkunden betalar. Elpriset Ă€r baserat pĂ„ utbud och efterfrĂ„gan, varför nĂ„gon av och dessa mĂ„ste skifta betydande för att kĂ€rnkraftens rörliga produktionskostnader ska komma att pĂ„verka spotpriset pĂ„ elmarknaden.Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the highest electricity use per person. Something that becomes relevant in such a situation is the price that each customer pays per kilowatt for their consumed electricity. Even small differences in price can lead to larger differences in the end. "Production cost of electricity from nuclear power and solar power" is a study that breaks down the price of electricity to its constituents and describes the various components. The production costs of nuclear power and solar power have been developed by identifying the cost of the activities necessary for the utilization of the power source and the instruments that have an impact on the cost of production. In order to answer the problem formulation, limitations have been made to solar power from solar parks and nuclear power produced on the basis of the declared future plans for nuclear power. The production costs produced have since been analyzed and set against each other in order to gain a perspective on which cost carriers have the greatest impact on the respective production costs and the extent to which analyzed control instruments affect it. The calculations show that the cost of production for nuclear power is 25,15 öre/kWh including instruments and 24,75 öre/kWh. For solar power, the production cost reached is 48,68 öre/kWh including instruments and 60,72 öre/kWh without. Finally, it has been noted that the current price situation on the cost of production of solar power and nuclear power does not have a direct impact on the price of electricity paid by the end customer. The price of electricity is based on supply and demand, and these have to shift quite a lot in order for the mobile production costs of nuclear power to affect spot prices on the electricity market

    Produktionskostnad för el frÄn kÀrnkraft och solkraft

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    Sverige Ă€r ett av de lĂ€nder i vĂ€rlden som har högst elanvĂ€ndning per person. I denna situation Ă€r dĂ€rmed priset som varje enskild slutkund betalar för sin elförbrukning relevant, dĂ„ Ă€ven smĂ„ prisskillnader kan ge stora effekter i slutĂ€ndan. ”Produktionskostnad för el frĂ„n kĂ€rnkraft och solkraft” Ă€r en studie som bryter ner elpriset till dess bestĂ„ndsdelar och redogör för de olika komponenterna. Produktionskostnaderna för kĂ€rnkraft och solkraft har tagits fram genom att kartlĂ€gga kostnaderna för de aktiviteter som Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga för nyttiggörandet av kraftslagen samt de styrmedel som har inverkan pĂ„ produktionskostnaden. För att kunna besvara problemformuleringen har begrĂ€nsningar gjorts till solkraft frĂ„n solcellsparker och kĂ€rnkraft producerad utifrĂ„n de i dagslĂ€get uttalade framtidsplanerna för kĂ€rnkraften. De framtagna produktionskostnaderna har sedan analyserats och stĂ€lls mot varandra för att ge perspektiv pĂ„ vilka kostnadsbĂ€rare som har störst inverkan pĂ„ respektive produktionskostnad samt i vilken utstrĂ€ckning analyserade styrmedel pĂ„verkar den. BerĂ€kningarna visar att produktionskostnaden för kĂ€rnkraft Ă€r 25,15 öre/kWh inklusive styrmedel och 24,75 öre/kWh. För solkraft nĂ„s produktionskostnaden 48,68 öre/kWh inklusive styrmedel och 60,72 öre/kWh utan. Slutligen har det kunnat konstateras att dagens situation gĂ€llande produktionskostnaden för solkraft och kĂ€rnkraft inte har direkt pĂ„verkan pĂ„ elpriset som slutkunden betalar. Elpriset Ă€r baserat pĂ„ utbud och efterfrĂ„gan, varför nĂ„gon av och dessa mĂ„ste skifta betydande för att kĂ€rnkraftens rörliga produktionskostnader ska komma att pĂ„verka spotpriset pĂ„ elmarknaden.Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the highest electricity use per person. Something that becomes relevant in such a situation is the price that each customer pays per kilowatt for their consumed electricity. Even small differences in price can lead to larger differences in the end. "Production cost of electricity from nuclear power and solar power" is a study that breaks down the price of electricity to its constituents and describes the various components. The production costs of nuclear power and solar power have been developed by identifying the cost of the activities necessary for the utilization of the power source and the instruments that have an impact on the cost of production. In order to answer the problem formulation, limitations have been made to solar power from solar parks and nuclear power produced on the basis of the declared future plans for nuclear power. The production costs produced have since been analyzed and set against each other in order to gain a perspective on which cost carriers have the greatest impact on the respective production costs and the extent to which analyzed control instruments affect it. The calculations show that the cost of production for nuclear power is 25,15 öre/kWh including instruments and 24,75 öre/kWh. For solar power, the production cost reached is 48,68 öre/kWh including instruments and 60,72 öre/kWh without. Finally, it has been noted that the current price situation on the cost of production of solar power and nuclear power does not have a direct impact on the price of electricity paid by the end customer. The price of electricity is based on supply and demand, and these have to shift quite a lot in order for the mobile production costs of nuclear power to affect spot prices on the electricity market

    Cirkularitet i hantering av försörjningskedjor inom ICT-sektorn : UtvÀrdering av materialeffektivitet i lagerhantering för cirkularitet hos Ericsson

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    In the currently dominating linear economy, there is a strong focus on the forward supply of products, where products and materials are being replaced and wasted at an increasing pace. In addition to this, there are products not even reaching customers, being scrapped as a result of them being excess in inventories. As the increasingly noted circular economy aims to control the flows of materials so that these are circulated and the value of them is kept as high as possible while minimizing waste, it offers a set of tools useful to increase the material efficiency of excess inventories. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how improved inventory management can increase material efficiency from a circular economy perspective, to improve environmental and economic sustainability performance. A case study was completed at a global company in the ICT manufacturing sector where the current processes for handling excess inventory were studied along with the implications of product modularization. While exploring this topic, the thesis further aims to identify barriers and potentials to improving inventory management from the circular economy perspective. In enabling this, a qualitative study was performed, collecting empirical data through interviews with employees and researchers to use as the base for analysis and discussion. The findings present that although processes for managing products in excess inventory exist at the case company, there is great room for improvement regarding both a wider application of these along with the incentives and efficiency of them. The selection of products to be recirculated is today greatly dominated by economic factors, where typically only high-value products tend to be considered and the environmental aspect is somewhat lost in this consideration. Moreover, modularization is identified as an enabler for increased material efficiency in inventory management, reducing unique components and materials in inventories and thereby the risk of scrapping. However, these positive effects of modularization on the material efficiency are unfortunately not expected to be seen in the nearest time, but rather in the future. Furthermore, several barriers to improved inventory management are identified, also indicating the existing potentials for improvement and capabilities required for this. The most prominent barriers recognized are organizational, technological and economic barriers. The majority of them are internal barriers existing within the organization.I den för nÀrvarande dominerande linjÀra ekonomin finns ett starkt fokus pÄ det framÄtgÄende flödet av produkter, dÀr produkter och material byts ut och slösas i en allt ökande takt. Utöver det hÀr produktflödet finns dessutom produkter som aldrig nÄr kund, utan som skrotas pÄ grund av att de Àr i överskott eller har blivit förÄldrade medan fortfarande i lager. DÄ den alltmer uppmÀrksammade cirkulÀra ekonomin syftar till att kontrollera flödena av material sÄ att dessa cirkuleras och hÄlls vid ett sÄ högt vÀrde som möjligt samtidigt som avfall minimeras, erbjuder den en uppsÀttning anvÀndbara verktyg som kan anvÀndas för att öka materialeffektiviteten i överskottslager. Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka hur förbÀttrad lagerhantering kan öka materialeffektiviteten ur perspektivet av den cirkulÀra ekonomin, med syftet att förbÀttra miljömÀssig och ekonomisk hÄllbarhetsprestanda. En fallstudie utfördes vid ett globalt företag inom den tillverkande ICT-sektorn dÀr de nuvarande processerna för hantering av överskottslager studerades tillsammans med implikationerna av att modularisera delar av produktportföljen. I undersökningen av detta syftar studien vidare till att identifiera barriÀrer och potential för förbÀttrad lagerhantering utifrÄn den cirkulÀra ekonomins principer. Detta utfördes genom en kvalitativ studie dÀr empirisk data samlades in genom intervjuer med anstÀllda samt forskare, vilken lÄg till grund för den analys och diskussion som genomförts. Resultaten visar att Àven om det i dagslÀget finns processer för att hantera produkter i överskottslager hos fallföretaget, finns det stort utrymme för förbÀttring gÀllande effektiviteten av dessa. Urvalet av produkter för Ätercirkulering domineras idag till hög grad av ekonomiska faktorer, dÀr oftast enbart produkter av högt ekonomiskt vÀrde prioriteras för Ätercirkulering, och hÄllbarhetsaspekten förloras pÄ vÀgen. Vidare identifieras modularisering som en möjliggörande faktor till förbÀttrad lagerhantering dÀr fÀrre unika komponenter och reducerade materialnivÄer i lager minskar risken för skrotning. De positiva effekterna av modularisering pÄ materialeffektiviteten inom lagerhantering förvÀntas dÀremot bli synbara pÄ lÄng sikt snarare Àn kort sikt. Avslutningsvis identifieras flertalet barriÀrer till förbÀttrad materialeffektivitet inom lagerhantering, vilka indikerar de befintliga möjligheterna till förbÀttring. De mest framstÄende typerna av barriÀrer inkluderar organisatoriska, tekniska och ekonomiska barrirÀrer, dÀr det kan konstateras att merparten Àr interna barriÀrer som kan hanteras inom organisationen