13 research outputs found

    Nuove ricerche tuniso-italiane al teatro romano di Althiburos

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    Nuove indagini archeologiche condotte dall'Universit\ue0 di Macerata e dall'institut National du Patrimoine di Tunisi presso il teatro romano di Althiburos (Tunisia)

    Utica Project (Tunisia). Excavations in the Phoenician‑Punic city. Results of the 2016 season

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    Se presentan los resultados de la campaña de excavaciones de 2016 en Utica (Túnez). En la Zona II se continuó excavando en el corte 21 buscando la delimitación del muro perimetral de un edificio fenicio arcaico. Se continuó la excavación al norte de dicho corte de una fosa romana. En la zona I se continuó la excavación en los sectores 21 y 22 del corte 10. El primero dio como resultado un pavimento perteneciente a una vivienda quizá del siglo III‑II a. C. En el segundo sector, situado al extremo noreste del corte, se localizó una posible calle que delimitaría la manzana urbana fenicio‑púnica. En el corte 11 se efectuó una ampliación al norte que descubrió una plataforma de cimentación hecha con grandes bloques, posiblemente para sostener el muro perimetral noreste del templo del siglo IV a. C. Por último, se efectuó una prospección geofísica en las zonas I y II para comprobar los límites de la ciudad y la existencia de estructuras antiguas en las inmediaciones de la antigua línea de costa.In the article are presented the results of the excavation season of 2016 at Utica (Tunisia). In Zone II the excavation went on in square 21 searching the delimitation of a perimetral wall of an archaic Phoenician building. North of the square was continued the excavation of a Roman pit. In Zone I, square 10, the excavation focused in sectors 21 and 22. The first one gave as a result a pavement that belongs to a house maybe of the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. In the second sector, placed at the north-east extreme of the square, was localized a possible street which could delimitate an urban Phoenician-Punic block. In square 11 an enlargement in the north area discovered a foundation platform built with ashlars, likely to support the north-east perimetral wall of the temple of 4th century BC. Finally, a geophysical survey was done in zones I and II to check the limits of the city and the existence of ancient structures in the surroundings of the ancient coastal line

    Darrers resultats del projecte de recerca tunisianocatalà a la ciutat numidoromana d'Althiburos i els seus encontorns

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    En altres números de la revista AURIGA hem tingut ocasió de donar notícies sobre els resultats obtinguts en el projecte de recerca tunisianocatalà a la ciutat númida, i després romana, d'Althiburos, a la república de Tunísia. Ens limitarem, doncs, a recordar que l'objectiu dels nostres treballs és recuperar documentació rellevant que permeti plantejar hipòtesis mínimament sòlides sobre els processos de formació i desenvolupament dels estats númides que van tenir lloc durant el primer mil·lenni aC

    El projecte de recerca arqueològica a Althiburos i els seus encontorns (El Kef, Tunísia)

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    The archaeological digs carried out between 2006 and 2009 at Althiburos has have proved the existence of contacts with the Phoenician world since the end of the eighth century BC, as well as the adoption of Punic hydraulic techniques from the sixth century BC. The relationship with the Punic world became particularly intense from the fourth century BC. It is indicated by a significant increase in the pottery imports. There is also epigraphic evidence that demonstrates the existence of a municipal organization with strong Punic influence at least from the second century BC, when a sanctuary dedicated to Baal Hammon was also created. The intense penetration of the Punic culture raises the issue of what were the political relations between Althiburos and Carthage from the fifth century BC to the time of Massinissa; more precisely, whether the former was included in the territory of the latter, or, on the contrary, it depended on the Numidian kingdom, albeit maybe housing a Carthaginian garrison

    Il santuario di Baal Hammon - Saturno Africano ad Althiburos. La trasformazione di un edificio di culto nella tarda atntichità

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    Il santuario di Baal Hammon-Saturno ad Althiburos in Tunisia, impiantato fin dal II secolo a.C., conosce nei secoli profonde modifiche planimetriche e architettoniche. Le trasformazioni più radicali sono realizzate in piena età vandala, tra la fine del V e l’inizio del VI secolo d.C., quando un grandioso complesso monumentale, la cui interpretazione risulta ancora assai sfuggente, ingloba e amplia le strutture dell’antico santuario; nuovi interventi segnalano poi la frequentazione dell’area in età bizantina, fino alla distruzione definitiva nel VII secolo d.C

    Techniques de construction traditionnelles et techniques romaines dans le théâtre d’Althiburos et les monuments de spectacle de l’Afrique Proconsulaire

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    The contribution aims to study the relationship between the traditional construction techniques of the territories of Proconsular Africa and those imported by the Romans and used in the construction of entertainment buildings, in particular theaters and amphitheatres, also taking into account the importation of typological models, starting from the “case study” of the theater of Althiburos. During the 1st and 2nd centuries AD there is a gradual introduction of Roman construction techniques, such as the opus caemaenticium, especially in the construction of substructures and vaults, sometimes with the importation of urban models, of techniques but also of Italic workers (just think of the opus reticulatum of the amphitheater of Carthage), at the same time, we also generally observe the continuous use of traditional construction techniques (in particular the opus quadratum, with stonecutting techniques that have their roots in the Punic and Hellenistic world)

    Nuove ricerche tuniso-italiane al teatro romano di Althiburos

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    Nuove indagini archeologiche condotte dall'Università di Macerata e dall'institut National du Patrimoine di Tunisi presso il teatro romano di Althiburos (Tunisia)

    Scavi e ricerche al teatro romano di Althiburos (Tunisia)

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    Le indagini congiunte tuniso-italiane al teatro romano di Althiburos si prefiggono lo studio del grande edificio romano nell'ottica della comprensione dello sviluppo architettonico ed uirbanistico della citt\ue0 romana, e la valorizzazione del sito

    Fouilles tuniso-italiennes du tophet-sanctuaire d’Althiburos. Premiers résultats (campagnes 2007-2008)

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    We present the first results of the Tunisian-Italian mission at the sanctuary-tophet of Althiburos (Tunisia). The 2007 and 2008 excavations campaigns already allowed to enrich the knowledge about the history of this important site, of the worship of Baal Hammon and Saturn, and of the characteristic rituals of this sacred place