30 research outputs found

    Charnley-Hastings hemiartoplastikk ved disloserte lårhalsbrudd. En sammenlikning av primær hemiprotese versus hemiprotese sekundært til havarert skruefiksasjon. : en prospektiv registrering av 524 pasienter med lårhalsbrudd

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    Treatment of Displaced Intracapsular Hip Fractures with Charnley Hastings hemi-arthroplasty: Comparison of Primary hemi-arthroplasty with Early Salvage hemi-arthroplasty After Failed Internal Fixation Heidi Nygaard Bakken and Torbjørn Mæhlum Ullevål University Hospital, dept. of Orthopaedics Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo BACKGROUND Primary hemi-arthroplasty or closed internal fixation with nails or screws are the two main options for treating displaced fractures of the neck of the femur. Hemi-arthroplasty is also used for treating complications, i.e failure of osteosynthesis, pseudo-arthrosis and necrosis of the femoral caput. Only a few previous studies have compared the two methods in regards to the incidence of re-operations. MATERIALS AND METHODS All patients who received a Charnley Hastings hemi-arthroplasty were registered prospectively between January 1998 and March 2002. Of a total of 524 patients, 282 received a primary arthroplasty. 149 patients were operated with a secondary arthroplasty after failure of internal fixation with cannulated Olmed-screws. RESULTS The patients receiving secondary arthroplasty had a significantly higher re-operation rate and a relatively higher number of reoperations than the patients treated with primary arthroplasty. CONCLUSION In comparison with internal fixation, arthroplasty for the treatment of a displaced femoral neck fracture significantly reduces the risk of revision surgery

    Modelling the effect of hydropeaking‐induced stranding mortality on Atlantic salmon population abundance

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    Studies of hydropeaking‐induced stranding mortality on fish populations have been confined to analysis of empirical data and/or short‐term hydraulic‐habitat modelling of individual events and are thus limited as to how they may be used to infer long‐term effects in fish populations. In this study, the effects of stranding mortality on an Atlantic salmon population were simulated using an individual‐based Atlantic salmon population model with the objective of determining the sensitivity of population dynamics to stranding. It was found that density‐dependent mortality (an alternative source of mortality in juvenile Atlantic salmon) partially compensated for stranding mortality, acting as a negative feedback mechanism that dampened change in population abundance. Stranding caused a perturbation in population dynamics, and effects of individual stranding events persisted in time across the life stages of the population. Effects on population abundance depended on the time of year when stranding was applied, both because of intra‐annual changes in stranding mortality probability and because of intra‐annual changes in the ability of density‐dependent mortality to compensate for stranding mortality. We concluded that empirical measurements of stranding mortality have limited potential for inference of overall effects on the population, and a more dynamic modelling approach, incorporating system feedback, allows for a better modelling of the impact of stranding. Sensitivity analysis showed that population abundance was highly sensitive to density‐dependent mortality, and we suggest that this area should be prioritized for further research when investigating the effects of hydropeaking on rivers.acceptedVersio

    Graphene coatings for chemotherapy: avoiding silver-mediated degradation

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    Chemotherapy treatment usually involves the delivery of fluorouracil (5-Fu) together with other drugs through central venous catheters. Catheters and their connectors are increasingly treated with silver or argentic alloys/compounds. Complications arising from broken catheters are common, leading to additional suffering for patients and increased medical costs. Here, we uncover a likely cause of such failure through a study of the surface chemistry relevant to chemotherapy drug delivery, i.e. between 5-Fu and silver. We show that silver catalytically decomposes 5-Fu, compromising the efficacy of the chemotherapy treatment. Furthermore, HF is released as a product, which will be damaging to both patient and catheter. We demonstrate that graphene surfaces inhibit this undesirable reaction and would offer superior performance as nanoscale coatings in cancer treatment applications

    SWOT-analyse av det norske landbaserte matproduksjonssystemets bidrag til matsikkerhet

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    Det norske landbasert matsystemet kan defineres som et system bestående av produksjon, foredling, transport og konsumpsjon av jordbruksprodukt. I denne rapporten presenteres resultatene av en SWOT-analyse med hensyn til norsk matsikkerhet av produksjonsdelen av matsystemet. Formålet med SWOT-analysen var å 1) avdekke de viktigste komponenter for å sikre bærekraft for norsk selvforsyning og hvilke trekk i matsystemet som kan svekke denne bærekraften, og 2) drøfte effekten av forventet politikkutvikling på disse komponentene, og klargjøre hvordan dette påvirkere selvforsyningen, dvs. evaluere selvforsyningens robusthet.SWOT-analyse av det norske landbaserte matproduksjonssystemets bidrag til matsikkerhetpublishedVersio

    Bærekraft i norsk jordbruksproduksjon. Kunnskapsstatus for videre analyser

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    Rapporten inneholder ei sammenstilling av kunnskap om status for miljømessig, økonomisk og sosial bærekraft i norsk jordbruksproduksjon og er svar på et oppdrag som NIBIO fikk fra Landbruks- og matdepartementet i november 2022. Bærekraft er operasjonalisert som jordbrukets evne til å vedvare. Det bestemmes igjen av om det drives på en måte som ikke kommer i konflikt med seg sjøl og sitt eget produksjonsgrunnlag og heller ikke med livsvilkår og ressurser for mennesker og hensyn til naturmiljøet utenfor sektoren. Det er også forutsatt at norsk jordbruk skal levere goder og tjenester i tråd med mål fastlagt i norsk landbrukspolitikk. Dette betyr ikke at konservering av status er et mål. Det kan tvert imot være slik at endringer nettopp er en avgjørende forutsetning for at jordbruket i Norge kan bestå og levere godt i all framtid. Dette skal analyseres i en etterfølgende del 2 av oppdraget. Hovedpunkt fra gjennomgangen av kunnskapskilder og ei sluttvurdering av status for bærekraft finnes i et sammendrag sist i rapporten.Bærekraft i norsk jordbruksproduksjon. Kunnskapsstatus for videre analyserpublishedVersio

    Kunnskapsstatus for bruk av molekylære verktøy i kartlegging og overvåkning av biologisk mangfold i marine miljø

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    Source at https://www.miljodirektoratet.no/publikasjoner/2021/juni-2021/kunnskapsstatus-for-bruk-av-molekylare-verktoy-i-kartlegging-og-overvakning-av-biologisk-mangfold-i-marine-miljo/Denne rapporten er bestilt av Miljødirektoratet fra NorBOL (Norwegian Barcode of Life), et nasjonalt nettverk av forskningsinstitusjoner som koordineres av NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet. Universitetsmuseet i Bergen har hatt prosjektledelsen. Rapporten gir en oppsummering av dagens status på DNA-basert metodikk som verktøy i kartlegging og overvåking av biologisk mangfold i det marine miljø. Fokus har vært på innsamlingsmetodikk og protokoller for DNA-analyser av arter og artsgrupper. Metodikken er evaluert opp mot kartleggings- og overvåkingsaktivitet i regi av Miljødirektoratet, og kommer med anbefalinger for videre framdrift for å ta metodikken i bruk i nasjonal kartlegging og overvåking. Rapporten har også en gjennomgang og evaluering av eksisterende referansemateriale og referansesekvenser for relevante arter og artsgrupper som inngår i Miljødirektoratets kartleggings- og overvåkingsaktivitet

    Mapping Orientation Distribution of Talc Particles in Polypropylene by Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Tomography

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    Small-angle X-ray scattering tomography has for the first time been used toinvestigate the spatially resolved orientation distribution of talc particles in asample of injection molded isotactic polypropylene, where the particles had apreferred orientation along the axis of the injection. The scattering patternsin the direction perpendicular to the rotation axis of the tomography scanwere used to retrieve the orientation distribution in a 2D cross section of thesample.Two different methods are presented, one using a numerical approach ofsimulated annealing and one method using a linear set of equations to findthe distances the X-ray beam travels through the different orientation regions.The method of simulated annealing showed little to no promise inretrieving the orientation distribution while the method using a linear setof equations is successful at retrieving the main features of the orientationdistribution. The resolution is however not yet good enough to distinguishfine details inside the sample.It is believed that with further work on the model used and additional constraintson the reconstruction algorithm higher precision in the retrievedorientation distribution can be achieved

    Socio-environmental integration of hydropower facilities

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    Centre for Environmental Design of Renewable Energy (CEDREN) is a research centre focusing on hydropower production and environmental impacts of hydropower. The main objective of CEDREN is to develop and communicate design solutions for renewable energy production that address environmental and societal challenges at local, regional, national and global levels. Environmental design means that planning, building and operation have to include technical, economic, environmental and socio‑political aspects throughout the whole life‑span of the project. Methods and tools to ensure environmental design are developed in CEDREN and applied to case studies in Norway and internationally. These methods and tools focus on finding physical and biological bottlenecks for affected species and ecosystems by mapping, modelling and analysis of both physical conditions and ecological status. CEDREN proposes different measures, tools and methods to improve the environmental conditions as well as how to maintain or increase the power production. In addition, a strong focus must be made on political governance to ensure more representative participation of relevant stakeholders in the process of finding the best technical, economic and political solutions for power production, the environment and the society. Key research findings used to develop relationships between physical factors like flow, flow fluctuations, water temperature, water velocity, water depth and water‑covered area and biological response will be shown. Examples of improved methods for better planning procedures with stakeholder engagement will be proposed. Examples of methods and tools for environmental design of hydropower will be given for several regulated rivers in Norway and abroad.Publisert versjo

    Challenges in building barcode reference libraries for marine invertebrates exemplified by the genus Prionospio (Annelida: Spionidae)

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    The completeness of reference libraries is often a limiting factor in the effectiveness of biomonitoring using molecular tools. The fact that these libraries are often built upon Sanger sequencing can create a substantial bias due to poor primer fits and unoptimized lab protocols. Some taxa of marine macroinvertebrates are known to be notoriously difficult to sequence using traditional, PCR-based means, and only about 15% of the known bioindicator species world-wide have publicly available sequences for any genetic marker (Aylagas et al. 2014). The Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) indicates an amplification rate between 46% and 85% of the barcode region of COI for the most commonly used marine invertebrates that indicate pollution in the North East Atlantic (Capitellidae, Cirratulidae, Dorvilleidae, Spionidae and Tubificidae within Annelida, and Thyasiridae within Mollusca). A currently on-going integrative taxonomic study on Prionospio Malmgren, 1867 (Spionidae, Annelida) exemplifies the extensive issues of utilizing Sanger sequencing on marine invertebrates. The barcode region of COI was attempted amplified using five primer pairs: three designed to be universal for marine invertebrates (Folmer et al. 1994, Geller et al. 2013, Lobo et al. 2013), one specialized on polychaetes (Carr et al. 2011) and one self-designed. In addition, two DNA polymerases were tested (TaKaRa Ex Taq HS and Qiagen HotStarTaq) and three annealing temperatures. Only five sequences of COI were obtained from a total of 255 PCR reactions (2% success rate). Other genetic markers showed better amplification rates: 58% for 16S rDNA, and more than 90% success rates for 28S rDNA and Histone H3. This illustrates the importance of having more than one marker in mind when seeking to complete reference libraries, and the potential effectiveness of a multi-marker approach in molecular biomonitoring surveys. As sequencing costs decrease, utilizing shallow shotgun-based sequencing (genome skimming) on problematic groups such as Prionospio to bypass issues regarding unfit primers is also becoming a viable option