81 research outputs found

    Body image and personality predictors of eating disorder symptoms during the college years.

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    Abstract: Objective: Women entering college (N = 118) were longitudinally followed for 3 years with assessments of eating pathology (Restraint and Bulimia)

    Experienced stressors and coping strategies among Iranian nursing students

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>College students are prone to stress due to the transitional nature of college life. High levels of stress are believed to affect students' health and academic functions. If the stress is not dealt with effectively, feelings of loneliness, nervousness, sleeplessness and worrying may result. Effective coping strategies facilitate the return to a balanced state, reducing the negative effects of stress.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed to determine sources of stress and coping strategies in nursing students studying at the Iran Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery. All undergraduate nursing students enrolled in years 1-4 during academic year 2004-2005 were included in this study, with a total of 366 questionnaires fully completed by the students. The Student Stress Survey and the Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences Inventory (ACOPE) were used for data collection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most students reported "finding new friends" (76.2%), "working with people they did not know" (63.4%) as interpersonal sources of stress, "new responsibilities" (72.1%), "started college" (65.8%) as intrapersonal sources of stress more than others. The most frequent academic source of stress was "increased class workload" (66.9%) and the most frequent environmental sources of stress were being "placed in unfamiliar situations" (64.2%) and "waiting in long lines" (60.4%). Interpersonal and environmental sources of stress were reported more frequently than intrapersonal and academic sources. Mean interpersonal (P=0.04) and environmental (P=0.04) sources of stress were significantly greater in first year than in fourth year students. Among coping strategies in 12 areas, the family problem solving strategies, "trying to reason with parents and compromise" (73%) and "going along with family rules" (68%) were used "often or always" by most students. To cope with engaging in demanding activity, students often or always used "trying to figure out how to deal with problems" (66.4%) and "trying to improve themselves" (64.5%). The self-reliance strategy, "trying to make their own decisions" (62%); the social support strategies, "apologizing to people" (59.6%), "trying to help other people solve their problems" (56.3%), and "trying to keep up friendships or make new friends" (54.4%); the spiritual strategy, "praying" (65.8%); the seeking diversions strategy, "listening to music" (57.7%), the relaxing strategy "day dreaming" (52.5%), and the effort to "be close with someone cares about you" (50.5%) were each used "often or always" by a majority of students. Most students reported that the avoiding strategies "smoking" (93.7%) and "drinking beer or wine" (92.9%), the ventilating strategies "saying mean things to people" and "swearing" (85.8%), the professional support strategies "getting professional counseling" (74.6%) and "talking to a teacher or counselor" (67.2%) and the humorous strategy "joking and keeping a sense of humor" (51.9%) were used "seldom or never".</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>First year nursing students are exposed to a variety of stressors. Establishing a student support system during the first year and improving it throughout nursing school is necessary to equip nursing students with effective coping skills. Efforts should include counseling helpers and their teachers, strategies that can be called upon in these students' future nursing careers.</p

    Conversion of aluminium oxide coated films for food packaging applications—From a single layer material to a complete pouch

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Transparent barrier films based on vacuum deposited aluminium oxide (AlOₓ) layers are continuing to create large interest in the market with regards to their use as food and healthcare packaging materials. Nevertheless, their post-metalliser conversion to the final packaging material still presents challenges to current AlOₓ producers and the wider converting industry. In this work, AlOₓ coated polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films have been converted in long duration industrial-scale trials via topcoating, printing, lamination and finally pouch making. Throughout this process, each conversion step has been investigated for its effects on the barrier performance. It was found that the printing processes, especially, induce significant damage to the ceramic barrier layer. However, by the use of a protective topcoat prior to any conversion step, the barrier properties of the AlOₓ coated film were preserved, or could even be significantly enhanced, depending on the topcoat material. Furthermore, for a barrier topcoat, remarkable stretch- and flex-durability properties were achieved in the final laminate


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    ABSTRAK Toray Adi Diwiryo. 2015. MODEL PERSEDIAAN TERINTEGRASI SATU-PRODUSEN DUA-DISTRIBUTOR DENGAN KENDALA TINGKAT LAYANAN PADA KASUS PARTIAL BACKORDER. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Sebelas Maret. Manajemen persediaan diberikan untuk menentukan berapa banyak barang yang harus dipesan dan kapan pemesanan kembali dilakukan. Pada penelitian ini membahas tentang model persediaan terintegrasi satu-produsen dua-distributor dengan pengaruh kendala tingkat layanan pada kasus partial backorder. Permin- taan selama waktu tunggu diasumsikan berdistribusi normal dan waktu tung- gu dapat dipersingkat dengan menambahkan crashing cost untuk mengantisipasi adanya kerugian akibat kekurangan persediaan. Kendala tingkat layanan bertuju- an untuk membatasi tingkat kekurangan persediaan per siklus. Adanya interaksi antara waktu tunggu dan biaya pemesanan dengan pendekatan fungsi logaritma dapat mengurangi biaya pemesanan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk meminimumkan total biaya ga- bungan dari model persediaan dengan mengoptimalkan jumlah barang yang ha- rus dipesan, faktor pengaman, waktu tunggu setiap distributor, dan banyaknya pengiriman yang dilakukan produsen dalam satu siklus produksi. Untuk mempe- roleh kebijakan optimal tersebut, digunakan fungsi Lagrange dan pengembangan algoritme untuk menyesuaikan model matematis yang telah dibuat. Berdasarkan penelitian, diperoleh model persediaan terintegrasi satu-produsen dua-distributor dengan kendala tingkat layanan pada kasus partial backorder. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan contoh penerapan diperoleh bahwa model persediaan terintegrasi menghasilkan total biaya persediaan yang lebih minimum dibanding model persediaan terpisah. Kata kunci: model persediaan integrasi, crashing cost, kendala tingkat layan- a