697 research outputs found

    Visualizing Business Process Deviance With Timeline Diagrams

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    Lõputöös püstitatakse kaks peamist küsimust mõiste "hälvete kaevandamine" kohta ja tehakse ettepanek uue meetodi jaoks, mis näitab kahe sündmuse logide erinevusi ajalise dünaamika mõttes, et täita hälvete kaevandamist. Hälvete kaevandamise eesmärk on täpsustada probleemide päritolu ja kõrvalekaldeid. Kogu sellega seotud töö uurimisel on täheldatud, et enamus olemasolevatest meetoditest keskenduvad protsessi põhistruktuurile, mis on ülesannete täitmise järjekord. Uus tehnika näitab tavapäraste ja hälbivate jälgede tegevuste suhtelisi kestusi, st ajalist dünaamikat, joonistades variantide ajakava. Lisaks pakutakse välja tehnika, mis näitab diagrammide kohandamiseks erinevaid seadeid, nagu tulemuslikkuse mõõdik ja protsessi üksikasjalikkus. Lõpuks onvälja arendatud kontseptsioonivahend, mis järgib välja pakutud lähenemisviisi ja on veebis saadaval.The thesis poses two main questions regarding to the notion of “deviance mining” andproposes a new technique to visualise the differences of two event logs in terms oftemporal dynamics in order to perform deviance mining. The objective of deviancemining is to pinpoint the origin of the problems and the deviance. Throughout theresearch of the related work it’s observed that most of the existing methods focus on themain structure of the process which is the order of the tasks being executed. The newtechnique brings out the relative durations i.e temporal dynamics of the activities in thenormal and deviant traces by drawing a timeline diagram of the variants. Additionally theproposed technique puts forward set of different settings such as the performancemeasure and the granularity level of the process to customize the diagram. Lastly, aproof-of-concept tool abiding by the proposed approach is implemented which is servedon the web

    Interest-Free Finance Model by Using Blockchain-Based Company Tokens: Research on Digital Turkish Lira (DTL) and Borsa Istanbul with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    Since technology benefits people in many areas, its effectiveness is increasing day by day. For this reason, many products and services have been digitized and made available to people. Especially in the last period, with the development of blockchain technology, there has been a significant change in the financial sector. Blockchain technology, which offers a decentralized transaction network, has contributed significantly to the development of digital currencies. In this context, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) started to work on Digital Turkish Lira (DTL) in 2021. In this context, it will enable the company tokens, which are proposed to be issued as a sub-unit of DTL, which is planned to use blockchain technology in its infrastructure, to be used in the financing of businesses, while also allowing investors to invest in Turkish Lira assets. In the research, it has been suggested that the company tokens to be issued under DTL can be traded on the Borsa Istanbul (BIST) and invested, as well as the relevant tokens can be traded. The proposed model has been examined within the scope of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which is frequently used in the research of technological innovations. The analysis process of the research was carried out with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The analysis of the research was carried out with the Smartpls 3 package program. Hypotheses H3, H5, and H8 were rejected and other hypotheses were accepted. When the results of the research were analyzed, it was determined that the factors affecting the intention to use the proposed company tokens were parallel to the literature. As a result of the analysis, it has been reached that the attitude and intention towards the use of company tokens in the proposed model are positive

    Istranca Masifinin Mesozoik Yaşlı Kayalarındaki Deformasyonların Yapısal Ve Kinematik Analizi

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü , 2002Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences , 2002ÖZET Çalışma alanı Batı Pontidlerin (Ketin, 1966; Şengör ve Yılmaz, 1981) en batı kesimini oluşturan Istranca masifinin örtü kayalarının temeli uyumsuzlukla üzerlediği Elmacık-Erikler köyleri civarında bulunmaktadır. Mesozoik yaşlı kayaların deformasyon stillerinin bulunması için en ideal yer olan bölgede temel kayalarını Paleozoik yaşlı gnays, örtü kayalarını ise Alt Triyas yaşlı en az dört farklı metasedimanter birim temsil etmektedir. Bölgedeki tüm kayalar yüksek dereceli ve çok evreli deformasyon geçirmiştir. İnceleme alanında temel ve örtü kayaları arasında deformasyon stilleri açısından bir fark bulunmamaktadır. Mesozoik yaşlı birimlerde üç ayrı deformasyon evresi tespit edilmiştir. İlk deformasyon evresi (Di) tüm birimlere nüfuz etmiş foliasyon (Sı), lineasyon(Lı) ve kıvrımlar(Fı) oluşturmuştur. Foliasy onlar (Sı) genellikle kuzeydoğu-güneybatı doğrultulu ve güneydoğuya doğru ortalama 30 derece ile eğimlidir. Lineasyonlar (Lı) ise kuzeybatı-güneydoğu yönelimli ve güneydoğuya doğru ~15 derece ile dalımlıdır. Bu evrede oluşan kıvrımlar (Fi) ise arazi çalışmalarında gözlenmeyip harita ölçeğinde ve jeolojik kesitlerde varlıklarını belli etmiştir. Bu deformasyon fazında oluşan tüm yapıların kinematik olarak gösterdiği hareket kuzeybatı yönlüdür, ikinci deformasyon evresi (D2) kendinden önce oluşan çizgisel ve düzlemsel yapılan deforme etmiştir. Bu deformasyon evresi sırasında boyutları metre ile kilometre arasında değişen kıvrımlar (F2) ve bu kıvrımların bazılarının eksen bölgelerinde gözlenen klivaj sistemi (S2) gelişmiştir. Oluşan kıvrımlar çalışma alanının hemen her yerinde, gerek arazi ölçeğinde gerekse harita ölçeğinde gözlenmektedir. Kıvrımların (F2) eksen çizgileri ile lineasyonun (Lı) paralel konumdadır ve üretilen kesitlerden hesaplanan sıkışma miktarı % 0,5 dir. D2 deformasyon evresindeki yapılar kuzeydoğu-güneybatı yönlü bir sıkışmanın etkisi ile oluşmuştur. Bölgedeki görece en genç deformasayon evresi (D3) ise kırılgan fayların oluşmasını sağlamıştır. Bu evrede oluşan sağ yanal atımlı bir fay ve bindirme düzlemi kuzeydoğu-güneybatı yönlü bir sıkışmayı göstermektedir. Bindirmenin oluşturduğu minimum atım miktarı ise 2,5 km. olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bölgenin tamamına bakıldığında hernekadar kuzeydoğu-güneybatı yönlü sıkışmanın varolduğu gözlensede, çalışılan alan içinde baskın deformasyon stilinin kuzeybatıya doğru bir hareketi gösterdiği bulunmuştur.SUMMARY The study area is located in the most western part of the Pontides (Ketin, 1966; Şengör and Yılmaz, 1981) in where the cover units of the Strandja Massif overlies the basement units unconformably around Elmacık and Erikler Village. Basement rocks are represented by Late Paleozoic gneisses and cover rocks are represented by at least four different metasedimentary units of Lower Triassic age. This region is chosen as the most suitable place to determine the deformation style of Mesozoic rocks. All of the units in the area have been affected by high grade and poli-phase deformation. There is no difference between the basement and the cover units in terms of deformation style. It has been identified three distinct. deformation episodes in the Mesozoic rocks. The first deformation episode (Di) is penetrative for all of the units and formed foliations (Si), lineations (Li), and folds (Fi). Foliations (Si) are generally striking to the NE and dipping approximately 30° to the SE. Lineations (LI) are plunging to the SE and dipping approximately 15° to the SE. The folds (Fl) developed in this phase have not been observed in the field studies but recognized in the map scale and the cross sections. All of the structures and kinematic indicators which belong to this episode of deformation show the top to NW sense of shear. The second deformation episode (D2) disrupted the linear and planar structures formed in the previous episode. In this episode of deformation, the folds (F2) range from meters to kilometers in scale, and cleavages (S2) develope which could be seen in the core of some F2 folds. These folds can be observed whole of the area both in the outcrop and in the map scale. Folds (F2) of D2 deformation episode and lineations (Li) of Di deformation episode are parallel to each other. The compression amount which is calculated from F2 folds is 0.5 %. All of the structures developed in the episode of the D2 deformation have been formed according to NE-SW directed compression. The third episode of deformation (D3), which is relatively the youngest one, produces brittle faults. The right-lateral and the thrust fault formed in this episode show NE- SW compression. The minimum offset belong to the thrust fault is calculated as 2.5 km. Although NE-SW compression related structures exists, in the studied area, top to nortwest shear sense is dominant.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Estate accounting as a public policy tool and its application in the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century.

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    Este estudio pretende informar sobre la contabilidad sucesoria en el Imperio Otomano, presentando una muestra originaria del siglo XVII. En el Imperio Otomano, la contabilidad sucesoria y la liquidación de herencias servía para mantener el orden social, asegurando la pervivencia de las deudas cuando una de las partes fallecía, así como el debido pago a terceros con derecho a bienes pertenecientes al patrimonio objeto de la herencia. The objective of this study is to give information about estate accounting in the Ottoman Empire and present a sample from the 17th century. In the Ottoman Empire estate accounting and settlement served to maintain social order by ensuring the continuation of debt-credit relationship even when one of the parties died and also by ensuring the rightful discharge of estates between those with rights to the estate.Imperio Otomano, historia de la contabilidad, siglo XVII, contabilidad sucesoria. Ottoman Empire, accounting history, 17th century, estate accounting.

    User Acceptance of Metaverse: Insights from Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Planned Behavior Theory (PBT)

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    Many innovations have entered human life with the rapid development of technology and its widespread use. The adaptation process of people to these innovations is very important in terms of efficiency and sustainability. In this research, the factors affecting the acceptance of metaverse technology, which is one of the most important innovations encountered in the last period, were examined. In this context, metaverse technology was analyzed with structural equation modeling (SEM) within the scope of PBT and TAM. For analysis, the Smart PLS 3 software was used. According to the hypothesis results, a significant positive correlation was found between PU, PEOU, AT, and Intention. In addition, a significant positive correlation was found between SN and AT, and PBC. It has been analyzed that the factors affecting the metaverse usage intention of the individuals participating in the research are parallel to the literature. When we assume that the usage area of metaverse technology will become widespread in the future, it is very important to expand the studies in this field in detail


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    Teaching as a profession requires professional training, knowledge, hands-on practice, certain competences to raise individuals who will shape the future of the society. Therefore, teachers should adopt key roles for societal transformation. In this study, we aimed to explore the meaning of teaching profession based on teachers’ professional experiences. We adopted a phenomenological research design focusing on the experiences of the participants and the phenomena that result from their experiences. The participants are 50 teachers working at primary, secondary and high schools in Turkey. We collected the data using a semi-structured interview form and we used inductive content analysis. At the end of the analysis, two themes emerged “teacher as a professional” and “teacher as a technician”. The results of the study will be of importance to raise awareness about these two major concepts in teaching profession and help us rethink the current roles of teachers for the society

    Seam Modelling and Reserve Calculation for Lignite Field in Adana-Tufanbeyli (Turkey)

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    Since the first investment in mining operations is very high, so, it is absolutely important to model the field inthree dimensions for appropriate planning and cost analysis. The whole data set belonging to the geological, geophysicaland drilling exploration studies carried out in the field should be evaluated as a package. In the modelling phase, thecomputer-aided tri-dimensional mining software has been used instead of the classical reserve calculation methods beingutilized in previous years. Thus, more realistic and shorter results are achieved. In the present work, three-dimensionalseam modelling of the Adana-Tufanbeyli (Turkey) lignite field was carried out. In modelling, the coal horizon of thefield was examined. Then, the sub-seam levels in the horizon were determined and after examining their geometricrelationships with each other, three sub-seams were defined. Seam composites were prepared by the downhole methodto make the analysis results of different sizes uniform. It is possible to make block quality estimations, which will be thebasis for reserve calculations, by creating variograms in different directions. Variograms are first created in the verticaldirection and then in the horizontal direction respectively, to obtain the necessary parameters. The nugget effect andstructural distance parameters were obtained from the created variogram models. To assign quality estimation values onthe block model, the Kriging method was used when the number of data was sufficient, and the inverse distance methodwas applied, when it was insufficient. As a result of this modelling study, a total of 355.617.194 tons of lignite reserveswith an average calorific value of 1.153 Kcal/kg were determined in the field

    A Letter from the Editor

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