43 research outputs found

    Analysis Factors Causing the Occurrence of Free Sex in Banjarmasin

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    Adolescents are human resources with high potential, their awareness of reproductive health is important to grow. Adolescents, along with their development, begin to explore with themselves, the values, identity, roles and behavior. In addition, free sex has a great opportunity for adolescents to marry early, contract sexually transmitted diseases and HIV-AIDS. Based on the contributing factors, what can encourage adolescents to have free sex are internal and external factors. The internal factor is lack of knowledge about sex or wrong and high curiosity. Meanwhile, the external factor is the stimulation of pornography through the media of information technology and the influence of peers. In this study, using a qualitative approach, the results obtained on the factors that cause free sex in adolescents are more detailed, clearer and more accurat

    Early Marriage in Banjarmasin: The Impact on Reproductive Health and Prevention Strategy

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    10% of teenagers by the of aged 15-19 years in Indonesia have become mothers. In fact, getting pregnant at that age has many risks of childbirth complications. The purpose of this study is to determine the causal factors, the impact on reproductive health, and solutions to solving problems of early marriage. The design of this study used a qualitative method with a sample of couples who are married at a young age. Early marriage in the city of Banjarmasin is caused by one's own desires, intimate relationships, and getting pregnant first. Therefore, a strategic step to resolve the problem is through coaching youth and collaboration with the Office of Religious Affairs. Early marriage needs the support and active role of the community for reducing the cases

    Pemanfaatan Dua Jenis Kompos Ganggang Coklat (Sargassum Polycystum) Dalam Meningkatkan Kesuburan Tanah Ultisol Serta Produksi Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.)

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    This reseach aimed to determines differences ability between two types of the brown algaecompost increase fertility of Ultisol and mustard production. This research was conducted inCompos Centre, Gauze House, Laboratory of Chemistry And Soil Fertility ,Laboratory of Researchand Technology Agriculture Faculty, University of North Sumatera, Medan in March-October2013. The method used non-factorial randomized block design consisting of 11 treatments with 3replications. R0 (control), R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 with application of 50 g, 100 g, 150 g, 200 g, and250 g brown algae compost respectively, R6, R7, R8, R9, dan R10 with application of 50 g, 100 g,150 g, 200 g, and 250 g brown algae add chicken dirt compost respectively.The results showed thatapplication of two types compost able to increase the pH, C-organic, N-total, K-exchange in thesoil as well as increase the plant height, plant fresh weight, plant dry weight and root dry weight. Atparameters of soil pH, the K-exchange soil, application of brown algae compost significantlydifferent with brown algae added chicke dirt compost. The best dosage of brown algae add chickendirt compost 150 g /polybag for the K-exchange soil and soil pH

    Perancangan Concert Hall Di Giant Sea Wall, Pluit Jakarta Utara

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    Gedung pertunjukan sudah menjadi bagian dari perancangan pada suatu kota.Bangunan ini memiliki berbagai macam jenis yaitu untuk seni musik. bidang seni memang memilikiarti yang sangat besar di masyarakat. Perancangan pusat seni musik merupakan salah satu upayauntuk mewadahi kegiatan musik, dimana pada kesempatan ini menggunakan pendekatanarsitektur ekspresi bentuk. Bentuk yang dinamis dapat terwujud melalui pendekatan arsitekturekspresi bentuk, sehingga perancangan dapat memenuhi kriteria Kenyamanan penggunabangunan yang dapat dilihat dariskala dan rasa ruangnya

    Analisis Beban Pendinginan Produk Makanan Menggunakan Cold Box Mesin Pendingin LUCAS NULLE TYPE RCC2

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    Refrigeration machines have become an important necessity in modern society's lifestyle. To optimize the use of a refrigeration machine, the cooling capacity of the refrigeration machine must conform to the heat load to be tackled. This research was aimed at analysing the cooling loads of several food products, that are eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, and beer by using the cold box of Lucas Nulle Type RCC2 refrigeration machine in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory of Sam Ratulangi University. The required data in this research were the mass and temperature of the food products, and also the electrical current. The value of each data was obtained from three time experiments where each experiment was conducted in 60 minutes. Data analysis, then, resulted the cooling loads and required power of each food product, as follows: for eggplants, the cooling load is 62.91 kJ with power of 241.23 Watt; cucumbers, cooling load 41.55 kJ, power 243.10 Watt; tomatoes, cooling load 60,36 kJ, power 235,62 Watt; and beer, cooling load 18,21 kJ, power 231,88 Watt

    Design of Flood Early Detection System using WeMos D1 Mini ESP8266 IoT Technology

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    Flooding is a natural phenomenon caused by water flowing in a volume that exceeds the capacity of the media holding it. The floods affect various human activities. In addition, floods also cause material losses and other related fatalities. To overcome this problem, a flood warning system based on Arduino microcontroller technology and WeMos D1 Mini ESP8266 was designed. The data measured are water level, water velocity, and rainfall. Furthermore, the three data will be combined with Fuzzy logic to make decisions. The output of the system is in the form of a remote command signal that will activate the alarm sound and indicator lights to give a warning to the public about the potential flooding that will occur. The test results show that the measured data has become sufficient information for the microcontroller to generate the corresponding indicator lights and alarm sounds. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um024v4i22019p06

    Potential Analysis of Hydro Power Plants in Pesisir Barat District, Lampung Province

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    Hydropower plants are increasingly being heard nowadays, but the growth is still very lacking, especially for residents living in rural and coastal areas. At present several efforts have been made by the government, including the existence of a system of purchasing electricity from small-scale renewable energy generation and the construction of new transmission networks. Pesisir Barat Regency is part of the South Lampung region, Sumatra. This region has a population distribution in the coastal area and is surrounded by Bukit Barisan National Park. So that there are many large river streams that can be utilized by the local community. Large rivers have the potential to be utilized further as hydropower renewable energy sources. River potential is seen by conducting river location surveys, flow measurements and river heads and power calculations. Based on the analysis of measurement results there are two rivers that have the potential to be a micro or mini hydro generator; Way Laai and Way Lami. The maximum design discharge of Way Laai of 4.52 m3/s can produce a mechanical output power of 1223.82 kW with an effective head of 44.16 m. Way Lami with a design discharge of 5,336 m3/s, an effective head of 28.8 m has the potential to provide a mechanical power output of 942.23 kW. Sequentially, with this mechanical output power, the Way Laai and Way Lami rivers, can meet the electricity needs of the community with an installed power of 900VA as much as ± 1350, ± 25100 Houses