247 research outputs found


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    Eesti Arsti erinumber sisaldab lühiülevaadet Eesti terviseuuringu 2006 (ETeU 2006) tulemustest erinevate tervisevaldkondade kaupa. ETeU 2006 on teine suuremahuline Eesti täiskasvanud elanikkonda hõlmav küsitlusuuring, mille põhieesmärkideks on saada ülevaade rahvastikustruktuurile vastavast terviseseisundist ning selle seostest sotsiaalsete ja käitumuslike näitajatega, samuti tervist kahjustavate riskitegurite levimusest. Eesti Arst 2008; 88(Lisa2):

    Neuropeptide Y gene variants in obesity, dietary intake, blood pressure, lipid and glucose metabolism: a longitudinal birth cohort study

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    Objective: Neuropeptide Y affects several physiological functions, notably appetite regulation. We analysed the association between four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the NPY gene (rs5574, rs16147, rs16139, rs17149106) and measures of obesity, dietary intake, physical activity, blood pressure, glucose and lipid metabolism from adolescence to young adulthood. Methods: The sample included both birth cohorts of the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study at ages 15 (n = 1075 with available complete data), 18 (n = 913) and 25 (n = 926) years. Linear mixed-effects regression models were used for longitudinal association between NPY SNP-s and variables of interest. Associations at ages 15, 18 and 25 were analysed by ANOVA. Results: Rs5574 CC-homozygotes had a greater increase per year in waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and a smaller decrease in daily energy intake and carbohydrate intake from age 15 to 25 years; fasting glucose and cholesterol were higher in rs5574 CC-homozygotes. Rs16147 TT homozygotes had higher body weight and a greater increase in sum of 5 skinfolds, waist circumference, WHR and waist-to-height ratio; however, they had lower carbohydrate intake throughout the observation period. Rs16147 TT-homozygotes and both rs16139 and rs17149106 heterozygotes had higher triglyceride levels. All NPY SNP-s were associated with blood pressure: rs5574 TT-and rs16147 CC-homozygotes had a smaller increase in diastolic blood pressure, while rs16139 and rs17149106 heterozygous had lower blood pressure throughout the study. Conclusion: Variants of the NPY gene were associated with measures of obesity, dietary intake, glucose and lipid metabolism and blood pressure from adolescence to young adulthood

    Low cholesterol levels in children predict impulsivity in young adulthood

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    Objective: Severe behavioural issues such as impulsive action and suicide have since long been associated with low levels of cholesterol. While it is known that cholesterol plays a role in neural development and hence low levels of serum lipids could have long-term effects on behaviour, there are no longitudinal studies showing association of serum lipids levels with impulsivity. We aimed to examine the prognostic properties of serum lipid levels during childhood and adolescence on measures of impulsivity during early adulthood in a representative birth cohort sample. Methods: We have investigated whether serum lipid levels measured at 9, 15, 18 and 25 years of age have an association with impulsivity in 25 years old young adults. This analysis was based on data of the birth cohort representative samples of the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study (original n=1238). Impulsivity was self-reported with the Adaptive and Maladaptive Impulsivity Scale. Results: Total and LDL cholesterol measured in 9, 15 and 18 years old boys predicted Disinhibition and Thoughtlessness in 25 years old young adults. High scores of Disinhibition were associated with low total and LDL cholesterol levels in males but, while less consistently, with high total and LDL cholesterol levels in females. Cross-sectional analysis did not result in systematic outcomes. Conclusions: Serum lipid levels could have an impact on development of maladaptive impulsivity starting from an early age. This effect of cholesterol continues throughout adolescence into young adulthood

    Täiendavad võimalused pikaajaliste kutseekspositsioonide toksilise toime hindamiseks

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    Pikaajaline ekspositsioon töökeskkonnas sisalduvatele orgaaniliste lahustite, diiselheitgaaside ning keevitusaurudele põhjustab mitmesuguseid tervisehäireid. Loetletud õhusaastekomponendid mõjutavad oluliselt porfüriini ja heemi ainevahetust, vallandades ainevahetushäirete ahela. Raskemetallide, porfüriini ja heemi ainevahetuse näitajate uurimine veres annab lisainfot mitmesuguste kutsekahjustuste hindamiseks. Eesti Arst 2004; 83 (12): 806–81

    Nice guys: Homozygocity for the TPH2 -703G/T (rs4570625) minor allele promotes low aggressiveness and low anxiety

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    Background: Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of serotonin. We examined whether the TPH2 polymorphism -703G/T (rs4570625) is associated with aggressiveness and impulsivity, and the prevalence of psychiatric disorders, in a population-representative sample. Methods: We used self and proxy reports on aggressive behaviour in the younger birth cohort of the longitudinal Estonian Children Personality, Behaviour and Health Study collected at age 25, and earlier collected impulsivity and related data of both ECPBHS cohorts. Results: The TT homozygous males reported less aggressive behaviour in the Life History of Aggression interview at age 25. They also had significantly lower scores in Illinois Bully Scale peer reports, and less ADHD symptoms rated by teachers both at ages 9 and 15. The TT homozygotes of both sexes had the lowest Maladaptive Impulsivity at ages 18 and 25, and the highest Adaptive Impulsivity at age 25. The TT homozygotes also had low depressiveness and trait anxiety by age 25, and the odds ratio for the prevalence of anxiety disorders was 9.38 for the G-allele carriers. Limitations: The main limitation of the study is the naturally occurring low number of subjects with the TT genotype. Conclusions: Subjects with the TPH2 rs4570625 TT genotype, especially males, exhibit less aggression and a favourable impulsivity profile, and develop anxiety disorders by young adulthood less often

    The role of reward sensitivity in obesity and its association with Transcription Factor AP2B: a longitudinal birth cohort study

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    Objective One factor potentially contributing to obesity is reward sensitivity. We investigated the association between reward sensitivity and measures of obesity from 9–33 years of age, paying attention to the inner structure of reward sensitivity. Methods The sample included both birth cohorts (originally n = 1176) of the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study. The association between reward sensitivity and measures of obesity was assessed using mixed-effects regression models. Associations at ages 9 (younger cohort only), 15, 18, 25 and 33 (older cohort) years were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The indirect effect of the gene encoding transcription factor 2 beta (TFAP2B) on obesity through reward sensitivity was tested using mediation analysis. Results According to linear mixed effects regression models, an increase in scores of Insatiability by Reward and both of its components, Excessive Spending and Giving in to Cravings, significantly increased body weight, body mass index, sum of five skinfolds, waist circumference, hip circumference and waist-to-height ratio from 15 to 25 years of age. Findings were similar at age 9 and 33 years. In contrast, no association between obesity and Openness to Rewards or its facets was observed. The TFAP2B genotype was also associated with fixation to rewards in females, but not with striving towards reward multiplicity. Conclusion Our results suggest that reward sensitivity is associated with obesity by its reward fixation component. The heterogeneity of the reward sensitivity construct should be taken into account in studies on body composition

    Family environment interacts with CRHR1 rs17689918 to predict mental health and behavioral outcomes

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    Background: Corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptor-1 gene (CRHR1) variants have been implicated in mental health. However, little is known of the effects of CRHR1 on long-term mental health and behavior in presence of environmental stressors. We assess the effects of CRHR1 variant (rs17689918)-by-environment interactions on emotionality and behavioral traits, including anxiety, depression, aggression and antisocial behaviors. We also determine effects of rs17689918-by-environment-by-sex interactions on the above-mentioned outcomes. Methods: Genotypic assessments were carried out in 564 children (mean age 10 years, 52.5% females) from the ongoing longitudinal Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study (ECPBHS). Information on stressful life events and family relationships were available at baseline and information on behavioral and mental health outcomes (self- and parent-reports) were available at follow-up ages of 18 and 25 years. ANOVAs were used to determine associations of two-way CRHR1-by-environment and three-way CRHR1-by-sex-by-environment interactions on behavioral and mental health outcomes. Results: Two-way CRHR1 interaction effects showed associations between low familial warmth and hostility in individuals with the GG genotype. Associations of low familial warmth with aggression, of higher number of stressful life events with aggression, and of stressful live events with anxious-depressive symptoms were noted in male A-allele carriers and female GG homozygotes. Conclusion: CRHR1-by-familial environment interactions influence both outwardly-directed aggression as well as mood and anxiety disorder symptoms in a sex-specific manner. The type of environmental stressor can also influence effects of CRHR1 on behavioral and mental health outcomes

    Association of the COMT Val108/158Met genotype with professional career and education: The Val-allele is more frequent in managers and in enterprising occupations

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    Catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) is a key player in neurotransmission by catecholamines, and the functional COMT Val108/158Met polymorphism is strongly related to prefrontal reactivity and to dopamine levels. As dopamine is a critically important neurotransmitter in cognition, emotion and motivation, we addressed the potential impact of this genotype on life course by examining its association with being in enterprising professions. The parents (n = 1410) of the target subjects in the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study reported their current occupation, and those classified as enterprising (n = 197; 18%) were compared with the remaining group. Additionally, the subjects self-classified themselves according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations and the group of managers (6.2%) was compared to other groups. We found that the COMT Val108/158Met Val/Val homozygotes were overrepresented among enterprising occupations and the Val-allele carriers among self-classified managers. While several measures associated with the Val/Val homozygosity were also associated with enterprising occupation, no simple path from the genotype to enterprising occupations emerged from structural equation models, suggesting that the COMT Val108/158Met genotype contributes to choices of profession via multiple interactive features. We also reproduced a previous finding that the COMT genotype is associated with educational attainment in a gender-dependent manner

    Impact of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and muscle strength on bone stiffness in 2-10-year-old children-cross-sectional results from the IDEFICS study

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    Background: Physical activity (PA), weight-bearing exercises (WBE) and muscle strength contribute to skeletal development, while sedentary behaviour (SB) adversely affects bone health. Previous studies examined the isolated effect of PA, SB or muscle strength on bone health, which was usually assessed by x-ray methods, in children. Little is known about the combined effects of these factors on bone stiffness (SI) assessed by quantitative ultrasound. We investigated the joint association of PA, SB and muscle strength on SI in children. Methods: In 1512 preschool (2- < 6 years) and 2953 school children (6-10 years), data on calcaneal SI as well as on accelerometer-based sedentary time (SED), light (LPA), moderate (MPA) and vigorous PA (VPA) were available. Parents reported sports (WBE versus no WBE), leisure time PA and screen time of their children. Jumping distance and handgrip strength served as indicators for muscle strength. The association of PA, SB and muscle strength with SI was estimated by multivariate linear regression, stratified by age group. Models were adjusted for age, sex, country, fat-free mass, daylight duration, consumption of dairy products and PA, or respectively SB. Results: Mean SI was similar in preschool (79.5 +/- 15.0) and school children (81.3 +/- 12.1). In both age groups, an additional 10 min/day in MPA or VPA increased the SI on average by 1 or 2 %, respectively (p = .05). The negative association of SED with SI decreased after controlling for MVPA. LPA was not associated with SI. Furthermore, participation in WBE led to a 3 and 2 % higher SI in preschool (p = 0.003) and school children (p < .001), respectively. Although muscle strength significantly contributed to SI, it did not affect the associations of PA with SI. In contrast to objectively assessed PA, reported leisure time PA and screen time showed no remarkable association with SI. Conclusion: This study suggests that already an additional 10 min/day of MPA or VPA or the participation in WBE may result in a relevant increase in SI in children, taking muscle strength and SB into account. Our results support the importance of assessing accelerometer-based PA in large-scale studies. This may be important when deriving dose-response relationships between PA and bone health in children

    Association of FTO rs1421085 with obesity, diet, physical activity and socioeconomic status: a longitudinal birth cohort study

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    Background and aims Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) variants are among genetic variants frequently associated with obesity. We analyzed the association between FTO rs1421085 polymorphism and obesity, dietary intake, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), physical activity, and socioeconomic status (SES) from the age of 9–25 years. Methods and results The sample included both birth cohorts (originally n = 1176) of the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study. The association between FTO rs1421085 and obesity, dietary intake, CRF, physical activity, and SES from the age of 15–25 years was assessed using linear mixed-effects regression models. Associations at ages 9 (younger cohort only), 15, 18, and 25 years were assessed by one-way ANOVA. Male C-allele carriers had significantly (p < 0.05) higher body mass index (BMI), sum of 5 skinfolds, body fat percentage, and hip circumference from the age of 15–25 years. Findings were similar at the age of 9 years. In female subjects, waist-to-hip ratio was significantly greater in CC homozygotes. Interestingly, female CC homozygotes had a greater decrease in the rate of change in daily energy intake and lipid intake per year and higher physical activity score at every fixed time point. Moreover, in females, an effect of FTO × SES interaction on measures of obesity was observed. Conclusion The FTO rs1421085 polymorphism was associated with obesity and abdominal obesity from childhood to young adulthood in males, and with abdominal obesity from adolescence to young adulthood in females. This association is rather related to differences in adipocyte energy metabolism than lifestyle