44 research outputs found

    Carcinoma de células escamosas em bovinos, ovinos e eqüinos: estudo de 50 casos no sul do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant tumour of keratinocytes. There are several factors associated with the development of squamous cell carcinoma, including prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light, lack of a pigmented skin, lack of hair or a very sparse hair coat at the affected sites. A retrospective study of squamous cell carcinoma from 1978 to 2002 in farm animals was made. The samples were obtained at the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Veterinary School in Pelotas, Southern Brazil. The distribution of the neoplasm among the species was as follows: 30 in cattle, 7 in sheep and 13 in horses. Epidemiological data as breed, sex, age, and anatomical location of the tumors were statistically analyzed. The histological classification of the tumors graded from well differentiated to poorly differentiated. A multifactorial etiology of squamous cell carcinoma in farm animals is suggested although more retrospective and prospective studies are needed, to determine the role of each factor in the pathogenesis of the neoplasm.O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) é um tumor maligno dos queratinócitos. O desenvolvimento desse tipo de tumor está associado a muitos fatores, incluindo a exposição prolongada à luz ultravioleta, falta de pigmento na epiderme, perda de pêlos ou cobertura de pêlos muito esparsa nos locais afetados. Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo dos casos de carcinoma de células escamosas em animais de produção (bovinos, ovinos e eqüinos) de 1978 a 2002. O material foi obtido nos arquivos do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Os 50 tumores do tipo carcinoma de células escamosas estavam distribuídos nas diferentes espécies (bovina: 30; ovina: sete e eqüina: 13). Dados como raça, sexo, idade e localização corpórea, dentro de cada espécie, foram tabulados. Classificaram-se os tumores segundo seu grau de malignidade em bem diferenciados a pobremente diferenciados, através de avaliação histológica. A etiologia multifatorial dos cce em animais de produção requer mais estudos retrospectivos e prospectivos, para determinar o papel de cada fator na patogênese desse neoplasma

    Equine Lacrimal Gland Adenocarcinoma

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    Background: Lacrimal gland adenocarcinoma is an extremely rare malignant neoplasm, with few descriptions in the literature. Therefore, its etiology and treatment are not well understood. The present study aims to report the case of an equine histologically diagnosed with lacrimal gland adenocarcinoma in the lower eyelid region and third eyelid treated by surgical excision and intralesional chemotherapy. Case: A 17-year-old male mixed-breed equine weighing 300 kg was treated in the large animal clinic and surgery sector of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the city of Curitibanos, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The equine revealed an alert and docile temperament without considerable physiological changes in the physical examination. In the evaluation of the right eye, a tumor mass was observed in the region of the lacrimal gland adhered to the third eyelid and lower eyelid, with a light red ulcerated appearance approximately 7 cm in diameter. Therefore, the surgical excision of the adhered tumor mass was performed, with the subsequent intralesional application of 2 mL of Vincristine Sulfate. In the histopathological evaluation following the surgical excision of the tumor mass, yellowish-white fragments of irregular nodules were observed measuring from 3.5×2.0×1.7 cm to 2.0×0.5×0.3 cm, in addition to microscopy focus clusters of weakly basophilic neoplastic glandular cells, some with a randomly arranged lacy aspect, forming disorganized acinar structures and others showed marking islands of the cells organized in a palisade shape by vascular delicate stroma. The neoplastic cells presented anisocytosis, anisokaryosis, prominent nucleoli sometimes binucleated and with basophilic intracytoplasmic secretory material, delimited by scarce connective tissue. In some areas, there were small foci of infiltrated lymphocytes and plasmocytes and areas of necrosis. The mass was surrounded by connective tissue, where red blood vessels were found outside the vessels (hemorrhage), and mitoses were observed two per field at high magnification (40x). After the surgical procedure, it was not possible to follow up and reassess of the patient, so there is no clarification on the possibility of tumor recurrence. Discussion: The case reported is uncommon, being only the second report of adenocarcinoma in the equine lacrimal gland. Therefore, there are few descriptions in the literature about its defined etiology and the best treatment method, although, surgical excision is the method of choice because it is a tumor of high recurrence and invasiveness. In this case, we opted for the exeresis of the tumor mass and later application of chemotherapy, a treatment that was relatively effective, to avoid recurrence and the failure of the technique. In these cases, monitoring the animal after the procedure is recommended, evaluating whether there was tumor recurrence, although this was not possible in the present possible. The third eyelid, lacrimal, and zygomatic salivary glands may be sources of intraorbital neoplasms. These neoplastic processes may have similar histological and behavioral characteristics, and their differentiation is, therefore, problematic. These structures may be differentiated based on the anatomical location, however, clinical appearance and symptoms are identical in most cases. Adenocarcinoma in the equine lacrimal gland is a neoplasm considered rare, so it is important to emphasize an accurate diagnosis through histopathological analyses to differentiate it from other frequent orbital neoplasms in horses, allowing more information about this tumor and establishing different treatment methods. Keywords: adenocarcinoma, tumor, equine, histopathology. Título: Adenocarcinoma em glândula lacrimal de equino Descritores: adenocarcinoma, tumor, equino, histopatologia

    Equine Podotrochlear Apparatus - Histologic Characterization

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    Background: The navicular syndrome may be associated with alterations in other podotrochlear apparatus components, such as the deep digital flexor tendon, collareral sesamoid and distal sesamoid ligaments, podotrochlear bursa and distal sesamoid bone. However, the clinical significance and nature of these changes are not well understood, many of descriptive reports about distal sesamoid bone lesions are rarely accompanied by a complete and comprehensive comparison with animals of the control group. The aim of this study was to described histologically findings of the podrotrochlear apparatus components, allowing the understanding of the inserts and their microscopic appearance, thus providing the future recognize of their alterations.Materials, Methods & Results: Fourteen samples of the podotrochlear apparatus were taken out of 44 equine thoracic limbs specimens, separated at the radiocarpal joint of Crioulo and Thoroughbred horses, with an average age of 6.0-year-old, coming from a private clinic in southern Brazil. The thoracic limbs specimens were refrigerated at 4ºC at the clinic and then they were sent to the University Federal of Santa Maria (UFSM). Once at the University laboratory, the specimens were dissected to isolate the podotrochlear apparatus from each one.  Subsequently, transversal and longitudinal samples from the distal sesamoid bone, deep digital flexor tendo,             distal sesamoid ligament, colateral sesamoid ligament, were collected and podotrochlear            bursa which were processed at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the UFSM and University Federal of Santa Catarina (UFSC). The tissues samples were fixed in a 10% formaldehyde solution for 14 days and routinely processed for histology. The samples were sectioned at 3 µm and stained using the hematoxylin-eosin (H-E) routine method. The bone samples, after fixation, underwent a decalcified process in a formic acid-sodium citrate aqueous solution and routinely processed for histopathology. Histologic tendons evaluation showed that it is arranged in honeycombs fascicles in a transverse section observation. The tendinous fibers have a more compact and aligned collagen fibers arrangement due to the dense connective tissue. The synovial membrane of the podotrochlear bursa is composed of a cubic pseudo conjunctival epithelium arranged with a layer of synoviocytes forming villi towards the lumen. This characterization is very similar to that of the synovial joint membrane. The collateral sesamoid ligament fibers are not perfectly aligned, occurring at their confluence in some areas accompanied by the dissection of adipose tissue. The distal sesamoide ligament fibers, composed by of loose connective tissue associated with synoviocytes and vascular stroma. The articular surface of the distal sesamoid bone is arranged in 3 layers of chondrocytes embedded in a hyaline matrix. There was a clear differentiation between the subchondral bone area and the fibrocartilage tissue in the palmar aspect of the distal sesamoid bone.Discussion: The morphophysiological characterization of the podotrochlear structures inside the hoof capsule it is important for the future recognition of abnormalities and the possible hypothesis that originates the podotrochlear syndrome. These changes have great clinical relevance and very often associated of distal limb lameness in horses. The normal macroscopic, ultrasonographic and radiographic images along with the histomorphometric study of the podotrochlear structures have contributed for the morphophysiological comprehension and consequently future interpretation of the podotrochlear structures diseases.Keywords: podotrochlear apparatus, distal sesamoide bone, deep digital flexor tendon, navicular syndrome, histological findings

    Degeneração mixomatosa valvar em cães: um estudo retrospectivo

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    Artigo apresentado na forma de "banner" na Primeira Mostra Científica e Tecnológica da UFSC CuritibanosA Degeneração Mixomatosa Valvar (DMV), anteriormente conhecida como endocardiose, é uma patologia que acomete as válvulas cardíacas de diversas espécies, principalmente cães. Durante a necropsia, na análise macroscópica, as válvulas acometidas apresentam-se encurtadas e espessas de forma focal ou difusa, também apresentam-se lisas e brilhantes. Já na análise microscópica observa-se a proliferação de miofibroblastos, componente das valvas cardíacas, com deposição de mucopolissacarídeos ácidos. Os animais que apresentam essa patologia, inicialmente apresentam-se assintomáticos, devido aos processos compensatórios do organismo como sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona. Por ser de caráter crônico, com o avançar da idade, o animal pode apresentar sinais clínicos e se não for devidamente tratado o animal pode vir à óbito por insuficiência cardíaca. No laboratório de patologia veterinária foram necropsiados 1228 animais no período de janeiro de 2014 a março de 2020, desses animais 451 eram cães. Do total de cães, 19,95% (90/451) apresentaram alguma válvula acometida pela DMV. Os principais dados obtidos destes animais foram idade, sexo, raça, porte e, a (s) valva (s) acometida (s). O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se a população canina estudada apresenta características de DMV quanto a idade, sexo, raça, porte e valva acometidos, condizentes ou divergentes em relação à literatura

    Reproductive toxicity of Samanea tubulosa on rats

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    Samanea tubulosa é uma planta utilizada na fitoterapia e na alimentação animal. Entretanto, a ingestão de vagens de S. tubulosa tem sido associada à ocorrência de abortos em bovinos. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da dieta contendo 5% de vagens de S. tubulosa em ratos machos e fêmeas Wistar. A dieta foi administrada para ratos machos (n = 10) por 60 dias antes do acasalamento. Ratos fêmeas (n = 10) receberam o tratamento por 30 dias, durante a coabitação e do dia gestacional (GD) 0 ao GD 20. As fêmeas tratadas foram acasaladas com ratos não tratados. Em machos, o consumo da planta causou diminuição no consumo de ração e redução de 20% no índice de fertilidade. A prole de machos tratados apresentou menor ganho de peso e comprimento cabeça cauda. Fêmeas tratadas com a planta apresentaram aumento do consumo de ração e água e do peso corporal. Ainda, foram observadas diminuição na fertilidade, fecundidade e no índice de gestação e aumento do peso da placenta e no número médio de corpos lúteos. Desse modo, em decorrência aos possíveis efeitos tóxicos sistêmicos e reprodutivos, o consumo prolongado de S. tubulosa não é recomendado para fins fitoterápicos ou alimentar.Samanea tubulosa is a plant used for medicinal and feeding purposes. However, ingestion of S. tubulosa pods has been associated with bovine abortion. Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate the effects of diet containing 5% of S. tubulosa pod meal on male and female Wistar rats. Diet was administered to male rats (n = 10) for 60 days before mating. Female rats (n = 10) received the treatment for 30 days, during cohabitation and from gestational day (GD) 0 to GD20. Treated animals were mated with untreated rats. In male rats, plant consumption caused decreased food consumption and 20% fertility index reduction. Litters from treated males presented lower body weight and crown–rump length. Female rats treated with the plant increased water and food intake and body weight. Decreases in fertility, fecundity and gestation indices and increase of placenta weight and mean number of corpora lutea were found. Thus, owing to the possible general and reproductive toxic effects, long-term consumption of S. tubulosa is not recommended for phytotherapic or food purposes

    Comparación fotomicrográfica de fibras de colágeno equino de la inserción proximal del músculo interóseo III

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi comparar quantitativamente as fibras colágenas tipo I e tipo III pela avaliação histológicas da inserção proximal de músculo interósseo terceiro (I.P.M.I III) de equinos das raças Crioulo (n=26) e Puro Sangue de Corrida (n=6), hígidos com idade média de 5,7 anos. As lâminas foram coradas pelo método picrosirius red e examinadas em microscópio óptico sob luz polarizada. De cada lâmina foram capturadas imagens de 5 campos em aumento de 10 vezes. A porcentagem da área ocupada por cada tipo de colágeno foi determinada pelo plugin threshold colour do software Image J, por meio de análise da segmentação de cor. Pela análise da variância, a proporção de colágenos tipo I e tipo III na I.P.M.I III não diferiu significativamente entre as amostras das raças avaliadas. Entretanto, houve diferença significativa entre os dois tipos de colágeno numa mesma raça, de forma que o colágeno tipo I prevaleceu em relação ao tipo III. Ainda que possuam predisposições distintas, não houve diferença significativa na quantidade de colágeno entre a raça Crioulo e Puro Sangue de Corrida, por se tratar da mesma espécie em questão. Contudo a diferença significativa entre os colágenos tipo I e III era prevista, uma vez que a quantidade do colágeno original do tecido, tipo I deve ser maior que o colágeno de remodelação, tipo III nos casos em que se tratam de animais hígidos.The aim of this study was to quantitatively compare type I and type III collagen fibers in histological evaluation of the proximal insertion of the third interosseous muscle (P.I.I.M III) of healthy Crioulo (n=26) and Thoroughbred (n=6) horses, with a mean age of 5.7 years. The histological sections were stained with picrosirius red and examined under an optical microscope under polarized light. Images of 5 fields were captured from each slide at 10x magnification. The percentage of the area occupied by each type of collagen was determined by the threshold color plugin of the Image J software, through analysis of the color segmentation. Nevertheless, the analysis of variance is not demonstrating the significantly variations of the proportion of type I and type III collagen in I.P.M.I III of the evaluated breeds. However, there was a significant difference between the two types of collagens in the same breed, because that type I collagen prevailed over the type III.El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar cuantitativamente las fibras de colágeno tipo I y tipo III a través de la evaluación histológica de la inserción proximal del tercer músculo interóseo (I.P.M.I III) de caballos Criollos (n=26) y Pura Sangre de Carrera (n=6) sanos. con edad media de 5,7 años. Las coloraciones de las secciones histológicas se hicieron con picrosirius red y se examinaron al microscopio óptico con luz polarizada. Se capturaron imágenes de 5 campos de cada sección con un aumento de 10x. El porcentaje del área ocupada por cada tipo de colágeno se determinó mediante el complemento threshold colour del software Image J, mediante el análisis de la segmentación del color. Por análisis de varianza, la proporción de colágeno tipo I y tipo III en I.P.M.I III no difirió significativamente entre las muestras de las razas evaluadas. Sin embargo, hubo una diferencia significativa entre los dos tipos de colágeno en la misma raza, por lo que prevaleció el colágeno tipo I sobre el tipo III. Aunque, tienen distintas predisposiciones raciales, no hubo diferencia significativa en la cantidad de colágeno entre las razas Criolla y Pura Sangre de Carrera, ya que se trata de la misma especie. Se predijo la diferencia significativa entre el colágeno tipo I y III, ya que la cantidad de colágeno tisular original, tipo I, debe ser mayor que el colágeno remodelador, tipo III en los casos en que los animales están sanos

    Remielinização em camundongos Knockout para conexina 32 desmielinizados experimentalmente

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    Este estudo visou avaliar o papel da conexina 32 (Cx 32) durante a remielinização no sistema nervoso periférico. Uma injeção local de 0,1% de solução de brometo de etídio foi realizada no nervo ciático de camundongos deletados para a Cx 32, com eutanásia dos animais aos 1, 2, 3, 7, 15, 21 e 30 dias pós-injeção. Avaliações histoquímicas, imunoistoquímicas, por imunofluorescência e por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão foram utilizadas na análise do desenvolvimento das lesões. Nos nervos ciáticos, células de Schwann mostraram inicialmente sinais de intoxicação e rejeitaram suas bainhas. Após sete dias, observaram-se finas bainhas neoformadas, com compactação desigual e alças redundantes (tomácula). Conclui-se que a regeneração de bainhas de mielina perdidas no SNP seguiu o padrão já relatado deste modelo em outras espécies de laboratório. Portanto, estes resultados sugerem que a ausência da Cx 32 não interferiu com o padrão normal de remielinização em camundongos jovens neste modeloThe aim of this study was to evaluate the role of connexin 32 (Cx 32) during remyelination of the peripheral nervous system, through a local injection of either 0,1% ethidium bromide solution or saline in the sciatic nerve of Cx 32 knockout mice. Euthanasia was performed ranging from 1, 2, 3, 7, 15, 21 to 30 days after injection. Histochemical, immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopical techniques were used to analyze the development of the lesions. Within the sciatic nerves, Schwann cells initially showed signs of intoxication and rejected their sheaths; after seven days, some thin newly formed myelin sheaths with uneven compactness and redundant loops (tomacula) were conspicuous. We concluded that the regeneration of lost myelin sheaths within the PNS followed the pattern already reported for this model in other laboratory species. Therefore, these results suggest that absence of Cx 32 did not interfere with the normal pattern of remyelination in this model in young miceCNPq 475029/2004-6Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    INTOXICAÇÃO ESPONTÂNEA POR Combretum glaucocarpum Mart. [sin.: Thiloa glaucocarpa (Mart.) Eichler] (Combretaceae) EM BOVINOS

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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo descrever, pela primeira vez no Estado do Tocantins, as características epidemiológicas, clínicas e patológicas de um surto de intoxicação espontânea por Combretum glaucocarpa em bovinos. De um lote de 200 bovinos acessíveis à planta, 70 animais chegaram a óbito. Os sinais observados foram edema na região posterior da coxa e inguinal, períneo, escroto e ventre do abdômen, tórax e barbela; fezes escuras e fétidas; emagrecimento e pêlos ásperos. O curso clínico variou de 3 a 20 dias. As concentrações séricas de ureia e creatinina e as atividades séricas de alanino-aminotransferase e aspartato-aminotransferase estavam elevadas nos dez animais avaliados. As lesões observadas foram grande quantidade de transudato na cavidade abdominal, tórax e saco pericárdico. Notou-se edema na bexiga, tecidos perirenais e na subserosa da vesícula biliar, junto à sua inserção com o fígado. Este estava aumentado, com bordos arredondados, congesto e azulado. Petéquias e equimoses foram observadas no epicárdio, miocárdio, mucosa da traqueia, omento, serosa do rúmen, vesícula urinária e testículos. Áreas de sufusões foram observadas no encéfalo. Na histopatologia, visualizou-se degeneração hidrópica centrolobular leve no fígado e, no rim, focos de hemorragia na junção corticomedular com degeneração tubular leve. Encontraram-se células epiteliais necróticas e cilindros hialinos em alguns túbulos renais. É a primeira descrição por C. glaucocarpum em bovinos no Tocantins. Palavras-chave: nefrose tubular tóxica; plantas nefrotóxicas; sipaúba; toxicologia

    Cattle and Sheep Diseases Diagnosed in the State of Tocantins - Brazil

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    Background: Knowing the different diseases that affect the herds of a region is a fundamental necessity, because sanity is one of the main factors limiting animal production. Several studies have reported the diseases affecting the animals of various regions of Brazil; however, no such study was carried out in the state of Tocantins so far. Thus, the objective of this work is to report the main diseases diagnosed in cattle and sheep in the central and northern regions of the state of Tocantins, between January 2011 and December 2015.Materials, Methods & Results: The records and reports of the cattle and sheep treated by the clinicians and pathologists of the Ruminants Medical Clinic (SCMR) of the University Veterinary Hospital (HVU), School of Veterinary Medicine and Zootecnia (EMVZ), University Federal of Tocantins (UFT) during the study period were evaluated. The cases were classified into two categories, conclusive and inconclusive; the cases with conclusive diagnosis were classified according to the etiology and the organic systems involved. In the period of five years, 697 cattle and sheep were treated in the SCMR. The diagnoses were made using epidemiological, clinical, and pathological data, and in some cases, using complementary tests. Among the 697 cases reviewed, 692 (99.2%) and 5 (0.8%) cases were diagnosed conclusively and inconclusively, respectively. The most affected system was the digestive system, which accounted for 260 (37.6%) cases; this was followed by the locomotor 130 (18.8%) cases, nervous 56 (8.1%) cases, reproductive 57 (8.2%) cases, urinary 50 (7.2%) cases, skin 16 (2.3%) cases, muscular 11 (2%) cases, respiratory 34 (4,9%) cases, hemolymphopoietic 28 (3,5%) cases, endocrine 24 (3.5%) cases, sense organs 22 (3,2%) cases, and cardiovascular 4 (0.6%) cases. A total of 220 (31.6%) parasitic, 202 (29%) infectious, 106 (15.2%) toxic, 96 (13.8%) nutritional, 52 (7.5%) by physical agents, and 6 (0.8%) congenital/hereditary diseases were identified. Diseases of neoplastic, metabolic, and inconclusive nature represented 15 (2.1%) cases. Discussion: In this study, the most affected organic system was the digestive system. The disturbances of the digestive system in production animals are reported to comprise a group of important diseases, and they are responsible for large economic losses. Parasitic, infectious, and toxic diseases were more frequently diagnosed, a result similar to those of other studies carried out in Brazil. Haemonchosis was the most frequently occurring parasitic disease and occurrence in sheep. The characteristic clinical signs such as submandibular edema and pallor of the mucosa/carcass and the visualization of the abomasal mucosa in adult specimens on necropsy enabled the diagnosis of this disease. The foot injury were the most frequent disease among the others of the infectious order and affected the sheep. Such lesions are characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the skin of the digits, in which numerous bacteria are isolated. The most frequent toxic disorder was botulism in cattle. A prominent source is osteophatic habit, which is associated with phosphorus deficiency. It is known that the etiologic agent can remain viable for up to one year within the fragments of bones and the tissues of dead animals. This a result similar to those of other studies carried out in Brazil. In this work, for the first time, the identification of the main diseases affecting the cattle and sheep of the central and northern regions of the State of Tocantins was carried out, facilitating the establishment of measures for the prevention, treatment, and control of these diseases