5 research outputs found
Seismic imaging in Long Valley, California, by surface and borehole techniques: An investigation of active tectonics
The search for silicic magma in the upper crust is converging on the Long Valley Caldera of eastern California, where several lines of geophysical evidence show that an active magma chamber exists at mid‐to lower‐crustal depths. There are also other strong indications that magma may be present at depths no greater than about 5 km below the surface. In this paper, we review the history of the search for magma at Long Valley. We also present the preliminary results from a coordinated suite of seismic experiments, conducted by a consortium of institutions in the summer and fall of 1984, that were designed to refine our knowledge of the upper extent of the magma chamber. Major funding for the experiments was provided by the Geothermal Research Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and by the Magma Energy Technology Program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), a program to develop the technology necessary to extract energy directly from crustal magma. Additional funding came from DOE's Office of Basic Energy Sciences and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Also, because extensive use was made of a 0.9‐km‐deep well lent to us by Santa Fe Geothermal, Inc., the project was conducted partly under the auspices of the Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CSDP). As an integrated seismic study of the crust within the caldera that involved the close cooperation of a large number of institutions, the project was moreover viewed as a prototype for future scientific experiments to be conducted under the Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere (PASSCAL). The experiment thus represented a unique blend of CSDP and PASSCAL methods, and achieved goals consistent with both programs
Seismic imaging in Long Valley, California, by surface and borehole techniques: An investigation of active tectonics
The search for silicic magma in the upper crust is converging on the Long Valley Caldera of eastern California, where several lines of geophysical evidence show that an active magma chamber exists at mid‐to lower‐crustal depths. There are also other strong indications that magma may be present at depths no greater than about 5 km below the surface. In this paper, we review the history of the search for magma at Long Valley. We also present the preliminary results from a coordinated suite of seismic experiments, conducted by a consortium of institutions in the summer and fall of 1984, that were designed to refine our knowledge of the upper extent of the magma chamber. Major funding for the experiments was provided by the Geothermal Research Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and by the Magma Energy Technology Program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), a program to develop the technology necessary to extract energy directly from crustal magma. Additional funding came from DOE's Office of Basic Energy Sciences and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Also, because extensive use was made of a 0.9‐km‐deep well lent to us by Santa Fe Geothermal, Inc., the project was conducted partly under the auspices of the Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CSDP). As an integrated seismic study of the crust within the caldera that involved the close cooperation of a large number of institutions, the project was moreover viewed as a prototype for future scientific experiments to be conducted under the Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere (PASSCAL). The experiment thus represented a unique blend of CSDP and PASSCAL methods, and achieved goals consistent with both programs
The COVID-19 pandemic: A call to action for health systems in Latin America to strengthen quality of care
The Covid-19 and other recent pandemics has highlighted existing weakness in health systems across the Latin-America and the Caribbean (LAC) region to effectively prepare for and respond to Public Health Emergencies. It has been stated that quality of care will be among the most influential factors on Covid 19 mortality rates and low systems performance is the common case in these countries. More comprehensive and system level strategies are required to address the challenges. These must focus on redesigning and strengthening health systems to make them more resilient to the changing needs of populations and based on quality improvement methods that have shown rigorously evaluated positive effects in previous local and regional experiences. A call to action is being made by the Latin American Consortium for Quality, Patient Safety and Innovation (CLICSS) and they provide specific recommendations for decision makers.Fil: Garcia Elorrio, Ezequiel. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Jafet, Arrieta. Institute For Healthcare Improvement; Estados UnidosFil: Hugo, Arce. Fundación Barceló; EspañaFil: Pedro, Delgado. Institute For Healthcare Improvement; Estados UnidosFil: Ana Maria, Malik. Getulio Vargas Foundation ; BrasilFil: Carola, Orrego Villagran. Fundació Avedis Donavedian; EspañaFil: Sofia, Rincon. No especifíca;Fil: Odet, Sarabia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Teresa, Tono. No especifíca;Fil: Jorge, Hermida. Foundation For Health Services Research And Management; EcuadorFil: Enrique, Ruelas Barajas. International Institute For Health Futures; Méxic
RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks
Plant recruitment interactions (i.e., what recruits under what) shape the composition, diversity, and structure of plant communities. Despite the huge body of knowledge on the mechanisms underlying recruitment interactions among species, we still know little about the structure of the recruitment networks emerging in ecological communities. Modeling and analyzing the community-level structure of plant recruitment interactions as a complex network can provide relevant information on ecological and evolutionary processes acting both at the species and ecosystem levels. We report a data set containing 143 plant recruitment networks in 23 countries across five continents, including temperate and tropical ecosystems. Each network identifies the species under which another species recruits. All networks report the number of recruits (i.e., individuals) per species. The data set includes >850,000 recruiting individuals involved in 118,411 paired interactions among 3318 vascular plant species across the globe. The cover of canopy species and open ground is also provided. Three sampling protocols were used: (1) The Recruitment Network (RN) protocol (106 networks) focuses on interactions among established plants (“canopy species”) and plants in their early stages of recruitment (“recruit species”). A series of plots was delimited within a locality, and all the individuals recruiting and their canopy species were identified; (2) The paired Canopy-Open (pCO) protocol (26 networks) consists in locating a potential canopy plant and identifying recruiting individuals under the canopy and in a nearby open space of the same area; (3) The Georeferenced plot (GP) protocol (11 networks) consists in using information from georeferenced individual plants in large plots to infer canopy-recruit interactions. Some networks incorporate data for both herbs and woody species, whereas others focus exclusively on woody species. The location of each study site, geographical coordinates, country, locality, responsible author, sampling dates, sampling method, and life habits of both canopy and recruit species are provided. This database will allow researchers to test ecological, biogeographical, and evolutionary hypotheses related to plant recruitment interactions. There are no copyright restrictions on the data set; please cite this data paper when using these data in publications
RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks
Plant recruitment interactions (i.e., what recruits under what) shape the composition, diversity, and structure of plant communities. Despite the huge body of knowledge on the mechanisms underlying recruitment interactions among species, we still know little about the structure of the recruitment networks emerging in ecological communities. Modeling and analyzing the community-level structure of plant recruitment interactions as a complex network can provide relevant information on ecological and evolutionary processes acting both at the species and ecosystem levels. We report a data set containing 143 plant recruitment networks in 23 countries across five continents, including temperate and tropical ecosystems. Each network identifies the species under which another species recruits. All networks report the number of recruits (i.e., individuals) per species. The data set includes >850,000 recruiting individuals involved in 118,411 paired interactions among 3318 vascular plant species across the globe. The cover of canopy species and open ground is also provided. Three sampling protocols were used: (1) The Recruitment Network (RN) protocol (106 networks) focuses on interactions among established plants ("canopy species") and plants in their early stages of recruitment ("recruit species"). A series of plots was delimited within a locality, and all the individuals recruiting and their canopy species were identified; (2) The paired Canopy-Open (pCO) protocol (26 networks) consists in locating a potential canopy plant and identifying recruiting individuals under the canopy and in a nearby open space of the same area; (3) The Georeferenced plot (GP) protocol (11 networks) consists in using information from georeferenced individual plants in large plots to infer canopy-recruit interactions. Some networks incorporate data for both herbs and woody species, whereas others focus exclusively on woody species. The location of each study site, geographical coordinates, country, locality, responsible author, sampling dates, sampling method, and life habits of both canopy and recruit species are provided. This database will allow researchers to test ecological, biogeographical, and evolutionary hypotheses related to plant recruitment interactions. There are no copyright restrictions on the data set; please cite this data paper when using these data in publications