5 research outputs found


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    Abstract. In article one of the fundamental principles of civil law - the principle of inviolability of property ina restrictive context is analyzed. The comparative analysis of the concepts "restriction of the principle of inviolability of property" and "restriction of the property right" is carried out. The compulsory termination of the property right, i.e. the termination of the right irrespective of will of the owner as restriction of the principle of inviolability of property is considered. The comparative and legal analysis of the principle use of inviolability of property within the civil legislation of the countries of the former Soviet Union is carried out.Keywords: civil law, principle of inviolability of property, restriction of the principle of inviolability ofproperty, compulsory termination of the property right, civil legislation of the countries of the former Soviet Union

    A linguagem jurídica como meio de comunicação intelectual e legal

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    The authors considered the essence of the legal language and highlighted its properties. In particular, it is determined that the legal language is, primarily, the official language, which is distinguished by the standard formulations. It is based on the legal terminology. Legal language is characterized by a circle of regular users, special, distinctive fixation objects (for example, legislative, judicial and other legal acts). It is a means of special, intellectual and legal communication, intended for the exchange of legal information. The article contains arguments in favor of the need for the general availability of the legal language and justifies the possibility of its subdivision into speciesLos autores consideraron la esencia del lenguaje legal y resaltaron sus propiedades. En particular, se determina que el lenguaje legal es, principalmente, el idioma oficial, que se distingue por las formulaciones estándar. Se basa en la terminología legal. El lenguaje legal se caracteriza por un círculo de usuarios regulares, objetos de fijación especiales y distintivos (por ejemplo, actos legislativos, judiciales y otros actos jurídicos). Es un medio de comunicación especial, intelectual y legal, destinado al intercambio de información legal. El artículo contiene argumentos a favor de la necesidad de la disponibilidad general del lenguaje legal y justifica la posibilidad de su subdivisión en especies.Os autores consideraram a essência da linguagem jurídica e destacaram suas propriedades. Em particular, é determinado que a linguagem jurídica é, principalmente, a língua oficial, que se distingue pelas formulações padrão. Baseia-se na terminologia jurídica. A linguagem jurídica é caracterizada por um círculo de usuários regulares, objetos especiais e distintos de fixação (por exemplo, legislativo, judicial e outros atos legais). É um meio de comunicação especial, intelectual e legal, destinado ao intercâmbio de informações jurídicas. O artigo contém argumentos a favor da necessidade da disponibilidade geral da linguagem jurídica e justifica a possibilidade de sua subdivisão em espécie

    Legal language as a means of intellectual and legal communication

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    Los autores consideraron la esencia del lenguaje legal y destacaron sus propiedades. En particular, se determina que el lenguaje legal es, principalmente, el idioma oficial, que se distingue por las formulaciones estándar. Se basa en la terminología jurídica. El lenguaje legal se caracteriza por un círculo de usuarios regulares, objetos especiales de fijación distintivos (por ejemplo, actos legislativos, judiciales y otros actos legales). Es un medio de comunicación especial, intelectual y legal, destinado al intercambio de información jurídica. El artículo contiene argumentos a favor de la necesidad de la disponibilidad general del lenguaje legal y justifica la posibilidad de su subdivisión en especies. Os autores consideraram a essência da linguagem jurídica e destacaram suas propriedades. Em particular, é determinado que a linguagem jurídica é, principalmente, a língua oficial, que se distingue pelas formulações padrão. Baseia-se na terminologia jurídica. A linguagem jurídica é caracterizada por um círculo de usuários regulares, objetos distintivos especiais de fixação (por exemplo, legislativo, judicial e outros atos legais). É um meio especial de comunicação, intelectual e legal, destinado ao intercâmbio de informações jurídicas. O artigo contém argumentos a favor da necessidade da disponibilidade geral da linguagem jurídica e justifica a possibilidade de sua subdivisão em espécie.The authors considered the essence of legal language and highlighted its properties. In particular, it is determined that the legal language is primarily the official language, distinguished by the standard formulations. It is based on legal terminology. Legal language is characterized by a circle of regular users, distinctive special objects of fixation (for example, legislative, judicial and other legal acts). It is a special, intellectual and legal means of communication, intended for the exchange of legal information. The article contains arguments in favor of the need for the general availability of legal language and justifies the possibility of its subdivision into species

    The Legal Nature of Decisions of Constitutional Courts of Russia and Foreign Countries and Investigating its Psychological Consequences

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    The authors, on the basis of the importance of the activities of constitutional courts in the system of separation of powers in most countries, propose a comparative legal analysis of the normative and legal acts governing the procedure for the adoption and legal nature of decisions of these bodies. On the basis of the study of the legal consolidation of the activities of the constitutional courts, it was concluded that the decisions of the constitutional courts, possessing such characteristics as the possibility of abolishing the legal norm; the final character; the obligation of execution for all state authorities, organizations and citizens; and the moral authority, perform a law-making function, establish rules governing important relations in society and play a special role in ensuring and protecting fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms plays an important role in ensuring and protecting fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms and constitutions of the countries considered in this article.Los autores, sobre la base de la importancia de las actividades de los tribunales constitucionales en el sistema de separación de poderes en la mayoría de los países, proponen un análisis jurídico comparativo de los actos normativos y legales que rigen el procedimiento para la adopción y la naturaleza jurídica de las decisiones de estos cuerpos. Sobre la base del estudio de la consolidación jurídica de las actividades de los tribunales constitucionales, se concluyó que las decisiones de los tribunales constitucionales, que poseen características tales como la posibilidad de abolir la norma legal; el personaje final; la obligación de ejecución para todas las autoridades estatales, organizaciones y ciudadanos; y la autoridad moral, desempeñar una función legislativa, establecer reglas que rijan las relaciones importantes en la sociedad y desempeñar un papel especial en garantizar y proteger los derechos y libertades humanos y civiles fundamentales desempeña un papel importante en garantizar y proteger los derechos y libertades humanos y civiles fundamentales y constituciones de los países considerados en este artículo

    Interpretation of the “Refugee” Term in the International Legal Acts and Laws of the CIS Countries

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    The article describes peculiarities of the "refugee" term interpretation in the international legal acts and laws of the CIS countries. In particular, much attention is paid to its usage in the UN Convention of 1951 “About the status of refugees” and Protocol to it of 1967, and also in the Laws of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of 19.02 1993 No 4528-I “About refugees”), Armenia (The Law of the Armenia Republic of 16.01.2007 No ЗР-47 “About refugees and asylum”), Belarus (The Law of the Belarus Republic of 23.06 2008 No 354-З “About granting to citizens and people with no citizenship a refugee status, additional or temporal protection in the Belarus Republic”) and Ukraine (The Law of Ukraine of 08.07.2011 No 3671-VI “About refugees and people who need additional or temporal protection”). Specific features of the interpretation of the concept of "refugee" in the legal system of these states are defined. The article gives arguments as for a single approach to the “refugee” term interpretation that must be legally confirmed within every country by a traditional international definition