915 research outputs found

    Associations between tree spacing and features of native grassland grown in silvopastoral systems in Pampa biome.

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    The current study assessed the association of eucalyptus-tree spacing with forest growth and yield, as well as with the floristic composition, diversity and yield of natural grassland grown in silvopastoral systems in Pampa biome. Data were collected in six family cattle- ranching area in Bagé County (RS). The effect of two different genetic materials (seminal-origin Eucalyptus dunnii plant and one Eucalyptus grandis clone) on shading features of plants grown in 3 planting-spacing dimensions (625, 312 and 208 trees ha-1) was assessed, as well as their association with herbaceous extract (bare soil; green cover; forage dry matter; floristic composition; species richness; and grass, legumes and winter - and summer-growth species rates) and forestry (litter accumulation, diameter at breast height, total height and volume per hectare) variables. Planting carried out at the highest tree density (625 trees ha-1) has increased forest yield. However, it reduced green cover, herbaceous extract dry-matter yield and species richness, mainly in grasses and legumes with greater forage potential. Conversely, it is possible combining forestry and animal yield to the preservation of native forage species at low tree densities (204 to 312 trees ha-1)

    Apparent digestibility of conventional and alternative feedstuffs by hybrid tambacu juveniles.

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    Abstract: The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC's) of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and gross energy (GE) of conventional feedstuffs (cottonseed meal-CSM, soybean meal-SBM, wheat bran-WHB, corn-COR) and regional alternative feedstuffs (common bean residue meal-CBR, mesquite meal-MES, pasta by-product meal-PBM) were determined for hybrid juvenile tambacu Colossoma macropomum × Piaractus mesopotamicus. The apparent DM and GE digestibility of feedstuffs decreased (p0.05) were found among ADC's of PBM and COR. The lowest CP ADC among energy sources was observed in MES; the lowest CP ADC among plant protein sources was observed in CBR. Information about the ADC's of conventional and alternative feedstuffs for tambacu is essential to formulate low-cost diets and can contribute to regional development

    Scaling Relations for Collision-less Dark Matter Turbulence

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    Many scaling relations are observed for self-gravitating systems in the universe. We explore the consistent understanding of them from a simple principle based on the proposal that the collision-less dark matter fluid terns into a turbulent state, i.e. dark turbulence, after crossing the caustic surface in the non-linear stage. The dark turbulence will not eddy dominant reflecting the collision-less property. After deriving Kolmogorov scaling laws from Navier-Stokes equation by the method similar to the one for Smoluchowski coagulation equation, we apply this to several observations such as the scale-dependent velocity dispersion, mass-luminosity ratio, magnetic fields, and mass-angular momentum relation, power spectrum of density fluctuations. They all point the concordant value for the constant energy flow per mass: 0.3cm2/sec30.3 cm^2/sec^3, which may be understood as the speed of the hierarchical coalescence process in the cosmic structure formation.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Variações no teor de umidade e caracterização de sementes e frutos de castanheira-do-brasil em itaúba, mato grosso

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    A castanheira-do-brasil (Bertholletia excelsa) pertence à família Lecythidaceae, é uma espécie florestal muito importante de exploração extrativista, possuindo sementes com alto valor nutricional e comercial e com variadas aplicações e mercado consumidor (MULLER et al., 1995). A castanheira é uma árvore de grande porte, podendo atingir 50 m de altura. Possui tronco retilíneo, cilíndrico e não possui galhos até a copa. Seu fruto é um pixídio lenhoso, que acomoda entre 10 à 25 amêndoas (sementes). Seu florescimento é anual e seus frutos desenvolvem-se no tempo de 14 a 15 meses, porém há uma carência de estudos que comprovem o real tempo de formação. A queda dos frutos geralmente acontece de outubro a fevereiro, dependendo da região, podendo ocorrer quedas tardias no mês de março (BORÉM et al.,2009). Um dos grandes problemas da exploração extrativista da castanha-do-brasil está no sistema de coleta empregado, devido às questões de contaminação por bactérias e fungos, principalmente os produtores de aflatoxina (BORÉM et al.,2009). Após a coleta, os ouriços muitas vezes são armazenados de forma indevida, sendo depositados em locais descobertos e em contado direto com o solo, propiciando a entrada de água no fruto. Dessa forma, o teor de umidade presente no fruto é elevado, beneficiando o desenvolvimento dos microrganismos e prejudicando a qualidade das sementes (SOUZA et al., 2004). O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar frutos e sementes de castanheira-do-brasil coletados em floresta nativa no município de Itaúba, Mato Grosso, e quantificar a umidade destes no momento da coleta

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the intrinsic shape of kinematically selected galaxies

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    Using the stellar kinematic maps and ancillary imaging data from the Sydney AAO Multi Integral field (SAMI) Galaxy Survey, the intrinsic shape of kinematically-selected samples of galaxies is inferred. We implement an efficient and optimised algorithm to fit the intrinsic shape of galaxies using an established method to simultaneously invert the distributions of apparent ellipticities and kinematic misalignments. The algorithm output compares favourably with previous studies of the intrinsic shape of galaxies based on imaging alone and our re-analysis of the ATLAS3D data. Our results indicate that most galaxies are oblate axisymmetric. We show empirically that the intrinsic shape of galaxies varies as a function of their rotational support as measured by the "spin" parameter proxy Lambda_Re. In particular, low spin systems have a higher occurrence of triaxiality, while high spin systems are more intrinsically flattened and axisymmetric. The intrinsic shape of galaxies is linked to their formation and merger histories. Galaxies with high spin values have intrinsic shapes consistent with dissipational minor mergers, while the intrinsic shape of low-spin systems is consistent with dissipationless multi-merger assembly histories. This range in assembly histories inferred from intrinsic shapes is broadly consistent with expectations from cosmological simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS in prin