1,694 research outputs found

    Capacity Analysis of IEEE 802.11ah WLANs for M2M Communications

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    Focusing on the increasing market of the sensors and actuators networks, the IEEE 802.11ah Task Group is currently working on the standardization of a new amendment. This new amendment will operate at the sub-1GHz band, ensure transmission ranges up to 1 Km, data rates above 100 kbps and very low power operation. With IEEE 802.11ah, the WLANs will offer a solution for applications such as smart metering, plan automation, eHealth or surveillance. Moreover, thanks to a hierarchical signalling, the IEEE 802.11ah will be able to manage a higher number of stations (STAs) and improve the 802.11 Power Saving Mechanisms. In order to support a high number of STAs, two different signalling modes are proposed, TIM and Non-TIM Offset. In this paper we present a theoretical model to predict the maximum number of STAs supported by both modes depending on the traffic load and the data rate used. Moreover, the IEEE 802.11ah performance and energy consumption for both signalling modes and for different traffic patterns and data rates is evaluated. Results show that both modes achieve similar Packet Delivery Ratio values but the energy consumed with the TIM Offset is, in average, a 11.7% lower.Comment: Multiple Access Communications 201

    La participacion de los stakeholders en las iniciativas de branding del hospital en las redes sociales: una propuesta de modelo para construir marcas colectivas

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    Introduction: All health organizations face many managerial and economic challenges such as the consolidation of private and international hospitals, the increasingly interest of society for health education issues or the development of telemedicine. In this framework, many organizations prioritize social media as the main corporate communication tool for building a reputed brand in a collective way along with stakeholders. Objectives: This paper aims to identify a communication model allowing hospitals to efficiently apply branding initiatives on social media in order to build a brand in a collective way with stakeholders. Methodology: We carried out a literature review about corporate communication, health communication, branding and social media; and, then, we proposed the PET Model for Branding Hospitals on Social Media. Results and Conclusion: We conclude that hospitals should create a multidisciplinar corporate communication department, implement management initiatives for allowing health professionals have more time for using social media and integrate health education and patient’s empowerment in every communication initiative.Introducción: Las organizaciones sanitarias hacen frente a muchos desafíos económicos y de gestión, como son la consolidación de los hospitales privados e internacionales, el creciente interés de la gente por la educación sanitaria o el desarrollo de la telemedicina. En este contexto, muchas organizaciones priorizan las redes sociales como principal herramienta de comunicación corporativa para construir una marca reputada de manera colectiva junto con los stakeholders (accionistas). Objetivos: Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar un modelo de comunicación que permita a los hospitales aplicar de manera eficiente las iniciativas branding (entiquetar) en las redes sociales para construir así una marca colectiva junto con los stakeholders. Metodología: Llevamos a cabo una revisión bibliográfica sobre comunicación corporativa, comunicación de salud, branding y redes sociales; y, posteriormente, proponemos el Modelo PET para la promoción de la marca hospitalaria en redes sociales. Resultados y Conclusión: Los hospitales deben crear un departamento de comunicación corporativa multidisciplinar, implementar iniciativas de gestión para permitir que los profesionales de la salud tengan más tiempo para usar las redes sociales e integrar la educación sanitaria y el empoderamiento del paciente en cada iniciativa de comunicación

    La promoción de la educación en salud a través de las mobile apps: Un estudio cuantitativo sobre los mejores hospitales del mundo

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    Introduction: Promoting health education through different platforms (patient portals, social media, websites) has become a common practice in many countries. Recently, many hospitals have prioritized mobile apps as a health education tool. Objectives: This paper aims to analyze how hospitals should use mobile apps to promote health education efficiently and this way improve their relations with patients. Methodology: To answer this question, we carried out a literature review about health education, mobile apps, patients’ empowerment, and noncommunicable diseases; and then, we resorted to 38 indicators to analyze how the top 150 hospitals in the world manage these platforms to promote health education. Conclusion: We concluded that the three main criteria that hospitals should consider when using mobile apps for health education purposes are: 1) respecting patients’ needs in terms of information and emotional support; 2) evaluating health professionals’ and patients’ skills in mobile literacy; and 3) considering public health priorities.Introducción: Promover la educación en salud a través de diferentes plataformas (portal del paciente, redes sociales, sitios web) se ha convertido en una práctica común en muchos países. Estos últimos años, muchos hospitales se han centrado en las aplicaciones móviles como herramienta de educación sanitaria. Objetivo: Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar cómo deberían utilizar los hospitales las mobile apps para fomentar la educación en salud y así mejorar sus relaciones con los pacientes. Metodología: Para responder a esta pregunta, realizamos una revisión de literatura sobre educación en salud, aplicaciones móviles, empoderamiento de los pacientes y enfermedades no transmisibles; y posteriormente, recurrimos a 38 indicadores para analizar cómo los 150 mejores hospitales del mundo gestionan estas plataformas para promover la educación en salud. Conclusión: Concluimos que los tres criterios principales que los hospitales deben respetar cuando usan aplicaciones móviles con fines educativos son: 1) respetar las necesidades informativas y emocionales de los pacientes; 2) evaluar las habilidades de los profesionales de la salud y los pacientes en alfabetización móvil; y 3) considerar las prioridades de salud pública

    Ultrazvučno praćenje odgovora jajnika na program multiple ovulacije i embriotransfera u koza.

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    The aim of this research was to establish the importance and accuracy of ultrasonic examination of goats in order to estimate the superovulatory response. For this reason, 28 donor goats were systematically examined by real time ultrasonography to count the preovulatory follicles at observed oestrus onset and to confirm respective ovulation(s) 48 h later. The accuracy of ultrasound exams was analysed comparing the number of preovulatory follicles with number of corpora lutea (CL′s) counted during embryo collection. The total relative undervalue of ultrasound prediction of multiple ovulation was found to be 19.4%. In all ovaries examined, the total number of preovulatory follicles minus number of unovulated follicles was lower than the number of CL′s. The relationship between the predicted ovulation rate and number of CL’s was positive and significant (CL 3.98 + 0.75 follicle; r2 0.93), with significantly higher intercept (1.45) for the right ovary. Also, the accuracy of ultrasound to establish the ovulating and non-ovulating goats was 100.0%. However, determination of the exact number of multiple ovulations on ovaries was 45.0%. In conclusion, the ultrasonography of donor goats is an useful tool to monitor follicular dynamics and success of superovulation procedures. Counting the number of follicles >4 mm in diameter at the oestrus onset and confirming the ovulation is a good method for selection of responding goats prior to flushing of uterus.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ustanoviti važnost i točnost ultrazvučnog pregleda koza u procjeni uspješnosti postupka superovulacije. U tu svrhu je 28 koza davateljica bilo sustavno pregledavano „real-time“ ultrazvučnom metodom kako bi se izbrojali preovulacijski folikuli na početku estrusa i potvrdile ovulacije 48 sati kasnije. Provjerena je točnost ultrazvučnih nalaza i uspoređena s brojem žutih tijela utvrđenih prilikom ispiranja maternice. Ukupna relativna podcijenjenost ultrazvučnog predviđanja multiple ovulacije iznosila je 19,4%. Na svim pregledanim jajnicima, ukupni broj preovulacijskih folikula umanjen za broj neovuliranih folikula bio je manji nego broj žutih tijela. Odnos između predviđene stope ovulacije i broja žutih tijela bio je pozitivan i značajan (CL 3,98 + 0,75 folikula; r2 0,93), sa značajno višim interceptom (1,45) za desni jajnik. Također, točnost utvrđivanja ovulirajućih i neovulirajućih koza ultrazvukom iznosila je 100,0%. Međutim, određivanje točnog broja multiplih ovulacija na jajnicima bilo je na razini od 45,0%. Iz navedenog se može zaključiti kako je ultrazvučno pregledavanje koza davateljica korisna metoda za praćenje folikularne dinamike i uspjeha superovulacije. Brojenje folikula promjera >4 mm na početku estrusa i potvrda ovulacije je dobra metoda za odabir koza koje su dobro reagirale na superovulacijske postupke prije ispiranja maternice

    Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Coronary Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Identification of Associated Factors Using Electronic Health Records and Natural Language Processing

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    Diabetes mellitus; Natural language processing; Risk factorsDiabetis mellitus; Processament del llenguatge natural; Factors de riscDiabetes mellitus; Procesamiento del lenguaje natural; Factores de riesgoPatients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and coronary artery disease (CAD) are at high risk of developing major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). This is a multicenter, retrospective, and observational study performed in Spain aimed to characterize these patients in a real-world setting. Unstructured data from the Electronic Health Records were extracted by EHRead®, a technology based on Natural Language Processing and machine learning. The association between new MACE and the variables of interest were investigated by univariable and multivariable analyses. From a source population of 2,184,662 patients, we identified 4072 adults diagnosed with T2DM and CAD (62.2% male, mean age 70 ± 11). The main comorbidities observed included arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity, with metformin and statins being the treatments most frequently prescribed. MACE development was associated with multivessel (Hazard Ratio (HR) = 2.49) and single coronary vessel disease (HR = 1.71), transient ischemic attack (HR = 2.01), heart failure (HR = 1.32), insulin treatment (HR = 1.40), and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (HR = 2.27), whilst statins (HR = 0.73) were associated with a lower risk of MACE occurrence. In conclusion, we found six risk factors associated with the development of MACE which were related with cardiovascular diseases and T2DM severity, and treatment with statins was identified as a protective factor for new MACE in this study.This study was funded by AstraZeneca Spain (Externally Sponsored Scientific Research, ESR-18-13815) and sponsored by the Spanish Society of Cardiology

    Impact of Advanced Age on the Incidence of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Stable Coronary Artery Disease in a Real-World Setting in Spain

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    Coronary artery disease; Type 2 diabetes mellitusArteriopatía coronaria; Diabetes mellitus tipo 2Arteriopatia coronària; Diabetis mellitus tipus 2Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and coronary artery disease (CAD) without myocardial infarction (MI) or stroke are at high risk for major cardiovascular events (MACEs). We aimed to provide real-world data on age-related clinical characteristics, treatment management, and incidence of major cardiovascular outcomes in T2DM-CAD patients in Spain from 2014 to 2018. We used EHRead® technology, which is based on natural language processing and machine learning, to extract unstructured clinical information from electronic health records (EHRs) from 12 hospitals. Of the 4072 included patients, 30.9% were younger than 65 years (66.3% male), 34.2% were aged 65–75 years (66.4% male), and 34.8% were older than 75 years (54.3% male). These older patients were more likely to have hypertension (OR 2.85), angina (OR 1.64), heart valve disease (OR 2.13), or peripheral vascular disease (OR 2.38) than those aged <65 years (p < 0.001 for all comparisons). In general, they were also more likely to receive pharmacological and interventional treatments. Moreover, these patients had a significantly higher risk of MACEs (HR 1.29; p = 0.003) and ischemic stroke (HR 2.39; p < 0.001). In summary, patients with T2DM-CAD in routine clinical practice tend to be older, have more comorbidities, are more heavily treated, and have a higher risk of developing MACE than is commonly assumed from clinical trial data.This study was funded and sponsored by the Spanish Society of Cardiology

    The Impact of Grounding in Running Shoes on Indices of Performance in Elite Competitive Athletes

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    The introduction of carbon fiber plate shoes has triggered a plethora of world records in running, which has encouraged shoe industries to produce novel shoe designs to enhance running performance, including shoes containing conductor elements or "grounding shoes" (GS), which could potentially reduce the energy cost of running. The aim of this study was to examine the physiological and perceptual responses of athletes subjected to grounding shoes during running. Ten elite runners were recruited. Firstly, the athletes performed an incremental running test for VO(2)max and anaerobic threshold (AT) determination, and were familiarized with the two shoe conditions (traditional training shoe (TTS) and GS, the latter containing a conductor element under the insole). One week apart, athletes performed running economy tests (20 min run at 80% of the AT) on a 400 m dirt track, with shoe conditions randomized. VO2, heart rate, lactate, and perceived fatigue were registered throughout the experiment. No differences in any of the physiological or perceptual variables were identified between shoe conditions, with an equal running economy in both TTS and GS (51.1 +/- 4.2 vs. 50.9 +/- 5.1 mL kg(-1) min(-1), respectively). Our results suggest that a grounding stimulus does not improve the energy cost of running, or the physiological/perceptual responses of elite athletes

    ABC4MAS : Assembling business collaborations for MAS

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    ABC4MAS provides an environment to support the rapid assembly of agent-oriented business collaborations. ABC4MAS allows: (i) to set up a collaboration environment (CE) as a virtual organisation; (ii) to reach agreements within the CE to form short-term business collaborations; (iii) to enact business collaborations; and (iv) to track the performance of agents within business collaborations to build their trust and reputation within the CE.Peer Reviewe

    Structure-based design of a Cortistatin analogue with immunomodulatory activity in models of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are forms of inflammatory bowel disease whose incidence and prevalence are increasing worldwide. These diseases lead to chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of an abnormal response of the immune system. Recent studies positioned Cortistatin, which shows low stability in plasma, as a candidate for IBD treatment. Here, using NMR structural information, we design five Cortistatin analogs adopting selected native Cortistatin conformations in soln. One of them, A5, preserves the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities of Cortistatin in vitro and in mouse models of the disease. Addnl., A5 displays an increased half-life in serum and a unique receptor binding profile, thereby overcoming the limitations of the native Cortistatin as a therapeutic agent. This study provides an efficient approach to the rational design of Cortistatin analogs and opens up new possibilities for the treatment of patients that fail to respond to other therapies