1,419 research outputs found

    Entre communautarisme et individualisme : la « tuée tuée », une figure-miroir de la déparentélisation au Gabon

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    En 2004 et 2005 apparaissent à Libreville d’étranges jeunes femmes appelées « tuées tuées », dont le nom se caractérise non seulement par le redoublement du suffixe de prostituée, comme pour en intensifier les logiques de mort, mais aussi par la réitération du même, comme pour manifester la réalité du miroir. Cette apparition, qui a lieu dans un contexte urbain mettant à rude épreuve les logiques de solidarité lignagère dans un « pays riche », soumis aux logiques individualistes du capitalisme, ne peut pas ne pas réfléchir, comme un miroir, la réalité de ce contexte. Le concept de déparentélisation que nous avançons signifie que dans le miroir des « tuées tuées » et des figures qu’elles évoquent, les images qui apparaissent sont des images de terreur, des zombies, des vampires ou des fantômes de l’individualisme et du communautarisme.In 2004 and 2005 strange young women named “dead dead” made their apparition in Libreville. The name they are given is characterized not only by the double suffix indicating a prostitute as if intensifying the logic of death but also by its repetition as though this indicated the reality of the mirror. This apparition, taking place in an urban context that taxes lineage solidarity in a “rich country” governed by the individualist logic of capitalism, is unable, as a mirror would, to reflect the reality of this context. The concept of de-parentalisation we propose means that in the mirror of the “dead dead” and the persons this evokes the images that appear are those of terror, of zombies, vampires or ghosts of individualism and communitarism.En 2004 y 2005 aparecen en Libreville extrañas jóvenes mujeres llamadas “matadas matadas”, cuyo nombre se caracteriza no sólo por el redoblamiento del sufijo de prostituta, como para intensificar las lógicas de muerte, sino también por la reiteración del mismo, como para manifestar la realidad del reflejo. Esta aparición, que tiene lugar en un contexto urbano que pone a dura prueba las lógicas de solidaridad del linaje en un “país rico”, sujeto a las lógicas individualistas del capitalismo, no puede no reflejar, como un espejo la realidad de este contexto. El concepto de desparentalización que avanzamos significa que en el reflejo “matadas matadas” y de las figuras que evocan, las imágenes que aparecen son imágenes de terror, zombies, vampiros o fantasmas del individualismo y el comunitarismo

    Historical Overview: The Journey of TelKom in Operating Communications Satellites to Serve the Indonesian Archipelago

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    n 1976, Indonesia became the 3rd nation in the world operating a Domestic Satellite Communication System using GSO Satellites, the PALAPA A system. This satellite system provided telephony and facsimile services between cities in Indonesia and became the main TV program distribution infrastructure. TELKOM* has been operating satellite communication networks for almost 30 years, TELKOM has experienced technology improvements, value added service improvements and also changes in regulations. Nowadays, TELKOM operates 2 satellites, PALAPA B4 and TELKOM-1, for telephony trunking for cellular systems and as data and Internet backbone throughout Indonesia. This paper is intended to describe the journey of TELKOM in operating its satellites and satellite network, earth stations, services and business aspects

    The Effects of Alternative Certification Program Type on Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Causal-Comparative Study

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of alternative teacher certification program type on teachers sense of efficacy in classroom management, student engagement, and instructional strategies. Teacher self-efficacy has become the industry standard to measure a teachers sense of confidence in instructional tasks (Lauerman, & König, 2016). Measuring teacher self-efficacy of new teachers can indicate how teacher preparation program plays a role in establishing teacher self-efficacy. The study was built upon the conceptual framework of the teacher self-efficacy theory, which is a subset of the self-efficacy theory (Tshannen-Moran & Woolfolk-Hoy, 2001). Participants in this study were new alternative certified teachers in Texas who had graduated from three program types typically found in Texas. Teachers completed the long form of Teachers Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES). Each domain of teacher self-efficacy was statistically analyzed by a one-way ANOVA test to examine mean differences among teachers efficacy scores in each of three domains. Although no statistically significant differences were found between the mean scores of teachers in three domains of teacher self-efficacy, the researcher recommended that further testing using mixed methods continue. Understanding how different training experiences throughout professional training affect teachers perceived sense of efficacy can offer program developers a realistic view on which methods support teachers the most

    Deliberative Democracy in English-Language Education: Cultural and Linguistic Inclusion in the School Community

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    One of the most notable aspects of democracy in schooling lies in the challenge of schools to prepare individuals with the skills to participate and deliberate with others who have varying beliefs and worldviews. Deliberation and dialogue are seen as core components for academic achievement and cross-cultural connections between English language learners (ELLs) and native English speakers. I analyze the notion of deliberative democracy in English language education as a way to promote a certain type of education that would foster ELL inclusion as well as expand the perspectives of native English speakers. I argue that this type of education would not only foster inclusion in the classroom but also prepare ELLs for meaningful democratic participation. By examining the role of deliberation in creating democratic classrooms, alternative ways of knowing become more evident as teachers raise their awareness about the ways that culture and language play out in everyday life and academic work


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    Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian, yaitu bagaimana upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar ppkn melalui metode problem based introduction pada materi integrasi nasional dalam bingkai bhinneka tunggal ika di kelas X MIPA 2 SMAK syuradikara tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Tujuan penelitian, yaitu untuk mengetahui upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar ppkn melalui metode problem based introduction pada materi integrasi nasional dalam bingkai bhinneka tunggal ika di kelas X MIPA 2 SMAK Syuradikara tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Metode penelitian yang digunakan menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas atau Classroom Action Reasearch. Ada empat dalam metode ini, yaitu: perencanaan (planning), tindakan (action), pengamatan (observing), dan refleksi (reflection). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada siklus I jumlah Siswa Tuntas Belajar mencapai 24 siswa, nilai rata-rata mencapai 62,32 Artinya metode problem based introduction belum maksimal dan diperbaiki lagi siklus II. Pada siklus II Jumlah Siswa Tuntas Belajar mencapai 28 siswa, nilai rata-rata mencapai 73,68. Artinya metode problem based introduction efektif di gunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Integrasi Nasional Dalam Bingkai Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Hasil siklus II aktifitas siswa di dalam kelas sangat baik

    The Effects of Alternative Certification Program Type on Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Causal-Comparative Study

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of alternative teacher certification program type on teachers sense of efficacy in classroom management, student engagement, and instructional strategies. Teacher self-efficacy has become the industry standard to measure a teachers sense of confidence in instructional tasks (Lauerman, & König, 2016). Measuring teacher self-efficacy of new teachers can indicate how teacher preparation program plays a role in establishing teacher self-efficacy. The study was built upon the conceptual framework of the teacher self-efficacy theory, which is a subset of the self-efficacy theory (Tshannen-Moran & Woolfolk-Hoy, 2001). Participants in this study were new alternative certified teachers in Texas who had graduated from three program types typically found in Texas. Teachers completed the long form of Teachers Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES). Each domain of teacher self-efficacy was statistically analyzed by a one-way ANOVA test to examine mean differences among teachers efficacy scores in each of three domains. Although no statistically significant differences were found between the mean scores of teachers in three domains of teacher self-efficacy, the researcher recommended that further testing using mixed methods continue. Understanding how different training experiences throughout professional training affect teachers perceived sense of efficacy can offer program developers a realistic view on which methods support teachers the most

    Visualizing the invisible: The role of race and white racial identity in the teaching and pedagogy of new ESOL teachers

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    The nature of my dissertation inquiry and my overall argument explore the role that white racial identity has in the teaching and pedagogy of new ESOL teachers. Throughout this dissertation I argue for better understandings of race to raise awareness of how knowledge systems are socially constructed to support a level of inequality that disadvantages ESOL students of color. As ESOL teachers begin their work, I question how their white racial identity and cultural positionality influence their perceptions of diverse groups of English language learners and how these perceptions influence their teaching. I focus on the social construction of knowledge to examine how notions of race in society and institutions of schooling have contributed to categorizing ESOL students as Other, which enables a shift from an individual acts of discrimination based on cultural difference to an institutional level analysis of relations of domination. This broader analysis facilitates an understanding of the underlying social structures that obscure racial inequality and white privilege. I look at how taken-for-granted knowledge systems are maintained in educational institutions to highlight the role that teachers unwittingly play in sustaining such structures. I also examine how ESOL policy and practice have been influenced by organizations and fields of research that shape how culture and teacher identity are addressed in ESOL education. I use a qualitative research methodology to cross analyze teacher perspectives on racial identity. Through the transcripts of interviews and observations, I analyze teacher dialogue to understand the preconceptual elements involved in racialized discourse and the factors that predetermine it. A grounded theory method of data collection allows me to develop theory based on teacher transcript data and to put forth propositions for a conceptualization of ESOL teacher education that considers the influence of white racial identity on teaching. The thematic categories that emerged examine: (1) notions of race and white racial identity, (2) white racial identity in the ESOL classroom, and (3) marginalization of ESOL in the school community. Describing and further explaining these themes contributes to my argument by illustrating the ways in which the participants conceptualized issues of race and white racial identity, and how these conceptions linked to classroom practice. Lastly, I discuss the implications that arise in the relationships between the thematic categories that emerged in this study. By analyzing the interconnectedness of these themes, I describe the elements important for an ESOL teacher education knowledge base. In so doing, I suggest ways to better prepare ESOL preservice teachers to enter their diverse classrooms with a heightened sense of how racial inequality and white racial identity play out in teaching

    La respuesta de Diómedes : Construcción discursiva de la autoridad y el disenso en el Agón verbal del canto IX de Ilíada

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    En Ilíada, los combates o agones verbales resultan esenciales en tanto instancias de confrontación de argumentos. Sin embargo, el desacuerdo con la autoridad no es un mecanismo instalado desde el inicio del poema. En el canto IX encontramos una escena de enfrentamiento verbal, la asamblea, que da lugar a la posibilidad de un discurso de oposición ante una propuesta por parte de Agamenón. Desde el punto de vista del análisis del discurso examinaremos la respuesta de Diomedes a Agamenón, observando la situación enunciativa, las elecciones léxicas y los ordenamientos relevantes, en función de analizar su configuración discursiva. Partimos de considerar la participación en el agón como determinada por el presupuesto de una condición de igualdad. En base a esto, indagaremos acerca de las posibilidades de expresar el disenso frente a la autoridad máxima, lo cual permitirá explorar el contexto y la estructura del debate que Ilíada presentaVerbal combats or agons are essential in the Iliad, since they?re instances of confrontation of opinions. However, disagreeing with the authority is not a mechanism settled since the poem's own start. In book IX we find a verbal fighting scene, the assembly, which enables the emergence of a speech against Agamemnon's proposal. From discourse analysis point of view, we will examine Diomedes' answer to Agamemnon, looking at the enunciative situation, lexical choices and important arrangements, in order to study its discoursive configuration. We start by considering that to participate in the agon is determined by an equality condition. According to this, we seek to question whether what the possibilities of expressing dissent against the maximum authority are, which will allow us to explore the structure and context of debate as it is shown in the Ilia