69 research outputs found

    Prevalencija i kontrola želučano-crijevnih oblića u farmski uzgajanih jelena lopatara (Dama dama L.).

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    The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and intensity of infection with gastrointestinal nematodes in farmed fallow deer, and to assess the effectiveness of ivermectin used to control them. Faeces samples were collected from fallow deer (n = 468), raised on an organic farm. The study showed an average prevalence and intensity of infection with gastrointestinal nematodes in an annual cycle at 57.33 % and 529 EPG, respectively. Nematodes of the Trichostrongylus (13.33 %) and Chabertia (10 %) species were recorded most frequently, while Strongyloides sp. (3.33 %) had the lowest prevalence. Deworming was performed twice, in December and in March, during which a 1 % ivermectin injection was applied. The efficacy of the first deworming with ivermectin was 94.44 % and of the second deworming 95 %. The deworming did not result in removal of gastrointestinal nematodes in all hosts, but significantly reduced the intensity of infection in these animals. Ivermectin, administered by subcutaneous injection, was highly effective against gastrointestinal nematodes in fallow deer. However, the deer were kept in a limited area, which caused the accumulation of eggs of gastrointestinal nematodes in the pasture sward, creating perfect conditions for reinvasion (ingestion of invasive forms with food).Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti prevalenciju i jačinu invazije želučano-crijevnim oblićima u jelena lopatara i procijeniti učinkovitost liječenja ivermektinom. Pretraženo je 468 uzoraka izmeta ekološki uzgojenih jelena lopatara. Prevalencija je iznosila 57,33 % s intenzitetom od 529 jaja po gramu izmeta. Najčešće su bila dokazana jajašca oblića roda Trichostrongylus (13,33 %) i Chabertia (10 %), a najrjeđe jajašca oblića roda Strongyloides (3,33 %). Jeleni su bili dvokratno dehelmintizirani i to u prosincu i ožujku ubrizgavanjem pripravka koji je sadržavao 1 % ivermektina. Učinkovitost prve dehelmintizacije iznosila je 94,44 %, a druge 95 %. Dehelmintizacija ivermektinom nije uklonila parazite iz svih životinja, ali je značajno smanjila intenzitet invazije. Supkutana primjena ivermektina bila je vrlo učinkovita. Ipak valja napomenuti da su jeleni bili držani na ograničenom prostoru što je dovelo da nakupljanja jajašaca na pašnjaku i stvorilo uvjete za reinvaziju

    Seasonal changes in chemical and mineralogical composition of sewage sludge incineration residues and their potential for metallic elements and valuable components recovery

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    The incineration products composition is dependent on the incineration technology, operating conditions and also on the waste feed composition, which can change seasonally, depending on the temporal growth of the population due to tourism, micro-industry seasonality, intensity of atmospheric precipitation and other factors. Seasonal variations in potentially valuable elements concentrations in incineration products are visible but their overall content is low, therefore this material should not be considered as a source of valuable elements. Due to high content of phosphorus (7.5 wt%) only the fly ash can be considered as a potential source of this critical raw material

    Pets as Sentinels of Human Exposure to Neurotoxic Metals

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    The idea that animals may be used as sentinels of environmental hazards pending over humans and the associated public health implications is not a new one. Nowadays pets are being used as bioindicators for the effects of environmental contaminants in human populations. This is of paramount importance due to the large increase in the worldwide distribution of synthetic chemicals, particularly in the built environment. Companion animals share the habitat with humans being simultaneously exposed to and suffering the same disease spectrum as their masters. Moreover, their shorter latency periods (due to briefer lifespans) enable them to act as early warning systems, allowing timely public health interventions. The rise on ethical constraints on the use of animals and, consequently, on the sampling they can be subjected to has led to the preferential use of noninvasive matrices, and in this case we are looking into hair. This chapter focuses in three non-essential metals: mercury, lead, and cadmium, due to their ubiquitous presence in the built environment and their ability of affecting the mammal nervous system. There is a fairly short amount of studies reporting the concentrations of these metals in pets’ hair, particularly for cats. These studies are characterized, and the metal concentrations corresponding to different parameters (e.g., age, sex, diet, rearing) are described in order to provide the reader with a general vision on the use of this noninvasive matrix on the studies conducted since the last two decades of the twentieth century.publishe

    Ocena wybranych parametrów fizycznych powietrza w okresie jesiennym w stajniach Stadniny Koni Nowielice

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the temperature and humidity of air and light conditions in autumn in SK Nowielice stables. This study did not reveal any aberrancies from proper zoohygienic standards and thus did not decrease in horse welfare in autumn.Celem badań była ocena temperatury i wilgotności względnej powietrza oraz oświetlenia w okresie jesiennym w stajniach SK Nowielice. Przeprowadzone badania w stajniach SK Nowielice nie wykazały odchyleń analizowanych parametrów od norm zoohigienicznych i nie powodowały obniżenia dobrostanu koni w okresie jesiennym

    Distribution of endocrine-disrupting pesticides in water and fish from the Oder River, Poland

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    Background. Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), which act in a similar way to natural hormones, lead to disorders of the endocrine system in animals and humans (endocrine disruptors). Among food products, fish are considered to be the main source of these compounds in the human diet, posing a health risk to consumers. The aim of this study was to determine concentrations in fish and their environment of certain organochlorine pesticides in fish and their environment and to estimate daily intakes (EDI) of individual pesticides from the fish examined. Materials and methods. Analyses aimed at detecting the pesticides (OCPs: a-, b-, g-HCH, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin, and endrin) included samples of water taken from the lower stretch of the Oder River and three fish species, which are commonly harvested in that area. Quantitative analyses were carried out using the Capillary Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry method in a GC MSD HP 6890/5973 apparatus. Results. The study found that concentrations of OCPs in fish gonads were significantly higher than in the muscle tissue. The dominant pesticide compound in gonads of roach and bream was g-HCH, whilst b-HCH predominated in the muscle tissues of those fishes. Endrin, on the other hand was the major pesticide in the muscle tissue of ide. Mean concentrations of OCPs in the gonads ranged from 0.385 to 0.544 ng· g–1 wet weight (w.w.) for a-HCH, 0.745 to 0.832 ng· g–1 w.w. for g-HCH, 0.479 to 0.576 ng· g–1 w.w. for dieldrin, and 0.381 to 0.684 ng· g–1 w.w. for endrin. Concentrations of the studied compounds in the water taken from the Oder River followed the order: endrin > g-HCH > a-HCH > dieldrin > b-HCH > heptachlor ≈ aldrin > heptachlor epoxide. The highest log BCF was obtained for fish gonads and ranged from 1.5 (endrin) to 3.4 (heptachlor epoxide). Estimated daily intakes (EDI) varied from 0.0014% to 0.097% of the acceptable daily intake (ADI). Conclusion. This study revealed no direct risk linked to the consumption of fish captured from the study area. However, from the ecological aspect, the accumulation of organochlorine residues in fish gonads has been considered a dangerous phenomenon, as this may result in decreased reproduction of fish and other aquatic organisms, potentially leading to their extinction

    Distribution of endocrine-disrupting pesticides in water and fish from the Oder River, Poland

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    Background. Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), which act in a similar way to natural hormones, lead to disorders of the endocrine system in animals and humans (endocrine disruptors). Among food products, fish are considered to be the main source of these compounds in the human diet, posing a health risk to consumers. The aim of this study was to determine concentrations in fish and their environment of certain organochlorine pesticides in fish and their environment and to estimate daily intakes (EDI) of individual pesticides from the fish examined. Materials and methods. Analyses aimed at detecting the pesticides (OCPs: a-, b-, g-HCH, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin, and endrin) included samples of water taken from the lower stretch of the Oder River and three fish species, which are commonly harvested in that area. Quantitative analyses were carried out using the Capillary Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry method in a GC MSD HP 6890/5973 apparatus. Results. The study found that concentrations of OCPs in fish gonads were significantly higher than in the muscle tissue. The dominant pesticide compound in gonads of roach and bream was g-HCH, whilst b-HCH predominated in the muscle tissues of those fishes. Endrin, on the other hand was the major pesticide in the muscle tissue of ide. Mean concentrations of OCPs in the gonads ranged from 0.385 to 0.544 ng· g–1 wet weight (w.w.) for a-HCH, 0.745 to 0.832 ng· g–1 w.w. for g-HCH, 0.479 to 0.576 ng· g–1 w.w. for dieldrin, and 0.381 to 0.684 ng· g–1 w.w. for endrin. Concentrations of the studied compounds in the water taken from the Oder River followed the order: endrin > g-HCH > a-HCH > dieldrin > b-HCH > heptachlor ≈ aldrin > heptachlor epoxide. The highest log BCF was obtained for fish gonads and ranged from 1.5 (endrin) to 3.4 (heptachlor epoxide). Estimated daily intakes (EDI) varied from 0.0014% to 0.097% of the acceptable daily intake (ADI). Conclusion. This study revealed no direct risk linked to the consumption of fish captured from the study area. However, from the ecological aspect, the accumulation of organochlorine residues in fish gonads has been considered a dangerous phenomenon, as this may result in decreased reproduction of fish and other aquatic organisms, potentially leading to their extinction

    The effect of cattle housing system on concentration of gaseous pollutants (NH3, CO2, H2S) in free-stall cowsheds

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    Badania dotyczące wpływu zastosowanego systemu chowu bydła mlecznego w wybranych oborach wolnostanowiskowych na poziom koncentracji w powietrzu amoniaku, dwutlenku węgla i siarkowodoru przeprowadzono w okresie od maja do sierpnia 2001 r. i od czerwca do lipca 2002 r. W oborach, w których zwierzęta utrzymywane były w systemie ściółkowym boksowym, z podłożem samospławialnym oraz na głębokiej ściółce, średnie stężenie amoniaku było istotnie niższe (p<0,05) niż w oborze boksowej bezściółkowej. W żadnym z badanych obiektów nie stwierdzono obecności siarkowodoru (H2S) w powietrzu, a średnia zawartość dwutlenku węgla wahała się we właściwym zakresie, tj. 1011,71 š416,53 do 1284,45 š289,14 ppm.The aim of study was to determine the effect of dairy cattle housing system on the ammonia, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide concentration in air inside of free-stall cowsheds. Investigations were carried out over two periods: May-August 2001 and June-July 2002. The results showed that average ammonia concentration in cowshed buildings with littered cubicles, self-cleaning sloping pens and deep-litter housing system, were significantly lower (p<0,05) in comparison to the litterless cubicle system of housing. No hydrogen sulphide was detected in any investigated building. The average carbon dioxide concentration in air ranged within 1011,71 (š416,53) -1284,45 (š289,14) ppm

    The presence of Alaria alata fluke in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in north-western Poland

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the occurrence of Alaria alata in red foxes in NW Poland. The extensity of infection with Alaria alata was 54.7%, and the mean intensity of infection was 72 individuals per host, ranging in number from one to 769 individuals. The fluke was found in the three parts of the small intestine, but more often in the jejunum and duodenum than the ileum. Statistically significant differences in fluke number were found between the duodenum and ileum and between the jejunum and ileum. The presence of Alaria alata was observed more in the western districts, large surfaces of which are covered by water reservoirs: these allow Alaria alata flukes to complete their developmental circle