2,108 research outputs found

    Exchange bias-like magnetic properties in Sr2LuRuO6

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    Exchange bias properties are observed in a double perovskite compound, Sr2LuRuO6. The observed exchange bias properties have been analyzed on the basis of some of the available theoretical models. Detailed magnetization measurements show that the exchange bias properties are associated with the Dzyaloshinsky-Moria (D-M) interaction among the antiferromagnetically ordered Ru moments (TN~32K). In addition to the usual canting of the antiferromagnetic moments, D-M interaction in this compound also causes a magnetization reversal at T~26K, which seems to trigger the exchange bias properties. Heat capacity measurements confirm the two magnetic anomalies.Comment: 5 Pages, 6 Figure

    Cellulosic materials as natural fillers in starch-containing matrix-based films: a review

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    In this work, the different cellulosic materials, namely cellulose and lignin are analyzed. In addition, the starch-containing matrices (isolated starch and flour) reinforced with cellulosic materials to be used in packaging applications are described. Many efforts have been exerted to develop biopackaging based on renewable polymers, since these could reduce the environmental impact caused by petrochemical resources. Special attention has had the starch as macromolecule for forming biodegradable packaging. For these reasons, shall also be subject of this review the effect of each type of cellulosic material on the starch-containing matrix-based thermoplastic materials. In this manner, this review contains a description of films based on starch-containing matrices and biocomposites, and then has a review of cellulosic material-based fillers. In the same way, this review contains an analysis of the works carried out on starch-containing matrices reinforced with cellulose and lignin. Finally, the manufacturing processes of starch/cellulose composites are provided as well as the conclusions and the outlook for future works.Fil: Gutiérrez Carmona, Tomy José. Universidad Central de Venezuela; Venezuela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Vera Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales; Argentin


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    In the modern era, and today many sophisticated development of manufacturing industry and the service industry both produce products, such as irons and electric stove products growing, firms compete in terms of price, product excellence, innovative products, and convenience products in order to find appropriate consumer market. With the development of competitive products, the research design of multifunctional heating products, or product description information is taken from sources strika products and electric stoves that observed in the supermarkets and markets. With the execution of the study tersbut the idea arose to develop the two products is a way to summarize and make these products into a single product that has a function that for ironing clothes and cooking water by using a method based on Design For Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA). Multifunctional heater is a product designed for daily needs. With products designed for the consumer does not need to be afraid, because for heating multifunctional product specification is very safe, comfortable, and efficient electricity. for the specification of external components keamananya equipped with insulators or heat insulation on the handle and to its internal components are given a safety fuse. By using this multifunctional heating products to provide comfort in its use, other than that these products are very efficient and practical. From the results of the analysis showed that the design of innovative design tools have an efficiency of assembly, as follows: have obtained initial tool assembly design efficiency (EA) = 0.024. This means that the process of making a number of multifunctional heater theoretical component 22 and 4620 seconds total assembly time. Keywords : Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, Design products, and innovation

    Microservice Architecture Suitability for Contemporary Software Development

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    The objective of the thesis was to assess how well microservice architecture suits contemporary software development. Assessment is done through both technical and organizational lens’. The purpose was to implement a microservice for a customer of Futurice. The customer required a solution which would enable customer’s in-house service to integrate to a 3rd party service. The bachelor thesis is primarily a case study. Conclusions are based on observations during the project as well as literature sources. Microservice architecture provides solutions issues commonly identified in large projects. Incrementally adopting new technologies, maintaining, scaling and quick development cycle is easier to achieve with microservice architecture, than with monolithic architecture. Microservice architecture makes testing more complicated and introduces complexity to system operations. To make full use of microservice architecture, organizations must be able to answer the challenges it presents. Despite added complexity, microservice architecture overall provides relief to issues identified in web application development. It should be a default choice for medium to large projects. For smaller projects, it is be advised to assess the benefits and trade-offs of microservices case by case.Opinnäytetyön tavoite oli selvittää mikropalveluarkkitehtuurin soveltuvuus nykyaikaiseen sovellusten kehitykseen kehittäjäkokemus ja organisaatio huomioiden. Tarkoitus oli toteuttaa Futurice Oy:n asiakkaalle mikropalvelu helpottamaan asiakkaan sisäisen ja kolmannen osapuolen palvelun välistä integraatiota. Opinnäytetyö on ensisijaisesti tapaustutkimus. Päätelmät nojautuvat asiakastyössä tehtyihin havaintoihin sekä kirjallisuuslähteisiin. Mikropalveluarkkitehtuuri helpottaa erityisesti suurten projektien tyypillisiä ongelmia. Uusien teknologioiden asteittainen käyttöönotto, ohjelmiston ylläpidettävyys, skaalautuvuus ja nopea kehityssykli on helpompi saavuttaa mikropalveluarkkitehtuurilla, kuin monoliittisella arkkitehtuurilla. Mikropalveluarkkitehtuuri hankaloittaa testausta ja luo monimutkaisuutta. Saadakseen kaiken hyödyn irti mikropalveluista organisaatioiden on pystyttävä vastaamaan sen tuomiin haasteisiin. Tuomistaan haasteista huolimatta mikropalveluarkkitehtuuri helpottaa verkkopalveluiden kehittämisessä ilmeneviä ongelmia. Se on lähtökohtaisesti suositeltava arkkitehtuuri keskikokoisille ja suurille verkkopalveluille. Pienempien palveluiden kohdalla on hyvä arvioida tapauskohtaisesti, onko projekti tarpeeksi laaja, jotta se hyötyy mikropalveluarkkitehtuurin tuomista hyödyistä

    Gambaran Efek Samping Pada Akseptor Kontrasepsi Hormonal Di Puskesmas Colomadu 2 Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    OVERVIEW OF SIDE EFFECTS OF HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION IN HEALTH COLOMADU 2 KARANGANYAR By: Tomy Perkasa ABSTRACT Background :Family planning acceptors using hormonal contraception within a certain time often complain of health problems, one of the health problems that are often experienced by the acceptor CICs is hypertension, or high-pressure virgin. Purpose :The purpose of this study is to analyze the picture of the side effects of hormonal contraceptives in health centers Colomadu 2 Karanganyar. The results are expected are expected to contribute concepts and theories related to side effects of hormonal contraceptive use. Method :This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Population and sample in this study are all women who have married and the use of hormonal contraceptives and recorded in Puskesmas Colomadu 2 Karanganyar totaling 119 people composed of 38 people using contraceptive injections, 42 people use contraception implat, 32 people use pills and 7 people Hormonal IUD contraceptive use. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Analysis of the data used in this study were univariate analyzes each variable that research to produce a frequency distribution and percentage of each variable. Result :The results showed that the injectable contraceptive users recorded in Puskesmas Colomadu 2 Karanganyar experience side effects on menstrual disorders (amenorrhea). Implant contraceptive users recorded in Puskesmas Colomadu 2 Karanganyar experience side effects amenorrhea. Users pills recorded in Puskesmas Colomadu 2 Karanganyar experience side effects of weight gain. Hormonal contraceptive IUD users recorded in Puskesmas Colomadu 2 Karanganyar experience side effects of pain / pain. Keywords: contraception, hormonal side effect

    Aplikasi untuk Diagnosa Gizi pada Balita serta Kandungan Kalori yang diperlukan Guna Mendapatkan Gizi Seimbang Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Sugeno

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    Gizi buruk merupakan salah satu bentuk penyimpangan dan kelainan tumbuh kembang anak dapat terjadi apabila terdapat hambatan atau gangguan pada proses yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetika dan lingkungan. Kasus gizi buruk yang meningkat dan sangat ramai dibicarakan sejak ditemukan di NTB, telah membuka mata kita tentang masalah gizi anak balita. Kenyataan di lapangan, setelah NTB, hampir seluruh daerah di Indonesia segera melaporkan adanya kasus gizi buruk di wilayahnya. Fenomena ini kemungkinan berkaitan dengan pengalokasian dana yang digulirkan oleh pemerintah (Pusat) untuk penanggulangan kasus gizi buruk. Dengan kemajuan dan Perkembangan teknologi saat ini maka dibuatlah sistem penentuan status gizi pada anak serta perhitungan kalori yang dibutuhkan bagi penderita. Pada metode, digunakan algoritma fuzzy untuk menentukan status gizi yang tepat yaitu dengan perhitungan metode fuzzy sugeno serta perhitungan status gizi dengan perhitungan antropometri. Dengan adanya proyek akhir maka dihasilkan sebuah aplikasi untuk menentukan status gizi pada balita sehingga dapat mempermudah masyarakat dalam memantau status gizi pada anak serta tidak mengeluarkan biaya mahal untuk membeli obat maupun pergi ke Rumah Sakit untuk berkonsultasi tentang status gizi pada balita dan kalori yang dibutuhkan. Kata Kunci : Status gizi, Gizi Buruk, Fuzz