7 research outputs found

    RoMoMatteR: Empowering Roma Girls’ Mattering through Reproductive Justice

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    Aim: To present a protocol study directed at tackling gender discrimination against Roma girls by empowering their mattering so they can envision their own futures and choose motherhood only if—and when—they are ready. Background: Motherhood among Roma girls (RGM) in Europe impoverishes their lives, puts them at risk of poor physical and mental health and precipitates school dropouts. Overwhelming evidence affirms that the conditions of poverty and the social exclusionary processes they suffer have a very important explanatory weight in their sexual and reproductive decisions. Methods: Through a Community-based Participatory Action Research design, 20–25 Roma girls will be recruited in each one of the four impoverished communities in Bulgaria, Romania and Spain. Data collection and analysis: Desk review about scientific evidences and policies will be carried out to frame the problem. Narratives of Roma women as well as baseline and end line interviews of girl participants will be collected through both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Quantitative data will be gathered through reliable scales of mattering, socio–political agency, satisfaction with life and self. A narrative analysis of the qualitative information generated in the interviews will be carried out. Expected results: (1) uncover contextual and psychosocial patterns of girl-motherhood among Roma women; (2) build critical thinking among Roma girls to actively participate in all decisions affecting them and advocate for their own gender rights within their communities; and (3) empower Roma girls and their significant adults to critically evaluate their own initiatives and provide feedback to their relevant stakeholders. Conclusions: Roma girls will improve their educational aspirations and achievements and their social status while respecting and enhancing Roma values.This initiative is funded by the DG Justice of the European Commission in the Call for proposals for action grants under 2017 Rights Equality and Citizenship Work REC-AG #809813

    Student's experiences with traditional bullying and cyberbullying: Findings from a Romanian sample

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    The field of cyberbullying is relatively new and there is no universal consensus on its definition, measurement and intervention. Authors agree that bullying has entered into the digital domain and professionals require the skills to help identify and prevent these behaviours. Ninety two students were surveyed to determine their experience with different types of bullying behaviors (face-to-face, cyberbullying or both), as bully, victim or witness. Our objective was to explore the association between those types of bullying and anxiety. The results suggest a significant association between face-to-face bullying and anxiety. Similarly, there was significant association between experiencing both types of bullying and anxiety. Further studies are required with larger and more diverse samples in order to verify current findings and to test for additional associations

    Mental Health of First Year College Students from the Psychoanalytic Approach of Cencillo

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    AbstractThere is a scarcity of studies taking a psychoanalytic perspective on college students’ psychological adjustment. Our aim was to assess the degree of psychological adjustment of one hundred and thirty seven first-year college students using assessment tools from different psychological orientations: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Goldberg Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). In addition, we used ISMOS (Ortiz & Sedano, 2012) a recently constructed questionnaire which evaluates the psychological adjustment according to Cencillo's psychoanalytic principles. Significant and medium-high associations were obtained between measures. A small but significant group of first year students presented higher scores denoting psychological distress

    Body Image Screening Questionnaire for eating disorder early detection: a Romanian replication

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    Eating disorders adversely affect physical health, eating habits, social and family relationships, mood, work and school performance. We tested for cross-cultural validity of the Body Image Screening Questionnaire (BISQ), a screening measure validated in Spain, which assesses potential eating disorders related to anorexia, perception of obesity, orthorexia and vigorexia, in a Romanian sample from both clinical and general populations. The measure showed adequate internal consistency and allowed distinguishing clinical vs. general subsamples. Significant differences based on clinical characteristics were obtained. The measure can be utilized as screening tool of individuals who need further assessment and prioritize primary intervention strategies with at risk population

    Salud y calidad de vida de cuidadores familiares y profesionales de personas mayores dependientes: estudio comparativo

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    El trabajo que se presenta tiene como objetivo analizar las semejanzas y diferencias en la salud y en la calidad de vida de los cuidadores familiares y profesionales que atienden a personas mayores en situación de dependencia. Concretamente se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras la evaluación de 600 cuidadores de los cuales un 33,83% son familiares y un 66,17% son profesionales, a quienes se evaluó la carga o estrés experimentado, la salud física y psicológica y la calidad de vida general, laboral, familiar y social. Los resultados obtenidos indican que existen diferencias entre ambos grupos de cuidadores. Los familiares dedicados al cuidado presentan mayores niveles de sobrecarga y tienen una peor salud física y psicológica como consecuencia de la atención prestada al dependiente. Los cuidadores profesionales experimentan una mayor satisfacción con la vida en general y con otros factores como el trabajo, la familia y las relaciones sociales. Finalmente se justifica la necesidad de poner en marcha intervenciones de mejora de la salud de los cuidadore

    Bibliotecas con Inteligencia Emocional: espacios con futuro

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    Based on the results of two surveys filled in by students and library staff, this paper explores the ideal competencies of the library staff’s emotional intelligence, documentation centres and LARCs. The students and the staff were asked to rate in a scale from one to five how important is that those professionals have different Emotional Intelligence competencies. The results suggest that students and professionals highly value these competencies. Also, we have found some differences in the relative importance each person gives to the competences. These results are discussed for a better supply of quality services to the university community.Basándonos en los resultados de dos cuestionarios cumplimentados por estudiantes y personal de bibliotecas, el estudio explora las competencias ideales de la inteligencia emocional del personal de bibliotecas, centros de documentación y CRAIs. Se pidió a los encuestados que valoraran mediante una escala de cinco puntos, el grado de importancia de poseer diferentes competencias de Inteligencia Emocional, por parte de dichos profesionales. Los resultados sugieren que estudiantes y profesionales valoran de modo elevado las competencias de inteligencia emocional. También se encontraron diferencias en la importancia relativa otorgada a varias competencias. Estos resultados se discuten a la luz de la provisión de servicios de calidad para la comunidad universitaria